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This is the Ancient History of a world that I have been creating. Tell me what you think.
Ancient History

The continent of Agersolum was settled in many waves of different peoples whom migrated in from the East. In chronological order, they were the Nahikians, Vegaritites, Ta-arqians, Carpathians, Nishiyorii and the last are the Iarnailians.

There are two main eras that peoples migrated into the continent, the Ancient Era and the Era of Empires. The Nahikians, Vegaritites, Ta-arqians, and lastly Carpathians migrate in during the Ancient Era, while the Nishiyorii and the Iarnailians migrate in during the Era of Empires. The Ancient Era starts in 6000 BCF with the Nahikians and end in 2000 BCF with the founding of the Tarqian Empire.

Ancient Era

Ancient Nahikians

Not much is known about the Ancient Nahikians. They migrated past the Crescent Mountains and followed the great River along to the coast. They migrated in around 6000 BCF. They came in many different tribes and groups of tribes which settled along the Great River and its feeder rivers. They lived along its banks farming its fertile banks. In order to increase crop yields, people began to built dikes and canal to supple the fields with nutrient rich water.

In order to help maintain and build these dikes, the people formed bigger and bigger governments. Slowly, over a thousand years, the people formed and merged into a nation. It’s original name is lost to history, but the Kingdom has been named Knorika after the Nahikian God. The Kingdom of Knorika is said to be founded around the year 5000 BCF. The Kingdom was based near the mouth of the Great River and went along its banks to the second branch or the Dahka River. It lasted for a six hundred years before it fell into obscurity for unknown reasons. It fell around 4400 BCF and some say that it fell without a ripple. Some historians blame the fall of over agriculture which sucked nutrient out of the soil causing lower crop yields and famine.

A second kingdom called the Koritites, which was based higher along the river, started up some hundred and fifty years, or around 4250 BCF, after Knorika fell. It too grew and expanded, but it expanded to twice the size of Knorika before it too fell into obscurity. Koritite even conquered the lands of the Knorikians. They had discovered writing and wrote on clay tablets using a finely cut piece of wood. Over a hundred samples of Koritite writing have been found, but only the name Koritite has been translated. Koritite lasted for four hundred years before it was conquered by a third kingdom or the Kingdom of Kii as it was known. Koritite finally fell in the year 3800 BCF.

Kii was founded around 4000 BCF by a group of tribal chiefs whom were angry at the Koritites. Founded isn’t exactly the right word, rebelled is more like it. Kii conquered the Kingdom of Koritite over the space of two hundred years. Kii ruled for a thousand years spreading Nahikians all along the Great River and down into the Central forest. Some even say that the Kingdom of Kii even managed to conquer a small stretch of the Middle River.

The Empire of Kii as it is sometimes called, was really a confederacy of smaller nations or tribes. The Kii were just one tribe in the Confederacy, but the name Kii seems to also mean the name of the nation. They managed to unite the Nahikian tribes. A tribal council ruled and kept the peace between the different tribes.

The Kii expanded as far as they did because they settled sparsely and kept the different tribes away from each other. The Kii were never really at peace either. Either they were either fighting with another group of peoples or they were fighting amongst themselves. It was a ghastly affair and, looking back now, it is surprising that they lasted as long as they did.

The Empire of Kii split up into tribal groups around the year 2800 BCF. Some blame the collapse of agriculture while other blame the Ancient Carpathians, whom were starting up around the time of the collapse. But the Ancient Carpathians were too small to cause such a big collapse. Internal strife seems to be the better answer. Each tribal group split up on there own, severing most ties. Writing was soon forgotten to most, except for a few scattered tribes.

For five hundred years the Nahikians fought each other more than outsiders. In the year 2300 BCF, the scattered tribes of the Nahikians united once more under one banner. The Kingdom of Clyptar rose out of the remains of the Empire of Kii. The Clyptar were an unknown tribe of Nahikians that lived in an isolated valley near the Crescent Mountains.

In the space of a generation, the Kingdom of Clyptar expanded and became one of the world powers at that time. It didn’t get as big a Kii did, but it wasn’t for a lack of trying. The Kingdom of Clyptar conquered most of the Great River, except for the coast by the year 2200 BCF.

