Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1341066-Part-of-Ladroven
Rated: E · Fiction · Gothic · #1341066
A tale of eight chosen to hold elemental powers of creation. Not the beginning
This is a great way through my story. A couple of things so it is not confusing.
Children are men and women born with the power of the elements though not as powerful as the originals.
Drake and Rich are the same person. Drake being the ancient consious. Rich being Drakes spirit born into a fetus and reborn into the world.


Rich sits in an open field amongst those he calls friends pondering his next move. Lately no one has been moving. The world seems to be tearing itself apart peacefully.
Out over the hill they can see the ruined city of Candon. A few buildings still standing. Whatever vehicles were not shorted out had long run out of gas. Rich reaches into his pocket opening the shadows within and pulls out the seven orbs.
"Not very big but these things could return this place to what it was. Hmph." He stares at them. Jered, Shelly and Amber move closer. Nera pays no attention.
"So, can you give them to just anyone?" Jered asks.
"No. They have chosen the ones to inherit the powers. And are supposed to be leading me to them. So far they have led me no wher"
A flash of light emits from them. Jered and Shelly pull their hands back to cover their faces. Amber drops to the ground. Even Nera falls back. The orbs rise from his hands forming a circle around him. Beams of their respective colors came from them touching the ground. They begin to take form. The form of those they once were. Aranor, Oran, Coraan, Kurin, Aria, Songia, and Lauren.
A tear nearly makes its way out as Drake is reunited with his old brethren. He notices Jered, Shelly and Amber are not moving.
"What has hapened?"
"Time has stopped for those it does not touch." Aranor answers "For them all of this will have happened in the flash they witnessed."
Nera stands, her mouth wide in awe. She runs to wrap her arms around Lauren only to fall forward as she passes through the spectre. A look of disappointment comes to Lauren. She steps forward placing her hand as close to Drakes cheek as possible. He closes his eyes. He remembers how her hand felt. Always soft and smooth, and so gentle.
"What am I to do?" He asks softly.
"The times ahead will be filled with great distraught. You must not lose hope." Her voice as soft as his memory of her hand.
"I have failed us all Drake." Rich turns his head to the right. Aranor speaks pronouncing every sylable of every word perfectly "It was my lust for power which found me my madness. It was that madness that only you were able to stand against. You are lost. Memories of the past joined with the life of the present jumbled around inside of you."
"Each of us has chosen our predecessor." Aria says. Her voice rugged for a woman.
"Yes. And it is time for the predesessor to take their claim." Songia continues. Her voice soft yet loud. A young woman coming of age.
"We had to each choose someone who has knowledge of our gifts." Kurin says. A young man with desire.
"Yes." Coraan says in a deep powerful voice "A person capable of both using our gifts, and their selves. A man who will conquer the power rather than the power conquering him." Coraan glares to Aranor.
"A man who has already kept those with power in control." Oran responds with a cold remark filled with content.
"Wh....Wait a minute. Who? NO! Absolutely not! I can barely control myself!"
"You are the only one." Coraan says.
Lauren stares to Nera now standing wiping the dust off herself. "Nera, my beloved adopted daughter. The first of our children. Drake will need your assistance now more than ever. The times ahead and not certain. There will be much destruction and blood shed. Become his right hand. This world depends on it." Lauren looks to the people frozen in time behind them then returns her gaze to Rich. "I felt your heart yearning for me when you tore my avatar to pieces. Our time has come to pass. It is time for you to release me. Let her into your heart. I do not regret the time we had. But now it is time for me to go. I will always love you Drake. Regardless of where I go from here."
The seven step back fading away until the orbs are left. Aranor stands alone. "For my penance I offer you clarity." He places his hands on both sides of Rich's head. Brilliant white light emits from Aranors hands. For the first time Rich and Drakes memories seem to file into order in his head. The age of Drake, the battle with Aranor, his spirit finding the body which became Rich, and the joining into one. "A small payment for the turmoil I have released." Aranor bows his head as he too fades until the white orb is left. All seven begin to swirl around him. White, Blue, Red, Grey, Brown, Purple, and distored clear. They spin faster. Fast enough so one ring of multi colors forms around him
"I can't do this by myself!"
"You must." The ring disperses into a single line as the orbs fly behind him into the air arc flying to his right in front of him. They arc again coming down at him. White orb hits his chest. The polar opposite of everything he has always been. The light that chases the shadows. That which allows this world to see. That which allows this world the be kind to itself.
Blue orb. His body as cold as the deepest chunk of ice in the artic. A body of mist floating through the air causing pressure to change allowing for wind. The fluid which makes life possible.
Red orb. Burning flame. As hot as the sun that warms the planet. That which offers the comfort of warmth and that which destroys without cause.
Brown orb. His body as hard as the strongest stone. That which gives life the place to live.
Purple orb. His body an electric field stronger than any power plant. That which allows the smallest of cells to communicate with one another. That which allows modern day technology to function. That which makes the connection between spirit and body possible.
