Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1344767-Guardians-Part-3
by Dante
Rated: 18+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1344767
5 high school teenagers are given great power to fight back the demons of our world. (3/3)
Note: I have given up trying to get Writing.com's ridiculous formatting system to accept my original submission and as consequence the indents that are so handy in part 1 and part 2 are not in 3. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Jared Tew sighed and shifted his weight in his chair,‭ ‬trying to find a more comfortable position in which to pass the time.‭ ‬Rail thin,‭ ‬his lanky frame‭ ‬stretched up to an average height of just under six feet.‭ ‬At‭ ‬22,‭ ‬he was one of the younger security guards to sit at the Absolute Height‭’‬s corporation security desk‭; ‬a job that was mostly reserved to aging cops looking for a safer job.‭ ‬He had just graduated from college,‭ ‬but like many post‭ ‬greaduates with average grades a job in his field was not easy to obtain.‭ ‬He had fallen back on this dead end career choice to simply give him enough money until he found his dream job.‭
Of course none of this was going‭ ‬through his mind as he sat in his chair in a rumpled uniform that needed ironing.‭ ‬His eyes looked through horn-rimmed glasses as the computer screen in front of him,‭ ‬his mind focused intently as his character in World of Warcraft slayed yet another demon‭ ‬in the MMORPG.
He was just about to kill the Shade of Akama when he heard a sharp clicking of heels from the the glass revolving door at the building‭’‬s entrance.‭ ‬He let his eyes casually dart up I hopes of seeing a glimpse of Ms.‭ ‬Simpson,‭ ‬the‭ ‬40‭ ‬year old looker who came into the building every day at this time of night.‭ ‬Instead he was shocked to see a young women,‭ ‬perhaps still a teenager walking‭ ‬swiftly to the elevator door off to his left.‭ ‬The first thing he noticed was the three inch spike heels she wore.‭ ‬They were boots that stretched up and up until he realized that there was not set point for where her boots ended and her suit began.‭ ‬They joined seamlessly into an absolutely skin-tight body suit that he followed with his eyes.‭ ‬The leather stretched up her shapely legs and around the curve of the tightest posterior he had ever seen.‭ ‬It seemed to Jared that she knew this as well‭; ‬she walked with a model‭’‬s grace,‭ ‬putting one foot in front of the other in a perfectly straight line.‭
Allison caught Jared‭’‬s wandering eyes and flashed him a smile of her ridiculously white teeth.‭ ‬His cheeks instantly turned red and he dropped his eyes back to his computer screen,‭ ‬not even questioning why she had a blue recruve bow slung over one shoulder and a wickedly curved dagger strapped to her leg.‭
Jared was just about to muster up the courage to lock eyes with the‭ ‬Asian beauty at the elevator when he heard Allison,‭ ‬using her sweetest voice possible,‭ ‬say‭ ‬“Oh hey.‭”
Jared looked up startled.‭ ‬“Hey.‭”‬ He managed to stammer.
Allison shifted her weight to one leg to help her hips‭ ‬accentuate‭ ‬her hour glass figure.‭ ‬“Um can you help me get this elevator working‭?‬”
“The elevator‭?‬” Jared asked as he stood up‭ ‬scratching‭ ‬his head.
‭“Yea it doesn’t seem to be working.” Allison pouted, making her most adorable facial expression.
‭“Um ok.” Jared said as he started walking towards her, noticing she hadn’t even pushed the elevator call button.
“I'm not exactly sure what's wrong with it,‭”‬ Allison continued,‭ ‬her voice still dripping with sweetness.‭ ‬As she watched Jared approach her she caught a glimpse of Katie as she darted in through the door.‭ ‬Katie‭ ‬silently made her way to Jared‭’‬s security desk and started rummaging through to find the service key.
Jared reached forward and pushed the elevator call key,‭ ‬his legs still trembling from nervousness‭; ‬he never was good with girls.‭ ‬The button‭ ‬immediately‭ ‬lit up and the elevator could be heard making its way down the shaft.
‭“Oh you have to push the button! I thought they were all motion activated these days.” Allison exclaimed.
