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A fanfic from the t.v. show Supernatural |
Jonas arrived in town a few days after the fifth child had gone missing. After a few days of research and one more missing child, he was able to piece together what was going on. The police believed it to be some wild animal breaking thru the windows of the children’s bedrooms and taking the children away to eat them in the woods not to far from the newly built housing development where they lived. Jonas was a bit more thorough in his investigation then the police, he looked farther back in the towns history and found that since the settlement of the town there have been more cases of “strange animal attacks”. The newspaper articles and police reports showed a pattern of seven attacks ever thirteen years around the spring equinox. It also seem that the animal responsible for the attacks was never caught, and was believed to be a large wolf or some wild dog. The attacks would stop the night before the equinox and that would be it for the next thirteen years. As often happens people would find away to explain it away and in time would forget. This is why Jonas figured the police hadn’t found the pattern he had. After discovering the pattern Jonas posed as a member of the Department of Wildlife and questioned the parents of the children that had gone missing but none were really able to describe the “animal” that took their children most arrived as it was jumping out the window or already gone. Most agreed that it had to be a large animal to carry a child away. The few that did see it described a large black k-9 of some sort. Jonas then went to the police station and acquired a copy of the police reports on the attacks. After talking with parents and going over the police reports that gave the biggest clue to what the animal was. Jonas had a good idea that he was dealing with a hellhound due to the paw print found at one of the crime scenes, which contained a sulfuric dust. One part of the puzzle was solved and consecrated rod iron bullets could take out the hellhound. That left only to figure out who or what was summoning the hellhound. So Jonas started to look in to creatures or demons that had any pattern that involved taking children around the equinox. He came across a few demons that had a nasty habit of killing off the children of the truly faithful, but that didn’t fit what he was looking for. He came across the Striga which was a race of beings that fed off the life force of people, especially children and they feed every decade or so, but they didn’t fit ether. Then he came across a race of beings called The Lamians these beings were said to be demigods. These beings have to feed on seven innocents every thirteenth spring equinox to maintain there power and link to this plane. The day of the equinox after they feed on the seven innocents they must take another victim remove there skin and ware it to disguise them selves. The Lamians are also known to summon hellhounds to bring the children to them in order to avoid suspicion. Jonas learned that in order to kill one of these things you had to catch it out of its skin and in its true form and use a “blessed” weapon to pierce ether the heart or the head. Well that meant he could take out the Hellhound and this Lamians with the same weapon. He loaded his 45’s with the consecrated rod iron round and took along two extra clips left his motel room and got into his ‘72 Dodge Demon and drove to the housing development were the kids have been disappearing, tonight was the night before the equinox so time was not on his side. Jonas arrived at the housing development and started to patrol around the finished homes in the development. Luckily about only half of the homes in the development were finished so with luck he would be able to find the hellhound. He rolled down the windows and listened for the sound of breaking glass, the neighborhood was quite not even the sound of crickets could be heard. After about forty-five minuets of patrolling Jonas saw out of the corner of his what look like a big black dog running down one of the streets off to his right. He quickly flipped a bitch and drove down the street where he saw the black dog. As he drove he thought damn the son of bitch is fast and accelerated. Half way up the street the hound made it’s way to towards a single story house with a manicured lawn, large bay window, light colored siding. Jonas pull the car over a few houses down got out of Demon and pulled out one of the 45’s switched off the safety. He arrived at the house as the hound leaped over the six foot wooden fence. Jonas ran to the fence and climbed over and dropped to the other side. When he landed he heard the sound of glass shattering then a little girl scream he ran towards the back of the house. Jonas rounded the comer of the house as the hound jumped out of the little girls window, the girl hanging from its mouth. “Fido! Bad dog!!!” Jonas yelled, he raised the 45 and took aim “That’s not a toy“. Red glowing eyes narrowed at Jonas from a large pitch black fur-less beast, the hound let out a growl and it eyes began to glow brighter. With amazing speed the hound dashed for the fence, Jonas was just able to keep the gun trained on the hound. He pulled the trigger and fired two rounds; one hit the hound in the thigh the other missed. The hound slowed but not by much and still managed to jump over the fence. Jonas took off after the hound quickly climbing the fence and dropping to the other side. He run to the car and gunned it. The wound to the hound slowed it enough that Jonas was able to keep up with it in the Demon. The hound made it’s way to the woods forcing Jonas to abandon his car and chase it down on foot. Jonas was able to follow the trial of blood and the slight smell of sulfur, after he lost sight of the hound. He ran as fast as he could he figured the ritual would take place around midnight, it was around eleven-fifteen he was running out of time. After about twenty minuets Jonas came upon what looked like an old lumber mill, and the hound blood led right to it. He walked up to the entrance of the decaying log building. He entered the mill knowing that by now he was probably the hunted not the hunter. The door opened to a large room, pale moonlight filtered through the many cracks and holes in the walls and ceiling, moss covered logs littered the rotting floorboards ether falling from walls or ceiling. The smell of mildew hung heavy in the air making it hard to smell anything else, except when an occasional cool breeze carrying the scent of pine trees would drift in, clearing the odor. Jonas made his way around the room keeping his senses sharp to any change in sound or smell, he was sure he would hear a smell the hound before he saw it. Climbing over any green moss-covered rotting logs as he went. At the back the room there was an oak door that hung open, its hinges clinging to the frame. It