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Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #1346315
A meeting with the gods
I’ll be leaving

I have something to tell you, all of you. Why it’s me telling you this, and not someone else, you for an example, is merely a coincidence. I am in no way a special person. I don’t have any special powers and I can’t say my intelligence is over average. I don’t expect that you’ll believe what I’m going to write down here. But we humans have believed in so much since the dawn of our species, that this is in no way impossible to understand.
I have just come back from a week long conference with the gods, and I mean all of them. I was selected at random, not as a spokesperson, but a listener for the human race.
Apparently they do this every 1000 years, they said this was the first time a human being had been invited. A living human being at least.
Before I get into their discussions, let me clarify one thing. There are a lot of gods out there. All of them, in fact. God, his brother Jahve, Allah, Ra and the other Egyptian gods. The gods from Mt. Olympus . Nordic gods, native American gods, African gods, Asian gods, I even saw dragons. Jesus was there too. So was Elvis.
I’m leaving out a lot of gods. There are millions of them. If I would try to count them all, I wouldn’t fit anything else in here.
Buddha was there, although he said he wasn’t a god, and that he didn’t really care about any of this. Elvis, who kindly took it upon him to explain the whole thing to me, said anyone considered a god by anyone else still living would be given a seat at these meetings. Their powers are influenced by the amount of humans believing in them.
I was given a seat there to listen, because for the past few thousand years all the gods talked about was us. So they figured someone should be present to hear what was being said about us. The gods all looked like us humans believed they looked like. Allah, was therefore invisible.
the conference took place in a galaxy, God knows how far away. But he wouldn’t tell me. The stars and planets are used as seats for the gods. Each religions star had the size and gravity of the amount of faith put into them. They all revolved around Gods massive star in the middle. The further away you were showed how many believers you had. The closer you were, showed how much faith was bestowed in you.
The middle star wasn’t always Gods star though. A lot of gods had sat there throughout the times, for the duration of the religions reign as the most powerful religion.
Actually “His” seat is a bit of an understatement. God is a lot of gods piled into one body. He, or they consist of all the Christian branches piled into one body. Catholic, protestant, puritan and so many more. He would seem to, say Sigmund Freud, the most insane person in the universe. The other gods all agreed, it was inconvenient, to be lower in the chain of commands than a gad that hated and loved anyone at the same time. A god who hated and loved everyone with every fibre of his/their being, but nothing could be done. Poor Jesus sat there at his right hand, as he’s believed to be doing all the time. It’s pretty unlucky, if you ask me to nailed to a cross, sent to hell and then doomed by faith to spend eternity next to a crazy person.
The gods talked about everything that had happened. Nothing missed their attention in the universe outside our planet. When it came to us, they only had the information they got from their believers. Some were well informed on things, but most were stunned to hear what was going on. No one more than Anachuhaua. A god of a tribe in the Amazon rainforest that has never gotten in contact with the outside world. When he heard what had gone on in his region of the world since European nations discovered America he could barely show emotions. The reason the meeting only took a week, and still they got through everything that had happened was that they could all talk and listen at the same time. And then think of the fastest internet connection possible today and multiply that with thousands of millions and then you’re still far away from the speed of their discussions. They talked about everything. Even TV. And all TV. Some of them loved it. I can not begin to talk about everything they said. I’m not going to try. But I’m going to try to summarize those things that I think matter to us humans today.
First of all: There is life on other planets. Endless ammount of life on an endless ammount of planets. But so far, we’re the only lifeform with an advanced mind. So those of you looking for signals from space, can go out and find a better meaning for you lives.
A good portion of the time was spent on apologies. Allah apologized for the Jihads, and God apologized for the crusades. Ra and the other Egyptian gods all apologized to each other for constantly tearing down each others temples and trying to erase them from the memory of their believers. Everyone had something to be sorry for. It seemed so strange to them, that humans believed, or at least a large majority of humans, that the gods were compassionate and loving. Wanting good things for them. But still they’d hate everyone around them that didn’t agree with them on the smaller things.