‭“Just glad I could help I guess…” Jared said. He thought about trying to spark up a conversation with the girl, but instead decided just to let his fear take over and whack it at home after work instead. He had just turned around when his jaw practically hit the floor. This time he was looking at an even younger girl, a blonde this time, who was bent over his security desk rummaging through one of the drawers. This one, just as beautiful as the other, was wearing a pure white one piece singlet. Her breasts were full and large, the pair secured by tight lacing across the front of her suit. As she bent over in his drawer her red skirt rose up just enough to let him catch a glimpse of a thong that disappeared into her shapely ass.
‭“Hey what-” Jared was cut off in mid sentence as he felt the girl in the cat suit promptly grab him in a vice like hug.
“Thank you so much for helping me‭!‬” Allison‭ ‬elated.‭
Jared shuffled slightly from the unexpected embrace,‭ ‬his hand accidently grasping the leather of her tightly bound buttocks.‭ ‬He quickly pulled it away,‭ ‬she seemed not to notice.
Allison held Jared for several seconds,‭ ‬her hands deftly working at the service key she had seen attached to the back of his belt.‭ ‬It quickly came off and Allison backed into the open elevator,‭ ‬holding the key in both hands behind her back.
Katie saw that Allison had found the key and trotted to the elevator,‭ ‬her own heeled boots‭ clicking‬ on‭ ‬the marble floor.‭ ‬She‭ ‬brushed past a bewildered Jared and sidled up next to Allison,‭ ‬flashing her own‭ dazzlingly‬ white smile.‭ ‬“I just love computer games.‭ ‬I had to get a closer look.‭”
Jared stared dumbfounded as the elevator doors closed in front of him.‭ ‬“What just happened‭?‬” he asked aloud.

‭“I see your point Terry, blondes can have more fun. But I just really dig the red heads. Can’t really explain it, but there’s something about a cute little red head in a cowboy hat that just really turns me on.” Mark explained, adding his own two cents into the conversation about which hair color was best on a girl.
‭“I don’t know Mark. I must be unique because while I like all colors, I really, and I mean really, like black hair.” John added while scrutinizing the edge of his katana.
Mark‭ ‬had transformed in one of the building‭’‬s‭ ‬darkened offices and now the three guardians sat around in one of the plush waiting rooms for the‭ ‬corporation.‭ ‬Mark supposed they looked‭ ‬ridiculous‭ ‬should someone find them this way.‭ ‬John was sitting on the edge of the highly polished wooden table checking his katana for any nicks.‭ ‬Terry,‭ ‬who had just dived into another reason why Blondes are more fun,‭ ‬was sitting on top of one of the businessman‭’‬s desk looking at a playboy he had found while rummaged through the drawers.‭ ‬Mark himself sat back in one of the heavy wooden chairs,‭ ‬grateful he could find such a sitting device that could hold his now‭ ‬substantial‭ ‬450‭ ‬pounds.‭ ‬His heavy ornate armour glinted from the‭ ‬florescent lights ahead,‭ ‬their glow casting towering shadows of his‭ ‬huge frame onto the generic carpet.
‭“But on the same token everyone likes blondes. This way I’m unique.” Jake continued.
“You only like dark hair because you still have a crush on-” Mark was cut off as Allison skipped into the room with Katie in tow. She threw the key onto the table and her and Katie simultaneously curtsied, both of them smiling ear to ear.
‭“Wow. I am impressed. I think that might be a new speed record.” John said, genuinely surprised.
‭“Easy target today. You guys ready?”
“Now as we‭’‬ll ever be.‭”‬ John responded,‭ ‬following Allison and Katie to the service elevator.
All five of the guardians crammed into the elevator,‭ ‬which was a feat since Mark took up a huge amount of space in the small‭ ‬enclosure.‭
“Have‭ ‬you ever thought about‭ ‬Slim fast Mark‭?‬ I hear it works wonders.‭”‬ Terry asked while pushing‭ ‬one of Mark‭’‬s armoured‭ ‬shoulders out of his face.
‭“Real funny man.” Mark said, trying to keep himself from crushing anybody else. “In fact I have to let you know that that was one of your funniest jokes. Actually I think was your only funny joke.”
