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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Emotional · #1346667
Claire has it all. At least people think so. What is Claire's life really like?
My name is Claire Johnson and according to everyone I know I am the most perfect person in the world. I’m popular I have a gorgeous boyfriend and I live my life at the top. But the truth is my life is the most unperfected and screwed up life I know. Sure my parents look perfect and my little brother is an angel. But seriously that’s what we want people to see. The truth is my mom is addicted to pills and my dad is a workaholic who sleeps around with each secretary he gets. My brother is addicted to video games and sells marijuana on the sly.

“Claire” my “best” friend Emma called. Sure she’s my best friend but I know behind my back she talks crap about me. Everyone does. Not to mention my boyfriend and her are sleeping together. Not that I care, I’m not giving up my most pure thing I have left for some dog that cheats on me. “Claire, HELLO is someone there” she yelled waving her hand in front of my face. “Oh….What….Sorry” I said quickly glancing up from my novel. She quickly grabbed the book and said what she said every day, “Why do you insist on reading this crap when you can just rent it at Blockbuster and watch it?!” She said it everyday; it wasn’t actually a question as much as it was a statement. But according to her reading was ridiculous, why read when you can watch it on TV. I guess she wouldn’t understand because the only thing she read was the latest gossip in People Magazine, but wait she doesn’t read that either, she has people read it to her. The bell finally rang saving me from her B.S. of the day.

I walked slowly to Miss. Peterson’s class. I didn’t care if I was late or not. Not one of the teachers in my school would even think of giving me a detention. They know if I wanted to I could make the rest of there life a living hell. But what fun would that be. Screwing up peoples lives trying to compare it my own?! Ha, that would be hard to find anything quite as repulsive as my life. I walked into the class room late as usual. “Claire, you’re late” Miss Peterson said. I looked at her with a baffled expression and she went back to what she was doing. Miss Peterson has always been a quiet teacher. Too scared to even talk to me, I wasn’t as mean as everyone thought I was. It was pretty much an act that I put on. Maybe if I was some loser who just sat in the back and watched I wouldn’t be so mean. But that would be boring and who wants to be boring?

Brandon came over and swiftly put his arm around my waste and kissed my head. I smiled up at him. As much as I wish I could break up with him because our “relationship” was all a show anyway, I couldn’t do for the sake of my popularity. Breaking up with him would be a death move. He was the captain of the varsity basketball team, most popular guy in the school. Maybe even the city. It would be a suicide attempt if I even tried!

The day went by fast like always. I had A’s in every class that I know I didn’t deserve. I started walking to my car, dodging Emma. I successfully made it to my car and drove away. My phone started buzzing. I looked up to see who it was and it was my annoying little stoner brother, Ryan. I decided to ignore him.  He wasn’t worth talking to. I drove up to my Beverly Hills estate. I looked up and the huge house sighing. I knew this house would be my jail for the rest of my life. I noticed a moving truck across the street at the Hilliard’s empty estate. Someone was moving in. I caught a glimpse at the people. 

There was a boy. He was gorgeous. He looked quiet though. I decided to mind my own business and drove up to the garage. I swiftly got out of my car and walked inside. I ran upstairs to my room. My room was the biggest in the house; I ran to my window, taking a peek at the new family wouldn’t be so bad. I looked out the window. The boy across the street was looking out the window too.  All of the sudden he caught my gaze. I quickly turned away feeling the blood rush to my cheeks.

My brother walked into my room. He had a huge grin on his face. “Smoking again, I see” I said to him with disgust. “No, but it wouldn’t hurt” he said. “You're such a loser; you need to get a hobby and being a stoner doesn’t count as one. You know you’ll never get through life like that” I said. “Well you won’t go far being a bitch either!” he quickly snapped.

“So what do you want?” I asked
“Um, I met the guy across the street. He seemed nice”
“Ah and why would I care?”
“Like I didn’t just see you staring at him!” he said.