looked as though it once held a glass window, now long broken, pieces still littered the ground. He walked through the doorway as quietly as he could, he found him self on a small landing with stairs leading down into blackness and into larger room which he guessed was the machine shop, he took a deep calming breath and started down the stairs. Every step groaned in protest to his weight, Jonas was sure at any minuet the steps would give way completely. He was half way down the stairs when the scent of sulfur filled his nose and a low growl emitted from some where in the darkness. Shit he though to him self of course I find myself in the middle of a rickety stair case when the son of bitch shows its face, lady luck must be really be pissed at me for not calling her or something cause I always seem to find my self in these situations. Jonas thought well I’d rather fight this thing on solid grown then these god damn stairs, he jump over the railing and landed firmly on the ground, he quickly moved into a defensive stance his 45 at the ready. With his flashlight crossed over his gun he spun in a circle looking for the hound. “Here Fido, you want a treat” Jonas yelled which apparently was the wrong thing to do because at that moment the hellhound leapt at Jonas hitting him in the back like a ton of bricks knocking him to the ground and the gun and flashlight from his hands. Jonas quickly got to one knee and began feeling around for the gun; all he came across was tree limb. He reached for the spare he kept in the back of his pants it was gone, guess I lost that one to “really should start using holsters he told himself.“ Jonas reached for the tree limb better then nothing he thought griping the limb in his right hand. The hellhound growled and came after him again this time Jonas saw the beasts red eyes and swung like a major league ball player going for a grand slam. The limb connected with the hound’s head snapping and knocking the beast to the ground. The hound wasn’t even dazed it quickly got up to make another pass “Fuck” Jonas shouted as he stepped back from the hound his foot kicking something hard he quickly bent down keeping his eye’s on the two glowing red dots in the dark. Finely some luck he thought as his hand close around one of his 45’s. He stood up looked the hound in the eyes “Well Fido, you’re to far gone just going to have to put you down” he said as he took aim. The hound leapt towards Jonas again growling with rage. Jonas didn’t even flinch he just pulled the trigger burying one of the consecrated rounds right between its eyes, He side stepped as the beast fell to the ground it glowing red eyes fading and it's body crumbling into a pile of ash. “Well that takes care of the pet, now the master” Jonas said in a matter-of-fact tone. Jonas walked over to where his flashlight lay on the ground, shining on a crumbling root covered wall. He picked it up and used it to look for his other gun, finding it he slipped it into the back of his pants. Jonas began looking around the machine shop for another door or some sign of where the Lamian might be hiding. On the south wall he came across a squat tunnel he would have to crawl on hands and knees to get through. It would put him in a disadvantage but it was the only opening he found, it had to be where the Lamian was hiding and he didn’t have time to play it safe he was the only chance the kids had of making it out alive. He bent down and began crawling through the tunnel it was a tight fit. Jonas moved as fast as he could, sure that the ritual had already started. After about five minutes of crawling through the tunnel, which got bigger the farther, he went. Jonas could see a flickering light ahead which showed he was at the end of the tunnel, he shut off the flashlight and readied one of his .45’s. Jonas stepped out of the tunnel and glanced around quickly, gun at the ready. He was standing in what seemed to be a large cavern with dark stonewalls and a dirt floor. At it’s center was a large bonfire, gray wisps of smoke drifting to the high ceiling and out some unseen crack to the night. Jonas was just turning when he heard a high shrill screams coming from the other side of the cave. Jerking his head he looked in the direction of the screams, he saw a cage full of children. Then he saw what had made them scream, Jonas could only guess it was the Lamian the lore wasn‘t very clear on what they looked like. What he saw was the torso of a woman and the lower body of a snake both a pale green color. The Lamian slithered closer to the cage reaching for one of the children unaware of Jonas. “Look’s like I’m just in time for dinner” Jonas said as he aimed he gun at the creature before him. The Lamian turned toward Jonas it’s reptilian eyes narrowed on him and it let out a hiss of rage. Jonas shot it a devilish grin and pulled the trigger. The creature moved out of the way with lightning speed, the bullet embedding in one of the stonewalls. Before Jonas know it the Lamian’s tail was whipping towards him, Jonas rolled out of the way just as the tail whistled past his head. He got to his feet took aim and fired off two more shots both missed by inches. “Fuck” Jonas exclaimed the Lamian let out a hiss and lunged at Jonas. Jonas tried to duck out of the way but the Lamian was to fast it caught him and slammed him onto the ground, knocking the gun from his hand. The Lamian punch him several times in the face, then reared back looked down at Jonas and smiled. It open its mouth, which opened wider then a normal persons mouth could, and then opened more. The Lamian began to inch closer to Jonas, saliva dripping from its razor sharp teeth. Jonas slowly moved his hand to the back of his pants were the other colt was still tucked in. “I have to time this right” he thought to himself. Jonas kept his eyes on the Lamian waiting for it to strike. “Ssssilly mortal, meddling with a ssssuperior being I ssshall enjoy feasssting on you” The Lamian moved to attack Jonas with lightning speed. As the creature move to strike Jonas he pulled the colt from behind him and fired several rounds at the Lamian. This time he didn’t miss each shot hit its target and the creature fell back and began writhing in pain. Jonas got to his feet walked around to the head of the Lamian. He Looked down and it smiled and said “superior being huh?” He emptied the remainder of the clip into the Lamian’s head. “Guess not”. Jonas walked to the cage where the children were being held. “It’s ok I’m here to help” he picked the padlock on the cage and let the kids out. Jonas gathered up the kids got them back to his car loaded them into his car and drove them to there housing development and told them to go straight home. Then he drove back to the woods got the gas can out of the back of his demon. Went back to the cave and torched the Lamian. Jonas got back to his car put the gas can and guns back in the trunk. He got in started it up and headed out of town. |