“Aint that the truth.‭”‬ John‭ ‬muttered.‭ ‬Surprisingly all‭ ‬5‭ ‬of the guardians laughed at the stupid‭ ‬comeback,‭ ‬even Terry.‭ ‬The elevator rose,‭ ‬the lame music played,‭ ‬and the guardians laughed.‭ ‬But John knew they weren‭’‬t laughing‭ ‬because‭ ‬he was funny.‭ ‬Far from it.‭ ‬They were laughing because they were afraid.‭ ‬They were really afraid.

Chapter‭ 5

‭The last echoes of laughter died out as the 5 companions filtered out of the service elevator and into a dimly lit corrider, the steel door leading to the roof only a few meters in front of them. John padded to the door on cat's feet, his split toe boots making absolutely no sound. He crouched down and motioned for the others to get close. The others knelt closely to their leader and a long silence of understanding past between them. There was no turning back once they went through that door. In a whisper, John said "We go through quick and hard. With luck we'll hit it before it's even aware, take it out before it can put up a fight."
‭Mark un sheathed his massive broad sword from his back and let the blade rest in one of his armoured hands. "I'll go first."
‭John nodded, knowing his friend was the toughest of them all in terms of taking a hit. "OK, Mark in front. Allison your support so you take the rear, aim for it's underside." John took a deep breath as he surveyed his guradians. They trusted him with their lives, and he was proud to be the one they chose to lead them. He drew his own sword and simultaneously slid the service key into the lock. "Here we go."
‭John turned the door handle and pushed the door open right as Mark went barraling onto the roof. He let out a scream of rage as he raised his sword high above him.The helmet he wore hid the bewildered expression on his face as he came to an abrupt halt. The other four guardians were at his side immediately. Their faces softened and their weapons lowered.
‭"Well that's a problem," Terry commented, noticing that the flat top roof was completely barren.
‭They were standing in the middle of the building's roof, a plain white gravel surface that butted up to five-foot high walls. Besides a massive antena that sprouted from the middle, the roof was rather un remarkable. There were several heating and cooling ventilation shafts that dotted the surface, but there was definatley not a huge demon chilling out on the top of it.
‭Mark casually walked to the edge of the roof and peered over the little wall, attempting to see if he could find their target on an adjacent building. The others followed suit and not a moment after Allison had reached the far corner she exclaimed, "Hey over here!"
‭John used his uncanny speed to materialize next to her instantly. His enhanced senses combined with powerful night vision quickly picked out the demon. The building that they were on also had a sister; a building with the exact same specifications as their own. The two were owned by the same company and even had a sky bridge running between them on the lower level. On the roof of the sister building the twenty foot demon sat heavily on it's many spindly legs. It's grotesque head was intently focused on something writhing on the ground before it; a human.
‭"We have to get over there now!" John yelled, looking for the quickest way too cross. He noticed that there was also several heavy steel lines that crisscrossed the antena above them. Several of them spanned the distance across the street and met up with the exact same antenna relay on the sister building. He made a quick calculation in his head and decided that he must risk it.
‭"How do we get across?" Mark asked as John leapt twenty feet into the air and landed on the metal cable, his weight perfectly balanced on the make-shift tight rope.
‭John looked down at his fellow companions, he knew he was the only one save Terry that had the balance and agility to traverse the wire; Mark was too heavy and cumbersome with his weight and armour, and both the girls had the drawback of their heels. Sometimes he cursed the Lady of the Light and her uniform choices for them. "Take the skybridge, go as fast as you can." And with that he started his trek down the line, his feet moving under him quickly and precisely.
‭Terry leapt up onto the wire with the same deft skill that John had, though he knew his agility wasn't quite as good as John's. This was made apparent as he followed his friend on the half inch wide wire; he had to travel much slower.
‭John kept his eyes locked ahead as he continued to travel across the chasm between the buildings with an un relenting pace. He could feel the cool breeze push and pull him as he balanced above the street. Even though he was transformed he knew that the fall would kill him; Guardians were only so tough. John grimaced as he approached ever closer to the sister building's roof; it was apparent that he was too late.
‭The creature gobbled up the last bit of flesh from the helpless electrician that it had just ambushed and was just about to use it's long tongue to lap up the remaining blood and guts when it realized that it wasn't alone. It spun quickly on it's many legs and lifted it's dripping muzzle into the air, antennae waving in the air before it. Even though its eyes were not its best sensors they were still sharp. The demon was not dumb, and it knew that something was here to hurt it. It remembered being attacked the night before, but unlike a creature of Earth it also had reasoning. It knew who it's attacker was, and the if the demon could have smiled it would have. It was ready...