Grey orb. His body as light as the air. That which allows life to perpetuate itself by breath. That which gently pushes the hair from your face. That which rolls from the ocean destroying whatever lay in its path.
Distored orb. His body a single vibration. That which allows life to communicate. That which can penetrate the strongest of stone with simple focus. That which can lull a baby to sleep with a gently humm.
He falls to the ground, his entire body burning, freezing, more dense and lighter, filled with energy and releasing it, the shadows that have always been finding balance with the invading light.
Amber finishes falling to the ground. Jered falls on his back and Shelly braces herself before falling back. Rich is panting on his back. "What was that?!" Amber screams as she gets up and runs to Rich's side.
Inside, Rich can feel knowledge being poured into him. "Claim your throne." Echoes in his mind. Visions of a place he has never been before fill his head.
Rich stands using Ambers shoulder to help himself up. He looks around. Everything around, everything in the world made from the energies he now wields. He looks into ambers eyes and sees the flows of lightning and water joining with earth and song to make her pupil. It will take time to get used to.
Jered is standing looking over Shelly making sure she is alright. Nera glares at Rich.
"What now?" She asks quietly.
"Nera. I am sorry. Their time was short. They are gone."
"They could not even say good bye." She says with her eyes pointing to the ground
"And you will have to forgive them for that."
Rich forms a field of air and lightning around the other four as their surroundings change. They are now in the crater of mountains near the ruined temple. Children are working trying to pull stones out of the ground larger than most cars. The elders are standing in front of the path made to reach their sacred circle. Rich begins walking. "You all stay here." He say as the elders notice them. Elsa, the eldest stands between the other two. "You are not welcome here. You will leave immediately." He lifts his hand and the woman rises into the air. The other two rise beside her. Rich looks up at them. Bound by air, Light and shade holding the air in place. He walks beneath them as he rotates them to see him. Some of the children notice. he can see them readying themselves to fight. He walks past a couple who glare at him not knowing who he is or how he can overpower the elders. He stops in the middle of the sacred circle standing atop the cracked center. What used to be the top of the ancient tower.
"You have forsaken me for reasons of your own creation. That ignorance is what has brought this world to what it is. Now watch and see who I truly am." He glares at the elders. Looks to Nera, the lightest of smiles forms.
He closes his eyes. The ground begins to shake. The sacred circle starts to rock back and forth. Rich's hands ball into fists. His knuckles turning white from clenching. The shaking stops. His eyes open and his arms rise above his head. The circle lunges into the air bringing water and stone with it. The ancient tower begins erecting itself. Large stones being lifted by two or three children are taken from their hold rising into the air to rejoin the tower. Small stones buried within the craters grounds rise to do the same. What the children have been trying to do for months is now being done in minutes.
Shelly, Amber and Jered look on in awe. Amber looks back to see Nera doing the same. All of the children are awe strucken. The tower stops rising, stones are still fitting themselves in place. It looks as though a whirwind of dust and water is encircling it growing less dense as pieces are bound to the tower for the first time in five thousand years.
As the whirlwind ceases more water begins rushing up from the bog covering the tower. The stone behind the tower turns to a clear state. It looks like glass. The trees on the other side are visible if a little blurry. The hole where the tower had been lying fills up with dirt and surrounding stone. All of it begins to turn into a single
stone then arches into a bridge over the surrounding water. It too turns clear.
Atop the tower four arms stretch in the cardinal directions until they reach the round mountains top. They now broaden into a walkway. A railing forms along the circle. A stair case is on the edge of the circle. The floor below a large single room. A bed forms filling with water. In the center of the room is a set of stairs going to the floor below.
Nera steps forward and put an arm around Amber and rises into the air. Jered takes the hint, his wings burst from his back, he picks up Shelly and starts to fly. All of the children begin to rise one at a time. The Elders slowly drift to the ground before they are released. They too take flight. Nera and Amber set foot down first. Jered and Shelly are behind them. Nera rushes to put Drakes arm over her shoulder to hold him up. Amber hurries and grabs the other arm. The children wait for the Elders to land before they do. The three Elders walk up a few paces before Drake.
"Now do you believe I am who I say I am?"
The eldest of the three stares at him. She lowers her head and bends to one knee. The two others follow.
"My Lord. Forgive us."
"Know this. This place is a sacred place to you all. It is where you were born and it is where you are welcome. This, is home. Let all who are in need be welcome here. Let any who wish to disturb its tranquility be removed. There was a law among you when you were born. Any who abuses their power for the benefit of gaining more shall be stripped not only of power but of life. That law stands again here today. I will need you in the coming times to help me rebuild what has been destroyed. Gather any and all children. You are all welcome here but this
place will need to be cleaned. I am too tired to do so. Once that is done, feel free to begin inhabiting the tower. Take me downstairs."
The girls walk with him down the stairs to the bed. He removes his coat and lay in the water. It comes up past his ears. His eyes close and he sleeps.

© Copyright 2007 Xavier Richards (aranor at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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