Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1339921-Aislings-Hope
Rated: GC · Fiction · Romance/Love · #1339921
Aisling has had a hard life. She has given up on love. Can one man change that?
She was excited that this day had finally come. She would show the ones that had wronged her in the past. Aisling picked up the phone to call the Hospitaler of Stepps to arrange for her stay at the upcoming event.  After a few minutes, Aisling had not only her and her entourage paid for but also granted permission to set up her encampment early. Aisling had worked hard for the past few years for this event. She had received a large inheritance from an uncle, and used the money for lessons in fighting and other gentile aspects of a lady. Her entourage consisted of forty people that did everything from cooking to helping her dress to guarding the encampment. Aisling had traveled to many kingdoms and established herself as fierce fighter. There were few who could beat her in the tournaments. The only kingdom that she had not fought in was Ansteorra. Now was the time to go back to the kingdom where she first got started with the SCA, Society for Creative Anachronism. Back then, she was a naïve girl with big dreams of the game and of love, both were fairytales. She was friends, for her part, with a baroness. Aisling learned how to sew medieval dresses and found her love for Celtic music. She had dreamed of being a baroness as well maybe even queen. Aisling met the one man that she had thought she would love forever at the baroness’s house. Alas, all was a lie. The baroness did not want her around when playing the game. Aisling did not understand why and now she cared less what the baroness thought. This was a time of reckoning for all that doubted her ability to survive the world and the game.
Walking out the stables to Ebony’s stall, she went over everything on her list of tasks. She had been preparing for this event for the last few months. Ebony whickered when he saw her and pushed out his nose for a carrot. Aisling laughed at his antics clipping a lead to his halter she lead him out of the stall so she could saddle him. Ebony was her favorite of her Friesian horses.  He had been highly trained in dressage. She put him through his paces in the ring then headed out to the meadow for a good run. Aisling was glad the Ebony was working well she wanted him to go with her to Stepps. Aisling always felt that time stood still when she was riding and today it felt no different. Heading back to the stables a few hours later, Aisling saw her butler waiting for her.
“Yes, James”
“Miss, there is a gentleman to see you.”
“Who is it?” she sighed.
“A Mr. Owen Cassion.”
Pulling up Ebony short making him dance, “Who?” she exclaimed.
A groom took Ebony’s head and Aisling slid off his back.
“Mr. Owen Cassion, miss. Should I tell him you’re not able to see him?” asked James.
“Yes, No what room did you put him in?”
“He is in the red sitting room, Ma’am.”
“Thank you James.”
Aisling hurried to the house. Going through the kitchen, she asked the cook to prepare tea and send it to the red sitting room. ‘Why was he here?’ she thought to herself. Aisling opened the door to the sitting room.
“Sorry to keep you waiting,” she said, “I can not help but wonder why you are here Owen.”
Owen turned as she opened the door and stared. The girl that had fallen in love with him many years ago was gone instead here was a woman. She evidently lost weight and was very fit. Taken back a little by her abrupt greeting, he waited until she was in front of him.
“I only came to say hello to a friend.”
“Oh, really, why now?” narrowing her steel gray eyes.
“I was stupid many years ago. I should have kept in touch.” grabbing her hand.
Aisling pulled her hand out of his, “You left me and you broke up with me fifteen years ago. You lost not only me but also what could have been ours. Remember our child the one you did not want to help raise. You know the one where you said that if I kept her you would work out of state or I could have her adopted. Either way I was the one to pay the price alone.”
“Aisling, can we start over please?” Owen said exasperated.
Aisling walked over to the fireplace and sat in her favorite chair. “No Owen we can not start over. Do you think that you can sweep me off my feet as if I was a dream sick little girl? Do you think that I am that stupid or naïve? How could I ever trust you?”
“Aisling, I forgive you.”
Aisling’s eyes glittered with hatred, “I think Owen you have over stayed your welcome.”
“Why? Because I forgive you. Aisling you stole money from me.”