‭John knelt high up in the shadow of the antenna. He stared at the creature he had come to kill and for the first time he did not sense fear. He knew the demon was right where he wanted him. The creature was turned away from him and was busy licking the concrete clean from the poor soul he had killed, it was unaware and John prepared to strike. Terry was still several meters down the wire but John decided that he would finish this here and now. He leapt high off the antenna array and plummeted toward his target. His katana was held above him as he descended and he could hear the faint whistle as its edge split the air. He was going to do it! He was so close he knew that the demon could not possibly turn fast enough. He was so close that he even with the wind whipping by him he could smell its stench. He was so close that he knew he would succeed. Victory was his.
‭But the demon was ready. It knew John was coming the whole time and without even turning to face the Guardian it swatted him out of the sky with one of its spiny legs. John felt like he was hit by a falling redwood as the leg connected with his rib cage in mid air. His crumpled form flew through the sky and smashed into a cooling unit at the edge of the roof. The thin metal did little to slow his progress and he found himself sliding across the ground before lightly bumping up against the wall.
‭John's eyes swam in circles as his brain tried to re attain control of his body. He could hear the demon climbing up the slight wall that connected to where the cooling unit had been only moments earlier. He had to get up! John groaned and tried to stand. He made a faltering attempt before his legs buckled underneath him and he sunk to his knees, his head still reeling. The creature was in front of him now, its massive form towering over him as it opened its jaws wide. John looked into the black maw unseeing. He was not going to let this thing eat him alive! He let out a mighty yell and climbed to his feet, knowing he had only moments to act. But to his horror he realized that his sword was no longer with him, and he didn't have enough time to avoid the bed of razor teeth. His eyes widened in terror as he realized the truth, the creature was going to eat him alive.
‭The demon lunged forward and John closed his eyes in anticipation. He realized that his life did not flash before his eyes, he simply thought about all the things that he had not been able to acomplish. He wished he had had more time. He felt a crushing sensation on his ride side, like a heavy object was tackling him. He opened his eyes expecting to be inside the Demon's mouth when he realized that he really had been tackled. Terry had shoved him out of the way just as the demon had lunged forward. John quickly regained his feet and looking over Terry's shoulder he could see the creature spitting out the mangled remains of the cooling unit that John had been standing over a split second before.
‭"I guess the mighty John does need saving every once in a while," Terry said, a grin creasing his face.
‭"I'm just glad you could return the favor," John responded weakly through a mouth full of blood.
‭Terry turned back to face the creature who by now was just starting to face them. There was a SHING! as Terry closed his gauntlet into a fist and an extendable sword shot out of the magical weapon. With cat like grace Terry leaped forward, his long cowl furrowing out behind him like Batman's cape. He landed gracefully beside the creature and sunk his blade deep into its side. The big creature shrieked and turned quickly, attempting to smash Terry with its spindly legs. Tery managed to doge them as he darted in and out, his blade slicing quickly. It tried lunging at him with its huge jaws, but again it wasn't quick enough. But John knew it would win, he could see Terry was slowing already. Huge forearms came crashing down and this time Terry wasn't quick enough. One of legs barely scraped him but it was enough to make him lose his groove; the creature took advantage of his momentary pause and lunged forward. Terry managed to slide out of the way at the last second but the creature's sheer mass sent him sprawling.
‭John drew his dagger and ran on rickety legs toward the demon; Terry was backed into the corner of the roof and was spitting bolts at the creature from the crossbow that had formed onto his gauntlet. The demon continued forward, shrugging through the repeating rounds like they were Nerf darts. John jumped at the last second and landed squarely on the back of its head. He rammed his dagger deep into its eye and held on for dear life as it shrieked and shook like a dog underneath him. "Oh shit!" he yelled as he went soaring through the air after finally being dislodged by the demon. He saw the edge of the roof fast approach, and beyond it the nothing but air until he would drop 11 stories down. It was going to be close. He reached as far as he could for the edge of the roof. He felt his fingers snag on the concrete edge but his momentum made him continue forward. There was a second that seemed to last forever as he saw his fingers slide off the precarious surface and he realized he wasn't going to make it.
