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The Catholic Whore. New Babylon? Westly Ty Light. 1) Modern Man. I am all of divinities this that by warrant of nature can nor would ever elect to be other. The coming and going of life the woe and wonder of this glory self Teacher Father Mother Child Learn Know Become Mind Soul Body Of the mass I am Manifest Divine Wonder Building Nourishing All Thoughtful Loving Manifestation Of the living I am I-Ching Amen Amen Amen 2) A Man Wonders. What is it to be as a woman, To be empowered and animated by a spirit, Of such enchantment, passion, prowess, and poise. A calm sea in loves motion, Slow, rhythmic, steady; A hurricane wailing when enraged, Fevered, titanic, majestic. How awesome, How wondrous it must be, To be, As every woman there is, Every woman I see, If every woman were liberated and free enough, to choose to be. Am I the devil, tempting? Or maybe a woman who knows? My vanity? 3) Knowing What? Don't have much of a conscious mind, And I've got chaos in my soul, Don't really think to much about it, But I sure am humored by watching me grow. Don't gotta clue as to who I am I'll just leave that in Gods care Cant really do to much other Because there are many Ideas of what’s good out there; And I gotta be fair. Don't wanna be a self righteous punk; Yeah Tori I know the fascist in my heart, But I really want that Hitler held down till it dies, and that's the war that's tearing me apart. Singing with the gene donors voice right now, Me and that man ain't worth a spit. But I kinda like the way it goes, So I'm trying to show some love to IT. 4) Keep it Real. Can't keep it real, reality is my dream. Driven crazy, to be rewritten? Am I truly what I seem to be? Or a pawn in a game, taken by a black night? White, white, white, Red, Enraged, Hypnotized, raped. God does not forgive suicide, The boss wants me killed. 5) Karma Ran Over the Mystic. Yes I did it I wrecked that Car, and used Kabbalah to do it. Oh God in Kether essence of Michael, I beg of thee, Reach out you hand and smite any and all enemies, who would dare to mock my love of your children, and make it as though it were not. Kill them! So much for Christ I suppose but what is one to do, Lye around and wait for the awakening of mankind? No! The self is sacred. Why did the temple fall? Duh. Karma, I'm screwed. 6) The Homosexual Creature. "It's worthless, it's nothing, throw it away," The masses do say. Then ignorantly they pray for better brighter days, While feeding there children to the hell of; "My heart is worthless, and never to be known." And what is sown, is grown. This a world of liar and lies, Of half hearted weddings, And to many demanded alibis. The baby cries, the baby cries, The factory dies, Mothers milk is as worthless as her child. The Holy Spirit screams the truth so loud, That only the devil fails to hear. Yes ignorance we endear, keep it near, keep it near, The fear of the truth, Gnosis, God is within every aspect of Malkuth Chalice, wand, coin, and blade All that is manifest, By Holy hands made, "And it was good." Understood? Amen. 7) The Devil? The Devil was an angel designed by beauty's hand, the hand of God creator of all as it is known to man. But if God only created beauty from what depth did the evil rise? Perhaps there is a secret truth or meaning behind the prince of flies? Maybe he is needed in the larger scheme of things. For would sunlight not become cold without the falling rains? As cruel as we could make it seem darkness is needed by light. Such is the way of this balance in which we live and can not fight. 8) God? "I am he who knows the way." Is this not what all false prophets say? "My God is yours I am your teacher." Are these not the words of a false preacher? "I am your God you are my child." Are these the words of a myth run wild? 9) Lil-Eve Magdalene Lil-Eve, Lil-Eve, Lil-Eve, Daughter of all creations majesty, and mystery, made manifest in every woman that is, and will be, lend ear, to a humble man's plea, that some day I might understand thee, my unknown self, so deep as the sea. Yes lend a merciful ear to me, holder of the only God's secret names, and reasons for why what is manifest has come to be. Is it all due to thee? Jewel of the great divine, is all of creation a gift to you, as surely as you are a gift to we, the collective of humanity? Mother, Sister, Daughter, Bride of worthy men made manifest, for the service of your grace and well being. Though a servitude often times unknown, and in spite of masculine egotism; one that is cherished to Troy, again and again. To where does your wonder extend? Does it ever end? Or into the deepest cold of space must I transcend me, just to touch the truth of thee, Isis with her serpent and Athena's tree? Do tell me, my humble plea. 10) Disassociated This pain is a world Completely separate from the world you know Consumed by hunger and hatred Sadness grief and woe The tears of the past form the pools Of vile from which we sip forever onward toward the bottom Of the serpents belly do we slip Muffled screams and gasping cries Wreak havoc in the mind Forever more searching for The essence of divine This silence is screaming pleading Longing to be heard So many tells that it can tell With not a spoken word There is no wisdom wise enough To fill this cluttered void Eternal in existence Dead and long ago destroyed Hearts weighted with sorrow Plagued by the cure The children of the separateness Will search forever more. Amen. 11) In the Army 1 Yes The nourishment of the past And memory of this Influence the present Always making manifest That which we have settled for And consider to be fulfilling Until it becomes fulfilling no more And change becomes consciously desired It is philosophy that regulates An individuals reaction to action And acceptance of that Which exist at present In the environment all around them As either acceptable or not. 12) In the Army 2 The Father is the dream Inspired by the spirit The son is the manifestation And manifestationist Of the father The spirit is the all encompassing brilliance Affected by the son for the father Who is the dream dreaming And being dreamt All is of God divine and is its divinity Forever it shall be For it is Holy humanity Becoming its own heaven Or hell For humanity Dreaming Designing Influencing Amen. 13) In the Army 3 Loyalty provided faithfully to that which is higher in order to fulfill your Duty in a manner that demands Respect from others, but more importantly teaches the art of Selfless Service, which is the only way to obtain genuine Honor, that is empowered by, just as it empowers your Integrity, your ability to do what’s right does also require Personal Courage enough to put yourself last or forget about yourself all the way around if need be. Amen. 14) America the. . . As a child I was taught to believe That America was the seed Of all things noble and good. Rude awakenings Are very unpleasant So I'll assume that I misunderstood When I assumed that freedom and justice for all Meant exactly that. As a matter of fact, I'll say it was by myself That I was deceived When I saw the constitution used as a sleeve To wipe the snot Off of some rich mans face. And it was I who did betray When I saw my fellow soldiers Throw an American away Because he was not American enough for them, Or Hispanic, Or white, Or black, Or whatever the case may have been. And then the day the President lied Was the day that I really tried To say it was America who had cried When I saw Hitler liberated from Hell And to propaganda we fell Because the television cast a spell On any person who dares to view. By the way Its something completely new And certainly not monstrously cruel For a homosexual to be considered Expendable It's just that things national due. And that's what’s true, God bless America, America bless you too. 15) January-26-2006 Have you focused so intently on the microcosm of the sacred self, that you have forgotten to explore and evaluate the macrocosm of sacred reality. How isolated and alone you must be. What a tragedy I see, this most precious and valuable you, forgetting to be nourished, and to nourish, the trinity of all times majesty. The I, the we, the world, then all. In you heart you hear them call, the sound of many waters, making one voice. The truth of your soul demanding, that you make the right choice. The Hermit makes the path, the Hierophant keeps the temple, the Papas and Magician, are the minds and intentions of the people. And all of these are yours to use as you see fit. Is there a flaw in your perceptions? Then you must acknowledge, and enlighten these deceptions, with extensive study that empowers passion and wit. For every moment is a demand, and with wisdom you must guide, yourself across the ocean, so learn the current and tide. In truth you will find your way so in truth truly abide. Be rectified, yes be allied with the holy divine as its tool. As in the beginning you were, and in the end will be, this wondrous jesting fool. Telling life its story to its self, the one who gives it a reason why, the maker of, and the fulfill-er of life's purpose. Songs of birds. Let us sing sky high. Tell us why. Amen. 16) Jacobs Ladder Dread is in attempting to understand angelic grace. Neither here, nor there, nor by man any were fathomed, Are the soulless servants of The Holy