Aisling rose to her feet and walked to the door, “Wait right here.” A few minutes later, she was back and handed him thirty dollars. “Here is what I owe you. Now I suggest you leave.” She turned to leave. Owen grabbed her arm. “Wait a minute Aisling, why are you so angry.”
“Take your hand off me. I suggest that you talk to the so-called friends that you have. You know the ones that told you everything that happened that summer. The same ones who said they would help me while you were gone. Maybe you could also look at the records and see what the weather was like then too. That should tell you the truth if you still don’t believe me. Now let me go.”
Stunned Owen let her go. Aisling had never talked to him like this and he did not know what to do. Aisling walked to the door and held it open for him.
“Goodbye Owen.”
Owen walked out the door deflated.
Out the window, Aisling watched him walk to his car and drive away. “When next you come back you will know the truth and it will still be too late.” Aisling whispered.
Dazed Owen drove to his motel. ‘Aisling has changed, and not for the worst. What did she mean about asking Theresa and Courtney about that summer.’ puzzled Owen. Picking up the phone, he called Theresa.
“Owen, what’s up?” inquired Theresa.
“I have a question for you. You know that summer that Aisling had the baby?”
Theresa was quite for a long time. “Theresa?”
“What happened?”
“I do not remember.”
“Theresa, tell me.”
“Ok, ok, Aisling did not want anyone’s help. So I left her alone.”
“So you did not give her rides to work?”
“No she did not want rides.”
“Theresa, tell me the truth or do I have to come over and wring it out of you.”
“Owen what do you want me to say? Ok so I did not want to help her and so what if I thought she didn’t deserve you. You are better off with out her. She only used you. You know that the baby was only a ploy to get you to marry her.”
Owen was silent now he knew that all the things that Theresa had said were lies. He knew that Aisling did and would not try to trap him into marriage. He knew that Aisling was very careful in telling him she did not want to trap him into anything.
“Theresa you must have hated Aisling so much.” Owen said quietly. “No wonder she could not bare the sight of my face.”
“What do you mean?”
Owen hung up the phone and called Courtney.
“Hey Owen are you coming over tonight?”
“Courtney, that is a little hard since I am not in Kansas.”
“Where are you?”
“In Colorado, I am visiting one who used to be a friend.”
“Anyone I know?” laughed Courtney.
“As a matter of fact yes she used to be a roommate of ours, you know Aisling Windsor.”
As it was with Theresa, the silence was deafening.
“Courtney, are you there?”
“Why would you see that bitch don’t you think that she hurt you enough? After all, she gave away your baby and didn’t ask you if you wanted her to raise it. I raise mine by myself. I even had her take care of Corrine just to show that she could have after she had the baby. She didn’t take the hint and asked for the baby back did she?”
Owen closed his eyes, “Did you help her at all?”
“Why? Why would I? You said I could stay there and not pay for rent or anything.”
“Courtney are you saying you didn’t pay for part of the rent or bills?”
“Of course not I paid for the phone bill. And I did give that bitch a ride to work once or twice, but that was before I found out she was pregnant.” growled Courtney.
Owen hung up the phone. He felt as if someone punched him in the gut. He had a feeling that he would never spend those thirty dollars for it was blood money. Picking up the phone once again, he called the library to find out what the time it closed.  With a heavy heart, he walked into the library to the computer room, looked online for the weather history of that summer, and found it had record heat temperatures. For the first time in a long time, tears ran down his face. That money was blood money and the so-called friends were not. No, wonder why Aisling hated him. Thinking back, he remembered an event after they broke up. He remembered the hurt in her eyes when she saw the woman he had brought with him that had the same aged child as theirs. Owen drove back to Aisling’s house. He was going to apologize to her and beg for forgiveness. As he drove up to her driveway, this time he found the gate closed. He pushed the call button on the box.
“May I help you?” said a man’s voice.
“Umm, yes I would like to see Aisling please.”
