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by Hope
Rated: ASR · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1341883
A story inspired by my rp site, Los Oceana
A mist fell over the Los Tierras Mountains on a cold autumn day as a beautiful white unicorn emerged from the forest to graze. In the distance a torch light filled the early morning dawn sky with a glimmer of gold. A crow cooed overhead and the unicorn raised its white head gracefully to pinpoint the cause of the noise. The sky was a glittery grey and the unicorn stared at the bird and gracefully bowed its head to continue to graze.

A lot of the lights on the lower floors of the castle were glowing now as the sky turned to a scarlet red and gold. Dawn was breaking and there was a beautiful day ahead. The Jasmines looked blood red in comparison to their normal white edging to pink colour. It was unusual for any flowers to grow in the los Tierras Mountains with the sheer cold temperatures but the magic maintained them. There weren’t just Jasmines here; there were lilies, the brightest gold, lilacs a deep lilac and roses of the purest white. The snow-white unicorn raised its head again and turned and galloped toward the rushing river. It bowed its head and drank from the gushing water. Behind it the castle gleamed in the liquid golden morning light.

Behind the stone walls, servants were preparing breakfast. The roaring fires kept out the cold from the day outside. The many ornate rooms gleamed different colours. The ruby room, the sapphire room, all dowsed in gems of its name. The amber room leafed with the precious mineral. The silver room, decorated in nothing but silver or soft shades of grey. Each room had its duty and every duty had its time of day. An organized place governed by an organized family.

Theodore Lexon was a magnificent sorcerer, respected throughout the whole magical community of Los Oceana. He was married to Esmeralda and they had 4 daughters, Lily, Lilac, Rose and Jasmine. Lily was fair and beautiful, Lilac gifted with the use of the elements, Rose quick with her wand and Jasmine a terrific book reader. All four girls were treasured by their family. Theodore ran the magical school which was a few miles away from the palace of magic which was their home. All 4 girls had finished their schooling and Lily and Lilac were courting men while Rose wanted to see if she could become a teacher while Jasmine was enjoying her new found freedom to read as many books as she desired.

Theodore was under a lot of stress however due to the humans of Los Oceana having turned vicious on the magical community. His grandfather, Frederick the Foolish, so called because of his acts which put Los Oceana in great jeopardy decided it would be a good idea to bring the humans closer to the magical world and allow them to enter it and co-exist with magical folk. Everything remained harmonious for 25 years but in the last few months, humans started killing magical people and causing trouble by abusing them and the last few weeks, hundreds of people were thrown in the prison out in the ocean near Tamorik. They were sent their and were told they’d never come back. Theodore was distraught that some of his friends had been thrown in prison for their abilities and skill and felt so betrayed that people they’d allowed into their world had turned on them. He was fighting back now. He had held off for so long because he hoped that the humans would retreat and apologize but now with the murder count at 258, he knew something had to be done. His wife was very supportive but he did try and shelter his daughters from it. They knew something was happening but they weren’t aware of the seriousness of it.

As the sun rose outside Lily’s window she stirred in her bed. Opening her brown eyes, she noticed that the sun was bright and the sky a pearlescent blue this morning.

“What a day,” She sighed to herself, dropping her legs over the side of her bed while stretching. Lily had nothing planned that day.

Lilac was restless but still didn’t move when she heard the birds singing outside her window. She had a feeling about something but she didn’t know what. She squinted and saw the sky was blue and guessed it was around 7 A.M. Lilac was very in tune with her emotions.

Rose awoke and bounced out of bed, she was energetic and excited about the lovely sunshine outside. She pulled back the curtains and glanced down at the beautiful rose beneath her window. Each girl had the flower of their name planted beneath their tower window. Rose saw someone walking in the grounds and didn’t know who they were. She turned and walked into her sister Jasmine’s room.

“Jasmine, Jasmine!” She called. “Wake up! Come on, it’s beautiful outside! Wake up!” She shook her youngest sister who apparently was in a deep dream.

“What Rose?” She asked irritably.

“Wake up, its morning and beautiful outside!” Rose pulled back her curtains.

“Aahh, Rose, close them,” Jasmine shielded her eyes. Rose was the morning person, while Jasmine was the night owl. Lily was the outgoing one and Lilac was quiet. Not one girl was the same, all different in their own way.

At breakfast that morning, each girl chatted to each other and Theodore watched. He knew something was going to happen that day but what, he was unsure of. That was where Lilac got her intuition from, her father. He watched his daughters, he knew with a jolt that there was a high possibility that one of them wouldn’t survive to the end of the year.

“I’m going checking on the unicorns,” Lily stood and left the table.

“I have a book to read, “Jasmine announced.

“I need to write down my dreams,” Lilac lied; she needed to analyse her premonitions. And Rose was left at the table with her father.
“Where’s mother?” Rose asked Theodore. He shrugged, not sure if his wife was still sleeping. “I’ll check the gardens,” She stood and walked out to the river where her mother often walked. Her mother wasn’t there.
But her scarf was and her corsage of a lily, Lilac, rose and a Jasmine, it was stained in blood.

“Father!” Rose now realized the person she saw walking must be an intruder. “Humans are in the castle. Look!” She thrust the corsage and scarf into her father’s hands. He looked white as the unicorns Lily so tenderly cared for. They both ran outside and he raised the alarm.

“Look for my wife! Look for her!” He yelled to all the servants and magical creatures that occupied the castle and grounds. “Rose, where’s your wand?”
“Right here,” She brandished her rosewood, unicorn hair wand at him and they both ran looking for her mother.

“Father?” Lily screamed. She came running followed by 6 men. Rose started to fire spells at the men. But they kept jumping them. Soon there were hundreds, maybe even thousands of them.  Rose ran for the castle to alert her other sisters.

