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Rated: · Other · Fantasy · #1348263
a fictional tale with a dragon telling the tale
Vaer opened the door of his treasure room. The door creaked and protested against his weight as he pushed against it. He squeezed through the entrance. His wings brushed against the sides and behind him the Elven children giggled, excited about entering where they had never been allowed to before, but today, he desired to share with them the stories he had collected over the years. He knew no better way to do this then to show them his most precious treasure.

The room was a large circular cavern with rock ledge running along its circumstance. On the ledge sat numerous items from the grotesque to the unique. the floor of the cavern was littered with gold coins, gems, jewelry, swords, and various other items, but they were meaningless pieces. He approached the ledge choosing the first peice and thus the first tale to tell. Carefully, he reached for the piece and for a moment he closed his eyes remembering. In the background, the elven children chattered excited, jingling the gold coins as they shifted through the gold, exploring the floor's treasure.

Opening his eyes, he surveyed the children, allowing them to run wild for a few minutes and giving himself time to study the item he held. With a heavy heart, he tapped the magically sealed container with a single claw. The container was the most precious of all his belongings for it had been his first, and had set him upon the road he had taken. He had chosen to be the collected of dragon lore and tales, venturing through out the land gathering all that he could, before he had retreated here.

Now, he lived within the veil city of the Elves, living peacefully amongst them in this hidden valley. No one from here dared to ventured outside of the valley, and many believed that all those who had not retreated here, are now perished. For all he knew, he could be the last of his kind to even exist, since many of his kinds, choose to remain in the human world.

"Children, gather around" he bellowed. He settled on his hunches, pulling his wings tight to his body as the children settled in around him. He held out the container, so all could see it. Inside the container was a delicate white blossom.

"Children this is the first tale that I gathered, I had been but a hatchling sitting at my Tad-cu knee, it is the tale of the "Moonflower's Heart" as the children marveled at the sealed flower. Softly, he began the story just as his grandfather had told him, including all that had happened on the fateful day so many decades ago.

Moonglower's Heart

"Once upon a time, when the mystical was the norm, and the land was ours to command, and men were but insects to us, all was good amongst our kind, and all that you see was ours for the taking." The ancient dragon, Caddoc bitterly told the hatchling at his feet. Carefully, he stretched his large frame upon the cliff face. His large tail twitched and swept the cliff's surface, knocking stones to the ground below like dancing pebbles striking chimes. The familar ring beings him a small measure of comfort. He glanced upward, staring into the night sky.

The moon sets high upon its heavenly perch and its silvery beams glided downward. Millions of twinkling little lights echoed around its brillant halo, but with a heavy heart, Caddoc sighed loudly for not a dragon can be seen. How he remembered the old days when the skies would be filled with dragons, hunting the unwary and unsuspecting, but now as the wolves' howl echoed, he knows the glory days have vanished. His heart quickens, filled with apprehension for days to come, and he wished he know what fate would befall the hatchling beside him, but he knew only that his own strength was diminishing daily.

"Tad-cu, what are you doing" hissed his daughter from the cave entrance as her slender head appears. Slowly, he turned his head to face her. His aging scales creaked with each moment. Her bluish skin glistened in the moonlight, and his heart softens.

"Enjoying the night, fy merch (my daughter)." He gently purred as wrapped a protective claw around the hatchling, drawing the youngster closer to his frame.

"Tad-cu, what if they see you" again she hissed, her voice riddled with fear. She sucked air into her lungs and bellowed a spark of flame as she nervously glanced about the cliff ledge. Her smaller frame shivered, and in her minds eye she still saw the battle of only days ago when they had barely escaped the clutches of men. Her precious mate had not for he had stayed and fought while they had escaped with the only surviving hatchling.

"What does it matter, fy merch? Our days are numbered, and the glory we once knew is nothing more then a fairy tale, and soon, even our existence will seem to be nothing more then a far fetched dream to the mortal insects that slay us nightly?"

