Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1348260-Azumanga-first-time-nudist
by Wanko
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Comedy · #1348260
Third Chapter! The nude-ening!
Azumanga Nudist Colony

Chapter Three

Chiyo-chan covered her eyes with her pigtails as she and the others entered the Dressing Room. All around them were men, women and children of all shapes and sizes in various states of undress. Moving ahead of the group, Kagura found a locker, opened it, and began to remove her own clothing as well.

“Miss Kagura, what in the world are you doing?!”

“What's wrong, Chiyo-chan? When in Rome, you gotta do what the Romans do.”

“Oh, I see what yer sayin'. So if everybody else here's getting' naked, that means we should too, right?”

“Are you crazy?!”

Yomi watched Kagura undress with envy. Tight abs. Strong, tanned legs. Boobs that didn't sag under their own weight. The exact opposite of her own body. Yomi hated herself. She tried every dieting method under the sun, but none of them worked. And Tomo's little wisecracks weren't helping. Those words hurt. A lot. Needless to say, the more sensible people, i.e, Sakaki, Yomi and Chiyo-chan, all moved off to one side as the Knuckleheads stripped down.

The group of friends, clothed and not-so-much-so, headed out into the sun. The naked members gave vent to loud sighs of comfort and warmth.

“Wow! It's really warm out here!”

“It's cool! I've never felt the sunlight on so much of my body at once before!”

“Yay! We're here!”

“Yes, yes, we're here.” Yomi grumbled. “I hope you three are happy with all of this.”

The three Knuckleheads, however, were not listening, as they had run off into the ocean to skinny-dip. Chiyo-chan still had her eyes covered. She tugged on Sakaki's sleeve.

“Miss Sakaki? Can I look now?”

Sakaki nodded. “Yes. It's okay. They went into the water.”

Chiyo opened her eyes just in time to see her two old friends from grade school, Miruchi and Yuka come running up, wearing nothing but their twin smiles. Chiyo flushed beet red and stumbled over her words.

“Mi-mi-Miruchi! Yuka! Wh-what re you guys doing here?”

“This is where we come to hang out. Don't you remember how we were never around on weekends back in grade school?”

“Well, now you know why. It's kinda nice to see you here, though. Are you and your friends here for the first time?”

Chiyo merely nodded while trying to keep her eyes off her two naked friends. Miruchi took one of her arms and Yuka took the other. “C'mon, we'll show you around!”

Chiyo called out to her friends as she was dragged away. “Well, uh, it looks like I'll see you guys later, then!”

As Chiyo disappeared, Yomi turned to Sakaki. “And then there were two. You know, it would surprise me if Chiyo-chan goes native before the end of the day.” Sakaki merely blushed and turned back to stare at the ocean. Not the people IN the ocean…just the ocean. A sudden voice from behind the two caused the to turn around in shock. “Hellooo, pretty ladies!”

To be continued…

© Copyright 2007 Wanko (inumaru at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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