‭"Nooo!" He screamed as the building started to fall away from him. In slow motion he saw brick after brick pass him as he fell. His hands continued to grasp at nothing before him and as he fell further and further away from the building he realized there was no hope of saving himself. John closed his eyes as he prepared himself for death.

Terry couldn't get up. His legs were pinned by the rubble of the wall that had been smashed behind him. The creature had lurched at him again and he had merely been able to dive a few pitaful feet before the wall came down on him. His crossbow was still spitting out bolts like a machine gun but the creature didn't even care. They dotted its carpace like a pins in a cushion but it payed no heed to them as it advanced for the final kill, its other senses proving more than adequate to compensate for its blindness.
There was a loud thud as Mark punched through the steel door that prevented his entrance onto the roof, Katie and Allison only seconds behind him. They had not bothered with the key this time, and alarm bells could be heard from inside the building from the breach. Of course none of this was going through Mark's mind as he raced toward the creature. He didn't know where John was but he knew Terry was in serious danger. Mark was ready for a fight, he was ready to kill this hideous demon that had caused so much pain. He was still pissed about not being able to fight it the night before. He was pissed that it took him this long to reach his comrades. He was pissed that.... well he was just pissed.
Mark slammed into the huge demon like a linebacker. One that happened to weigh 450 pounds and had 10 times the strength of even the best NFL player. The demon's massive weight was the only reason it simply didn't go over the edge as Mark hit it with enough force to de rail a train. The creature was stunned for but a second and it quickly recovered and turned to face Mark. Even though Mark was over 7 feet tall transformed, he still looked like a dwarf in front of the massive demon. It lunged at him with its spindly legs but was surprised when instead of dodging them like the others had, Mark actually let them hit him. He was knocked back almost a meter, but was un injured and had actually managed to catch one of the demon's hands in his own. The demon lashed out at him with its other forearm, and crazy enough Mark caught this as well. Several seconds passed as the two titans squared off, the creature's strange forceps locked with Mark's gauntleted hands. The creature poured all of its energy into crushing Mark with pure strength, but Mark's own strength was a match. The two were locked in a test of sheer power, like some arm wrestle between gods. There was a long second in which neither gained ground. Then the match started to turn to the demon's favor as it used its back legs to press forward. Mark's armoured feet left gouges in the concrete as he was pushed back by sheer weight. Mark realized he was about to be overcome and used a surprisingly agile reverse to actually flip the huge creature onto its side as he fell backward.
Allison had been waiting for this very moment and used it to release a long shafted arrow that was blazing with faerie magic from her bow. The black tip buried deep into the soft underside of the creature and it screamed with pain as it tried to get its legs underneath it.
Mark charged forward with his broadsword held high above him. He brought it down with all of his considerable strength just as the demon regained its footing. The creature saw Mark coming and brought up one of its heavy forceps in defense. There was cracking sound as Mark's blade cut deep into the creatures arm. The demon shrieked anew and backed up, the damaged forcep bending back on itself, now only connected by a few raw strands of flesh. The demon held its useless appendage before it as if to ward off evil and backed into the corner. Its belly was leaking that purplish blood they had seen before, gallons of it spilling onto the concrete.
Katie was beside Mark instantly, her extended staff held before her as she concentrated all of her power into the ancient weapon. Mark had to momentarily cover his eyes as a huge arc of electricity shot from the end of Katie's staff and slammed into the battered creature. The front part of its face turned black and its stench assaulted the air as the electricity burned into it. The demon's legs were shaking now, the hairy spires struggling to keep the creature upright. It continued to back away from the guardians, a very real sense of fear now gripping the denomic creature. Its retreating course was hampered by the fact that its legs were slipping in its own blood.
"It's either gong to make its last stand or its going to run again." Allison advised as she stepped in line next to Katie. "Either way, we can't let it live past tonight."
Mark nodded and took a quick step forward, his towering form bearing down on the shattered demon. It had bumped into the wall that surrounded the edge of the roof and was now peering over it looking for a way to retreat; the creatures burnt antennae continued to waive about.