Ancient Vegaritites

The Ancient Vegaritites migrated along the southern grasslands to where the twin rivers flowed into one. At first they settled along the banks of the rivers fishing the waters and hunting the wild sheep which dwelled there. They were mainly hunter gatherers and not farmers. They spread along the rivers and across the grasslands. We don’t know when they migrated in, but all is know is that they lived in relative peace for a thousand years. We assume that they migrated in around the year 5500 BCF.

Around the year 4600 BCF, just when the Vegaritites were starting to farm the grassland, they were invaded by another migration group, the Ancient Ta’arqians. The group pushed the Vegaritites west into the grasslands towards the jungles. For five hundred years the two groups fought for the rivers. The Vegaritites fought in small family groups on foot, while the Ancient Ta’arqians used chariots in groups of fifty. The Vegaritites were pushed back again and again. Soon they had no choice, but to flee into the jungles and trust in there gods that they would survive. In the year 4100 BCF the Ta’arqians pushed the last group of Vegaritites into the jungle.

The Ancient Vegaritites migrated through the jungles. It took them eight hundred years to get through the jungle. Times were harsh and population levels low. Not much is known about the Ancient Vegaritites during this time, but what is known is that in the year 3300 BCF, the Vegaritites exited the jungles to look upon a new grassland and a new river to call there own.

In the year 3157 BCF, the first city is built. The people spread out and settle along the river and up towards the peninsula. Like the Ancient Carpathians, the Vegaritites build city-states and are in constant fight with each other. But unlike the Ancient Carpathians, the Vegaritites build many great works of art and philosophy. Many great minds that are still discussed today are from that ancient time.

In the year 2250 BCF, the Confederacy of Eita is born. For the next thirteen hundred years, the Vegaritites are united mostly under one Council of Elders. The council is made up of a single head of state from each city-state. This council, like the one of the Kii, spent a lot of its time keeping the different City-States from each others throats.

Contact between the Vegaritites and the Ta’arqians were minimal, while contact between the Vegaritites City-States and the Carpathian City-states was huge. Trade flourished between the two groups of city-states since the two groups settles down.

Ancient Ta-arqians

The Ancient Ta’arqians followed there horse and cattle herds across the grassland towards the Vegaritites. They migrated in around the year 4600 BCF to find a group of primitive peoples settled along a set of twin rivers that the God-King decided that rightfully belonged to them. Over the next five hundred years, the Ta’arqians and Vegaritites fought over the two rivers. Slowly, the Vegaritites were pushed across the grassland to the jungle. In the year 4100 BCF, the Vegaritites fled into the jungle to get away from the Ta’arqians.

With the Vegaritites now out of the grassland, they roamed the Land of the Two Rivers still following their herds. They slowly settle down to farming life over the course of fifteen hundred years.

The Ancient Ta’arqian weren’t a peaceful people. A God-King didn’t last too long in there society. Ancient Ta’arqians were a clan people. They were made up of a multitude of different clans all striving to be the top clan. During the years 3700 BCF and 2900 BCF, a perpetual civil war rocked the Ta’arqian world. In 800 years, some 40 different ‘kingdoms’ were founded and collapsed. A couple of the greater kingdoms were the Meshaqa and the Harrabites. They were the only ‘Kingdom’ to last more than fifty years. The Meshaqa lasted from 3335 BCF to 3273 BCF and the Harrabites lasted from 2990 BCF to 2901 BCF.

Both seemed to be kingdoms that can last and re-unite the clans. Both failed. Meshaqa was conquered by a quickly made confederacy made up a group of some 35 different clans which all got jealous of Meshaqian power. The Harrabites were conquered by the Tarqians. The group of people whom modern Ta’arqians take there direct ancestry from. The Tarqians united the clans by denouncing God-Kings in favour of worshiping the rivers.

The first of the Ancient Ta’arqian cities is built around the year 2600 BCF. The Tarqian Kings spread out building cities all over the grassland. The Empire of Tarqa was officially founded in the year 1950 BCF. In the six hundred and fifty years between the founding of the first city and the founding of the Empire, there wasn’t too much strife. A city riots here and a clan rebels here. No major wars are fought, it is a time of peace.

Ancient Carpathians

The Ancient Carpathians migrated in from the east like the others around the year 3800 BCF. They came the same way that they Nahikians did over two millennia before them. Except the Carpathians migrated south-west instead of north-west. They moved slowly over 700 years towards the Vineyard Peninsula. The Kii pushed them with there expansion farther and farther towards the peninsula in the last hundred years of the migration.

