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Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1344277
fantasy, action, adventure, magic i just started yesturday so i havn't got far yet

The battle raged; mages and warlocks cursing, Paladins and Demons slaying each other, what a mess this is thought Con. This should have ended 100 years ago.. and then he saw her, the Oracle, lying on the ground with a sword in her stomach but still alive. Con rushed towards her. If anyone knows how to end this accursed war it is her Thought Con but this time a bit more confidently. When he reached the Oracle her head tilted up a bit. “Oracle, you’re the only one, how do we end this madness!?” said Con urgently.
“Alas, I cannot tell you, if I could I would. I am truly-” The Oracle suddenly started choking, Con was tempted to help her but before he could reach her she said in a low raspy voice that he had never heard before-

In this darkest hour,
Two Twins with the power
The Chosen two will come
Either to save or destroy you

Get to them before the enemy does
Or they will turn and all is lost
Hear me now or hear me never
Or all is lost, forever

Then She slumped on the ground, dead. Con went through a minute of sadness, The Oracle and he were friends of old, and they had known each other since they first started training magic. Well old friend thought Con; at least you died trying to save the world. Then Con remembered the Prophecy; the last words she had ever spoken. The Chosen two the Oracle spoke of, how will I ever find them?

Chapter One
The Stranger

Beth and Mac Broker were walking home, they had missed the bus again because of bullies; the bullies kept picking on them for no reason at all. They were likable enough, it was just that the leader of the bullies, Jonah , didn’t like them, in his exact words they were – snotty, rotten, good for nothing pigs who need to be taught a lesson.

When Beth and Mac got home got home they found a stranger inside the house talking to their Mum. The stranger was tall and looked very strong. Attached to him on the left was a gigantic broadsword, and on his right, a Shield. “Who on Earth is he?” asked Beth quietly.
“I dunno but he creeps me out. Nobody uses swords and shields anymore.” Said Mac in the same quiet tone. “Come on let’s get closer so we can hear them.” Whispered Mac.
So they crept closer to the house, when Beth and Mac got close enough they could hear their Mum and the stranger talking clearly-
“So are you going to give me the children or not?” asked the stranger.
“No, you shall never have my children!” Screamed their Mum, grabbing a kitchen knife and stabbed the stranger in his leg. But to Beth and Mac’s disbelief the stranger just pulled the knife out of his leg and tossed it carelessly into their Mum’s heart.

Mac put his hand over his sister’s mouth while she was screaming, part of Mac wanted to scream with her but he repulsed it because if the stranger was to hear them now they were doomed. As soon as Mac got Beck to stop trying to scream the door flung open and the stranger walked out, Mac tried to drag Beth into the bushes before the stranger saw them, but it was too late, the stranger had seen them. Mac and Beth were just about to run when- “stop!” commanded a voice from behind them. “I am sorry you had to see that, but it had to be done and now I will have to kill you.”
“Wait,” said Mac “before you kill us can you tell us your name?”
“Well, I guess, it is-“
Just then Beth ran forwards and kicked the stranger where men usually don’t like to be kicked. “Murderer!!!” howled Beth.
“RUN!” cried Mac urgently
Beth and Mac ran with the stranger hot on their tails. They had never been good runners so they knew they were done for. After 5 minutes of running Beth and Mac stopped, they couldn’t run anymore and the stranger knew it. “Oh,” said the stranger coolly when he had caught up, “since you asked, my name is Tarquin.”

“What do you want from us?” uttered Beth.
“ I want to kill you than figure out how I can end the world.” said Tarquin. “ is that clear enough for you?”
Just then it seemed time had stopped, a figure materialized out of nowhere and landed swiftly onto the pavement in front of Beth and Mac. “Con!” snarled Tarquin.
“Tarquin.” said Con, voice steady.
“What do you want?” said Tarquin, furious.
“Same thing as everyone not trying to end the world, kill you.”
And with that said, the man named Con raised his hand and Tarquin was blasted off the pavement. “Come on let’s get out of here” He muttered.
Con told Beth and Mac to grab onto his arm and hold on tight, thinking that this was probably better then being killed by Tarquin they did as they were bid. Once that was done Con uttered incoherent words and than the next instant Mac and Beth felt as though they had pins and needles in their arms and legs, but it only lasted a second because he next they were sprawled on the ground.

Chapter 2
Con Explains

When Beth and Mac were well enough, Con fetched 3 chairs and they all sat down in silence. After a while Mac asked- “How did we get here?”
“Magic” stated Con simply.
“And who are you?” Requested Beth
“I am Con, now your official Guide and Protector.” Said Con
“And why would we need an “Official Guide and Protector”? Asked Mac
“For all the dangers to come.” said Con
“You mean guys like Tarquin will be chasing us trying to kill us?” asked Beth in a squeaky voice
“Yes, expect so.” Said Con shortly
“But how will we protect ourselves?” asked Mac eagerly.
“I will teach you not only magic but combat skills as well. That should be enough to protect you for a while.” Said Con rather proud of himself.
“But why do we even need all this protection, why are people chasing us?” asked Beth
“The Oracle.” said Con
“Excuse me? Who?” snorted Mac.
“The Oracle, she made a prophecy about you two.” Con quickly recited the prophecy and explained why, where and how the prophecy was made.
“But if this war has been going for hundreds of years then why hasn’t anyone seen or heard about it? And why hasn’t anyone stopped it?” said Mac angrily.
“That is a story for another time,” said Con. “now let’s get you guys trained up.”

Over the next few hours Con took them over combat skills. They trained to use with wooden swords and shields until Con thought they were trained enough. Mac and Beth were going through a extremely tough battle, Con may have been old but that didn’t mean he was out of practice; It only took Con one move and Beth and Mac were on the floor bruised and beaten.
“Sorry about that.” Said Con
“Next time say sorry to my bruised arm” grumbled Mac.
“Do you think an enemy will go easy on you?” said Con getting angry.
“I’m going to bed now I’ve had enough for tonight.” Said Beth yawning.
“I think we have all had enough,” said Con nodding at Mac. “Come on I’ll show you your rooms.”
The rooms in which Beth and Mac where sleeping in looked very luxurious, they had a big screen TV, king sized beds and a bathroom in it.

That night, Mac couldn’t get to sleep, he stayed up thinking about what he and Beth had gotten themselves into; they were just two kids who didn’t have any parents. Their Mum was dead and their was father missing, not the type of people you expect to be involved with magic and wars.
© Copyright 2007 Shadeslayer (shadeslayer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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