"Its time." Mark said as he came to a stop not 30 feet in front of the huge creature. The demon raised its head and locked its remaining eye onto its aggressors. The moment seemed to stretch on as it contemplated its hunters. Although it wasn't smart enough to understand the full meaning of respect, it at least knew what it was on a rudimentary level, and it gave this gift to the guardians as it readied itself for its final assault.
Terry appeared next to Mark, his dusty and rubble strewn form contrasting sharply to Mark's surprisingly clean armour. The four guardians stood in formation in front of the creature, each had their weapons ready.
"Wheres John?" Mark asked, knowing the answer before he asked it.
Terry locked eyes with Mark. The tight grimace was enough.
"What?" Allison asked, her eyes drilling into Terry's. "Where is he?" There was a desperation in her voice that no one had heard before.
Terry took a deep breath before answering her question. His normally steely gaze was difficult to maintain as he looked into her sharp green eyes."He went over the edge Allison."
"No..." Was all she managed to respond. Allison was tough guardian. She had always dealt with dire situations by locking her emotions inside and sorting through them later. She made it a fact that she was always in control of herself no matter what the situation was. But this was different. Before she even knew it she had sunk warily to her knees. Her bow clattered onto the concrete as it fell from her fingers and already a tear was sliding down her cheek.
Terry lifted his gaze from Allison's distraught form before catching Katie's eyes. "Get her inside."
The demon was already stepping toward them as Katie quickly knelt next to Allison. "Come on girl let's go," Katie said as she quickly slung one of Allison's arms over her neck.
"Hurry!" Mark yelled as the creature started toward the group. Mark brought his broadsword up into fighting position as Terry activated his sword.
"If you can, get it on it's side again." Terry said as he slid his dagger from its sheath.
"I'll at least distract it, let you get it from its blind spot." Mark answered as he sunk deep into his stance, his tree trunk legs rippling with muscle in preparation for the clash.
The creature was bearing down on them now, it squatted low on its many legs before using them like springs to launch its girth forward. Mark lined up his sword like he was batting at the world series. Terry rolled out of the way just as the creature slammed into Mark. The air was crushed from Mark's lungs as the huge creature rammed him with the front of its lowered head. Mark hadn't anticipated the demon's speed and subsequently his sword swung too slowly to do any real damage.
Terry was already sprinting after them as they smashed into yet another cooling unit on top of the roof. Terry knew instantly that their plan was failing; Mark was already slumped against the concrete with bits of tattered metal clinging to his armour. Even from afar Terry knew he was either unconscious or worse. Terry let out a battle cry as he rushed forward and sunk his blade as deep as he could into the creature's abdomen. The demon, who was just about to devour Mark's unconscious body, quickly scuttled to face its new attacker.
Terry stood defiantly as the demon turned and faced him. All fear had left the guardian's body, now only his hatred remained. Terry raised his steel grey gaze to match the demons, "Now it's just you and me."

"Allison get a hold of yourself." Katie said as she gripped Allison's shoulders. The pair had managed to make it back into the hallway leading to the roof access, the sounds of battle could be heard outside. "Listen to me," Katie continued, her hands shaking Allison with each syllable. "I have to go back out there and I need your help."
Allison pursed her lips to keep from sobbing and swallowed her sorrow.
Katie used her gloved hand to lift up Allison's chin until her sharp green eyes were locked with Katie's blue ones. "Let us avenge his death."
Allison nodded her head and was just about to stand when she felt a gloved finger slide up her cheek to wipe away the tears. The finger was far bigger than Katie's, and Allison realized there was a tall dark form standing over her.
"Did you miss me?" John asked. His guardian uniform was covered in debris and rubble. Long gashes crisscrossed the tough fabric of his ninja suit and blood was dribbling down his neck. John's black mask had a lone crack across the face and only one eye was visible through it; the other was swollen shut.
"John!" Allison exclaimed and pounced onto him with a hug so tight that it could bend steel.
"Ah take it easy," John said in surprise.
"How?" Katie said quietly as she stood on shaky legs. A tear of joy slid down her cheek as she hugged them both.
"Well let's just say that I'm glad that sky bridge had three floors, because I needed all of them." John explained.
