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Rated: · Other · Supernatural · #1340157
A changer story
I wake in the morning to the sounds of the ocean crashing against a nearby shore line. The morning sun streaks through my blinds in long speckled stripes, falling gently across my bed and face. With a long slow stretch, I smile and gently blink in the morning light. With a pleasant sigh, I get out of bed and stagger lazily toward the bath room. As I close the door and the shower begins to run, the sunlight reveals a second body moving slowly in the bed. A dark head edges just out of the crumpled sheets, leaving the face still buried.

The shower runs and the body stirs. The shower turns off and I hear a soft thump and groaning sound as the body falls off the bed and lands in a pile of blankets on the floor. Laughing gently I rush over to the figure on the floor. Her dark hair spills across the blankets, glittering in the morning sun. Her dark eyes blink sleepily, as if she is not awake

"Honey, Are you alright? You are the only one I know who falls out of a King size bed with no one else in it."

Pulling away the blankets and brushing back locks of dark brown hair, I reveal a beautiful face that is both feminine and young. Honey looks up though her sleepy eyes and smiles sheepishly. She pushes me back and stands up. She looks down on me and yawns.

"You kept me up too late... It’s my turn to shower." And she saunters suggestively to the bathroom.

I watch Honey walk away and smile to myself. I begin to pull the blankets back onto the bed, when a strong male voice sounds in the other room. His deep tenor pulsating to the core of me.

"Breakfast Anyone?" He walks around the corner carrying a tray and wearing boxer briefs. The smell of breakfast fills the air. "Oh, so Honey is showering? See how she is... starting without me."

A seductive smile plays across his lips and I feel my body respond to it. I return the smile, and grab a plate of the tray. I seat myself in corner. Not wanting to be too close to him just yet. It was a long night and I am famished. Perhaps after we have all eaten and regained our strength I will have the ability to resist the two of them.

As if he read my thoughts, He smiles and walks past me. His hands gently play across my shoulder blades, sending chills down my back and into the deepest parts of me. I giggle involuntarily, remembering last night. Then I slap his hand away teasingly. I return to my meal. I eat with an almost animal veracity. I mainly use my hands rather than the utensils. My breakfast is meats and contains mostly proteins.

The shower shuts off and Honey comes striding out of the bathroom, she is barely dried and still naked. She grabs a plate from the tray and sits next to me, watching her naked body besides me ignites last nights fire all over again. Again, he reads my mind and that seductive smile returns as he approaches.

Gently touching just my shoulder, he stares deeply into my eyes. Once he has caught my gaze, He leans over Honey, eyes intently watching me, he kisses her neck. As the three of us begin to heat up all over again, a cold chill blows through the room. The curtains ruffle in a cold wind, outside the rain softly falls and the ocean breaks with every moan, accompanying every sigh of pleasure. The breaks crashing loader and loader as the storm rolls in on top of us. We cling to each other in our climax, listening to the thunder roll over the ocean and watching the lightning reflect in each others eyes.

With heavy sighs we release each other; I once again head toward the shower. I wash myself, enjoying the hot water flowing over my naked skin. The storm outside is raising a new kind of hunger in the center of my being. My legs long to feel the tension of running through the storm and the sand. I begin to feel restlessness deep in my bones. My joints feel swollen and begin to ache. My body cries out for a different kind of activity. The shower is suddenly too warm.

I shut it off and throw on some clothes. I walk out of the bathroom, my eyes trained on the bed. Honey and Jonathin are wrapped together, their breathing deepening, their voices trail off into the storm. I smile wryly and grab an extra towel. Throwing some stuff in my bag, I head out into the storm. Once outside, I stand perfectly still for a moment, feeling the storm build within me. I feel the tension in the air echo within my body. I relish the heightened nerves pushed almost past their capacity.

I run the three blocks to the ocean. The storm is raging around me, bringing an excitement with it that has me giggling. I reach the sand and pause, just to feel the sand beneath my feet. I walk slowly toward the ocean, the rain drenching me. The lightning crackles above my head, thunder rolling over head and through my body. My breath quickens with each crack of thunder. Finally I can hold back no longer. I cry out a long cry that is just sound, energy being released from my body that begins to take form as I begin to sprint through the rain. Down the beach, the soft sand flies behind me, a howl of jubilation coming from within me. The rain pelting me, I run shouting at the top of my lungs. The energy of the storm flows through me to combine with the energy of my body.

The surf hits my feet as I release the pent up energy... My skin crawls inside itself. The heat searing through my flesh, creating it anew as it burns. Small crackles of lightning flow from me, matching the chaotic rhythm of the storm. My hands twist into paws as I reach for the cool wet sand. Watching with familiar fascination, I watch the nails grow into claws, the hands shrink upon themselves.

I feel a fierce growl grow in my throat... The thunder crashes with howl that rips itself from my being. My legs bunch beneath me and I run the length of the beach on all fours... The surf and rain drench my coat, my fur collecting sand and water. I relish the mindlessness of it all. I run until I can run no more... The storm dies out in mirror with my own energy. I pant heavily, loving the sight of the moon over the ocean, the beauty of the sea when seen with wolfen eyes.

Lazily I stretch, and begin to lope back to the house, wondering how long I was out. In the shadows, something moves. It is small and its eyes glisten in the street light. I feel the smile that becomes a snarl I feel the flash of fear surge through his small body, charging my very soul. My heart begins to beat with his... I feel the tension as his muscles bunch. The small calculations of his brain... Which direction, where is safety, move or stay? I snarl again, a low growl escaping, throwing my prey into action.

He runs through a thicket towards the house. And I am after him, his fear sweet in my nose. I chase him half heartedly, toying with him, until I feel his fear reach its pinnacle. I lung for him, my jaws snapping him up, the taste of sweet blood runs down my throat. The crunch of bones has me giggling. I roll in the remains of my impromptu lunch... Sighing, I stretch; I howl of triumph and victory, silently I thank the mother for the hunt.

Covered in sand and blood, I head back into the house. With great reluctance I return to my birth form. I feel the fur run off me like water. The night has left me dirty and tired; I stumble into the house, heading for the shower once more. I let the water run over my body till it runs clear. I smear myself with soap, barely awake to know I am doing it. I rinse myself and head to the bed... I do not even bother to dry myself.

I barely throw myself on to the bed itself before passing out. The darkness pulls me beneath its silent waves, crashing over my head and leaving me with a stillness and peace I often long for. I feel a smile creep across my face as I feel the arms of my lovers embrace me... And then I know nothing more for what feels like a very long time.
© Copyright 2007 Black Widow (sarrin at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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