He quickly left my room. My phone started buzzing. It was Emma. I snapped it open “hello” I said. Emma’s voiced on the other end sounded ecstatic. She started rambling about a party at Brandon’s beach house. She was so excited.  She asked me if I would go, but since when have I ever missed a party? I snapped the phone shut and ran downstairs to get Vitamin Water and a granola bar.  UGH, there was only one Vitamin Water left and it was Ryan’s. I took it anyway and grabbed a granola bar. I walked outside to see what Ryan was doing.
He was out there with one of his little stoner friends. “Hey that’s my water” he yelled at me. “Obviously not anymore” taking a drink of it. “So are you going to Brandon’s party” he asked me. “Yes, but when don’t I go to a party, especially when it’s Brandon’s?” I asked.  Right as I said that the gorgeous mystery boy across the street was walking to his car. He had brown hair with a tint of bronze. He was pale but he had the most remarkable green eyes.  I didn’t have time to stand here. I had to get ready. I turned around and stalked off to my room. Ryan yelled back at me “Where are you going” I didn’t answer back but I knew he knew. I went upstairs. “What was I going to wear?” I mumbled to myself. I decided nothing in my closet was presentable so I was going to go shopping. I grabbed my Louie Vuitton wallet and stalked out the door.

I ran back downstairs to the garage and hopped in my cherry red Porsche.  I drove away. As I got to Rodeo Drive I saw Emma and Lucy in a shop. I decided I wanted to dodge them, so I settled for an Old Navy somewhere else. I got my clothes for the party. It was from Old Navy but it would have to do. I got a satin purple halter and a black mini skirt. I drove back home. I got dressed and then Brandon called me saying the party was cancelled. In a way I was happy that I didn’t have to go, but on the other hand I didn’t have anything to do. I decided to take a jog. I put my brown long wavy hair in a pony tail and changed into running shorts and tank top and tennis shoes. I was going to use my treadmill, but I decided to jog down my street. I grabbed my I-Pod and headed out the door.  I ran for 30 minutes.

I wasn’t paying attention when I ran back up the hill to my drive way. I ran into him. I literally hit him stumbling back.  I caught him off guard. I quickly grabbed the ear phones from my ears. “Uh, sorry” was all I could mumble. “Um, yeah, it’s ok” he said back.
“You’re the guy that moved into the Hilliard Estate, right?” I asked
“Um, yeah, my names Jacob”
“Oh, I’m Claire, sorry about running into you”
“Yeah, ok”
I turned to my house and started walking up. I slid my rubber band out letting my hair fall to my back. I could feel his eyes on my back as I walked up to the house. I walked into the house. I grabbed an Aquafina from the fridge and went upstairs. I took a shower and got dressed in my Old Navy outfit. I might as well do something with it so I was going out to a club.
I called Emma and she said she would meet me there with Lucy. I started looking for my keys. I couldn’t find them. As I was looking the doorbell rang. “I got it” I yelled. I ran downstairs and answered the door. It was Jacob “Uh, you dropped these, when you ran into me!” “Oh, thanks” I said taking the keys from him. I grabbed the keys and walked out the door. “Thanks” I said back to him again over my shoulder. I was going to be late if I didn’t leave right now.  He started walking behind me to leave. I looked down at my cell phone. I was going to be late. I sprinted to my car. My phone started buzzing. It was Emma she was wondering where I was.  I told her I was on my way. I drove out of my driveway. Jacob was walking back across the street I smiled at him.
When I got to the club Emma was there with Lucy and her latest boy toy.  “Hey” I said as I walked up to them. Emma introduced her new ‘friend’ his name was Matt. I went to the bar to get a drink. The bartenders didn’t bother carding me. I got a ginger ale instead; I knew I would have to be the designated driver tonight. Usually we didn’t care about designated drives, but I thought tonight I should be responsible. I didn’t exactly feel like drinking anyway. We didn’t stay at the club long. It was only 10 when we left. I went straight home.  When I walked into the house all I could hear was laughter. My father and mother were home. I went into the dining room and my parents were there with some people I never met.
            “Hey hunny, these are the Henderson’s. They just moved into Hilliard’s estate“, “Oh, yeah I met your son Jacob!” I said quickly “You should go over and say hi, he’s across the street with your brother” my mother said. “Ok” I said. Mrs. Henderson nodded at that idea. I walked out the front door. My heels clinked against the concrete loudly. I made it to there house and knocked on the door.
         Ryan answered the door. “Mom told me to come over and say hi!” I said to him. “Oh, ok, well yeah where did you go I heard the party got canceled?” Ryan asked.
          “Oh, it did, so Emma and I went clubbing!” I said.
          “Oh, well have you met Jacob”
            Jacob walked up behind Ryan and answered for me. “Um, yeah I guess, she sort of ran into me” he chuckled after he said that. “Ok, well I was only supposed to say Hi, so I’m going back now.” I walked back home. Right as I entered the house the Henderson’s were leaving.
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