Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1349266-Sharons-Song
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1349266
If you have ideas as to where to go next please let me know. Thanks.
Chapter -1-Birthday
Today started out like any normal day for Sharon. Her parents had high profile jobs at the government owned and operated genetics lab downtown. She didn't know much about what they did but she did know that it made them buko bucks. She never had to wait for anything as a child. Her parents always got her what she wanted but that did not make her spoiled. She knew only to ask for what she really thought she needed. Never going to far with her wants and desires. She was responsable with her money, so much so that her first job was at 16 working in the local Library. Sharon was a very adult teenager and she felt a very mature person for her age. Mom and Dad were usually were off to work before she would be up and out of bed due to their early and long work schedule. It had been this way for a long time now, since she was at least 12 that she could remember. It didn't really bother her much anymore, now that she had a drivers license and lots of friends to keep her company. The main difference of today from any other day was today is her 18th birthday. She was officially an adult and gratduating high school this year. After she takes a vacation from school she has a fully paid scholarship to Virginia State. Her major is going to be studies of the paranormal phenomina. All her life she has been compelled to know as much as she can about the things that go bump in the night. Science has been a favorite of hers for years and she was very good at figuring out what made things tick. She had thought about her minor for a few months and still cannot decide between furthering her martial arts or her love of math. Either way she will enjoy all of it as long as she can keep her grades up that is.
Wow she thought, I'm finally 18. The excitement of being able to do whatever she felt without having to clear it with her parents was almost overwhelming. With all the friends she had made the last few years her parents were always putting them under scrutiny. Wanting to know every place she goes and who with. They did'nt trust many of the guys and very few of the girls, especially the cheerleaders from her squad. "Oh Shit!" she thought, practice was in 30 minutes. She grabbed her bags and shoes running to her car. For her 16th brithday her dad went out and found her the perfect first car. It was a cherry red with blue accents Ford Mustang GT convertable with rollbar. Power was her friend and with 300 horses under the hood she was a very happy lady when behind the wheel. Knowing that she would just barely make it to practice on time she floored it hoping not to hit many lights. The birthday fairy must have been listening to her wish because she pulled in with 10 minutes to spare. Just enough time to get dressed and on the field. As she arrived on the field her sqadmates started up with a song of Happy Birthday. That right there made her day that much more of a special day. After the song was completed her friend Mia approched her and asked if the party was still on for this evening. Sharon replied with a hearty "Hell ya Girlfriend, and it's gonna be a BLAST!!!" The entire squad roared with excitement at the impending fun filled night.
The rest of her day at school was full of the same jovious excitement. From class to class all of her friends wanted to know who was going to be there. What guy was bringing which girl and soforth. Then on her way to 5th period, Sharons boyfriend Tom asked her what time he should show up. Mainly if he should be early or show up with the rest of the guests. Sharon simply kissed him on the cheek and said to be early so that he could help with decorations. Tom was the star player of the Water Polo team. He started off his Freshman year on the JV team out of pure luck. By Junior year he was the best player they had on the Varsity team. His first year in High School he wasn't really much to look at physically. A little overweight and he had those chicken looking legs that had no muscle on them whatsoever. But after constant practice, extra time in the gym, and a now steady diet of the proper foods he was a very handsome young man. Tom was also held the fasted times for the enitre swimteam. Most guys Toms age that looked as good as he did were usually stuck up and knew that they could get any girl they wanted. However Tom was actually a very shy and intellegent individual with a hint of modesty thrown into the mix. Those attributes are what attracted Sharon to him. Not the status that he carried with him. She was just glad that he chose her to date and not some pretty little snob that would use him for her own personal gain with the other girls. Those girls were definately not welcomed in her group of friends, and were actually shunned by most of Sharons friends. Sharon was given his Lettermans jacket just before the Homecomming Dance this year. She hardly ever wore it but it had very much sentimental value.
Her parents were supposed to be home early from work to start with the snacks and the buffet tables. There wasn't going to be a big sit down dinner with the amount of people comming. That would be just way too much trouble to go through. Tom said he would be there around 5pm or so to assist with everything.

The office was as cluttered as it always was. Notebooks scattered everywhere. CD's and empty cases strewn over the desk in dissaray. Computers humming like a swarm of bees ever vigilant. The trashcans weren't emptied last night so they were overflowing with the leftover clutter from the previous day. It was just a usual day at work for Sharons parents Kay and Greg. The only thing that was actually somewhat neat and tidy was their gene samples. Categorized and organized alphabetically only for study purposes. Greg insisted on that one thing because he hated looking for a specific vial, and not being able to find it fast enough made him grouchy. Kay just let his personality quirks go she loved him nonetheless. Kay actually prefered the term organized chaos as a description for their office over messy room. It just sounded better and she also knew exactly where everything was. Greg was the one that always had to ask her where something was, be it a file folder or something more important like a specimen container. However today was a special day for their family in more ways than one. Mainly it was their daughter sharons 18th birthday. It was also the day when they found out if all their research for the last 20 years pays off or not.
When they came in to work this morning there was a note in Gregs mailbox from their superior. He was not a very patient man in the slightest. His name said all you needed to know about him, Damien. Their note was not a very friendly one.
I have been patient with you two for a long enough time now.
All you have shown me is numbers and figures.
I want results and I want them now.
You have until the end of the week to show me your progress.
Do not dissapoint me further, I would hate to terminate your funding.
On a side note wish your little Sharon a Happy Birthday for me.
I cannot wait to see what she is capable of, again don't dissapoint me.
Greg knew there was no good to come of the message and the point was well taken. They needed something substantial to give to Damien by tomorrow.

Chapter -2-Running Scared
Saron was sweaty and filthy from her desperate run through the woods. Finally outrunning her pursuers she was out of breath and just wanted this nightmare to be over. The images of her father lying on her livingroom floor beeding from the gunshot wound to his leg still haunted her. The words from her mothers mouth resonated in her ears, "Run baby RUN, dont stop!!" Sharon had been running fro over 4 hours now and she had no idea where she was. After a few minutes of silence she found a place to sit down and catch her breath. It was a small clearing surrounded by dense trees and bushes. There was a fallen tree just on the opposite end that she could lay on comfortably. She noticed a narrow stream flowing through the center of the clearing. Thinking to herself that she just wanted to get a drink and sleep this day away. But the realization of it was that she needed to keep moving. Torn between instincts and loyalties she didn't know what to do. Despaire hit her like a ton of bricks and she fell to the ground in tears. Seeing all that blood, bodies laying everywhere, and the rest of her guests huddled in the livingroom. It was too much for her to handle, she fell back staring up at the stars wondering what to do next. After what felt like 10 minutes her legs started to burn from the constant motion of running for her life. She had scrapes and cuts all over her upper body. Some were bleeding while others were already dried and covered in dirt. One in particular was on her forearm, about halfway up where a large thorn had torn her arm open and then got stuck and broke off the branch. Still bleeding and hurting like hell. She found probed in the dark looking for the thorn, finally finding it she grit her teeth and yanked it out as fast as she could. Sharon had a pretty high pain tolerance but that was borderline excruciating. She tore off a piece of her shirt and wrapped it up hoping that would stop the bleeding. She knew the pain wouldn't subside anytime soon but would deal with it. Again she had a relatively high tolerance for pain. She finally made it to the small stream and proceeded to wash up her face enough to at least get a drink without injesting any dirt.
She felt as though she had just ran a marathon through a midevil gauntlet.
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