Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1346302-We-the-Races-in-USA
by rpoore
Rated: · Non-fiction · Experience · #1346302
Races in US. and problems with them.

This got to be one of the most aggravating topics to most people. I know it is for me, one of the most hateful and nasty, but probably the most talked about subjects there is. I do not think I can think of another one, in fact there is not. There is so much hate and war over this right along with religion these two. I cannot think of another reason for war, yes maybe money but that is it. I believe there are three main races White, Black, and Asian, now were I get this from is Noah back when races started, now you can say this is out of the bible, yes it is but it is the only documented history book that has been around for Thousands and Thousands of years. Handed down to generation to generation, I can relay on to be true, if understood. But is to the most twisted by man for there own use, and religion which is made by man to. So were do we start. Creation pretty much tells me all the way things are, one big one is, how far before the sky ends how many miles long is it and so on, by this I know there is a God?

Well by the word Noah had the three sons, and they separated, and this how it is the races came after the flood that killed everyone in the world at that time; there was Japheth, Ham, and Shem. Japheth with is Asian, Ham with is Black, And Shem He is White. And all others are a mixture of one or the other. If you read on in the word and understand it Ham disrespected Noah, I am getting in to what he did if you want to know read it, it's to long of a story and that would be all I could write about, because there would be no room sorry. Anyway Ham disrespected Noah and Noah was his father and was very mad he did this. So Noah cursed Ham and all his generations after Ham to be the servants of his brothers Japheth and Shem to always be the servants of his brothers. So even today you see this happing with all the things the blacks do, he is serving his brothers, but they will always fight about this fact, no one would want to face it in there own race, but I do not know who would like it but you see it is happing like Noah said.

Now this does not give no-one the right to do badly or hurt or talk badly about other different race anyway in every way we need to take care of one another. I see people playing the race card all the time in court in jobs on TV in the news everywhere there is different races trying to be somebody or getaway with something they did or even use it to hurt another race they calming racist when they are the one being racist the one crying about racist is the racist, and it does not end if it is not one thing it's another. I see one group saying one thing about another and then turn around and do it themselves. This was funny I was watching a court show a TV, there was a Mexican cop and a rich Jew this sounds like a racial joke to start already, anyway the cop got out of the car and came to the Jew and the cop was very proper and nice, but the Jew was mad because he got a ticket, anyway the rich Jew said He would rather pay a lawyer $5000.00 Dollars than give the cop the satisfaction by giving me a ticket. And the Jew took the cop to court, and the Judge asks the Jew what happen, the Jew said the cop said you rich Jews, think you can just do anything and get away with it. And the Judge asked the cop what happen, the cops say this never happen, the Judge Say can you prove it, yes the cop said, I have a tape of the whole incident. And played it, you lie the Judge said to the Rich Jew! Yes it never will end, people of different races do not get along, and they do not want to. And you cannot force them to by segregation, it will never work it will only make things worse. If anything keep them far apart from each-other this may work. Yes I believe it will but to force it will never work! Whose idea was this anyway? I think that this person is pretty stupid or very smart and wants’ this to go on for what reason?

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