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        She is a girl. What is the point of life? What a good question? People, they, can get very angry easily and, I am, not afraid. People, they, are what they are. Everything, does happen at a spur of a moment, a prince charming, exactly the man of her dreams, walks into her reality and, she is not swooned. The authentic person is fearless and, like, people say, what the point? Who needs to listen to this?

      There are some serious issues that, has to be desenistivized because, war is not accurate and, is really unpleasant. People need the healthiness and, I think I speak for everyone. The irony is that people are pigs and, like, it is what? you are having a bad day? Sorry, you have my apology. 

        It is like, wish and, if words can heal, I would narrate them. If I can heal, I would. It is the "if I could, I would" but, situations does not permit. It is about calming people down but, it is a hard mountiain to climb. There is serious amount of women here and there. Honestly, people have to pay a penny to the tax collector and, what if? What iff the laws needn't apply and, then, it is death to America. Actually, I am a writer and, what do writers do, they write habitually. It really bold for me to write and, would I get some award for my existence? Do I even get a thank you?

        "Freedom is not free", don't give me that Baloney. Propagation like these are used to intimidate woman into pleasuring the male desires. I would never stop writing because, it is a good remedy to a liqour hangover. Why I bother to write? I like writing, actually. It is sad but, ummm, if people want to read then, I would write like a cop.

      I think it is really the perfect metaphor, a cop in uniform writing a ticket to somebody and, if they were savage, they would easily take away what I have. I never been so intimidated in my life. It is like robocop or something. I been stopped by a cop few
times and, it was like new blood in the back of my skull.

      If I ever decked a cop, I am dead meat and, they would beat me into pulp. Shoot a bullet in me like I don't matter but, even cops can commit a crime. These sirens are really scary and, it is like magical music. It is not what's desired. They are the real knights, but, Dad told me to be a sheriff.

      The thing is, fear can create a better beard. It indicates that your signs are vital and then, checkmate. The angel of death is like, a sickness and, people are in the hospital. They hope to get better. Do I want them to be better? Yeah, sure, it would be my pleasure. It is good karma, but would I be paid to die if that was a job? Am I wrong for being smart? Is it a curse to know too much? Why write? Why read either? It is like statues of anicent kings and, why even build statues? Their life has faded into the horizon. I think the more alive you feel is a drug, as well.

      Writers have a resposnibility to create a good reputation for themselves. The thing is, it is about confidence and, knowing you got good sense, that you are able to relish the oppournity if they were given to you. It is about the hunt, not be hunted. I may be a victim of head hunters and, there are head hunters. What do I have that they want? Then, I become a ragdoll from a car accident and, it is about avoiding mistakes. Why I am writing these jitters? It is a diary that should be private? and, it is not like I like to keep a diary. What a deaf person got to talk with? I guess I better put down the letters, "Please don't read me." and, word for a mouth, my writing can be like an animal. Maybe, this music is meant to be. Do I want to be food on the plate? Would it matter if I was the champion? Would my writing the next day be better?

      Why should they read my writing if I wouldn't read theirs? Is it a stimulation? Is it Scorates method? Is it wrong to have a juicy brain? Maybe, I am delusional? Maybe, I am just somebody who is mentally nervous and, nerves get spread and spiked like x-ray skeleton? Why Jack Kerokac even wrote? Maybe, he wanted to share something with people? Maybe, somebody would burn a photo of me to try to curse me and, to forget me. Maybe, I would be barbaque dinner. Money is really everything and, don't believe those who says, "money isn't everything".

      Maybe, I would write a rap song and, dub to everybody that I am a "Professional Rapper". The thing is, that competiton would decide the future. It is always about "wanting more", because, we live in an era of limited fuel supply. War isn't the answer. It would just result in bodies being piled up and, are we even human? Cruelty is possible, just take the holocaust for an example. Americans stood by while it happened. It is history. People think it is right to torture but, what about conscience?

      Do we live in a Zombie society? Do they want to eat my brains? They know I know something. There is no denying about that. How did Thomas Edison get the credit and respect he made? Was it the lovely two second we had? Is it a catch 22? There is plenty another writing. Why even make this writing special? Do you think I would create a fatal mistake here for the scavengers to eat?  Imagination is the beast. You may see things that aren't there. But, do you know what I know? It is possible but, I doubt it.

      There's nothing better than being paid. It means you can live anywhere in the world, hassle-free. I care about money more than I care about history. If they cared about these poor people, they would just pay the man. Who is da man? All right. I ain't making no ransom notes here. It is not going help me. Maybe, it is an error to believe that I am somebody like Thomas Edison, a man as decorated has he is and as respected as he is. This society has really changed and there are more rights, which is good. There are more rights for women and, there are more rights for people to cherish. I mean, just a century ago, people couldn't vote as they do today and, that mentality is just as God has bestowed. I think people got "the message" by now. I might would cut, copy and paste this somewhere else.  Napster has really influenced people. Is it political? You bet. Storywrite.com is a really great spot. It has really helped me and, made me feel like I am being counseled. Sorry, you had to read this. I think I rather to keep the mystique in Storywrite.com than, exposing the staleness. I would cut copy and paste in a different writing site which is Writing.com.

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