John gently pushed the girls away as he stepped forward towards the door. He slid his katana from its sheath and let it hang low in his hand as he pushed open the battered steel door.
"Your hurt pretty bad" Allison said, noticing the shuffling way John carried himself. She could see blood trickling down his arm as well, the beads of red dripping down his katana before dotting the grey concrete.
"I'll manage." John said before stepping onto the roof. "You girls gonna help me or am I on my own?"
Allison and Katie quickly followed him onto the roof.

"Your a tough mother fucker, I'll give you that." Terry said between gasping breaths as he stood facing the demon. He had been darting in and out for minutes now, his quick strikes delivering numerous gashes and stabs, but the creature would not die. The demon also stood facing Terry, its own thorax heaving as it caught its breath and readied itself for another attack.
"Care for some assistance?"
Terry snapped his head toward the sound that surely must be in his own imagination. To his amazement John was there, though he looked like he might as well have been dead for how beat up he looked. "This isn't some cruel imaganitive joke right? Your actually alive?"
"For a little while longer at least. How's Mark?"
Terry pointed to the wall where Mark lay unconscious. He had been knocked out by the demon's initial assault and had transformed back into his former self. "He should be fine, I've managed to keep the creature from eating him but I'm starting to get tired. Fighting a huge demon by yourself is tough work you know," Terry finished, the hint of a smile evident despite the situation.
"He's gonna be pissed when he wakes up," John said, motioning to Mark's unconscious form. "Both times he's fought this thing he's been knocked out."
"Well lets just not let this thing to live long enough to warrant a third eh?" Terry responded, focusing his attention back onto their prey.
"John" Katie said, stepping to his side. "I'll hit it first, give it everything I have. You and Terry should attack it right after, assault both its flanks at the same time."
John nodded his head, "Sure, that's better than what I was going to suggest. Fire away."
Katie slightly bowed her head in acknowlegement and stepped forward.
While Terry had always made sure to keep his and Katie's relationship professional to avoid obvious problems, he still could appreciate her angelic beauty and grace as she walked forward to face the demon. The wind whipped her blonde hair and red skirt to the side as she put one foot in front of the other with her characteristic model's walk. Terry imagined her akin to some valkerie wading onto the field of battle, her beauty and grace misleading to the enemy. Something was different about her this time, Terry could tell. She didn't seem the scared, little girl she usually was. She actually seemed tough.
The creature had by now turned its attention onto the approaching enemy. Its lone eye was cast wearily on the guardian's staff, the pupil darting back and forth as if traced the electric bolts dancing around the weapon. The creature remembered what that staff could do. It could still feel the burnt skin on the front of its face. Its readied itself.
Katie paused in mid stride, gathering all of her focus for this one burst of energy. She didn't have to look back to know that Terry and John were only a few steps behind her, their own weapons primed and readied. She took one last deep breath as her mind focused and locked her eyes onto the demon in front of her.
The creature made up its mind, it didn't want to stay there any longer. It was going to attack with everything it had, or die trying. It raised its burnt snout, streaming blood from large cracks in its blackened carapace, and let out a screeching bellow that sounded like glass shattering. It charged forward.

Chapter 6

"Wait for it." Katie commanded, feeling confident in her own abillities as the demon charged towards them.
"Katie..." John said, his voice trailing as the demon pressed onto them.
"Wait for the last second." She said, her voice as firm as iron.
John nodded his head; he trusted her.
It was coming now, Terry could see their own reflection in its single eye it was so close. His arm felt weak from fighting for so long, he just wanted this to end. He was just about to make a dive to knock Katie of the way of the charging creature when at last she raised her staff in front of her and attacked with all of her fury. Not two feet in front of Katie's out streched arms a massive bolt of lightning slammed into the front of the creature. The force of the energy blast stopped the creature in its tracks and a half second later had it tumbling across the pavement again. It shrieked its unholy cry of pain as its bulk was slammed into the low concrete wall behind it. There was a tremendous crash of rubble and to John's amazement the creature actually plowed entirely through the wall. Its one good forcep latched out at the twisted rebar and broken stone as if fell and by pure luck the mangled remains of the wall held enough so that the demon did not fall to its death.