"Tad-cu, the clan plans on striking back, to wipe them from our land for their trepassing." Vehemently, she bellowed, pleased with the clan's decision to strike, for her heart burned with hatred for those who had stolen her mate.

However, Caddoc just shook his head, knowing that the clan's actions would bring naught but sorrow and death for he had spent many hours watching these pests. Since their first appearance upon their shores, they had done little but destroy and change all that they came across. Everyday they seem to multiply like the troublesome insects of earlier spring. Life was changing and no longer were they on the top, for now, they were the hunted.

"Tad-cu" she grasped, seeing the defeated look in his eyes, which reminded her of the last look she had shared with her mate before the insect's spear peirced his heart.

"Merch, today is all that we ahve, tomorrow is a nightmare that may or may not be, and yesterday is a dream we can't let go of, but none of which the clan speaks of will bring back what was."

"So what are you saying, Tad-cu?" Adain exclaimed. Her voice cracked with terror for she was not ready to lose her Tad-cu, for had she not already lost so much; first it had been her parents, and now her, mate, would he be next?

"What is thee for an anceint one who has grown tired, weak, and sick of heart but to refresh the minds of the young of days lost to us?" He softly asked as he turned back to the heavens. Silently, he watched a bird as it briefly flew in the moon's glow before vanishing within the trees.

What could she tell Tad-cu, when she herself felt the lost of so much for once they had proudly controlled the heavens and the land. They had peaceful walked beside all that was here, taking only what they needed, changing only what they had too, but now, they hide within their caverns afraid to take flight even in the night. She glanced toward the hatchling perched beside her Tad-cu and wondered what the future held for him.

"Fy Merch, don't look so glum, we still have today, and I will not spend what time I have left cowering within the shadows, and what will come we know not, we have only this moment."

"Tad-cu, tell us a tale." The hatchling interrupted with a hiccup.

"Gladly" Caddoc repield as he glanced downward at the younster. He heard his daughter settling within the cave's entrance, and thought it was a good time to remember and to reflect upon the past, and may haps it would settle their fears.

Once again, he began what he had first attempted too before his daughter had interrupted him. His voice bellowed loud and clear, filled with pride and yearning as he brought to life a way of life now vanishing.

"Once upon a time, when the mystical was the norm, and the land was ours to command, and men were but insects to us, all was good amongst our kind and all that you see was ours for the taking. From the most southern tip to the northern plains we roamed this land, and from the eastern shores to western mountains we commanded respect and in turn, treated all within our realm with admiration, taking only what we needed, changing only what must be changed. In the days of my youth, a night like tonight would have been wrought with dragons as we soared amongst the moon gleaming heavens, and upon a night like tonight, I meet your Mam-gu (grandmother) for the first time." Caddoc paused, remembering fondly his love. She had been a petite, slender and delicate with blue scales that had sparkled under the moon's touch like sapphires. He had come upon her as she had laid stretched out on a rock beside the Grisial Llyn (Crystal Lake).

"Mam-gu had been perched beside the shore of Grisial Llyn, a delightful place only a few hours from here. The lake had been calm like a mirror's smooth surface, but it was she who had captured my full attention. She was like a vision out of my dreams and at first, I was not sure if I was dreaming for the closer I became the more spellbound I was, for instantly she had seizured my heart and soul. Boastfully and gracefully, I landed beside her, wanting to speak to such a vision, but the words escaped me as I stared into her eyes." Again he paused, reliving the moment, and feeling the fear of his heart for he had been unproved, untested in the ways of dragons. He scowled, as he heard his Merch giggle. "What?" he bellowed, craning his head to stare at his child.

"Forgive me, Tad-cu but Mam-gu...." Quickly, he interrupted her, "this is my tale, not hers." He knew exactly what his love would have said. Closing his eyes, he could still hear her sing-song voice and she would say, "From the heavens like brick, this brute fell upon me all thumbs and silence." He found himself giggling a deep gurgle of laugh. His heart thumped in his chest for he missed her still even though it had been many years since her disappearance. He feared now, that she had been another victim to men's cruelty for she had been traveling to the far reaches of the territory to visit her kin, and she had never arrived now had she returned to him. Bowing, he allowed the pangs of sorrow to rush over him before he continued.