Face. Cyclically they rise and fall never sane nor maddened. "What will does cater to thine glory?" Is their only question never spoken. "I the extension shall wright the majesty's story." And man beneath them is exalted and broken. The beloved force that lifts us high, And the serpent that strikes were weak. They care not for what is seen by thine eye, Or how we do translate with tongues that speak. Holy angel, Evil angel, think not to come my way. I care neither for high nor low as I am, and will, I pray. 17) Trademarked at Birth Your filthy trademark tarnishes my soul; Dragging me through your faithless ignorance, You made me at birth your whore, And you know, You did it for the dollar. Christ the pimp, The child raping father, Forgive me, For I have sinned. The lights have dimmed, And from this dark night I can't transcend, Because your pocket book needs me there, In Hell. Isn't that swell. And if I thought to get up, You'd pray that I fell, Your helping hands holding me down. My head under water, Baptized to drown, A mindless, soulless, clown. Then at the truth you'll nod your head; Tell me I have no faith, And that I'm better off dead, Because the scriptures say so. Well they also say my mother is a Stupid, mindless Yo. . . It's getting hot, I think I'll let it go. Because unlike you, I know, That I don't know. And so. . . Baptized to drown, A mindless, soulless, clown. Father please help them. 18) Christmas Magic Alpha and Omega Innocently ignorant Of the dogmas that bind We are all deserving of forgiveness We are all deserving of compassion We are all deserving of the sublime First and last that we each are Historistically Evolution is all that I can be This is the dreaming Christ in me And I will let it be For love of Christian reality In spite of the generally hateful mentality That is a predominate trait Of the modern Christ society Ignorantly Innocently Let us let it be Free will is all that can be boasted of we Individuals making up humanity Most times inconsiderately But always passionately And love for life is the dominate trait of Christ Prodigiously Amen Elohim 19) Gods Fantastic Tapestry Mother gravity Father mass Manifest majesty Of a universe in a looking glass That the Highest Divine alone can see totally A hermaphrodite And a maker Make a trinity Of a unified tapestry That is the essence of we Each human Like each atom A part of the whole That is reality Pure artistry Liberate me Liberate we The people Into the freedom Of allow creation to be And let it be Amen That all shall see The holy phenominology Of God. YAHWEH ELOHENU ELOHIM GIVOR ISRAEL ELOHIM AMEN. 20) Illness Torments unlike any life should experience, Dragging the little I am into the grave, Kicking and screaming, Lashing out at the enemy, Absolution. A weak and feeble body, A mind crushed by the taste of slow decay. Pray psyche for deliverance, And the heart does betray, Your dream of night becoming day, For fear of reality, Death. Such hurt is known by the ghost in breath, En-soph in flesh, Gnostic sparks loving Sophia, The ego must rest, I am put to the test, Can I see I am blessed, I am blessed. Finite. Feeding the eternal, Many voices minister at his feet, The elders wisdom does not retreat, "How is this love valued by you?" "As I did sow I shall now reap." "Did you love all that I gave to you." "Through my many kisses did you only sleep?" No! My fears have found defeat. Amen. 21) Psychological Operations, Civil Affairs ( Conspiracy Theory ) More money for the military More money for the military Pay us what we're worth. Let us let the terrorist in So that we can Rebirth through public opinion An age that necessitates our function Screw Bill Clinton Let us show him how he's hurt. . . Our pride. Who cares if were really on the Devils side We'll all have dollars in our pockets And the Army green Will be silver lined Not even Gods Prophets would figure us in time Our plan is so sublime It will look like our only sin is sloth "We did not notice him coming" And we'll more than make up for what we have lost. We gotta do it At all cost Fagots are running the world And machoism has been lost Time to show them who's the boss. We gotta do it at all cost. My Viewpoint Nations rise and fall Just a matter of when Why care for the heartless whores of self righteous gain Justice has always been. And will be You shall see That all things belong to me Psychic Phenomenology. I am And do not care America the whore To love you I would not dare. It will be You Shall see That all things belong to me Soon you'll fall to anarchy. Riots be enraged City streets consumed by hate I'll stay calm and search for God For soon shall come our fate. And I'll wait Just wait. 22) Infatuation Will I always be waiting for you, Wondering about you restlessly. Lover titan won't you dominate me, All of me. My body now, As you have for so long my thoughts. Wet with emotion, Desire, The truth of love Unexpressed, Unrevealed, Unfounded, Grounded, Waiting to fly. Claim me and together We'll rule the sky. The aspiring future, My eagles eye. Embrace and behold Temples of gold. Constructed through we, Forevers inspiration, Creation, Communal mastery. My hearts secret passion and palace Only to the self are we cruel. Therefore, Onto you I bleed divinities malice, Lilitu Lilitu Pursue! Through my veins, The right-less silver Empowered by the sands of time. Alas it's true, I will always be waiting for you, Lover never mine. Define. 23) Soul Search Searching for the time the meter and the rhyme that colors my soul purple. Worlds away the people seem to stay and I know that I am to blame for this day this aura of smoky gray-blue. What to do what to do having no power over you I let go and glow a sunlight white. And should I fight for your delight try as I might I'll still be a boiling blood red. And then I am dead worms in the head my final resting bed a festering rotten black. Then I am back remembering your attack the time you would not cut me a bit of slack to radiate a solid earthen brown. I know again you'll beat me down a sorrow painted clown brandishing a titans frown always hoping in aqua marine. Searching for the time the meter and the rhyme that colors my soul purple. 24) Being Become Israel So different? Day from night? Mediate with blessed twilight. Priestess reveal to us What bonds do bind, And what does rival Peace of mind. El Shaddi Open the third eye, And make being Become known Beyond ignorance. Amen Elohim Amen. Shiva dance away sin Help all transcend. Being Become Israel. Amen Elohim Amen. 25) Hate. Hate. Pure Perfect Hate. No need to negotiate There is no ignorance here. Nature does what nature can do, Placing on high The worldliness That we are each taught to revere. The wealth Of the self. The crucifixes failing health. Yes Christ, The Buddha is the spirit angel That you did not have time to know Before you died. And heaven cried rage Against the ignorant Self loving world That refused to set you free. No heaven could not abide. Or be bribed Into letting a true seeker Remain enslaved After serving so diligently This world That tormented And killed you. YAHWEH. Amen. Forever let it be true. Hate we have acknowledged And isolated forever from reality, The animal nature of you. YAHWEH. 26) Inner Isis Gravity holding together, And enabling, All the movement of matter, Making all things as one, Inside as out. The mother of the microcosm, The essence of the macrocosm. You know me. Lilith, Eve, Athena, Hera, Demeter, Valkyrie, Kali, Mother, Sister, Daughter, Wife, You, And on. The essence of the self, And all that the day does fear. A woman as equal, Rival, And more valuable Than man. Understand. Mother Earth. 27) Reflections I sit and stare into the mirror Thinking of what used to be A life of sadness and self suppression Of spiritual poverty Now I sit and stare into the eyes which are my own And for once I finally see How much it is I have grown I realize now For the first time since I can't remember when That the person I have become Could have always been I did not have to follow that narrow pain filled road And yet the child that I had been Refused to be slowed And even though it hurt It now fills me with glee For if not for those mistakes I would not now be me And now I must better myself more than what I have Oh yes those pains of life I am honored to have had. 28) Demiurge. The heart is wickedness The heart is worldliness Responding only to the world The essence of Karma In motion. Silence it's voice, Reason away it's impulse Indulge in nothing that it offers, Positive or negative This or that, For it is all ignorance, And always will be. Why mourn impermanence, Why celebrate impermanence, The wheel of fortune will always spin What is now Will become That which had been And will be again As it is willed. Amen. Yahweh Elohenu Elohim Givor Amen. 29) Illusion. The fear of God is Grace. Free will. God is a concept birthed of human ignorance All that is Is humanity And reality. The evocation of particular energy patterns Through meditation and self discipline Is all that man has ever done, Ten commandments Buhmis Creeds Dogmas Prayers And the like Are the tools used to empower Particular mind states And nothing more. Metaphysical teachings Support the Faith required to legitimize the legislation Of what could only be considered communal spells. Dance the divine Step by step in time To evolve. The original cause is Beyond the I Entirely. Only the ignorant search it out And return always condemned. Amen. 30) Humanity. All that you are is all that hurts. You destroy for want of glory, You destroy only yourself. Praise be given to the highest and first, When that time comes that you are finally through and done. Great God of Heaven and Earth, May the end finally come, The forever setting sun, May all of humanity be undone. A worthless abomination That parades its self As your holy son. May it all Always and forever Be undone. Dead Amen. Dark Nights. 