“I’m sorry she is not seeing anyone.”
“I need to see her please.”
“One moment please.”
To Owen, it seemed a lifetime. Then in the distance, he saw a golf cart coming towards him. The guard approach his car with a letter and handed it to him. Owen saw that his name was on the envelope. Opening it, he saw an invitation to Stepps. It seemed that he would have to wait until then to talk to Aisling.
Aisling’s encampment was almost set up by the morning of Stepps. A canvas fence surrounded the encampment. There was a large tent for her that comprise of her solar, sitting, and great room. In the center of the great room was a chair that was like a throne but wider so she could curl up and read a book like a little girl might do. Her solar had a four-poster wooden rope bed and a closet with the most beautiful gowns hung there. Her sitting room decorated in rich purples that added to the richness. There was a tent just for the kitchen. Each of her entourage had tents according to their desires. Even Ebony had a tent for a stable.
When everyone arrived at the site, people asked whose encampment was so large. All that was said, “It’s the Lady’s. That’s all we know.”
Courtney and Theresa arrived in the early evening. They went to the Hospitaler’s table to pay for their site fee.
“Ladies here are your site tokens and feast tokens.” He said with a smile.
“How much are they?” asked Theresa.
“They are already paid for my ladies.”
“Who paid for our site fee?” demanded Theresa.
The Hospitaler replied, “I was only told that the ‘Lady’.”
Exasperated Theresa rolled her eyes, “Which lady.”
Pointing to a woman dressed in a hunter green riding habit on a great black horse, “Her.”
Theresa and Courtney stared at the woman. They started to go to her when the horse reared and galloped away.
“We must make ourselves known to this woman,” whispered Theresa. “I have a feeling that she can elevate us to higher and better things. After all she has paid for our site fee she must know us in some way.”
They went back to the table and the Hospitaler started in with the instructions now that he had a few people. “You may camp any where here; however you may not camp with in 200 yards of this area. This is the camp of ‘The Lady’.”
“Why not?” interrupted Courtney.
“’The Lady’ requested and paid an extra site fees to insure her privacy. Therefore, we here at Steppes will honor this and so will you or we will ask you to leave. Any questions? Good, now sign here stating that you understand that you will be asked to leave if you disturb ‘The Lady’s’.”
The two women were shocked that the Hospitaler was being forceful about the privacy of “The Lady”. They signed the waver thinking that this was the weekend that they become the most popular in the kingdom. Owen arrived later, much to the chagrin of the two women, camped on the other side of the campsite from them.
In the setting sun, he saw a woman on a jet-black horse riding through the grounds.  The closer she rode he recognized her. It was Aisling. She looked so elegant riding sidesaddle. He followed her as she rode through the site. He watched as Theresa and Courtney made fools of them selves trying to gain the favor in Aisling’s eyes. ‘They have no idea that is Aisling,’ he mused to himself. The horse half reared and the women hurriedly backed away. Owen followed Aisling back to her encampment.
“Aisling” he called.
She kept riding on. The guards at the entrance stopped him. “None may enter unless ‘The Lady” says they may.”
“Please tell the Lady that I wish to see her at her convenience,” said Owen. He walked away with a heavy heart ‘she has changed. She will have no place for me now.’ Courtney called to him as he passed, however he kept on walking. “Theresa that was strange. Owen ignored me when I called him.”
Theresa snorted, “He is still pining away for Aisling. You know he called me about her the other day.”
Startled Courtney turned to Theresa, “He called me as well. Surely he is not thinking of going back with her.”
Theresa laughed, “If he does we can always drive a wedge in their lives. We did it once we can do it again.”
Laughing together Theresa and Courtney finished setting up camp. Pouring another drink for themselves and set about the site to see who all was here.

Aisling jumped off Ebony and the groom lead him off to the stable. Marie was standing there with water. Aisling drank deeply. “Prefect ride Marie.” said Aisling, “he moved wonderfully. Ebony will be the showpiece for tomorrow.”
