Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1340150-Forever-And-Beyond
Rated: · Other · Fantasy · #1340150
It is a love story. What happens when the one you love goes into eternity without you?
Ashley flowed into the room like a living shadow. He sat alone, as usual, in his familiar corner of the bar. His radiant green eyes carefully scanning the barroom. His jet black hair, loosely pulled back, revealed a pale face. If he weren’t so pale, he may have looked Native American. But his marble like features just seemed strong or chiseled. When the waitress walked over to him, he looked up at her from his seat. He could hear her pulse pound as he stopped briefly at her breasts. He smiled at her politely and ordered his usual drink. She took his order and walked away, her hips swaying suggestively. He chuckled to himself as she left. She would be an easy feed if he wanted her. She flirted heavily with him every night. But he was here on business tonight and had no time for such recreation. Besides, she was a good woman with children and not really his type… He preferred them bad.

It wasn’t long before he felt the rush of power that preceded others of his kind. He looked towards the door, but it was shadowed. All he could see were three figures walk into the bar. But with the feeling of power that flowed in with them, he was sure they were the one who had arranged this meeting. He had only to sit back and wait for them to come. They had called the meeting so it would run on their terms. He only had to show up. That had been made clear on the phone.

The three figures took a seat at the table nearest the door. From Ashley’s viewpoint he could see two males sitting near the door. The third figure stood with their back to him. Just as the figure was about to turn around, Ashley’s attention was drawn away by the waitress coming to his table. As she set his drink in front of him, she leaned intimately close and whispered his total to him. Ashley smiled suggestively at the move and handed her a five telling her to keep the change. She wink and thanked him, using his shoulder for balance as she stood back up, her hand caressing his shoulder and upper arm as she walked away. Ashley watched her leave, shaking his head slightly.

As he turned his head back towards the door he saw that a woman had joined him at his table. He hated it when the more powerful beings did that. Moving without anyone noticing was just rude in a public place such as this. With the lights dimmed the way he liked them, he could only make out her figure. He saw just enough of her to know it was a female.

“I’m Ashley; I was told you wanted to meet here. Great place, I come here a lot. The wait staff is very friendly. Sorry I didn’t properly greet you, she can be a little distracting when she puts her mind to it.” Ashley spoke casually; hoping that the anxiety he felt
was covered by his casual tone.

“Yeah, I bet she’s very friendly Ashley… How have you been since your death?” the familiar voice asked just as casually. Her tone was bitter and callous.

“Jesse? Honey you’re not supposed to be here. It’s a bad neighborhood and a bad night.” he commented flippantly hoping to anger her. It was easy to get her to storm away if she were angry. And he needed her gone before the others decided to come see him. He had
agreed not to see her and to have her caught with him would put her in danger.

“Why didn’t you tell me Ashley, Me of all people?” She sounded hurt, her voice on the edge of tears. He regretted that he had hurt her, but there had been no other way.

“Tell you what? That I died? You knew that you were at the funeral.” Sarcasm dripping from his voice, He leaned back and sipped at his drink as if he didn’t care. His eyes skimmed the room for the third figure that had come with the others. His face painted with a boredom he hoped showed in his eyes, as she drew them back to her.

“From what I hear so were you, what’s it like going to your own funeral Ashley?” The fury edged her voice drowning out the pretended interest she had started with. She leaned slightly forward, her red hair barely coming into the light. Somehow that troubled him; he
suddenly wished it were brighter here. He needed to see her. Something has changed, but he couldn’t tell what from this angle.

“Look Jesse, I am very busy tonight. Why don’t we discuss this at a later time…? Since you obviously know how where to find me, why don’t we meet later. I am here most weekends. I’ll see you some Saturday if we really need to talk this out.” He waved her away and sipped again at his drink. His eyes calmly glanced around the bar room. Inside he was anxiously waiting for her to storm away in her usual way. He couldn’t believe the beings at the door would wait much longer. He had to force Jesse to leave soon. While she still had the chance.

“Did you think you could do this on your own without someone finding out? You promised me forever and Beyond Ashley, Did you think I would let that go?” She
asked venomously, leaning into the light. Her red curls slightly covering a deadly pale face. Her Violet eyes shone with a violence that could only mean one thing. She was one of his kind now, a killer, and a hunter, one of the damned. He had died to save her
this damnation. His soul cried out at the irony.

“Oh God Jesse… How? Why?” He stammered searching her face for answers. Her expression was unchanged.

“How could you keep this from me? How could you go into eternity without me? You said you loved me… Forever and Beyond…” She spat at him as a single blood
tear ran down her cheek. She wiped it away quickly, her eyes narrowing in anger.

“I had no choice Jesse… No one gave me that choice.” He nearly sobbed, his heart wrenched to see her like this… She was immortal in her beauty, deadly in her grace,
but damned for it all.

“And if you had a choice?” She asked with a raised eyebrow, almost daring him to answer.

“I would have refused of course.” He was shocked that she even had to ask. He was confused by her manner. This was not like her, her turning had changed her
beyond his imagining.