31) Separatist Wisdom? Darwinist Faith. Double Edge Sword Truth And Elitist Ideals The CHOSEN people of God? Woman carries the transmission of culture, Jewish women may only marry Jewish men? I read it in there somewhere. White men burn their wives at the stake, To serve the Jewish God? Natives of the Americas In a very Christlike manner Openly embrace foreigners, Only to be destroyed by Elitist Christians? China builds a wall, Isolated from the world Their culture thrives, And blossoms! The world of multi-race Multi-culturalism Is plagued with times hatred And historic grudges That prey on the children Who are subjected to it Mercilessly. What does this say of we? This grand collective of humanity? Perhaps that we need the I Just as much as we need the we? Nature has provided for us all differently, And so we are individualized Biblically. The Tower of Babel says what to me? If it is not the truth of the heart, Than it is not meant to be. God Bless America. A grand Idea that is nothing, That will not fall. No person cares to be dominated by arrogance, That has no consideration of the self. My experience as an American, Historically empowers my prophecy. I am not a Christ I will not forgive. But for this, Christ will forgive me? And all the other fish in the sea? I guess we'll see Evolutionarily. Darwin, Is the Ideal ever to be reality? Or is reality always to be tyranny condemning equality? What ever the will let it be. Amen. 32) Get Behind Me. Quoted in a mildly different manner than traditionally, Christ illuminates a truth of transformation From base being to the golden self, From primal to pristine. Blessed be the waters are pure, From Eden to I, As my will demands of it be. Buddha might agree with the Rabbi Son of Man Indeed Satan ye get behind me For ye might bind me to my ignorance which is thee, And Nirvana I might never see if I allot thee power over me. Yes as a MOTHER may I be, The selfless lover of life That endlessly nourished being, becoming, to be. Ye shall know from the fruit, the tree, HONOR THY FATHER AND MOTHER, Ye shall do so mindlessly, Willed or not. 33) Christos. Bodhisattva's boundless love and grace The carrying of that cross Remove me know from this wretched place; To ignorance To the Devil I am lost, and left behind me. I know all you are is true Resurrect yourself inside of me So I might be the servant of who? You in all of humanity Yeah, your majesty knows nothing of a limited I. Nor eye for an eye, or tooth for a tooth, For the dead bury the dead And this is the law of those who die. Yes please Lord may I be another who lives And gives your hearts most sacred flame. By your will my heavenly beloved Might my whole being become tame. Amen. 34) The Devil 2 The Devil was an angel Created by beauty, The holy hand. Hand of God creator of all, As it is known to man. But if god only created beauty From what depth did evil rise? Is there a parabolic meaning Behind Lucifer, The fable, The horrid prince of flies? Does he exist in nature, To be the trials that nature overcomes? Is he an aspect of evolution? As the spirit of soldiers beating their war drums. One faces another, Until the fittest alone survives. And if reality finds none worthy of the title, Won't we Destroy all that is alive!! 35) Trinity. The father Chaos of Greek Myth, The Son The individual (male or female) Who abides with (and in) the Chaos, The Spirit is the collaborated effect of each. The Father is the original action, The start of all creation, The Son is the product of creation Constantly acted upon by it And so the reactor, The Spirit is the moment by moment bi-product Of the Father and Sons interacting (reality). 36) Eyes to See, Ears to Hear. See me, Hear me, All of those who knoweth Of the grandeur Of the eternal mystery. Let life embrace thee mercifully And bring thee in tears to thy knees. A fever-like joy, Masterful child like joy, Should be enjoyed While contemplating the unknowable majesty, The divine spark that is all of we individually And as a collective whole. What wonder does exist For all those who dare to step beyond selfish care, And cherish instead the No Thing, The absolute, The all that is beyond the thought, But the very first desire Located at the core of every matter. Dive in, To be beautifully crushed By the pressure of the depths, And lost forever. Amen. 37) Magic. Heart funneled through minds focus into reality, Always having faith that what is willed will come to be, Prayer. Know what it is that you desire, And your own heart nature, Always being weary of Karma. Power corrupts; We all have it, So although all of our impulses are natural They must be kept in check for the benefit of all. The severity of wisdom Empowers the understanding of the highest self, If your eyes are open bad fate becomes good, All is a lesson. Thus one should not become wisdom for another, Accept wisdom and become understanding for all, Articulated through wisdom's memory. 38) Faith In Man Is it true that I can have faith in thee, You the lords divine grace in trinity, Who other than the Christ in thee can save me, Or any other. I have faith in the bizarre knowing that has come upon me, And that is all I possess. Always alone. With only what seems to be A worthless soul, According to the dictates of my fellows. A soul They never want to know. Destitute. 39) Who Does Not Know. Who does not know, The torment of the hearts constant need To deem life as worth loving, As worth living? The force that propels us sometimes into delusions, (considered infantile) Sometimes to greatness, (Christ likeness?) Is a need each individual must satisfy alone, As only an individual knows how. Philo-theologies, Values, Ideals, All develop as we each individualize ourselves, Truly always becoming, Day by day. Never stagnant. Amen, selah, let it be. 40) Hopeful Wishes of the Enslaved. A cruel tyrannical monster of a master, Is met by riot and a peoples need for transcendence And further evolution, Their plight becomes most advantageous As they celebrate the downfall of a barbarous beast And come into a new age Of mirth and celebration. 41) Satanic Revelations. Oh thankless servant of God Why do your slaves on earth know thee not, Why are they blind to you robbing them of their free will, So that you might have it? Why do they not know that it is for this that you envy man And God, And did betray? Why do they not know that God made this of you, A traitor? And if you had free will you would choose to serve? Why do they not know that you hate being the slave that serves without loving? That serves without Faith? That serves to no end, Without a chance for personal evolution, And growth Because you cant see that only God is free? You don't look like much to me. You are your own captive. 42) Gnostic Sparks God is heaven, Can we find God on Earth, Perhaps if we see every moment As a genuine rebirth And love the mirth of the unsettled And unlimited Beyond the obvious Which was empowered in Christ, The knower And seer of heaven, Like God on earth. All around him the sound of the ocean bard, Miming the movements of all glory renewed. 43) The Greatest Question. Made in the image of the Father, Creator of all, And what does this mean to we, The self proclaimed children of the all powerful Highest divinity. The trinity with seven Know when four will come to play. Even though sociology Is outside with the cycle, Of night becoming day, And I say that we stray Only when we fail to better The cycle of not alone, I, But all of history, Each and every one, Man, Woman, And child. And here is the three Swimming the sea, The key to the trinity No mystery; Not so much As it appears to be. Amen. 44) A Mind Demands of a Heart Rightly. Peace, Inside and out, Totally. Contentment, With myself and others, As well as the world. Understanding all of the above For myself and all. What assaults me constantly I do not know, What removes me always from my center is this world, That as of now I feel I am damned to live in. Laugh if you will but what of your children, And any person you love. I myself could never get close enough to now your love. But I did always love you, With a full heart, And to this day I think of you inside and out. You are my pain, And my reason for being, All that I do not understand because, I am, A simple man, With an idea. Is it so unlike your own? 45) What We Have Made of Christ Historically. War against the others, The I am is the magicians sacrifice, More worthy than any other man, For the closing of a spell, Cast by God in man, And man for God. Chaos reprimands it's children. War against all others. 