"There beside the lake I sat staring upon the swan of dragons, losing my heart with each passing moment, and at first she gave me not an ounce of her attention, but tiring of me I believe, she had turned to glance at me. Our eyes meet and fire erupted between us, at least for me, I felt as if I could drown forever within their depths. It was then, that I first heard her sing-song voice, barely a whisper it had been over the lakes rythmn. ..'I'm called Eyslk, and what may I ask do you wish of me?'

I was at a lost for words, and could barely mumble out my own name, and it then that she laughed. Her laughter was like the cascading waterfalls, gentle and musical. Just as I had recaptured my senses, my rival arrived. He was a giant of brute with a large battle scar running down his left flank. He had growled and hissed, boasting of his truimphs and planting at her feet a freshly killed elk. I had naught to offer her but myself, and in defeat I thought I would have to drag myself away, but instead she looked upon us, and told us. 'The first to bring me the moonflower shall have my heart for eternally.'

The moonflower was a rare plant that only bloomed upon the full moon and only in the holiest fo places; a plant most difficult for a dragon to find much less hold within our claws." Once again he paused, glancing at the night sky. The moon was full, and he knew that somewhere out there the moonflower bloomed waiting to be claimed.

"Did you find it, Tad-cu?" The hatchling excitedly asked, staring adoringly upward at his grandfather.

"Of cousre he did, for how else would we be here, my little one." Adain replied, but Caddoc hushed her with single glance out into the night. He had heard something, a strange rustling of the bush. Then he witnessed the flicker of torch flames, and quickly he acted, pushing the hatchling toward his daughter.

"Inside" he commanded as he took to the air. His wings stretched outward and effortlessly he jumped from the cliff, soaring into the night. As he glanced downward, he heard the shouts of men, the clamor of their weapons, and knew that they had seen him. He dipped, twisted and turned amongst the trees but out of the blue, he felt the sting of a burning arrow as it pierced his flesh. He screamed in agony as he turned back, attacking those who had struck him. Over and over, his enemy struck him with burning arrows, but his claws and breathe of lightning damaged them in turn. Just as suddenly as it had started, it was over and he surveryed the ground, litter with charocal remains of the human insects.

He bellowed in truimph and agony, for every muscle in his body ached and throbed. He felt life dipping from him with every piercing in his body. Yet, he had been successful. He had protected his daughter and her hatchling. Once again he settled upon the cilff's ledge, looking outward into the moon, whispering goodbye to the land he had so loved, to his daughter and the hatchling, hoping that for now they would be safe.

As the dust settled, the hatchling crept from the cavern's entrance. His grandfather laid curled upon the cliff with his head resting on his front hunches. His body raised and fell with ragged breathes. Numerous wooden sticks struck out from his hide as if he was a porcupine, and it was becoming a dull sick blue color as blood oozed from the woulnds. Frightened and worried, the hatchling slowly apporached his grandfather until he stood in front of him.

"Tad-cu" the hatchling timidly whispered as his body shivered and tears blurred his vision.

"Little one" Breathlessly Caddoc murmured, lifting his head slightly to peer into the worried eyes of the hatchling.

"Are you okay?" timidly the hatchling asked as peered at his grandfather terrified.

"Little one, my time has come and there is little time that can be done to halt the truth." He labored to speak for each breathe was increasingly more difficult and painful then the last. He knew that arrows had somehow pierced his lungs.

"But Tad-cu you never finished...." The hatchling let his statement fell into the silences as the first stirrings of dawn appeared on the horizon. Behind them, the hatchling's mother approached. In silence, she settled down beside her father, knowing his end was near.

"I did not...." He coughed loudly, coughing up blood. The blood dribbled down his chin.

"Don't, save your strength, it will be alright." His daughter commanded, wanting it to be alright with every fiber of her being.

