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Gwen knows that only she can enter "The Tower" and collect the treasure that awaits her. |
The wind blew hard in Gwen's face as she stared in wonder at "The Tower". It was was very big and made out of stone. It looked somewhat ancient. There weren't that many windows, and most of them were broken. Gwen combed her bright blond hair behind her ears and sighed shakily. She looked around to see if anyone was watching her, obviously nervous. Gwen didn't know what was in "The Tower" and had no idea what it would be like inside. She steadily walked up to the entrance doors. They were a dazzling red and the frame was made of gold. The doors gave a low creak when she opened them. After another sigh, Gwen entered. Her deep blue eyes darted around the room, not knowing what to look at first. She looked straight ahead to notice a door. A simple door. Nothing fancy or out of the ordinary about. On top of the door hung a portrait of a man in wealthy clothes. He had dark hair and a moderate skin tone, but his mysterious eyes were what interested Gwen. Her eyes then caught their sight on a grand arm charm made of leather. She lay her hand on it and was suprised to find the leather quite smooth and comfertable. The carpet was quite rough and the walls were basically bare, aside from the portrait. Gazing back at the man in the portrait, Gwen wondered if she had ever seen him before. Probably not, she thought to herself and headed through the normal looking door. The next room was the beginning of a large, spiriling staircase. Gwen looked up, amazed. It seemed to go on for ever. Gwen felt a sudden rush of confidence flow through her. She smiled to herself and begun to walk up the stairs. As she made her way up the stairs, her footsteps echoed throughout "The Tower". She reached a broken window and decided to look at it in more detail. The glass was very thin and it didn't seem to have a peculiar pattern or design. Shrugging her shoulders, Gwen begun to expect something more from this place. She continued up the stairs. Eventually, Gwen reached the top. It had seemed a long time but Gwen couldn't state an actual time. At the top of the stairs was an archway and a hall. Gwen could see that at the end of the hall was another ordinary themed door. As she walked, she was suprised to not hear her footsteps echoing, having forgot she was no longer walking up the staircase due to it being so long to make it all the way up. There was no carpet in the hall, just plain stone. Gwen reached the door and grasped it's handle. She turned it, the door opened and she went on. There it was. The treasure she had been asked to collect. The big chest was beautifully decorated. Gwen squealed like a little girl because of her joy. She quickly ran up to it and picked it up. It was heavy, but managable enough for Gwen to carry. Before she had time to think clearly she ran back through the hall and archway. Gwen ran down the giant spiral staircase as fast as she possibly could without dropping the glorious treasure and jewels. She grabbed hold of the stair handrail with one hand and was just capable to carry the treasure in the other. Gwen was filled with thoughts about how this is going to change her life. Gwen was so preoccupied with the treasure, she could not think straight. As she ran down, Gwen got weaker and more tired. The treasure chest begun to feel more heavier due to her weakness. Just as Gwen turned around the corner of the spiral staircase, she lost her footing and screamed as she accidentally fell off the cornering part of handrail. The treasure chest plummeted to ground first, mysteriously unharmed. Gwen screamed frantically as she fell through the sky. Poor Gwen. |