Everyone also agreed that something wasn’t right with the humans. they had such great will to survive and live a good life as individuals, clinging to life until the last breath. But as a society, they showed a great desire for self destruction. And yet, they loved being around each other. Even if they hated it.
Even though I was brought there only to be a listener, the gods began asking me questions. At first God asked me:”What is it that you want, anyways?”
For the first time everyone was silent. And even though I knew I was being addressed, I couldn’t get any words out at first. My mind was blank. “To find out the meaning of life” I said at last.
And please, don’t be upset or disappointed by my answer. It was the first thing that popped into my head. And it’s always seemed to burn on peoples mind. And after all, I just wanted to be finished talking and get their attention on someone else.
“Living” Allah said “That’s all there is to it. You’re only there for a short time, unless you’re a Hindu of course or believe in reincarnation in any other way.”
All the Gods agreed.
“But why?” I asked, stunned by the answer. “Where’s the point? What’s the plan?”
“That’s to problem with humans” Ares, the Greek god of war said. “Too busy looking for a reason for their lives to actually live it.”
“There’s no point in it yet” Said God
“Maybe there will be a higher point along the way. But we can’t see into the future.”
“But aren’t you all knowing?”
“Yes, but how can we know about something that hasn’t happened? Doesn’t exist.”
“So there’s no point?”
“Well, before Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, the point was just to be happy. But then they got free will and started wanting more. Needing more to be happy.”
“So what about heaven? Don’t we have to live by the ten commandments to get there? Isn’t there a point in that?”
“You’ll all burn in hell for eternity for your sins!” God yelled out. Jesus tried to get away, but he was believed to be there at his right hand, so there he was. There seemed to be a struggle going on inside of him. And then, after a while he gained composure and said: “If you believe you’ll go to heaven. You’ll go to heaven”
“Enough of this!” Ganesh cried out “What are we going to do about the humans? If they keep going like this they won’t live for another thousand years”
“So what?” Asked Buddha.
“Well I for one would hate to see that happen.” Freyr the fertility god said. “Watching animals having sex just isn’t as much fun. They lack imagination.”
“I agree” Said Freyja, his female counterpart, and gave him a wink.
“Who knows what will happen they disappear? We might vanish as well.” Said Ra, the sun god, who, having so few believers today had to sit far in the back on a cold rock almost away from they eyes of those in the middle.
“Weren’t you guys here before us?” I asked surprised
“Yes” said God “But only because you humans believe we were.”
Now, that, as you might guess, stunned me. I became silent again. And started thinking by myself. The gods around me had too much to talk about to listen in on what I was thinking. They talked about the horrors of life on earth. War, famines, diseases, hatred and greed, to name a few. Global warming was a big issue as well. But they were torn on whether it was actually real, and if it was, they couldn’t agree if it was done by humans. The beliefs of us humans on all matters were so different, it made them differ.
“What have you done to try to fix things anyways?”
“You only speak when you’re spoken to!” Yelled Zeus, Greek god of thunder.”
“No no, that’s all right Zeus. Let him speak. What do you mean human?” Asked God.
“Well, apart from the occasional crazy person declaring a miracle, I don’t recall any great deeds since Biblical times.”
“I want the things that happen to happen. It is my will.” Said Allah proudly.
“I see what you mean human.” Said God. “But the problem is, the best way for you to see a miracle, is when it’s delivered by another human. For example, my son here.” Jesus turns and gives a faint smile that soon turns into a frown. After a moment he starts crying.
“And you humans didn’t really give him the best welcome possible. Another example is Joan of Arch. And there you burned her. Poor girl.”
“That isn’t very much though.” I said
“Those are the ones you recognize. We all spent a lot of time sending these miracle people down there.”
“And you just gave up?”