“Wonderful,” replied Marie, “there was an Owen that wants to meet with you at your convenience.”
Aisling sighed, “Marie, I just want to spend the first night with all of you. Tonight is all we have for us because the rest of the weekend we are on display. He and all the others can wait. Not even the Rex and Regina can see me tonight.”
“Good I am glad Aisling; some of us have been apart to long and need this night to know each other once again.” 
“Is there any who are missing?”
“Sir Robert and Lady Heather are missing; however they will be here later tonight. The cook is almost done with the preparations of the feast tonight.”
“Do we have their tent?”
“Yes my lady and it is set up and ready for them.”
Aisling looked around and saw that the encampment was finished and looked like a real encampment of old. The people that inhabited her encampment strove to make it so realistic. The men were teaching the children how to fight and the women were under canopy sewing. She turned to her tent and went in. This was her favorite time when everything was in its place. Marie helped her change to a simple but elegant gown and fixed her hair. When Aisling is ready, she went outside to walk and talk to whom she called her clan. Walking around, she heard the laughter of the children.
“Marie, I love this. I love listening to the laughter. How I have missed the children.”
Marie said nothing but wished that Aisling would find someone so that she would have children.  Marie carried a basket of gifts for the children. Aisling love watching the children open gifts. It amazed Marie how Aisling knew each child and their desires.  No one was without including the babies. After the gifts were giving away, Aisling checked on dinner.
Robert and Heather checked in at the Hospitaler table and paid for their guest.
Draken looked at the site token, “No feast token?”
The couple laughed, “Smell, Draken, that is only tonight’s feast and tomorrow is going to be better that tonight’s.”
Heather went ahead to get Draken his clan token from Aisling. Robert took Draken aside, “Draken you must listen to me carefully. This will be the only warning you get. If Aisling is displeased with your conduct, you will be outside of the encampment. We who are privileged to be in her clan know the rules. First, no one is allowed in with out his or her clan token. Especially this weekend there are those who have harmed Aisling in the past.” Robert raise his hand, “No, I don’t know who or why, but Aisling says this weekend must be just so. Heather and I are taking a chance with you this weekend. I would not but Heather said you must be here. Do you know why she would be insistent?”
Draken looked towards the encampment, “because of a dream that I had.”
“What dream?”
Draken turned to Robert, “I can not tell you.”
Heather running back yelled, “We must hurry, the feast is about to start and Aisling wants to meet Draken.” The three ran to the encampment and showed their tokens to the guards. Draken was taken aback to see inside of the canvas walls. “It is like my dream.” He walked on as Robert and Heather stopped. “Ok Heather what is going on?”
Heather leaned in to Robert with a kiss, “My darling husband just watch.”
On either side of Draken was a line of people, but he saw no one but Aisling. He came to the edge of the carpet in front of her bowed deeply, “My Lady, I am Draken your humble servant.” Robert’s jaw dropped never in all the years that he had known Draken bow to anyone. Aisling reached out her hand, “Rise, Draken and welcome to our encampment.” Draken kissed her hand lightly, “My Lady you honor me with your graciousness. I pray that I might repay in some kind.” Aisling’s eyes glittered with amusement, “We shall see. Let us all go to feast.” Aisling had made it to the tables before Draken could breathe properly. Robert and Heather gathered Draken to sit with them. Robert leaned to Draken, “Alright old man?”
“She is more beautiful than in my dreams.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I dreamt of her, Robert. I have dreamt of her all my life her face is all that I see.”
Robert stared at his friend, “surely you jest, Draken you have had other girlfriends.”
“Rob, why do you think I have never married? I want to have a wife and I have always wanted Aisling. I know you think this is crazy and half the time so do I. Hell, I have gone through counseling because I thought she didn’t exist. But there she sits not knowing me, but I know her.”