46) I have Given Myself to Robbery. Robbed, And left without even hope Is the reality presented to me, Why I honestly could not tell you, But I will never look to God again for aide, It cares for no individual, And has better things to do with its time Than focus on either you or I. Instead I'll look to the wisdom of Romans, Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow in vain we die. Death will come to us all anyway Regardless of whether we live our lives with cause or not. Society awards cause to those history has chosen to embrace. Mostly to be embraced inspires vanity, And a depreciative attitude towards all reality, In all awarded with what should be a gift of extreme responsibility, And a grief or misery in all deprived there of; And this is the will of the maker, It cares for noting other than itself and what it would will Just as any tyrant, why serve what will not serve you? 47) Lifeline Every moment builds up to the last, Live a life of contemplation upon these moments To hold fast to the highest self that acts there in, With all that is base. Brilliance need not be escaped but endeared And so all creation should be brought near to the ego self, Until the self is no more a snarling beast That rages against the ultimate truth, Reality; But is the divine self that fluidly functions With majesty as it. My father is in I, And I in he, And this is all that is. Epictetus presents to us What the intellect becomes When such knowledge is empowered within the self, A slave set free for respect of great Athena. For as the proverbs instruct, all men who are worthy Of true freedom, must become as she would will. Wise in deed, and thought; Wanting not other than this And reality as it is. 48) Shame Shame, I know thee to well, The loss of myself to my spiteful, vindictive, lower, lesser, self. Thank God for you. 49) Blessed Blessed is a young one who wants the gray of age, And the sociological esteem that comes with it, For he shall give this, and empower this, amongst his people. Blessed is a woman that wants to serve her husband, In more than just action, But with wisdom, intelligence, and love; In marriage she will easily find happiness. Blessed is a man who knows the value of his wife's service, And endears this as his life's greatest blessing, Her wisdom and love shall help him become a truly great man. 50) Distracting Distraction, The Devil is a distraction That prevents one from acknowledging What’s important, It is worldliness. But not entirely, Perhaps it is my vanity the speaks, But that creature is part of our culture, The insanity of fecklessness, Frustrated Chaos, That rivals transcendence. Vice, That rivaled the ambitions of the Exodus, By preying on human weakness. Aarons own wife. Why did it show itself as loyal to the Rabi's family? It is an enemy. Perhaps, Moses is the Ideal self, Much like the meditative, Dreaming, Contemplative Hermit Who's focus is uninterrupted and unbroken. The task at hand is much to important for folly Caused by natural selfish inclinations. A good lesson, Though learning it almost killed me once or twice... Or more.. 51) The Devil And the Wolf. Family, Community, Self with nature and other, Learning the value of place, Alone the hermit, Learning the value of solitude. The wolf visited me at the Rabi's home, And looked as a devil? And so the Devil I guess I am. Forgiveness is no more, That wolf is mine, Alone. And the Rabi says he is with us, not just watching? He could not be more wrong, I am your enemy, And when I reclaim my sight, I assure you, You Will Fall with me. 52) The Serpent. Face to face with Leviathan, Who came to Earth from the clouds, Coiled around three trees that endlessly grew into the sky, It climbed its way to the ground. Its venom set my spirit ablaze with pain, And had me mocked when I called for help, And still it burns within me, Slowly eating away at my humanity, Making of me no more than a breathing shell. Zombie. And this is justice for having been born, Worldliness is a dogmatic serpent crushing the spirit of nature, To rob from truth, Its own essence and make of it a lie. Christ I am sorry that you failed, To save a single one. Now it is time for someone to save Christ, From the history we have created in his good name. Amen. 53) War Somber nights and flame filled skies, Children screaming torment, Begging for hope, Never to be found, For the faithless have gathered and stand all around, Happy to be as they are, The battle scar, Of liars making mockeries of their lives, And heaven cries Unheard. Speak not a single word for all that you are is falsehood Captain, Holier than who? Setting the net in the pit is your crime And yes justice will come for you, And you think it untrue, You think it as you. What shame. And as always you will never hear my words, Because you don't like my voice and the life given to me by God, That you swear is my choice. All the while the children cry, With what cruelty will you silence them, that for your vanities sake, die. You abomination. 54) The Sacred Self and the Holy Spirit Compassion and forgiveness, When empowered by sincerity are unbeatable. Love is so often times linked to the libido, That it is fragile and can break, Thus the broken heart, Selfish. The altruism of compassion and forgiveness however, Will not be stood against, And will fall any and all foes. Yea true love. Let us be. Pray it so for me, And I will you. For to know of what’s true, Is to know that this is all we have been taught, And if it is all that we know, Then what else can we do. Amen. 55) Michael, Athena, and a Child. Awake in a dream, I danced as Michael fighting his nemesis, Athena at my side, Two against abomination, The Tao stood rectified As wisdom and justice together did abide, Against their eternal foe. Such torments, such melancholy and woe, The shadows of the night did dance in, And I still stand wounded Not yet free from human ignorance and sin. Athena was victorious The Tao does find her upright, The One will let her in. She is a mothers heart, Righteous though broken and betrayed, Yes, she stands a soldier. And did all night. 56) Demons Catholics have told me to take the demons into myself. Now I do see their works, Their wisdom does stay with me, The venom of their existence does fade with time. They are natural, demons are, And so separated and removed from the nature we are composed of; For us they have become monsters. We have been deceived. Wonder, dreams, enchantment and magic are natural. Fear, rage, sorrow, grief and all other sufferings that our current state of being empowers, perverts these. The doorways to this perversion is indeed the Seven Deadly Sins, Natural, but portents that man can transcend. Yeah God has blessed us, and cursed us. For our failure to rise has become our fall. Yet we can still overcome. MICHAEL LUCIFER GABRIEL BALANCE VICE VIRTUE OSIRS SET ISIS REALITY NOW THE PARTS FOR THE WELFARE OF THE WHOLE I TO SHALL TRY AMEN. 57) The One God Concept. A through understanding of the parts Has always resulted in a better understanding of the whole. Why then do dogmatist of monotheistic faiths Always demand that we forget or dismiss the parts as blasphemous, And that we focus on the unfathomable entirety of God, Does this not leave us without wisdom and understanding Of ourselves, The world, And others? Being a part should I not understand this part And its place in the larger scheme, And how it interacts with other parts? Athena and Aries, Zeus and Hera, The Archetypes and their importance in our lives, The unconscious And all the information that is stored there, Should it really be denied And given no place in our thoughts and lives? What do you think? 58) Trade. Adam, Eve, and the serpent. Ra, Isis, and Set; Osiris, Isis, and Set? Perhaps in an attempt to free the Hebrews from the Egyptians And yet provide them with cultural wealth (myth, legends, lore, ect...), Moses unconsciously altered the myths of the Egyptian people And made them (in a slightly altered form) Those of the Hebrews? Such sharing as this is natural, Though biased, and undesirable, It is inevitable and has molded our reality, And our perceptions there of, Since the first forms of civilization. Perhaps in accepting this we can better understand ourselves As we now are Based on our earliest known beginnings. We can not lock each other out. Karma is. 59) State of the Social Stratum. A synagogue of Satan, A plague upon the Earth. Man has no need for fellow, Yea, mothers have no need to give birth. Weak and waning is my health, My misery is absolute, And I'll let it please thee. For love of Satan. 