There was no Kii-Carpathian war, however. They never entered in warfare during the migration. The Kii would mover close to the Carpathians, and the Carpathians would move away. Around the year 3100 BCF, the Carpathians settle in the Vineyard Peninsula. Skirmishes do occur during this time between the Kii and the Carpathians, but no war. The Kii knew that there was more land to be had and did not want the peninsula.

The Carpathians spread out over the peninsula, but they settled into mainly city-states with no unity and inter-city strife is common. They called themselves the Vineyardians. The Carpathians stay like this until the City of Carpathia is founded sometime around 1400 BCF, almost two millennia after Ancient Carpathians settled in the peninsula.

Empire Era

The Empire Ear starts in 2000 BCF and ends in year zero with the collapse of the Carpathian Empire. During the space of two millennia, empires and nations rise and fall and two great cities and a fertile river valley vanish.

As of 2000 BCF, there are four major powers on the continent. The Kingdom of Clyptar to the north, the City-States of Vineyard in the peninsula, the Confederacy of Eita in the grassland, and the Empire of Tarqa below the mountains.

There is also one great anomaly that existed, or at least is rumored to existed. A southern kingdom existed located on the southern most tip of the continent. Nothing is really known about them, but the fact that they might have existed. It is hard to dig for artifacts as the land in which the kingdom lay in, is now a great inhospitable wasteland.

Nahika- The Kingdom of Clyptar

The Kingdom of Clyptar stretched from the Frozen Peaks to the Central Mountains; from the Crescent Mountains to the Dahka River. The Kingdom of Clyptar should be called the Empire of Clyptar, but in all of there texts written about them it is referred to as a Kingdom.

As of the year 2200 BCF, they didn’t have as much under there control as that. They had only conquered most of the Great River. The Kingdom had been founded in the hopes that they would be a symbol of peace and prosperity, but over the generations, the Kingdom slowly became everything that the founders hated.

By the year 1800 BCF, the Kings of Clyptar became corrupt and there power absolute. The Kings continued to conquer and campaign. The entire economy of Clyptar soon became devoted to keeping the war machine moving. In the year 1734 BCF, peace came upon them unannounced and the Kingdom slid into a depression which last for five years. The depression only ended when the dreadful civil wars started.

As the Clyptarites were still clannish in there hearts, some individual clans rebelled against Clyptar rule. The five hundred year civil war erupted which halted Clyptar expansion and began the beginning of the end. The end of the Kingdom of Clyptar would stretch out till the fall of Carpathia.

By the year 1213 BCF, the civil war ended with the corrupt regime still in power. Most clannish sediments were crushed and people were believing that they were Clyptarites and not there individual clan.

The Clyptarite spent just over two hundred years in peace, but they changed the economy from one based upon the military to one based upon luxury goods. The civil war had changed things for the better, even though the same dictators were in power. The Kingdom of Clyptar suddenly lost its name Clyptar and the modern name of Nahika was coined.

Nahika- The Empire of Nahika

In the Year 1001 BCF, the Empire of Nahika was officially born. But there was no war, no civil strife, no evidence of protests against the change. Only one year it was being referred to as The Kingdom of Clyptar, and the next year it was the Empire of Nahika.

In the year 985 BCF, the Empire of Carpathia declared war against the Empire of Nahika. The war is called the Thousand Year War as it lasted till the Day of Destruction at year zero.

Carpathia- The City-States of Vineyard

The City-States of Vineyard were only in the Vineyard Peninsula. There were dozens of different city-states all fighting each other. There was no unity between the different city-states, but they never once let a foreign power walk over them piece by piece. In the year 1465 BCF the Confederacy of Eita attack the City-States of Vineyard and the Eita-Vineyard War sprang to life.

The Eitians tried to take each city one by one hoping that they wouldn’t unite together to fight them off. They managed to take two city-states before the Vineyardians got organized and a real war began. The war lasted for a hundred and fifty-two year or on the year 1313 BCF, before the City-State of Carpathia rose as a major player.

Around the year of 1400 BCF, the City-State of Carpathia was founded. It was founded in a fertile river valley. In eighty years, the city grew to be the most- powerful city-state in the peninsula. In a battle in 1313 BCF, the Carpathian Legions took to the field and defeated a force three times as large as themselves. The Carpathians either used there mighty legions or there sweet talking diplomats to conquer the whole of the peninsula.