There was moment of stunned shock from the guardians as they just realized the damage that Katie's attack had done. John and Terry rushed forward toward the still dangling creature. The demon was trying to get its other legs hooked up onto wall, a very real fear gripping it as it realized that it was close to falling to its death.
"Ahhh!" John yelled as he leaped forward and sunk his katana deep into the demon's head. It screeched in protest and tried to snap at him with its jaws. The demons other legs were windmilling aimlessly in the air underneath it, their claws scrambling against the wall in an attempt to gain purchase. Terry used his own sword and what little strength he had left to chop down on its remaining front appendage. The demon continued to scream and thrash in the air as Terry finally hacked through its remained forcep. The stump spurted endless volumes of blood as the demon retracted its damaged arm back. It now only held on by two of its legs, their sharp claws had managed to find holds but the demon knew it was too late.
"Duck!" Allison yelled.
John and Terry both simultaneously dived out of the way as Allison's arrow flew overhead and buried itself deep into the maw of the demon. The creature screamed for the last time as the shock of the arrow forced it to lose its grip. It was silent as it slid off the roof and spun in circles as it finally fell to its death.
Katie, Allison, Terry, and John all quickly made it to the broken wall and peered over. They were just in time to see the massive demon, now looking so small as it fell, splat onto the the asphalt of the deserted parking lot. There was a spray of blue blood as its carapace shattered like an egg shell. They watched silently as the remains of the creature quickly dissolved into nothing but ash, erasing the creature's passing entirely. All that remained was the destruction it had caused and the lives it had taken as it preyed on the innocent.
John turned away from the wall and let his eyes rise up the full moon overhead, contemplating the night's events. He turned toward Mark but hadn't even gone a half step towards his friend when he stumbled to the ground; his legs had simply given out. He felt a soft glow encompass him and within several seconds his guardian powers had left him and he was once again dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. "I guess I'm weaker than I thought," He mumbled, his legs shaking as he regained his feet.
Katie walked over to Mark's own sleeping form and knelt beside it. "Wake up Mark," She said, her hand gently nudging his shoulder. Mark merely groaned as his eyes briefly fluttered open and then closed tightly again.
"Hey, wake up sleepy head." Katie said, this time nudging him even harder.
John smiled as he saw Mark's hand snake up Katie's unexpecting leg.
"Hey!" Katie shrieked when she felt Mark's hand slide under her skirt and grasp one of her buttocks."You pervert!"
Mark burst out laughing, one hand holding the side of his swollen face where Katie had slapped him. He climbed to his feet, using his other hand to rest on the wall for support. "Please tell me we don't have to go after it again tomorrow night,"Mark pleaded.
"No it's gone." John replied.
"You survived." Mark noted.
"Surprised?" John replied cooly.
"Your arrogance blinds you, master John." Mark said, his voice sounding exactly like the Emperor's from Star Wars.
John laughed aloud as the other three guardians reverted back to their normal selves. On weak legs and shaky nerves they made it back into the building. Even though it was longer they took the staircase to avoid the cameras and just as they were heading out the back door into the parking lot they finally heard the sirens of incoming cops.
"Better get out of here soon," Terry said, a noticeable edge to his voice.
John used his keyless entry to unlock the doors of his Celica and the guardians piled in, all except John and Allison that is. John caught Allison's hand as she neared the car and whirled her back around to face him. "I need to ask you something." John said.
Allison's sharp green eyes looked up into John's. He still held her hand and had pulled her in close. "Now is not the time John," Allison replied. The sirens were getting closer.
"Just one question." John said. He had her delicate hand in his own, the soft fingers encompassed by his calloused ones. He stood there for a second, enjoying the cool night breeze and the warmth of Allison pressed up against him. "Do you still love me?"
Allison kept her eyes locked onto John's, her own gaze unwavering. "I do love you John, but I'm not in love with you... I'm sorry." She lowered her eyes slowly before breaking away from his touch and walking back to the car. John was alone with his thoughts once more.

John lay in silence atop his bed. He stared unseeing into the ceiling above him, watched the way shadows darted across it in the darkened room. The sun would come up soon, and with that another day of school. Another day of hoping that the Lady of the Light would not need them, another day of hoping that these demons he and his guardians fought would just simply disappear. Another day of hoping...

End Episode 1
© Copyright 2007 Dante (yodaman at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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