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Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1341273
Troy finds a friend and a home
Palace of the White Angel

    “Put your hands in the air and no funny business!” The stony voice yelled. Turning the blue eyes of a lost man looked into those of another. Dark brown eyes piercing his soul, a frown carved into his features. Even though he could only remember his life of ten minutes ago he had never been so scared. The cold blade resting on his collar bone. The man was old African white wispy curls covered his head. His body was wrinkled and old but in his eyes strength beyond anyone’s imagination burned. When the old man saw the boy he let out a gasp and dropped his sword. It cut the neck of the lost man. A small bead of blood trickled down his neck ad he gritted his teeth. A shock past through his arm and with a jolt his elbow hit the keys of the piano creating a huge clash of low notes. “I’m so sorry!” The old man exclaimed “Are you alright?”
    “I’ll be fine.” He replied in a confused voice.
    “Who are you?” the old man asked.
    “I..I I don’t know. I woke up in the woods minutes ago. It’s so strange I know so much I know everything but I don’t know anything about myself it’s as if all my memories are just gone!” He said exasperatedly staring at his feet.
    “Just as I expected!” the old man cried happily. Confusion washed over the man’s face and he wiped the blood of his neck. “Oh just to make sure you are who I think you are I need you to remove your mask” The old man commanded. Opening his mouth to reply the man swallowed his words and untied his mask tentatively. Revealing the gruesome scar. The old man nodded to himself grimly
    “So who am I?” The man asked sounding excited for the first time.
    “I don’t know who you are I know what you are. For the matter of a name for the moment I can call you nick. You are a spirit!” The old man cheered triumphantly. A wave of confusion came over “nick”.   
    “This is a strange place for a man of your age to be living umm….. What is your name?” he asked.
    “Well my name is Gabriel but you can call me Gabe or Gabby,” Gabby said falling into a faded armchair. Dust exploded from the aged material and it glittered like specs of gold through a blade of light through the window. “This house,” he paused his blue eyes sparkling with a little gold twinkle lost in his memories. “I built with my own two hands. Every part of this house I made. I carved the wood I made everything from the forest. Hiding it from watching eyes. My life has been filled with darkness and strife. Slowly drowning in the darkness I created my only joy was to write, read and hear stories and that is how I know so much about you…..” Gabe trailed of reminiscing in his own mind lost in his own thoughts staring dreamily into nothingness.
    “So……” Nick began. As if something had clicked his gaze went into focus and he stared at Nick intently. “As I am a spirit now what? I don’t know anyone I have nowhere to go. What should I do?” Gabriel sat their pondering for a minute. Then looked straight at the man standing in front of him. Long matted blonde hair fell to his shoulders. The white robes he wore were ripped and torn dripping with blood. The man returned his mask to his face. Sapphire eyes stared through the slits.
    “You’re a spirit, a warrior I have waited decades for. You may be the only chance we have to defeat black academy. You must stay with me and complete your training.” Gabe said in a solemn tone. Nick nodded. A grin stretched across Gabby’s face.
    “Follow me” Gabriel grinned while gesturing to the door.
      Their footsteps echoed as they walked down the marble corridor. Doors of all shapes, sizes and colours flashed past them. Some of the tiles were faded, cracked or missing. Nick noticed that angels adorned the walls, ceiling and floor.
    “Why have you decorated everything with angels?” Nick asked staring in awe.
    “Well I think I was inspired by them something inside me. The song of angels in my ears.” Gabe replied. The great oak doors swung open to reveal a huge hall with twin spiral staircases and a statue of angel in the middle. They took the left corridor. It was unbelievable. They spent over an hour wandering through endless corridors. Some of which stretched on forever. Some became smaller as you walked and others became huge. The decor in every room was brilliant.
    “Your house this wasn’t big on the outside.” Nick puffed.
    “Are you tired already?” Gabby laughed mockingly.
    “No!” Nick said defiantly.
    “Well were almost there now.”
    “The palace of the white angel.”
    “Where’s that?”
    “The part of the house I live in.”
They turned a corner into a hall. Gold, silver, platinum, rubies, sapphires were scattered across the wall. A scene of angels was shown in statues in the middle of the room. Walking through the dramatic scene Nick noticed one angel standing from the rest. The angels face was hidden by his hands. Golden locks curled down his head. Suddenly an image came to Nick, Gabe was standing there he was the statue he was the weeping angel. Nick woke from his vision when he felt a hand gripping his shoulder. Gabe was by Nicks side staring at the stone face.
    “This angel it’s you isn’t it?” Nick asked tentatively looking into Gabby’s eyes.
    “Funny you should say that,” Gabby began a tear trickling down his face.  “Every man who has ever met me and seen this statue has said that,” he paused staring as still as a statue as If he had become part of the stone angels escapade. Gabriel broke from his trance and said “Well we can’t stand around here all day. Come on this way.” Gesturing to a giant oak door with intricate patterns carved into the wood and gold surrounding them. A mosaic of an angel in front of a rainbow stretched the floor leading to the door. Beams of light from the window hit the glass pieces of the mosaic created a real rainbow in the air. Gabriel walked forward and placed one palm on the door. Nick noticed a ring on Gabe’s hand it was a silver coloured metal on his finger. Writing on the ring suddenly glowed a fiery red. A flash of gold light flashed across the door. With a huge thunderous creak the door opened.
    Nick’s mouth dropped as he walked into the room. The room inside was so different from the rest of he house. An electric fire sent a wave of warmth through the room. Varnished decking paved the floor. A mixture of blue’s and red painted the walls and two staircases spiralled up to a balcony with corridors leading off. Huge panels of glass showed a lush garden stretching out with a rainbow of flowers. In the middle of the room a leather sofa and armchair were arranged in a crescent shape around a plasma screen television. The room was dimly lit by spotlights dotted in the panelled ceiling.
    “Nick this is your new home!” Gabriel announced grinning.

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