Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1347432-Tell-this-story-to-your-granny
Rated: 13+ · Prose · Comedy · #1347432
well.... tell her the story!!!

Hi. My name is Chloe. I am not a normal kid. And that is not my fault.

My mother,Elle, was once (upon a time) traveling with a train. But suddenly the train stopped. Some demonic creatures were attacking the train. They are known as CRACKERS. They have big, shark-like teeth, long nails, and a lot of hair on their faces. Beside that, they were just like ordinary human beings. Only wilder. They'd kill everything they’d find.

They were trying to get in the train. And they eventually did. Elle was the only survivor, because she ran away. But a cracker had bit her neck.

She reached home. And in that evening she discovered that she had been transformed into a cracker. Every evening, her teeth, her nails and her hair were growing (bigger).
Scared, she went to the hospital(the next morning, she was "normal" at day time), and told everybody from the hospital her story, but no one believed her. So that evening, everything started from the beginning, and she decided that the next day, it would be the best to go at a friend of hers, Dan, to ask for some piece of advice.

And Dan listened to her, as she told him her story, but didn't know what to do.
As the evening was closer, she asked Dan:

"Do you believe me?"

"Of course I do."

She was happy that someone believed her.

"Oh no!" she suddenly said. "It's evening already!... Am... am I ugly?"

"No." said Dan. "You're pretty as always."

"Something is not right." thought Elle.

She went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. She wasn't a cracker.

"Dan!" she cried enthusiastically. "I'm healed!"

But he didn't answer.


She went back in the room. What she found scared her to death. Dan had transformed in a cracker.

"Oh no!" she cried and she ran home.

The next day, she came back to him, and told him the story. He was scared as well.

"Are you sure you haven't met this kind of creature before?"


"But how..."

And then, she realized what healed her.

"You believed me... no one else did.. and you're the only one who had turn into a... this is it!"


"You must tell this story to someone, to anyone, and if he or she or it will believe you... you'll be healed!"

"Well... I have a grandma... she's crazy.She would believe anything, beside that she's a woman..."

"Great!" said Elle. "Tell this story to your granny!"

And they went to the hospital. Dan's granny, Samantha, looked very pleased to see Dan with somebody.

"You have never talked to a boy, you Danny boy!" she said, kissing him on his cheek.

"Er... right."said Dan, a little embarrassed. "Anyway, listen, granny Samy, I have to tell you something. Something that happened to me yesterday."

And he told Samantha the whole story, and she believed him, as she and Elle found out that evening.

But Samantha turned into a cracker too, and all the other crazy people from the hospital asked her how she did that. And she told them the story. And they believed her. Everything was happening again.

"Oh, it's all my fault!" said Elle, crying.

"You're right." said Dan, "but that doesn't make them disappear. We must fight."

"And they attacked them, with nothing but knifes, swords, dogs, wolfs, guns, kitties, more guns, dynamites, atomic bombs, potatoes, more dynamites, other people, meat, tomatoes, nuts, more dynamite, and a bottle of water (they might've gotten thirsty.)

They won the fight, but Elle got a nasty bite again. Sad, Dan went to the hospital, to see if his granny was OK. She was all right but she asked him to tell her what happened.

He told her. And she believed him.

After a year, Dan and Elle were married, Samantha was dead for a year (she accidentally bit her hand and lost a lot of blood, and died in pain), and Elle was at the hospital, pregnant. It was THE day. Dan was there, with her... and she gave birth to a beautiful, splendid, perfect and healthy... CRACKER!

This is the story. I hope you didn't believe it, because I like my cracker life.


© Copyright 2007 Alyssa DarK (alyssa_dark at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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