Carpathia- The Empire of Carpathia

By the year of 1259 BCF, the City-State of Carpathia went from being a city-state and went to being a republic. In the same year, the Confederacy of Eita came to the young republic to beg for its help. The barbarian hordes of the JouChi had over run much of its land and didn’t seem like it would stop any time soon. The Carpathian leaders gave them this ultimatum, “Become a vassal state or die.”

In the year of 1261 BCF, the Eitians became a vassal state to the Carpathians and a Carpathian army with its Legions marched, in 1260 BCF, into JouChi heartland plundering as it went. The Nishiyorii attacked the Carpathians using the same tactics as they used against the Eitians. The Carpathians, however, used different tactics. The Eitians defended better than they attacked, while the Carpathians had a diversified force.

The Carpathians used multiple smaller forces to keep the JouChi armies occupied, while the Carpathian main force attacked JouChi cities and settlements. This tactic worked time and time again. The war lasted for a hundred and forty-eight years. Half of the JouChi Clans left there heartland migrating north, while the rest stayed to be servants of the Carpathian Empire. As of the year 1112 BCF, the Empire of JouChi ceased to be.

For a hundred and twenty-seven years, the Empire of Carpathia spent its time slowly conquering the multitude of independent Nahikian tribes. Each tribe was conquered separately and painstakingly. As of the year 985 BCF, the Empire of Carpathia invaded the Empire of Nahika and the Thousand Year war sprang up.

Thousand Year War

For nine hundred and eighty-five years, the two Empire fought each other. The Nahikians had numbers, while the Carpathians had better troops. The Nahikians were pushed back time and time again, till they got to the Great River. The Great River was 5 leagues wide and the Carpathians couldn’t cross it easily. The Nahikians patrolled its banks and used balistas and catapults to sink any ships trying to cross it.

In the year 725 BCF and the year 721 BCF, two new nations emerged and immediately began attacking Carpathian forces. The Iarnailians to the East attacked from the mountains just below the great river and the Ekorians roamed from the Crescent Mountains to the North-east.

Soon the Carpathians were being stretched thinly as they were now in three different wars at the same time. The wars dragged on and the economies of the four nations soon slumped and fell into depression.

The Ekorians used horse archers to surround the Carpathians and shoot them full of arrows. They were also nomads and didn’t have homes for the Carpathians to burn. The Iarnailians fought in smaller groups and used the forest to launch guerilla attacks.

At first the Iarnailians managed to push the Carpathians back a ways and in the year 431 BCF, they established it’s first true cities. They wouldn’t last a hundred years before the Carpathians conquered the lowland cities, but the built them none-the-less.

In the year 353 BCF, the Carpathians launched a massive attack against the Iarnailian Lowland Cities and conquered them all in six months. They would never manage to conquer the Highland cities before there dreadful fall.

The war drags on and on and the Empire of Carpathia falls farther and farther into economic depression. By the year 4 BCF, the Empire was rotten. They started to loose more battles than they won and its generals refused to learn from it’s mistakes and adapt it’s tactics. The Armies of Old that were used to conquer the world, were adaptable to any situation, the Armies of the Fall weren’t adaptable and tended to only win battle in a very specific situation.

It all didn’t matter as four short years later, the World of Old ceased to be, with most of it ending up under water.

Vegarians- The Confederacy of Eita

The Confederacy of Eita spread out along the river and up into the mountains. By the year 1465 BCF, the only real enemy that they had were the City-States of Vineyard to the north-west and the Kingdom of Clyptar farther north. The City-States seemed like a better target to the Confederacy than the Northmen. Easier to get to as well. The Confederacy thought that taking out the City-States one by one was an easy target.

In the year 1465, an army made up of a wide range of the different city-states in the confederacy marched into Vineyard territory concentrating there attaching force on one city-state. The defending Vineyardians didn’t stand a chance. The Eitians took two city-states one after another before the Vineyardians managed to bring a force up against them. The war turned into a stalemate as each nation matched each other in men and arms. Battles were rare as most of the time the two different armies spent there time pillaging and looting of the opposites countryside.

