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by Tiff
Rated: · Poetry · Death · #1342303
Just a letter to my dad...
A message in a bottle, I’ll send it all the way
Release it to the ocean as God did you that day
I’ll write this letter in remembrance of a man that I will always love
I’ll let the world know that my father lives on land in the sea and above

He’s not man of many words although he could mingle with the best
I cherish the moments we had, I miss being held to his chest
But I’ve already made arrangements for the letter to arrive in the next few days
He’ll be expecting my words, and love no less without delay

And when he gets the letter in that big and vast open sea
His tears will flow and taste of salt water for it will simply read:

Hey Daddy, how ya been?
I know you love the sea
Is it as beautiful as they say at night
I wish sometimes I could be there to see

Did you make friends with the fish
Do a waltz with the sharks
Do you laugh in the face of danger
Like you always did while on earth

Watching over the other fishermen
Do you let the know that you’re there?
Whispering that you’re God’s messenger
And letting them know that he still cares

You were right to go out the way you did
God knew your very desire
He knew you loved to fish
He knew you only breathed water

Sometimes I find myself bitter
With a foul taste in my mouth
It reminds me of sea salt
As if I were there when your boat went down

I know you didn’t suffer I can feel it in my soul
A calmness always sweeps over me when I feel like I’m about to be over thrown
Others make excuses but I know deep down it’s you
Living on inside of me, guiding me to the truth

The truth is quite amazing, Daddy, you’ll never guess
The didn’t give up for days, they still gave us hope like all the rest
Men, Dogs and Swimmers , volunteers too
I’m so grateful to them dad for how long they searched for you

Your memorial went well, everyone said you really were a great guy
You should see how many women were there
Although none of your type

I thought that bring a smile to you face, as you can see I haven’t lost my whip
I just lost a body and gained a another fatherly spirit
To walk daily with

I miss you true blue eyes
That always soaked up my pain
I want my father back
Alive, from the sea and the rain

I miss you more than chocolate
Which you know I love to eat
I’d like to hold you close
Like my old, worn out teddy

I’m baby at heart, and your baby by right
I’m you last born daughter
I posses a daughterly right

I hurt like no other
I feel pain deep inside
To think I have two fathers
One in heaven and the other is the tide

And although this pain is blinding
I feel a sense of peace
Knowing I can go to the ocean, and visit you at my feet

I sometimes find myself looking at you picture
Holding it to my chest
I find myself looking at me
Knowing I am a replica of you at best

I don’t know what to say
Not quite sure what I feel
I think I’m afraid of the future, of admitting this is all too real
You left with out a word, but you face is etched in my mind
I didn’t even get to say I love you, to show you were worth the time

I see you in my dreams, but my words always fail
All I do is reach out to you, to feel that one last swell
Your face is masked from me, but I can see your eyes
And in them I see a happiness that wasn’t there when you were alive

You move throughout the sea now, although your body remains confined
Watching over this family, I also promise to watch what is mine
I feel you all around me, I feel your constant stare
You make your presence known even before I sense you’re there

The cannon in my mind is ready to let loose
And the anchor on my heart is ready to join up with you
I hate I didn’t show you what my life was really about
I refuse to live like that any longer, I’ll show this world out

Sometimes I find myself worrying who will walk me down the isle
Or who will give me away, and share our secret smile
We bonded in a way, that I still don’t understand
But I was proud to say you are my dad, and to always hold your hand

I hope you bless my marriage and anything I do
I want to make you proud of me, like many daughters do
I’m going to make it in this world
Everyone will know of me
And they’ll know I made my dad proud and it’ll last an eternity

The blood I carry is yours in and on my hands
The knowledge I posses is growing, and sculpting me within
My spirit won’t be stifled, I’m coming right along
Your missing my moments daddy
This all seems too wrong

I need you here with me
I’ve needed you all along
I’ll never know the pain you’ve felt
When life was going on
But know that mom is taking care of us
Just like you knew she would
And although she’s being strong for us
It’s breaking her heart too

But she is being strong for us, like I’d never though I’d see
But she needs a shoulder too, for she cried just like me

I haven’t cried in a week now
I guess I’m just burnt out
I weep for you in my dreams though
When you cant hear any sound

No longer do I let these questions of why control my mind
Who was right, who was wrong will be answered in all do time
For now I’ll take what I have which is the sweet scented eastern wind
I’ll move around in the ocean, you can even help me swim

But I gotta get going now but promise I
We’ll talk again soon
In a dream or maybe at the beach
Or even a blue lagoon
And of course I’ll keep you updated on everything in my life
Even though you’ll know most before me, you always were nosy even in life

Make me proud even in your death
Take care of those fishermen,
I hope you keep them company when they’re cold and wet
And always lend a hand

Blow me kisses from the sea, and I’ll always know its you
Remember God has a divine plan and he isn’t yet through

I’ll keep you in my prayers
And ask the lord to keep you warm
Your blanket of protection will hold out
Against this weathering and brewing storm

And when I look up to the sunset, make sure you watch for my wink
And that’ll be our secret signal that I snuck me some more candy

Oh and Please don’t forget when you get to heaven
And gaze into our makers face
Tell him it’s okay that he took you away
For you’re finally in a better place

© Copyright 2007 Tiff (apple-coco at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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