Aisling still felt the kiss on her hand. “Marie please ask Heather to come and sit with me.” Marie soon had Heather settled by Aisling. “Heather, how are you and Robert doing?”
Heather laughed, “Oh Aisling, we are fine and so is Draken.”
Aisling looked sharply at Heather, “I only asked about you and Rob.”
“Aisling, I know you better. Do you know you have been rubbing the spot he kissed?”
Dropping her hands, “I don’t know what you mean.”
Heather laughed even harder.
“Honestly Heather I don’t find any of this amusing.” huff Aisling before she started to laugh.
Down the tables, Draken caught his breath at the sound of her laughter. Rob clapped him on the back, “Man you need to get a hold of yourself. You have a long night ahead.”
“What do you mean?”
Rob laughed, “Wait till you see the dancing and yes SHE dances.”
Draken groaned, “Any thing else you want to warn me about.”
“Some friend you are,” grumbled Draken.
Finally, the feast ended and the children were put to bed the adults gathered around in the great room of Aisling’s tent. Sitting in her chair she watched as others gathered. As tradition, Robert and Heather waited outside with Draken to present him to the clan properly. When all were seated, Robert and Heather came together with Draken behind them.
“My Lady, gentle knights, ladies and gentlemen we are pleased to present Lord Draken.”
Aisling stood as the couple parted and Draken approached her a second time.
“Greetings Lord Draken,” smiled Aisling.
“Greetings to you and yours My Lady.” said Draken.
Aisling’s voice harden slightly, “What is your wish milord?”
“To serve in your household.”
Aisling’s eyes widen, “that is a hard road milord. Think carefully what you are asking. We have a strict code. Has Sir Robert and Lady Heather informed you of the codes?”
“Yes, My Lady, I have worked to hard to be able to present to you the first of the requirements.” Pulling out the tournament tokens which he had won and placed them at her feet. “Sir Robert and Lady Heather can attest to the rest My Lady, I ready.”
“Welcome to the clan Draken. Please follow Lady Heather. Any other clan business before we continue?” Aisling waited a few moments. “New rules this weekend and they will be enforced. There is new security around the perimeter. These men are employed to protect the integrity of this encampment. No one can enter without a token and no guest tokens shall be given out. This will be our safe haven. On the list field, our tent will be also guarded and cooled to the envy of all. The reason why it will be cooled is that it will be closed to any outsider. Outside of the encampment, I am only to be called ‘The Lady’. When we go the list field, we will go in parade. Tomorrow night at their court we will make a showing like not other all of you have your instructions. We will show the kingdom of Anstorra how to present a Lady.” Everyone cheered. “Now let us finish enjoying our night.” With a wave of her hand musicians started to play. Men and women started to dance. Aisling sat down, Marie touched her hand, “My Lady, Brian wishes to talk to you.”
“Thank you Marie.” Aisling hoped that it was nothing but a standard report. She arrived at Brian’s tent that he had set up as his head quarters. “Brian, everything ok?”
“Yes, I now know why you wanted us here. Two women are determined to get a peek. I have ordered more canvas to be put up and now the gate is covered.”
Aisling smiled, “I knew you were the best. I am pleased with the men you have hired. I don’t notice them.”
Brian smiled, “They are men from my platoon. I know them and they know me and they are the best.”
“Thank you so much. Is there anything else Brian?”
“Yes, I did a background check on that new fellow.”
“Draken? What did you find?”
“Nothing, he was a Marine, never married, stock broker when not playing the game. A clean cut guy Aisling.”
“Thank you Brian, keep me informed.”
Aisling walked back to her tent and changed to something to enjoy the night in. When she walked out Draken’s jaw dropped. He had thought the dress she had on before was pretty but this gown was stunning. It was black as midnight and her skin glowed in the torch light. She moved lightly dancing to the beat of the drums. The drummers picked up the beat. As others dropped out of breath, she was the only one dancing and the only drummers were playing. Laughing she stopped and clapped her hands, “let’s have some singing.”