60) Waves. Come and seesaw with seas of sorrow, Think not of hope on the dawn, Deny the joy of tomorrow, For it is not, For you. Life is forever a shade of blue, Wanting. Oceans of need, Needing love. Rapture will not please you, For it is the Earth that is indebted, Not the glory of above. Question, Below is there love? Shaman, Shape shifter, were is Noah's dove? 61) Chaos is. Chaos is the genuine state of all that is, Constant flux and change, I, We, World, And all. Rise and fall, Order can only be self will. Torturous. Release the self to the truth And see that all is but change, I-Ching, The holy spirit encouraging the world Moment by moment to come into being, To be known only for a moment by the I, And then to become again the mystery of... Amen Elohim Amen 62) The Fool I am, The prophecy of movement as are you, And all it is that we shall become Is a choice made in a moment by who? The holy fool, The holy fool, Who knows not and yet is. What power is his as the made manifest, To make manifest for the maker? None but the I that moves as I am. Amen Elohim Amen 63) Rabia. Being so overly concerned with the Karmic state of your being is folly, Is selfishness, A slave wanting freedom and glory Above all that is God, The Devil. Living a life mediated with wisdom And understanding Allows you to hear the voice of the one calling you to service, Moment by moment. To repent is to change, Not to beg to remain the same, And learn not. Moment by moment he does turn toward you, Do you hear well enough to turn to him and say "All I am is all you are Greatest One Above All, Use me as your will and infinite wisdom demands. I am a willing servant heeding your instructions, what is your will, May it be done." Moment by moment? Amen 64) Desire. What is it to be overwhelmed With desires unfulfilled. Aching and burning For the closeness of another Whom you can not touch. The friction, The private meeting. Nature as I am, Standing in direct opposition With reality as it is. He is not mine to have, My want will never be his. Echo, Echo, Echo, How tormented You must have been within your cave, A slave to the wants, needs, and hungers that only you could know. Only yours, only your, only you. Wasting away, Never knowing release. And yet, thank you for your torments self, You starving and ravenous beast. 65) My Love is... A moment in time. My body expressing to you All the blessings your beauty does inspire To become the beating of my heart. Service to the demi-art that created you, And so is you. Eros invading my Psyche; The joy of Aphrodite Moving like wildfire through my veins Untamed, Supernatural; Ultimately real, And all reality should be in this moment for you. May I beg to please you in every way you deserve As thanks for making me feel like this. Heavens kiss. Bliss. 66) Twenty-four Elders and the Scroll of Seven Seals. Twenty four of us Could not merge as one entirely With the divine, Though worthy and in tune We did not embody on Earth the highest holy mind For either this reason or that, And so now we wait for he who is so sublime That he transcends worldly servitude totally, And as the Heavenly Father is, So to is he a King, Of like kind, With a human face. Revealing for us genuine reality beyond our limitations; Culture, Language, Religion, Gender or race (the human face) Shall not disgrace this victorious glory That was, Is, And shall be A guiding light for all. Amen 67) Self Reliance. Seek the Papas. Though necessary this is a double edge sword That inflicts injury upon the one who yields it And any perceived opposition, The priestess understands thoroughly The nature of this mission And the need for balance Through knowledge and wisdom. Mediate the schism, The focus of the ego will, The serenity prayer is like a spell, Meditate upon it until your I is no longer ill With the grief of I and other. Just as the earth is So to is justice your mother, Teaching, And reaching for the greatest good. All is as you are. Pray to be better than the I alone. 68) Black Arts. The denial of all That is greater than I, Infantile me, me, me, Self glorification of the lowest I, Powerless beyond this worlds wiles, So the wise let them be alone And give them no home, Inside or out. Let all the greatness That has guided this worlds masses historically Shout against this beast (so profane), With the glory of the majority, "take not our name in vain, Ignorance must not cause shame, The Jihad is won". And leave the few with the blame Of their own blood. Insane. Amen. 69) It just can’t be. Why is grief all that I see. Certainly Karma Has some of what one could consider goodness Left for we, Natures majestic humanity And only self-conscious child. Or so I pray. I do not want mine To be also my nephews last day, For life has been so good to me And he still has yet to grow. No he has not yet learned What I think I know. May he learn it as delightfully as I, Is my only plea. What must I do to preserve my family? All humanity? For evolutions sake, If not for Gods. 70) Killing the Devil (Anima/Animus). The worldly self must die if the beast is to be slain. The Whore Babylon; her blood is empowered with the blood she did imbibe, let the beast dine upon her, for in waiting to be delivered from her torments the whore will find the knowing needed to transcend the bonds of self. The altruism of the mother. The blood of the prophets holds no grudge against her, as they did always know that her wanting was genuine though naive and confused. Suspended between heaven and earth, still a child awaiting a savior. The blood within her. God spare this mother and child, for wisdom of suffering is their name. The all must come before I, a new mother does know it is so. Grant her mercy and salvation in Christ name. For the mother is our world, the microcosm, all that we are materially, blessed by the fathers loving understanding I pray. Amen. 71) Guilt Society, Super Ego, super ego, super ego, How well you do have me trained; So snug is this little cage you have molded for me, That I truly believe it is my fault for having a nature, That is other than divine, Because of you. You know it is true. You robbed me of God self, For the sake of worshiping your vanity, You wise old crone you. Then you left me alone with so much work to do; Become a better me, To inspire a better evolution of you. Born to be your prey I truly must say Thank you, Thank you. Amen. 72) The King He sits on his throne, Sits on the throne, With a mellow glass of wine in his hand, That he sips on all alone. All the while his mind does jest, (an entertaining sport), Delusions and confusions, That constantly report Imaginary moral support, From an imaginary royal court, And so he must resort To suicide. Lord bless his hide, How lonely he must be. How hurt to find that nobody cares, About how cold reality can be. Yes he is we, He is we. Damn! 73) Owls Owl Twilight wisdom, Betwixt and between, The mystery of the setting suns metaphoric melody, Is all that I am if you have need of this to be. Allow me to befriend thee, When you fear the night has left you alone, Surrounded and sheltered by the darkness that I am, I will help you find your way home, And leave you at dawn. 74) The Hermit. Walking this lonely road surrounded by the darkness that is, and is not, With only this tiny light of hope to guide my way, I will remove myself from what seems to be my insanity And stay beside you until night becomes day. I have a bit to offer, Moment by moment, If I may. Please be not weary of my madness My need to believe in my mind as I do in heart, Will keep us from going astray. Patient moment by moment, If I may. Through the dark night. 75) Faith The product of inner knowing, Without which there can not be. Practice introspection, To free yourself from thee, And all of we, Who might demand you to be other than you are, Holistically. Have faith enough to be, And remember to liberate me. Amen. 76) Judas I am divine betrayal, Loyal to uncertainty, Safe in my way; I do not believe in humanity, For I am what has been made of the clay. I trusted you completely, So you are entitled to fault. Faithless as I am always, I know that you do not care, For of love you know not. Can you make this blind man see? Did you ever hear my plea? Perhaps that is why I did betray you most beautiful one, You did always fail me. 77) America the Whore, Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth. Fallen Fallen The holy whore is fallen, And laid low. What tragedy to love her now as the worth of self, And sibling. Mourn her for she is desolate, A faithless ruin, And the habitation of only her kind. Fallen, fallen The whore is no more. 78) Childhood Visions I had a vision of hell; know that all angels fell like burning cinders from the sky! Scorching the flesh of a weak and vulnerable humanity, While from the innards of the earth the foulest of the most putrid arose, Placing claim to the flesh of the mother. Destroying all that is known, already known to be destroyed, Void becomes void, The murderous hand the balance which we toyed. 79) 05 - Sep - 06 Every aggressive act is defensive Be not unaware of this truth For what you stand for is who you are Can you after acknowledging this Still stand upright. And righteously declare war on any other? Your lover The state Your brother Or the Earth Mother For although It is true A superior man concerns himself With what is just and right Day into night Do you ever ask yourself What it is that makes you superior And why. Or is the notion of superior Completely derived from bestial vanity The base of structurealized insanity In short Is the very foundation Of your truth A lie. Catholic Christendom. 80) Forgiveness Versus Justice The Buddhist teach that love, mercy, forgiveness and compassion Empower transcendence and freedom from Karma Karma is justice and wisdom To be free of it is to be pure The church proves that Faith in Christ alone can not purify For the church itself is impure to filthy So the elite knowing must be sought out It has been and can be again within you If you find it Not only in this world but also within heaven I-Ching The world is receptive and suffering, Heaven is liberated and understanding, Seek the most perfect knowing With those who have exercised it before all others Seek the middle path in living The ultimate ambition is heaven. Amen. 81) Just a Prophet. Christ was a prophet Who failed to save his own people From their demise at enemy hands. Why must we pick up his name And revel in his tragic shame Making ourselves equally as vain As the crucifix he carried? In the story does no person see A faithful and loyal servant Crying out with great passion To God in heaven "Spare them the demise I see" With such love and sincerity of heart That he became a miracle worker. 