“Jasmine, Lilac, quick we’re under attack!” She yelled, dashing through the long corridors. Soon rooms were filled with men, trying to steal the jewels and riches. Rose knew a lot of the secret passages because she was also the mischievous one so she dashed through them, sending curses at anyone non magical. She was in a blaze; she had no idea where any of the others were.

Jasmine was glancing through her book, searching for help. Lilac was running up to the high point on the castle’s roof to gain the impact of the situation.

Lily was herding the unicorns into the forest whilst being pursued by the human men, brandishing arrows at her. One hit her square in the back. She saw her mother bounding toward her, looking unhurt and surrounded by white mist. She was dead! And now so was Lily.

Jasmine found her father.
“I couldn’t find anything father,” She cried in dismay. “Where’s your wand Jasmine?” Theodore scolded his youngest. She stared open eyed at him and clapped her hand to her mouth, she had forgotten it! How could she forget her wand? She was so rapped up in her books and what they could to help her; she forgot the one tool that could help her: her wand!

Lilac was sitting on the roof, waiting. Somewhat of a dreamer she was depending on some kind of premonition to assist her next action.
“Got ya!” a voice yelled from behind her, before she could catch herself, the owner of the voice had seized her and tossed lilac so hard into the rushing river below.

In the meantime, Theodore was attempting to battle the men around him. Some falling but his powers were weakening with every spell. He was getting tired. Where were his daughters and wife and where were his servants? The castle was under attack and he was alone. He was completely alone with no one to turn too for support.

Jasmine was trying to find her sisters Rose and Lilac. She ran every where and almost fell over 3 men counting out gold they had stolen.
“You evil, trespassing fools!” She screamed.
“Get her!” one man said to the other and they grabbed her around the neck.
“Afreezamotin!” A voice yelled and the men froze. Jasmine turned to see her sister Rose standing there.
“Quickly!” Rose pulled her sister’s arm and they ran to Jasmine’s room.

“We have to do something,” Rose said with urgency in her voice.
“I’ve looked at all the books I can think of but nothing says how to deal with large crowds”. Rose felt a sense of frustration with her sister. She was reading books while they were under attack?
“We have to find Lily and Lilac,” Rose stood as the door burst open.
“How did they get in here? Only family can come in uninvited,” Jasmine screamed at the men.
“The castle’s unprotected,” Rose shook hard. “This shouldn’t be happening. Why is this happening?” The men were pulling their bows and loading them with arrows.
“Jasmine quick,” Jasmine was looking through a book. “Jasmine, there’s no time, come on!” Rose was halfway into the secret passage before six more men entered Jasmine’s room.
“Jasmine!” she screamed covering the sound of the arrow going through Jasmine’s heart. She had to keep going; the passage way was closing, protecting her. She ended up in Lilac’s room. It was just as she left it. The sound outside was horrific! Yelling, screaming from both the h people and the creatures. Arrows were flying everywhere. She felt someone enter the room.
“Rose, you need to hide,” Her mother. She turned and stared.
“You need to help father!” Rose cried hard, frustrated with the family and their lack of want to help defend their home.
“It’s too late,” Lilac entered.
“Not until’’’” rose stared. “Wait…” she trailed off. Lily and Jasmine entered.
“Rose,” Her mother knelt. “It is up to you now”. Rose stared. “Your father will explain it all!”

Theodore entered the room and smiled at his daughter.
“We tried Rose, now it’s up to you,” He stepped forward and placed his hands on her head. “Rose, I now give you all the power I am able to give and proclaim you Enchantress of Los Oceana. From now until the end of time, an enchantress will be chosen at the appropriate time for when the previous cannot continue to protect Los Oceana. Whenever that time occurs, a room, which it will be your job to discover inside this castle, will open and we shall discuss the next enchantress to be appointed. We are not gone my love, just hidden from your observation. You can protect Los Oceana; you have already proved so much!” He kissed her forehead and a warm feeling erupted inside her.

She started to spin and lost sight of her family. She awoke in a room she had never seen before. A soft, calming collection of colours surrounded her, emitting a gentle, glowing light. She rubbed her eyes, thinking she was seeing things but this room was covered in opals. Why hadn’t she been in this room before? Soft pinks, purples, greens, blues, yellows covered the walls. She stood up and the words her father had spoken echoed in her head:
‘“A room, which it will be your job to discover”’. This was it! She’d discovered it. She stood up and her father and several other men entered.

“Welcome, Rose, Enchantress of Los Oceana!” the men saluted her and a door opened and she was escorted out of the room.
“You have more power than a normal witch now Rose,” Her father informed her. “You have been chosen. The mere presence of you has driven the humans away from this castle and as long as you remain here, the castle is protected at time of war and discord.” Rose understood.

“An enchantress is our only hope!”

(3 hours later)

Rose was walking quietly in the grounds which were now deserted. Her power had apparently given the distraught castle a new protection. She turned the corner
Near lily's tower and gasped in horror, seeing the normally beautiful golden lilies now a deep shade of red. It must be blood' she thought sadly. She quickened
Her pace toward Lilac's pretty purple flowers and she burst into tears as they too were drenched in sticky, red blood. Rose ran toward Jasmine's and prayed
That the pretty white, tinged with pink flowers were still as beautiful as ever but she was heartbroken to see them a deep, bloody red too. Tears spilled
Down her cheeks as she approached her own rose garden. As she turned the corner she closed her eyes, took a deep breath and prepared herself for the red
She would see. She opened her eyes and was shocked as she saw the pure white elegant roses. They had survived the battle, just as she had.

“White Rose Castle," She breathed. "A new name, a new life and a new hope!"</
© Copyright 2007 Hope (mariejane at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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