The rest of the night went in a blur for Draken. Many times, he wanted to strangle Rob. If that man said one more thing about the greatness of Aisling, he was going to hit him. Soon everyone was going to his or her tents. He waited until all had gone to bed and went to find Aisling.
Aisling slipped into the hot water. ‘There are times I am thankful for money. It makes sure I have a hot bath.’ She heard the canvas of her bower move. Without turning around, she knew it was Draken. “Is there an emergency Draken?”
“No, My Lady” he was transfix by the site before him. He had never thought she would be in a bath surrounded by candles.
“Why are you here? Something wrong with your quarters?”
“No, My Lady I just thought that maybe I could talk to you without others around.”
Aisling drew her sword, stood up and turned pointing the sword at Draken’s throat, “you disturbed me because you wanted to talk? No one disturbs me without cause. This better be good.”
Draken stood still knowing that if he backed down she would have not respect for him. He tried not to look at her body. Draken tried not to follow the droplets of water down her body. Shuddering he remembered some of his dreams and now he knew that they were all true. “My Lady, do believe in soul mates?” he whispered.
Slowly Aisling lowered her sword, “Once a long ago, when I was full of dreams.” She stepped out the tub and pulled on her robe. “But the dream has died.”
She pointed to a chair, “Please have a seat Draken. Do you want a drink?”
“What do you mean the dream has died?”
Pouring the burgundy, “Let me tell you a story, there was a young girl who trusted and sought the good in all people. She was hurt repeatedly but still she looked for the good in all people. Till one day the ultimate betrayal. She loved a man only to find she was only good enough to use for his pleasure.” Aisling swallowed down the wine and poured another before she continued. “She became pregnant with his child. She swore that she would not trap him into a marriage he didn’t want. She wanted to keep the baby so much but knew the only way was for him to help care for her.  He gave her an ultimatum if she kept the baby he would work out of state to provide for the child and send money to help and never see the child or she could place it for adoption. The way she saw it was that either way she lost. He didn’t even have a job at the time and was out of town. She knew that she could not rely on him for funds.” She lit a few more candles and sat down at Draken’s feet. On the table beside him, he saw a brush and started to brush her long hair as he listen. “Hmm that feels good.  Therefore, she did what she had to. She found a family and made all the doctors appointments. There were times she had to walk in the heat because her so-called friends didn’t want to help her. Her roommate used her as a babysitter. I guess she was trying to show her that she could take care of a baby by herself. However, in reality, all she wanted to do was get drunk and who knows what else. She had the baby and no one but a close family friend showed up. She asked the father again if he wanted to keep the child and again he said no.  Therefore, she placed the baby in another woman’s arms and signed the papers. She had the sent to where he was for him to sign that way he knew that he had the last sign and he signed. During the time of waiting for him to return, she had to walk to get anything. She walked five miles three days after the birth to pay the electric bill. He finally came home and the so-called friends told him that she had stolen from him. What little money he sent home was spent on other things other than the bills. That I didn’t want their help. They lied to him and he believed it. He accused me of stealing not only his money but giving away his baby. I have to leave. Later they accuse me of being selfish. I think it was because they now had to find real paying jobs and start paying the bills. That is when the dreams died. That is when I knew love as a fairytale for me, but real for others.”
Draken kept brushing her hair and said softly, “Maybe it is time for you to start dreaming again. Maybe it is time you believe in magic and unconditional love.”
Aisling turned to him. “Why are you saying this?”
“Aisling, how can I prove to you that there is unconditional love for you from another person?”
“Draken what are you trying to say?”
“I don’t want to scare you, but I know you, Aisling. I have dreamt of you for so long.” He touched her scar above her eye, “I know how you got this scar and many others, including the ones in your heart.”
Aisling closed her eyes slowly, “My heart wants to believe you but I don’t know.”
For a few moments no one spoke. “Draken, tomorrow night I want you to stand behind me in court. Lay one hand on my shoulder. You will know when the time is right.”