Nothing changed until the year 1313 BCF. The young City-State called Carpathia rose up and had managed to defeat an army of Eitians three times the size of them. It was a disaster for the Eitians. They fled back into Eitian territory in disarray preparing for the coming invasion, as it had happened in the past. They force marched hundreds of men from the farther City-States to bolster the hurt army. They waited for a year for an invasion. None came.

A year later, in the year 1312 BCF, the Nishiyorii migrated over the mountains of the east to fall upon the now depleted city-states of Eita from behind. The Nishiyorii, with there different type of fighting style, defeated army after army pushing the Eitians back from the mountains to the grassland.

By the year 1259 BCF, the Eitians were in economic ruin. They were a stones through from being a nation of slaves if the Nishiyorii have there way with things. With the founding of the Republic of Carpathia and the falling of the last City-State of the Vineyard, the Confederacy of Eita made a deal with the Carpathians.

Eita knew that being a vassal to Carpathia was a whole lot better than being slaves to the Nishiyorii. In the year 1261 BCF, the Confederacy of Eita became an official vassal to the Republic of Carpathia.


The peoples of the Nishiyorii migrated west later than the rest. They migrated across the mountains into Eitian territory in the year 1312 BCF. They are an honorable people and used a more fluid style of combat that the Eitians couldn’t deal with. The Eitians would stand shoulder to shoulder holding there spears forward, while the Nishiyorii would shoot there arrows from afar expecting to be shot back at. The Nishiyorii would fight a fluid moving battle with the two sides in an intricate dance or like wave splashing against one and another. The Eitians would use there spears to push the other force back, except with the Nishiyorii, the Eitian Spears would never find Nishiyorii men.

Time and time again, the Eitians would fall against the Nishiyorii. The Nishiyorii expanded and in the year 1276 BCF, the Empire of JouChi was founded. The Empire extended along the mountains and into the grasslands for many leagues.

They continued the war against the Eitians and by 1261 BCF, the Eitans had fallen back to the lowland grassland. They Eitians became a vassal to the Carpathians in a desperate attempt in keeping a small semblance of independence. Early 1260 BCF, an army of thousands of Carpathians marched through the Rainforest and into the newly won JouChi heartland.

The war was dreadful. The Nishiyorii tactics didn’t seem to work against the Carpathians. No matter how many casualties that the Nishiyorii inflicted, they would keep coming. And any time that hand-to-hand combat happened, the Nishiyorii archers were defeated time and time again. The Nishiyorii army would flee the field and by the time that they got home again, there homes and all of there loved ones were enslaved and gone.

This lasted for a hundred and forty-eight years till the last JouChi Emperor signed an armistice and official surrender. He and all of his family then committed ritual suicide. A puppet king was the crowned upon the thrown by the Carpathian Emperor.

As of the year 1112 BCF, the Empire of JouChi ceased to be. Half of the clans left there new homeland to wander north looking for a new land to call home.

The Ekorian Tribes

The Ekorian Tribes were created from the Clans of the JouChi which traveled north to the Crescent Mountains. There they allied themselves with an Independent Nahikian Tribe called the Ekorians. They used the horse extensively and used it to expand themselves all over the Plains. The entered into the war against the Carpathians and won many battles over the enemy. But, it is said that if the Fall didn’t happen, the Ekorians would have been conquered just as the rest of the World was.

The Clans of Iarnailia

The Clans of Iarnailia migrated over the mountains following the trails that the Nishiyorii followed before them. The immediately started a war with the Carpathians over insults which its officials made to the Iarnailian People. The insults have been lost in time, but we do know that the Iarnailians went to war with them. In the Year 431, the Iarnailians pushed the Carpathians back from the Lowlands and gave them enough room to build cities.

They wouldn’t last a hundred years before being conquered by the Carpathians. In the year 353 BCF, the Lowland Iarnailians were conquered and became vassals to the Carpathians. The Highland Iarnailians kept fighting, but the significance was reduced to little and the Carpathians didn’t have any troubles keeping them occupied with a surprisingly small force.


The Mesiots are an enigma. All are known about them is taken directly from there legends. This isn’t word for word as the source was dying at the time and had to summerize it for us.

The Mesiots are said to be Vegarian in ancestry. It is said the when the Ancient Vegarians fled into the Jungles, some different groups of them settled in the jungles, while the rest slowly migrated away.

Over the centuries, the Mesiots, as they call themselves, are an isolated people whom spent there time trying to conquer each other instead of conquering the rest of the world.

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