Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1348098-2552
by Yaicon
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Sci-fi · #1348098
An english assignment I randomly feel like putting on here. I got a B+ on it!
Before you begin reading, I would like to explain what the assignment was. We were to write up an "Ironic Cryonic" story. The rules were simple; we could do anything with the story as long as we made the ending ironic using cryogenics somehow


A monotonous voice echoed in the darkness,” Running initial brain diagnostic in 3… 2…1…”

John’s 17 year old life flashed before his eyes. Opening his eyes for the first time after his birth, growing up with his wealthy family, and then when his mother died. He could vividly remember the truck barreling towards the side of his mother’s mini-van.

Then came the later years, when his life spiraled downward. John’s father was flung into a deep depression, always finding a way to blame himself for his wife’s death.

After a few years his father had spent almost all of the family fortune on alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. His mind began to deteriorate. Another couple years of drinking would lead him to an alcoholic rage, constantly beating John when he stumbled through the front door.

Now in the final scene of this horrific movie, John’s last memory of his father began to play. After a night of drinking, his father had staggered through the door, but delivered the worst pounding of John’s life. Soon after, John ran away from home, spending the last of the family's money on a cryogenic pod, trying to outlive his abusive father.

John’s eyes shot open, darting around the room, absorbing every detail. He was lying on a large metal table, surrounded by instruments he had never seen before.
Blinking holograms and screens decorated the walls, displaying different parts of the human body, and what seemed to be his own vital signs.

A robotic eye hovered into view and began to blink different colors. “Diagnostic complete,” it said, in the same monotone voice as before. “Why hello, John, I am your nurse, call me Iris.”
John stood up from the table still dressed in the same clothes he had been in so many years ago. “What year is it?” he asked, flexing his aching muscles.

It is the year 2552, John,” Iris said, floating over to a large mechanical console. “So tell me, why were you frozen?”

John’s eyes drifted to the metallic floor. “I wanted to live a life without my father.”

“How peculiar: a human who wants to live without a parent? Interesting. Now you can rest easy, knowing that your father has died over the centuries, while you remain living.” Iris hovered over to another console.

“Hey, Iris, where’s the restroom?” John said, looking around the lab.

“The restroom is off limits from 9:00am to 3:00pm , John. A violation of the regulations will get you a thrashing.”

“A thrashing? I thought that was illegal.”

“It was, until the Over-mind Church conquered America a few centuries ago.” Iris said matter-of-factly.

John’s blood ran cold, a ball of ice forming in his chest. “Is there anyone I can complain to?”

“Oh, John, a complaint will get you a beating as well.”

“Okay, who is in charge here?” John said, irritably.

Iris turned to face John, his colors blinking faster than normal. “The priest, Father Brown, of course, but you might want to reconsider your actions, lest you get beaten.”
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