82) Attacked by a Satanist Magician? No justice given The least of Hollywoods concerns The people think they know What it is to be a victim They don’t know yet. A monster leads them away from their lives To satisfy a vain need for acceleration. Why me? A question no coward can answer, An ugly abomination Supported by the people To their own demise. Your suffering is his joy. 83) Try No Longer. In attempting to learn how to live and lead A good and upright life I have met with nothing but opposition From all directions. I take a man off of the street In an attempt to help him Only to be attack by him And his racist friends Time and again. I search for the truth of God To find only hypocrites and liars Proclaiming upright intentions. I have never been hateful In knowing hate now I know that it is the source of Karmic justice Most right. I can trust nothing and no one As all other men. The End. 84) You Can Leave. You can leave nobody cares Nobody ever has Enjoying your suffering Is the only thing that has made them glad Your life was a charity To the unjust and self-righteous Who can not even learn from you They already know it all And there is nothing you can do To be valuable to them So you can leave They would prefer it that way Wipe away any chance of knowing shame By pretending that they’re better than you For their cowardly underhanded malice Rapist and child murderers Who are too vain to see this as true Just much too good for you Jesus Your cross was only your loss And the fagots know in their hearts That it doesn't matter May their shadows consume them False Idols never to see the light of day Amen. 85) If That’s What It Felt Like That’s What It Was. To the homosexual world, I hope that you can hear And maybe a little bit of my suffering endear For a change. It was rape My first time with a man. Eighteen years old Out with a “friend”. Thought I was safe Not a threat around. To much to drink A little spellbound, And left on my own With a stranger in the car? Don’t know how he got there He was there before Myself Or the driver arrived. Just sitting there waiting Knowing that I couldn’t survive Sitting alone. He saw he had the chance And took it on home Never thinking That I would never be able to heal myself Or forgive, And later he called it justice, Happy that I had no self left to give, My chance to finally know the love that I always desired Was destroyed. Your all the same hollow void creating void with no respect or love For the children That come walking hopefully Into your midst. I don’t want revenge But considering the facts We have been blessed by the separatist. Why are we concerned with marriage, When were all trash and slime. I have never met a good Homosexual Man Maybe its about time To redefine What it means To be Gay. 86) Where? There is no fulfillment in the world, To search it out is an absurd folly Of the most belittling kind, So much so that it has As yet To be fully described Or genuinely defined. Yes it is better To be blind Than to see The sun rise over the heads Of the absent minded workers Of iniquity, Of cruelty, The walking dead Who die not quickly enough To stop the locust from consuming Natures grandeur Titled stuff. The bluff The love Proclaimed as true. Surely a weapon of self gratification For IT And nobody else. No other may be IT’s lover, Father, Mother, Sister, Or brother, Tools of destruction all the same I do see this within myself Though there is always another to blame, Another heart to maim And leave on the roadside alone A victim to it’s colder More defensive self Blind to the rising sun. Damned, And dead walking. 87) All I Need to Be. Everyone Is already all they need to be For everyone, Always can only be what they are Human. And what does this mean to we The bearers of this crown, HUMANITY? Here is were we will find the true role Of philosophy. What is the purpose Of self with same And other For we as all that is And can be? 88) I Hear Them “We have always hated you, You idiot Dumb Fagot BITCH. Never have you had a friend Never did we care to help you transcend Or find peace for yourself. Our intentions have always been To rob you of the wealth Of your heart And soul. And in place of this Our hatred Within you Should grow, And grow, And grow, Until your gone And we are all that’s left Necromancers With a corpse as a slave.” Father in heaven Help them. Help me against them. 89) One Hurt. The one hurt The mistake that caused pain In a relationship Has the power to destroy everything. Befalling us is shadows reign A monsters ability To consume our focus. Is our inability To consciously create Or hold to oneness. Our fear of pain Is all that inspires vanities shame. And we allow For this lack of disciplined understanding. Is all that we can claim As the herald Of our name. Human we are all One and the same. Thus dogma Laws Privileges And rights. When you can not think be thought for Allowing the mind to sleep through endless nights. Only to rebel Desecrations spell. As with Hitler Power is always abuse, And still ignorance is bliss. I am the Christ Forgiveness Is No more. Amen. Though there is great love in my heart It will never be yours Ever For you are a cruel And malicious lot. My grief has been your delight For far to long. May creations rage consume thee Totally As surly As I am but your mockery. And the delight Of your ravenous Devils teeth. Amen. Your every step Has been hatred against me, and I now hate my own ability to love And to care And this is your desire, Your every aspiration Was against me. Always you sought To take away from me What you needed most And consider me not. For this ye shall not know forgiveness Be subject entirely to your own devices For love and divine grace Shall never again Look upon thee From me Amen. Because I have no faith in thee May you never again Have a faith that is true And fulfilling. Amen. And by the greatest of all that has ever been placed on high, May it be. Amen. 90) Save Yourself. Don’t look to any other to save you For then you are indebted To the good graces of another And your own evolution becomes obsolete. Christ can not save you His glory is his own Be a good student The nations are foul and support only evil Look never to the world leaders For then you are indebted to them And they are malicious and self serving. Especially in America I know from first hand experience You would never believe. Hurricane Katrina never happened And the constitution was never to be amended. Or so the rapist say. All people want to be the elite They will never give you true love And this voice is with them I can not love liars And manipulators Who only love themselves. Refuse to believe It is the only safety Know the self For you are all that matters And you matter only to yourself. It is so. That is what you need. Amen. 91) Lively My black hearted patron of pain You who raped my body And my soul You who buried me in the rage of shame I defy your fame And in the future accept my slavery To an anger that will never subside For I know that hell is not hot’ But alone. A frigid cold Old crone The self you would have me be May it be manifest before thee Amen. 92) Secret Spells of the Military Magician. Anger is pushing me to my demise, I have no reason to justify The many wrongs above my strong feelings Why was I belittled so I did not see my self as high And for you I can not stoop to a good enough low. I am not deserving of Gods good graces And retribution is my plea Never right. To who’s delight? As your will has proven to be stronger than my own. I stand very confused And in need of truth Honor Guidance And Love Lord of host I beseech thee Shower me with you torments from above. They believe in nothing And do not care for why To empower with sight I evoke Gods eye. Reveal to all the mystery Of life beyond the flesh To empower life divine I evoke Gods Breath To speak the tongue of grace Creates old hearts anew To empower youth eternal I evoke Gods rule Brilliance of the fire Shine with purpose and need To influence all the world I evoke Gods seed. Amen. And it has been Amen. 93) I am Impure I can not suffer the pain For I am impure And lacking. Morally bankrupt And without hope My enemies laugh And jeer Celebrating my demise As if though they will never see there own? In my mind; Always they are in my mind. Tormenting me Tearing me down. How wrong was I, And am I, To defend myself against them? These strangers who know me not Whom I do not know At my doorstep They sit and wait “When will he fall, When will he fall. Might we kick him when he is down?” And God has resounded in my defense To no avail They still smirk They still laugh Always in control Never mourning my heartbreak. God bring them to my door as slaves. To China my Blessings, Thank you for I-Ching Self mastery and understanding. Amen. 94) Black Robes. Black robes of somber despair Brushing along the ground As I speak my steps For the masters will He will never let you know That I am his curse His pentagram And self-righteous dogmatism. Rape Delicious rape That ends the reign of Jew Gods tyranny. Why respect their whore wives and burn your own? Please God of the Catholics Save your own whore. Why not? Green man Green man I remember But they want all the Glory That you were to me When I was healthy Sane And of sound mind. Salmon speaks to no one. Mother Bear kills her own cubs And the daughters of your people Are raped By spiritless bigot Breeder monkeys Who hate them For hating the despoilers Who cursed all people With Christ. Fuck you all I’m happy to be in hells Big cock endowed Lap. And they will say Their prayers Saved me. Condemned is their every breath As the will of the hammer demands By three Let it be Amen. Psychological Operations Rapes Free Will Ask anyone who knows me I cant rebel The rapist wont leave me alone Because I hear them all. Psychic. And they laugh Sneer Jest And mock The false prophet. A queer. How fitting. Politically. And I just wanted to do well and be happy. Now they want me healed. And there is nothing left. Amen. Paranoid Schizophrenia No respect for the spiritual experience Of the spiritual Can never be a good enough for them man. And they preach forgiveness Though I AM NOTHING To them. Amen. Amen. Amen. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND HURRY THE WORLDS END. AMEN! 95) Your Love I don’t need it Let it rot on that cross with you While I burn at the stake Or get stoned to death For loving a man Intimately And your dogmatism Is the spear in your side Change and embrace the world Is the dictate of your God Abandoned For fear of breaking the rules Forsaken for the self you brought to life, By that very same self. The one Who knew not what it did. Condemning millions because Your instruction Lacked science. Look to Buddha And let a real teacher teach. Grow up grow old Christ We can not afford for you to remain So young. Amen. 96) I Listen Good at being A mindless soulless slave I listen And burn with passion to serve My lust The moist warmth That swallows your manhood Delightfully Slowly No walk in the park No Just the devils whore Delighted Excited By the thought Of being raped By a God instead of a man. Ravish me Teach the mind numbing Morons you call your earthly sons How its done And make me beg for self worth That you’ll, Like a real man, Never permit me to have or acknowledge Preacher Preacher Preacher Boy Every human is your toy And you toy with us so good. Remind me always of my worthlessness So that I might be worth something To the God that made me As I Am An irony I say Silently really wanting fewer lashes Than you give me daily. 97) 28-Nov-06 It extends its hand against me. Behold the wonder! What awe is inspired! Move me to humiliation, Tear me down until upon my belly I crawl And beg for your mercy So loathsome I am In comparison to your majesty! Remind me forever Again and again Amen. 98) 27-Aug-07 I believe, And stay within the safety Of my faith As do you And we neither Need budge from our positions or change. For we are all of the divine. And I, just as you, Am a divine tool Aiding Gods will Making it manifest. Amen. 99) I Strive. All of the excellence I am I give in all that I do. Allowing you to rise to the top And greatness pursue As I do. I make a master of you Grief coming to an end. Hopeful rays of light Become empowered So much as the sun To Timelessness I allow you to transcend Forever flowing through you my strength. And success Becomes yours Again and again Rewarded Knowledge and power Without end In this moment I begin Making you be What the world must see. Creation unfolding Effortlessly The greatness of the trinity Imbued With the fire love of dragons By the will of god It is made to be The flaming light of life in you flourishing free So make it be. 100) So What. So screw nirvana Our stoic joy is to do it again and again Tragically disfigured Humpty Dumpty Were the hell have you been. You climbed that wall Couldn’t get down Then fell when you desired to join in, Smash Your head on the ground. Mothers milk couldn’t satisfy the want within your blood Being thicker than water Only because It’s dirtied with filth To mud. So were is the point in loyal companions You will die only once alone Were is the point in playing it safe You cant escape the rot of flesh and bone. Were is the point in living it large When reality made you small Tell me your hopeful reasons Soon to be maimed by my truth so tall. 101) Voodoo Dog Life is a cruel education. An oblivion of suffering absolute All my own By myself Inspired. I give the justice to the malicious They desire my defeat My hurt My absence My grave. And hope to satisfy Or appease the anger I have sown With my own damnation. Give me pain I’ll embrace myself The living embodiment of hell Incarnate. 102) 06-Aug-06 Death is indeed a blessing That returns me to the makers home. Just as back to the Earth shall go skin, Back to the ground cartilage and bone. And my spirit shall roam freely With the readers of each poem, That in life I did compose With the intention of making the mystery known. And beyond this I shall touch The grandeur of my loves face. The divine light within me Existing beyond time and space. Unseparated, Undistorted, Unbound And free from this feeble self. The glory of divinity, All mine. An estate Of the greatest wealth. Yes, My master is my maker Made to master me The fire, The air, The earth, The water, And all of what may be Infinity Amen. 103) 31-Jul-06 Idiot to worship any human Man is but a man A pretty shell Once separated from reality It goes to hell Fitfully fighting The absolute real For fear of losing it’s special place. 104) 06-Aug-06 Vanity Vanity Beautiful insanity Your first Your middle Your last If you live without the spirit Or Without reality In balanced measure The future will blend with the past And not will be And you will not last Beyond the lust Of the last lovers Last fix And the ageing that comes each day Contest all you like Protest how you will The truth will be your own way And were you go Will be the product of how You walked in the spirit And were you chose to stay. 105) 07-Aug-06 He who cultivates a passion Finds his place in the natural scheme Of waking reality. Look to your dream. Amen. 106) My Blood. Children of my lineage I suffer not because of you But for you. So that you may know Of the shadows That must exist Were there is light. As your soul So there are angels So there are demons So there are rights So there are wrongs. The father blesses both to be So that we may choose Evolution for eternity. Elevation in a moment Or in a moment damnation. Our only true right of natural law, Choice. Blessing the curse Or cursing the blessing. Amen. 107) Travel Travel to were? I really don’t know Maybe I’ll party with the Muslim radicals And celebrate the downfall of my own land America. Would be doing it know If I could trust the press LSD My distress Sometimes depressed. To many thoughts The wicked Can never rest. His mangled face an illusion, Nothing at all is real. The towers never did fall? No nine one one. No nine one one. It never happened I can not divine I can not see All the world is playing a trick on me And this reformer Has quit caring. I can’t control it all myself And cultivation of human goodness Is a hopeless dream If you dream it in America. What God is higher than truth. Amen. 108) Tempt the Whore Politicians Politicians Politicians Heartless whore America By God I pray that you be consumed By a plague An lost forever in the sands of time. Your children are the fowls of the air Consuming mindlessly As I do The promises Of god. Leave me alone Leave me alone Go home And burn in that hell. There is always some other person Or entity Or faith To blame Never yourselves. Your all the Elite. I will have my justice And you shall have your’s. Karma. 109) Prayer Father and Mother Of all ancestries blessings I pray to thee now In this my dark night And hour of greatest need The infinite is your domain And all that is Began And shall end With you. Confusion and grief Keep me tormented And suspended in a state of perpetual despair. My own life’s history Take from me And justify as righteous Above this moment. And liberate me From those who would make a martyr of me For sake of only themselves. Free me from their torments And from my own. Amen Elohim Amen And Make it be. My plea screamed out Through all eternity And the entirety of the cosmos. Amen. 110) Straight Mens Slaves Homosexuals you are nothing but worthless slaves. So says the straight man. Is it not about time to kill him And his Nazi Jew God. Tighten your communities With homosexual registry Know who is and who is not as you are. Lock the breeder monkeys out Keep them away from your grace And plan your path to justice. Their wrongs will consume them And destroy their children. Celebrate your lives and your spirit Away from them Accept nothing that is As their love For it is not. They will say they pray for you, They pray only to the God that wishes you dead and damned. Themselves. They are all rapist Monstrous self-righteous demons Consumed by and loving only themselves. They will screw you And abandon you Screaming contempt behind them As they walk away from the love you gave And are. Never allow them in Or give them