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Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1346152
the sixth chapter, meets a family member and learns magic, he finds it fun
Chapter 6:

family reunions

Paris, 2005, 2:27am, 22/9

I’m walking through the streets, Michelle isn’t here, because she needed to sleep, first time in about a century, fast metabolism, probably something to do with drinking blood.

Tonight I am wearing a black t-shirt and black cargo pants, with my black great coat over it all, with my swords laced into it.

Anyway, back to the point, if there is one, I am walking through the streets, barely anyone there, probably because of the fact that it is 2:27 at forty one seconds, my body clock is, in actuality, a clock, I always know the exact time.

As I walk, brooding over the Pyromancer’s offer, I notice someone following me; I don’t hear them, strange, they glide along the far side of the street, occasionally looking at me, about two meters behind me. I enlarge my pupils, a woman who happens to walk past, on her high heels, gasps and walks faster.
I duck into a conveniently placed alleyway and leap up onto the building on the left, four and a half seconds later, the man walks into the alley way, looks around, and up, I duck back.

“I know you are there, Gabriel, I sense you are here, I sense it in my bones, I feel you in my blood. Come down Gabriel, for we must talk,” he says, in a voice almost the same as mine, except with no accent, I have a slight accent, which no-one will ever place.

I shrug, stand up and step off the building, landing lightly on the ground, the man isn’t astounded, as most are.

The man is wearing a black dress shirt, black dress pants and shoes and a tuxedo.

The man is a spitting image of me, albeit less muscled, but who isn’t, though I feel that first phrase should be reversed, I feel it in my bones.

“Hello Gabriel, I have been looking for you,” he states in his deep voice, so reminiscent of mine, it is disconcerting. “I have something that I must tell you,
Gabriel, will you trust me long enough for me to tell you this?”

“Yes,” I respond, “I will trust you, though usually I wouldn’t, I feel I should trust you,” I finish talking, but keep my face a mask, for the first century, my mask was a genial one, a happy one, then the horror of the world crept over me and my mask changed to one of sadness.

“Ok then, I will start,” he begins, “you feel it don’t you, you feel this unnatural strength that courses through your bones, through every fibre of your being,” he waves a hand to stop the obvious question ‘how do you know’ not that I would phrase it that politely, and I get a sense of relief from him.

He scratches behind his ear, stops, closes his eyes and sighs, “the unnatural energy, or as I put it earlier, strength, that you feel is magic, and I will get back to that later, for now, I must tell you the prophesy, which I prophesised myself, over one billion years ago,” he grins at my astounded look.

“I prophesied,” he closes his eyes again, “that, ‘the son of mine would grow attached to something’” he opens his eyes, “I do not know what, ‘and this will be stolen from him by his nemesis, whom he will meet exactly two years before hand,’” he grimaces, and I notice he has once again closed his eyes.

“’The son of mine would meet me shortly after enlisting four identical men, and I was not to help except to give him what I make in this trance, and I am to tell this son of mine how to use the unnatural strength that courses through him,’” he winces and opens his eyes, another difference, I see that his eyes are completely black, though I could swear they weren’t before.

“’This son of mine would meet his creations, just before his confrontation, and they would fight, and a man would die at the hands of this son of mine, and that none but he would remain among the living, after the confrontation,’” the black of his eyes fades, to be replaced by his normal eyes, amazingly large pupils and the rest of his eyes, cycling through a series of different colours.

“so, son of mine, I will tell you the secret of magic, the secret is, you must concentrate hard on what you want to happen, and It will happen, if it is within your power, and in answer to your previous question, I know that you feel it, because I am your father, and I feel it, I was hoping to pass it one to you,

“and as to what I made in my trance, here,” he procures a pair of swords, almost identical to mine, except for three runes one either side of each blade, cycling through red, green, blue, yellow and black. “and this,” he procures a spiral medallion, with more runes running along the spiral on both sides.

“The swords with cut through anything with ease, including you, so don’t let them fall into the wrong hands, and I have no idea what the medallion does, but I feel you should wear it.

I shrug and pull it over my head, as soon as the medallion touches my shirt, it sinks through, I tear off the shirt, I have plenty, and see it imbedded in my chest, the straps gone. At the same time, I feel an incredible rush of ‘unnatural strength’, i decide to test it.

I look my father in the face, then, at an amazing speed, even to me, I hit him straight in the right cheek. “I have always wanted to do that to my father, for leaving us, for leaving me.”

“Ah,” he replies, rubbing his cheek, “fair enough, I suppose, and, one more thing, I am 512,000,000,000, and I created the universe, after getting bored of playing continues chess, with myself, after four billion years.” and with that, he promptly disappears.

I decide to test my ‘magic’ and will myself to be standing outside the door to our hotel room, I close my eyes and picture the door and the corridor, I will myself there.
I feel a rush of something, not air, and open my eyes, to find the door standing there smugly, “brilliant,” I whoop and open the door.

i have always wanted to be magical, so this is my way of expressing that.
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