Vishnu, the Hindu god spoke up: “I’ve tried reincarnation hundreds of times. Caesar, Napoleon, Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Gandhi and so many more. But you always put them in insane asylums. You have no idea how many resolutions to your problems are locked inside asylums all around the world.”
I stopped asking questions at that point and became silent again. The gods didn’t take long time to get back to their discussions of the horrors of life on earth.
But they didn’t just speak of the bad things. They also talked about the good things that humans experience. Hope, compassion, laughter. But mainly, love. To them love was higher than all of them. It should have had the middle seat in this galaxy of gods. But humans distributed it amongst them selves. Everyone had someone that they loved. That emotion was so strong that they felt weakened by it. Most of the gods knew love well. They were believed to love everyone. Which is why they were so surprised that humans hated each other for not agreeing with one another on the little things. They didn’t see how it mattered when love was all everyone was looking for.
It seemed to me that there was nothing but confusion amongst them. They went from one problem to another. Rarely finding any way to solve anything. They complained and worried too much to do a thing.
They seemed tired. Exhausted. They couldn’t get over how strange our lives are, and didn’t seem to know all that much about what to do.
But to be fair, I saw that they wanted to do something. They wanted to help. They, as well as us felt a need to exist.
“Can I say something?” I asked
“Everyone became silent again” I didn’t wait for them to tell me to begin.
“It seems to me that you are in no way different from us humans. After all, we are your creators, and not the other way around. We shaped you after our image. You haven’t been able to solve anything that matters, except that for trivial things. Like whether Pluto is a planet or not. And even though that has been resolved, not everyone agree with it.
You are never going to be able to fix the problems of the humans because they are your problems too. We’ve put things in your hands that shouldn’t be there because you can’t help. No matter how hard we believe in you. There is no way to get everyone to believe in the same god as of now. Too much has happened. There is no trust between religions down on earth. Just like there’s no trust between humans anymore. If it is true that you say, that we are the only living things that are aware of our existence in a more complexed way than just to eat, sleep, and reproduce. Than what has become of us, and our awareness is a shame.”
“You are right” I heard everyone say to me at the same time. Then they fell silent again.
All of a sudden I could not speak any more. I could not hear anything. I could see them all fading away. I thought to myself that I had insulted them, and they had thrown me away after perhaps a few hours in their presence. But the next time I remember myself, the phone was ringing in my apartment. It seemed smaller than usual, after having to look to different planets to see the things around me. I got up and answered the phone.
“Good after noon Mr. Jackson. My name is Allan. I’m calling to you from the missionary centre in Utah. I was wondering if I could interest you in buying DVD’s to sponsor our work in third world countries.”
“What day is it?”
“Uhh. Wednesday”
“The thirteenth?”
“No.. Twentieth”
“Oh my god, gods… It wasn’t a dream!”
“I’m sorry. I can’t talk to you right now. Please call later”
After that phone call I begun this letter to you. I think I’ve found a way to solve the problems of the world. As I said to you before. I can’t say I’m smarter than the average man. And the problems of the world are enormous but with faith, they can be fixed. I’m not going to ask all of you to put your faith in one of the gods instead of someone else. I know that would never work. So I am going to end my life here on earth. What you have to do now, is believe in me. Make me your God. All of you. And by your power, I’ll make sure that the world will become what it should have been all along. Have faith in what I have told you. You will not have to feel bad about losing your old gods. If you believe in this message, you know that they exist and they won’t disappear. You’ll be doing them a favour, really. I don’t think they want to be in charge anyways.
I won’t ask a lot from you. I won’t tell you how to live your lives. All that I ask of you is that you do live them. Love is the key.
And you can pray to your other gods as well. I won’t be offended, since I know they’re there. You can always talk to them and believe in them. I’d hate to be all alone at that 1000 year meeting.
I’m going now. There’s no need to be sad. I know you’ll believe. You have to believe.

Have nice lives.
Love, Albert.
© Copyright 2007 Kristinn (marx_ist at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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