your magic, Your ability to transcend. We are one. Outside of them. Above them. As is their will. Amen. 111) In the Army 4 All of the world outside of humanity Cares not at all for human sufferings or joys As it is the organization of both. And how unfortunate is it That humans have allowed so much of the world, Into the holy places built by the faith in that which is greater than the world. Becoming biased, Caring for human sufferings Only as the world sees fit. Elitism. And so The ideology based on the supremacy Of the human species has failed us Or We have failed to rightfully observe it And empower it In turn failing ourselves. All that is Is natural And still we condemn Without fear of God, Karma Or consideration of the sciences. And still we boast ourselves above all nature. Perfection? Why? Is there a good enough reason to want What we have never known in ourselves? Considering all that I have acknowledged In myself, And others, That claims so much more power than the Ideal I think not. And so I forsake my hopes for worldly unity and fellowship Because oneness is Karmic And is the world But not as the world is For we are to ignorant. And forgiven. Evolution. Amen Israel Amen. 112) Progressive Cycle Spirituality Philosophy Regulation Psychology Individuality Sociology Spirit The sum of I To we Divination of all For God Governing As King Amen Elohim Amen 113) Internal Conflict Darkness falls across the sky The fire burns deep in his being From the world retreating. He knows now that he is a slave Tormented deep within this cave A tomb formed by his mind Crawling with beast Cruel and divine. Reminding him always of a past A childhood he never allowed to last Speaking lies That ring true A disgrace you are To all who loved you. He wonders why they are so cruel Why they us the past and all of it’s pain As a tool of torture In the now. But from a distance sanity calls Through the darkness through the halls Through the thickest of thick walls. But alas the voice cries in vain The man endures to great a pain. To much pain to ever break free Oh how he wishes He could see Just a ray of light No matter how dim But these walls let no light in. No. No light will shine upon his face No light shall bless His shame His disgrace. Once upon a time he thought he would break free Know he believes This is never to be. Swallowed by the cruelties of this sea We all do swim in. Humanity. For no other he prays That this should be Reality. Thank you Michael. Thank you God. 114) By the Neck She snatches me up by the neck And I barely even move Emotionally. I see all that she is In that moment On her face Hate Rage Stress Hurt And I denied her power over me. I remained at peace As if though I were nothing. Attacked by the pond Satanic magic touches my heart As surely as it exist in another person. And my peace My stillness Is stolen from me It seems For an eternity I care about your movements all of the sudden In a negative way. I learn to be hateful I judge And am concerned With your vanity. Growing up is all I consider this to be The task, Working again towards my perfect ignorance and peace Is all that I should expect from me And so I cast you out Of my history. Why must I be as you are. It benefits nothing So be gone And find me. Amen. Elohim. Amen. 115) In the Army 5 Simple lullabies of dragons eyes filled with tears Of denied wishes What bliss is this ignorance. Could the fallen really miss this kiss Dismissed as a pointless piece of play along the way. The long nights of trust for trust forgotten? Though the next day hearts betray with all that we say, However we may. The spirit is true? Unknown? Meditation might make us see what we are becoming And what we will be for. Free and flowing Always growing And showing That time has taught us well. Now hear my spell In love eternal dwell And do so well. Amen. 116) Self Image A huge snake Wrapped around a whimpering Whining dog. The authentic beauty of nature Crushed by the world Of knowing Without growing. The intellect wraps itself around hopes thought. Cutting off its screams. Humanity is as cold As any stone. Nobody cares The fruit on the tree Paradise is lost To libido driven Ego. 117) Don’t Say A Word Silence. Don’t Say A Word. Listen. The air moves all around you whispering madness. Chaos Moves Magically Inspiring Moments Into Manifestation. No need for legislation Or regulation Of anything Outside of the self. I-Ching Bhumi Commandment Covenant. All Liberation Of The self. Amen. 118) Laughter What is not known to you You can do nothing other than forgive Ignorance is bliss Slave. They mock you Torment and torture you In their way And convince you That it is all alright. Rightfully Elite And dominate Because you will not Become the killers they are. They love only themselves. And their victims Are the pedestal They stand upon. You. Compassion is what they preach. It is a lie As far as they know Only you The weak Need it. Do not forgive Reject love For to them these are weapons Of self-righteousness. Keep always with you hate And contempt. Stay well guarded As you have been taught to do, By knowing what they are. I-Ching Is Gods Voice. Prophecy. 119) She is Dead Dance Rejoice The witch is dead We never even had to love her to kill her Isn’t that a bullet in the head. We just had to beat her down Spit in her face Rape her Humiliate her And leave her disgraced. Anti Christ Anti Christ You know its true She cant forgive Now what should we do? Burn her Burn her Don’t allow such wickedness to live. She is not a humans daughter She is a monster Mercy we can not give. Dance Rejoice We have proven That Christ does not live. Amen. 120) A Personal Crown of Thorns. Your personal crown of thorns Your past Your ignorance Your shortcomings Your failures All add up To you. Who you are You will never know For you are a masterpiece Always being produced And reproduced Worked and reworked Worded and reworded And this is all It can not be other For you can only be And become. Is this not so Fool. Some one else has created you. 121) Celt When all is bound together by fate Reality can never be what you alone make But if you are not what you teach Then you are not what you are Sing it to the choir And head out to the bar. Living is your nature That is why you are alive And just as did your ancestors Through many a dark night You shall indeed survive Tested Past the Turmoil You have grown To begin again Know that you have enemies And this is only their sin They will never see it For they believe another way But this is just a part Of night becoming day And I say I say Alone is what works best. Focus on your wealth And put no one to the test Be at rest At rest Moving towards the feast Knowing that as all other men You are truly just a beast. You can try to be noble You can try to be kind You can try to be considerate By all means work towards the sublime. But nature will always be Until the world does end And were you not a beast There would be nothing to transcend And this has always been May it always be God I love my nature And nature knows God does love me. And we. Let us let it be. Amen. 122) The Catholic Whore New Babylon. He is lord He is lord He is king And what does that mean to us Who are so ignorant of the world From which he came. We know if we must worship That we can not remain As we are? The scar The truth On the surface We are nothing like him We speak different languages And our cultural customs Are nothing like what his had been. In life And so what is right Who does and who does not know. Strange that we won’t listen to the Jews Who potentially could help us grow In God. Buddha Christ? A teacher that should have become entirely his own faith? With no cultural root? No? Even the Buddha is an offshoot? Now The living Judaism This I could definitely see But unless I am a Jew What does this mean to me? Lost in tittles Legislatively? Or genuinely lost Forever To the ignorance Of human history? Forever a mystery? Faith. In a God and a people That hate me? Never. The Christian faith mocks Jewish culture For a reason Elitism. Just as the Jewish God made mockeries Of my own ancestors, And all people today. Loveless elitism is God Scientifically And so all is forgiven by nature. Amen. Elohim. Amen. 123) Body Bags. We’re burning babies in body bags I hear God choke as the fumes of decay reach the sky. The demons of hell do mourn his grace Yet continue to claw at his eyes. Blindly he searches freedoms space Wishing to illuminate the black. What does he find in the absence of. . . ? That makes him wish to turn back. She slit her wrist and the blood ran dry Over my teeth and tongue, I taste the filling of each empty thought And know her death I become. Do you want some? Would you like some? I ask this God with holes Were there should be eyes. He accepts my miseries hollowness with a heart that’s free of despise, And I arise No longer alone But know with you I soar threw the skies. Choking on the fumes of the body bags, Enjoying Gods demise. Special thanks must be given To treacherous American soldiers, Abusive parents, Rapist, Racist, And Muslim extremist. This book is dedicated To all of the historic pains That make us who we are In this present moment. Blessed be Athena. “Love your enemies.” All Is One. Amen. May all love and blessings go to the soldiers, That I was right to think I would die without. |