He took a deep breathe, puffinf up as he rose slightly and stared outward. He daw the streaks of light on the horizon as the land became draped in reds and yellows. His eyes glazed over and he felt himself traveling back to happier days, with a weak wave of his right claw he hushed his daughter's worried words as he began again.

"as the brute boasted of his deeds. I feared I had not a chance, for how could I match one such as he for he was an established member of the clan, had maturity of strength, surely when the time came she would choose him. But she looked the beast in the eye and softly whispered 'he who hs the moonflower shall be the one who will slaim me in two days time.' Hence the beast flew off, but I knew that he would only be one of many males who would appear when she sang the mating song and dive upward into the heavens, could I be the one?" Caddon paused, coughing up more blood as his body trembled. He rested his head on his front hunches as if it was too heavy to be rised. Weakly he began again.

"Before I left, she looked me in the eye and sweetly said 'find the flower and I will happily be yours'. She had given me all that I had needed for I knew in her heart that she had chosen me, however were would the flowers be. I searched and searched, visiting every sacred place I could think of, but found not a hint, not a trace of the rare flower. Time was running out.

Finally, I stopped at the ruined temple of an Elven Moon Goddess. A temple that once had been filled with elves, but now, laid abandoned and forgotten. This was the last place I had to look, and at first I saw nothing, and in despair I was about to give up when out the corner of my eye I spotted a strange vine clinging to an ivory column.

Slowly, I approaced the column. At first, all I saw was the green leaves but as the moon rose, and its glimmer descended a pale bloom appeared. The blossom was like a delicate fragile piece of white glass and seemed to glow in the building moonlight. Carefully, I reached for the blossom planning on plucking it from its perch when out of nowhere a strange little creature appeared. The creature was like me, but tiny with a red hide that sparkled with a silver tinge.

'Go away' the creature chirped in an angry voice.

I replied 'I know not what you are but I need that blossom'. Again I reached for it, but the creature nipped my claw. I knew that I could easily destroy the creature with my lightning breathe, however to do so, would also destroy the flower. The same would happen if I used my claws. Instead, I spoke of my love, the ultimate object of my desire, describing my love as the swan of all dragons, and how she desired the moonflower, and how with the flower she would allow me to be her mate.

When I finished my tale, the little creature smiled and whispered, 'take the moonflower's heart and hold it with love'. The creature plucked the blossom, placing it between my claws, then vanished as if it has been there to begin with. I had little time to ponder its words, for I heard the echoing sitrrings of my love's mating song, and soon she would take flight. Like a madman, I rushed to the lake, and indeed she was already in flight, giving many of the other dragons merry chase. Most had already dropped from the chase by the time I reached there, except for the mighty brute of earlier.

I watched at first, enraptured by the beauty of her flight, of how she zigzag, dripped, and rose over and over again. Suddenly, the brute's claws seemed to grab hold of her, but amazingly she twisted from his grasb. In hushed awe, she appeared beside me...'do you have it?' she sweetly whispered. I opened my claws, and there sat the blossom. She purred in delight, and I found myself wrapping my claws, wings and tail around her. Together we dropped toward the earth, parting only seconds before impact. She was mine, and mine only, how I barely was able to contain my joy. Thus, I had captured my heart's desire and the little creature's words came back to me 'with the moonflower may your heart always be true'." Caddon stopped.

He was so tired, wanting to close his eyes, forgetting the pain and misery of this life, but out of the corner of his eye he saw the fimilar vine. The vine had never been there before, and a small white blossom appeared. Weakly, he reached for it, his claws barely touching its delicate petals. Carefully, he plucked it, and turned toward the little hatchling in front of him.

With his last breathe, he handed the blossom to the hatchlin, whispering "Vaer with the moonflower may your heart always be true". He closed his eyes, knowing he was returning to his true love and that soon he would be in her lovely embrace.

Vaer paused, looking around the room. The elven children sat in silence, staring at him and at the blossom trapped within its glass case. He noticed that some of children had tears in their eyes.

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