“Liar!” She nearly shouted… “How could anyone refuse immortality, the strength, eternal youth, the constant beauty?” She asked incredulously in lower tones.
Ashley’s heart caved in on itself. He never would have thought her capable of wanting this. In his mind memories of their life together flowed freely. His memory stopped at their engagement ceremony, as his promise to her echoed through his mind.

“I, Ashley Joseph Ariach, do pledge to you, Jessica Anne Noelle, my body heart soul and mind. Never shall any power of this world or those beyond come between us, forever and beyond.” He remembered those words as if they were yesterday, not five years ago. Was this why she had thrown away her life, her soul? His heart ached with the knowledge.

“Jessica, I’m sorry, I love you and I tried to spare you this. You were never supposed to know. They said they would leave you out of it.” He begged with her to understand. He reached for her hand, hoping that she would accept his apology.

She paused and cocked her head raising an eyebrow. “You really believe that don’t you? You really think you did it to save me? It never occurred to you that I would want to join you in this eternity.” She barked a laugh as she stood. “I thought you knew me better than
that. When I pledged forever and beyond… I meant it, regardless of the circumstances. I will always be with you Ashley, I will be the shadow that causes you to look over your shoulder, Forever and Beyond, Ashley, Forever and beyond.”

As she walked to the door the two vampires seated at the table rose and escorted her out. At the door one of them paused and looked back as if sizing Ashley up. He shook his head sadly and followed Jesse out into the night air. They left Ashley staring bleakly into
his drink as he realized that she was his meeting and that he had been set up. He had lived this life for just over a year, and he now realized that is was all for nothing. His decision to die killed the woman he had died to protect. He left his drink on the table and staggered out into the chill air of the night. The words "Forever and Beyond" echoing in his head. He knew he had to make it right. He had to pay penance for his crimes. If he was no
longer protecting his beloved Jesse, then he had to pay for the crimes he had committed while trying to protect her. Maybe she would see the truth within his penance. Maybe she would forgive him then. Silently he made his way to the house ‘the network’ had bought for him at the time of his change.

Six months later, Jesse was in her apartment that the network had given her, dressing for an evening out at "The Club". That wasn't its real name, but that is what they all called it. It was a special club that was run by and for the network. Wondering how Nate had gotten
premium tickets and why, Jesse began to check off a to-do list in her head. She was just deciding she was
ready and grabbing for her jacket when Tish knocked once and walked in… as usual.

"Hey come on in, how was your day?" Jesse smiled at her new friend and waited for the string of fast paced barely intelligible speech that she knew was coming. Tish was very young. She had been 17 maybe 18 when embraced and that just 6 weeks ago.

"Hi thanks, have you been watching the news? Some idiot blew up his house… Hey are you going out with Nate tonight? That's cool. Anyway, the house belonged to the network and the rumor is he was in it when he set the fire… Moron right? So, are you and Nate like dating? Or is this just some weird "adult" thing I just don't get… Oh hey, by the way this came for you in the actual mail today. Weird right? Anyway, so, you and Nate? “Tish looked up questioningly while holding out a piece of mail.

"Oh you mean it's my turn?" Jesse asked smiling and taking the letter. "Nate and I are going out. No we are just friends, no weird adult thing I don't even get those, No I stopped watching the news six months ago… it doesn't affect me. And let's see… Yes the guy is a moron. Did that cover it all?" Jesse opened the door and began to usher Tish into the Hall as Nate walked up wearing a royal blue dress shirt under a nicely pressed suit jacket, something he was clearly uncomfortable in but it looked good anyway. His Doc
Martens and Blue jeans were a good combination in any other out fit. But hey, at least he looked comfortable with them.

Tish nodded appreciatively at Nate and winked at Jesse as she walked away. As she passed Nate she turned to admire his… body structure… as he continued toward Jesse. Jesse suppressed a giggle.

"Hi Nate, "Jesse said politely hugging him and kissing his cheek. ”Hey do we have a minute or two? I got something weird and wanted to check it out." She showed Nate the envelope still in her hand.

"Real mail? Where would that have come from? The Network doesn't use it. We're weird that way…" Nate was easy
like that.

"Nope… I get to read it first. If it is no big deal then you can look. If it is something to get me burned I don't want you involved. Got it?" Jesse said yanking the envelope away and rushing back inside. She quickly closed her door. Using her much greater speed
and agility, she closed the door ripped open the envelope and was half way through unfolding it by the time Nate yelled…

"No fair, you cheat!!" He yelled through the closed door as he pounded on it.

"Shush, I'm reading…" Jesse yelled back as she blocked him out and began to read the letter, ignoring the ring on a chain that fell out of the envelope in her haste.

Dearest Jessica,

Our Forever and Beyond is over. Will you follow me again? I wait for you on the other side of an eternity. I beg your forgiveness and hope that you see the evil of what you have become. Join me in the eternity that waits on the other side of forever.

Yours eternally,
Ashley J. Ariach

Jesse folded the letter and let it drop to the floor with the discarded necklace. Wiping away a single tear, she whispered "Farewell Ashley, I will miss you in this blessed Forever. Perhaps someday we will meet again in the Eternity beyond this forever.”
© Copyright 2007 Black Widow (sarrin at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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