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by A.L.D.
Rated: E · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1340183
story I had to do for school
                       One of Those Days
         It was one of those days. One of those days where nothing seems to be going right, the weather is horrible and it makes you feel depressed, EVEN if you are the happiest person in the world. For Jodi, it was an especially bad “one of those days”.
         BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!!  “Wha… *yawn* what time is it?” Jodi asked herself out loud,”7:45!!!!!!!!!! I have to be at work in fifteen minutes!” Jodi jumped out of bed and scrambled around her 1 bedroom apartment looking for something decent to wear. She pulled together a white long-sleeved blouse, a black corduroy skirt but she could only find one of her black sling-back heels. “Where is that SHOE?!” Jodi cried out, “I’m going to be late for work!” Jodi glanced at the clock, it read 7:58, “come on where are you?” she found her shoe where it was supposed to be, in her closet. “There you are you little (very expensive) devil” she muttered. Jodi ran out the door grabbing her bag and jacket on the way.
“Where are my keys?” Jodi said with exasperation. She was having a very bad day, firstly she was 20 minutes late for work so she lost 2 hours worth of her minimum wage pay and now she couldn’t find the keys to her apartment. Jodi tried to lean against the door to search through her bag but to her surprise the door swung open. Jodi carefully walked into her apartment. It had been thoroughly searched and trashed. “Great” Jodi thought out loud, “now I have this mess to clean up… forget it I’ll do it tomorrow, I’m to tired to care right now.”
         Jodi awoke to the constant beeping of her alarm clock. She sat up and looked around, the mess was still there and she still had to clean it up. Should I tell the police? Jodi thought, nah they’ll just make a huge deal about it. With her conclusion in mind Jodi got out of bed and started to clean.
         Mid way through her cleaning Jodi decided to turn on the T.V., it was on CNN. Jodi didn’t care enough to change it to something interesting. The reporter was talking about a mass murderer that had escaped from some prison. Jodi wasn’t really paying attention until the reporter said “… the criminal is supposed to be on the loose in down-town Boston area and this murderer is targeting young women in their 20s to early 30s by…” Jodi had turned the T.V. off. “If I listen to any more news about that mass murderer, I’ll probably end up one of his victims with my luck.” Jodi said sarcastically, but little did she know that there wasn’t anything sarcastic about it.
         “Let’s see who’s on MSN” Jodi muttered, a pop-up came up, it said, the_stalker_725@msn.com has added you, accept  decline 
Jodi clicked accept. This “the_stalker” was online. Jodi took that opportunity to ask them some questions. jodi_rox says: so who r u? the_stalker says: im me and ur jodi rite? jodi_rox says: lol ya where u from? The_stalker says: boston u 2 rite? jodi_rox says: lol ya how did u know? the_stalker says: is also know that ur apartment has been broken into and that ur wearin a yellow tank and red plaid pj bottoms jodi_rox says: ok that’s weird how do u know that?! the_stalker says: knock knock
         Just after the_stalker had said that, there came a knock at the door. Jodi cautiously  opened the door. Standing there was a big man wearing a ski mask. “Hi Jodi” he said with a grin and in one swift motion put Jodi in a headlock. He then proceeded to put a cloth drenched in chloroform over Jodi’s nose and mouth. The darkness was closing in on Jodi, she was loosing conciseness. Will I ever comeback here? Will I ever see the light of day again? If I do, will I ever meet the right guy?  All those thoughts and more were rushing through Jodi’ head in her fight to stay awake. The darkness finally came when Jodi admitted defeat.
         Jodi’s mind woke up before her body actually did. Am I dead? I guess I’m alive. WHERE am I? Jodi asked her self. Soon her feeling came to her, she felt like her arms were being wrenched out of their sockets. Finally her eyes slowly refocused themselves. She was in some warehouse type thing. But Jodi wasn’t alone, there were many women, plenty, of which she knew. They were all out cold, or so they looked. Jodi heard voices, two men it sounded like, “… but it can’t wait until tomorrow, we have to kill them tonight.” One of them said. “We need more bodies to make it look like before, or else the feds will figure out our plan. The other one argued, “It WILL work, just trust me.” The first man said but it sounded like he was straining not to yell.
         KILL!!!!!!!!??????? I have to get out of here. But how? Jodi let that last thought soak in her mind so she could form a plan. After a good ten minutes of thinking, Jodi had a plan but she could only save herself, nobody else unfortunately but Jodi take care of just herself, she had to get out, she wasn’t ready to die. Jodi looked at her hands, they were tied together with strong but thin rope. If she could swing her legs up and wrap around the rope above her hands then Jodi could try to untie her hands. Jodi looked down. It wasn’t a far way to the ground. Then all she needed to do was find the door--- scratch that all she needed to do was run to the door in the corner. Then she could contact the police and try to save the rest of the women.
         Time to take her plan into action. 1…2…3 UP yes!  Jodi thought, now just to untie… that was too easy. The knot was very poorly tied so that was basically done for Jodi. All Jodi needed to do now was…JUMP!  Jodi landed on her feet with the slightest thud. Jodi half tiptoed half ran across the room to the door. When she opened the door… a security alarm rang throughout the room and echoed off the walls.
         Back in her apartment Jodi deleted everyone on her msn that she didn’t know and personally called everyone on her contacts and made sure that their msn was the one she had on her computer. Jodi turned the T.V. to CNN. The reporter was talking about the mass murder of 54 women, “… sources report that there were supposed to be 55 women but one of them escaped. If you are that women please call crime stoppers at…”
         Jodi called up the number and told them how she was kidnapped and how she escaped, she added “it was just one of those days.”   

© Copyright 2007 A.L.D. (funky_monkey at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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