“Yes, My Lady. And I will bid you goodnight for both of us need sleep before we fight tomorrow.”
Standing Draken helped Aisling to stand and lightly kissed her. Aisling stood still until he was well away. Marie who had witness the scene smiled as she gathered Aisling to bed.
The next morning the excitement charged the air. The canvas gates opened and Ebony pranced as the noise of the people who were gathered to watch the Lady's troupe march out behind her. People speculated who she was. Fighters could wait to fight her. Oh to win against the Lady would be a thrill. However there was one who was not looking forward to the list.He knew that he would not only lose to her but also lose what he thought precious.
The Lady's army arrived at the list field with all pomp and circumstance. They all retreated to the large tent by the list field. Aisling took off her helmet and Draken loosened her chest plate. She looked at him and said nothing. He continued to see to her needs, much to the laughter of Robert and Heather. A guard poked his head in and ask, “My Lady, there is a gentleman requesting an audience.”
“Who is it?”, she asked.
“A Lord Stephen.”
She stiffened. Draken started towards her. Robert held him back, “No, Drake, not now.”
She tightened her chest plates and held her helmet under her arm. She took a moment to collect herself, and with head held high she walked out of the tent like a queen. Rob cautioned Drake to hang back but listen, as they all would. Outside Owen swallowed hard as he saw Aisling walk out of the tent. She motioned to the side of the tent knowing that her people would be listening for her cry of help if she so chose to cry out.
“You are magnicent Aisling.”, said Owen.
“Thank you, I can't help but wonder once again why you ask for me. I thought that all we had to say would be already be said.”
“But I thought since you paid for my...”
“You thought that I entertained the thought of you back in my life? Wrong, I do not want you in my life. The only reason is so that you know of grace. This does not mean I love you. I care for you only because  of our daughter. I am not in love with you.”  Tears streamed down her face.
“Then why are you crying? You must love me.” he grabbed her.
“Let me go, now,” she grounded out.
Draken had enough listening to the conversation. He moved to the opening of the tent and called out, “My Lady do you need anything?”
"I am fine, Draken," turning to walk away Aisling, breathed a sigh of relief.
"Aisling, wait! We are not finished here!" yelled Owen.
Draken push Robert's restraning hand and met Aisling  outside of the tent. "Sir, the Lady is through talking to you and she is no longer yours." Draken's eyes flickered with malice. Aisling placed a gentle hand on Draken's arm, "Come, let us leave this poor soul." she wispered to him.
Draken glared at Owen one last time and walked away.
Aisling's name was called in the list. Her clan felt sorry for the poor bloke that she had to fight. Her anger was still quite high. They gasped as they heard Owen's name called out. She picked up her shield and took her rattan sword from Lord Robert. Standing as still as a satute, she waited in the ring for Owen. He walked into the ring, "I yield to the Lady." The offical turned to Aisling, "Do accept his yield?" Aisling's eye narrowed,"NO!"
Heather grabbed Rob's arm, "Rob, she is going to kill him."
"I know. All I can do is watch, Heather. I have a feeling only Draken can get through to her and he wants blood to." He shuddered, "Heather, those two if they truely get together they will be a force to recken with. Owen better be glad she has a rattan sword and not a real sword."
Owen put on his helm. The referee started the match. It was clear who had the upper hand from the start. Owen was caught in defending himself. He had underestimated Aisling. He thought that because he had been fighting longer he would win. He had thought to take it easy on her; yet she came at him like no other. Her quick and sure hits were better than he had seen or felt.
Draken watch carefully as Aisling fought. He had never seen such fluidity in ones fighting. He strode over to Robert, "Magnificent isn't she?"
"Draken, you know she can kill him?"
"She won't if you can see her eyes she is sane."
They were not the only ones admiring her fighting style. Some of the older kings were watching. "That young lady is powerfull. Who did say she was?"
"My dear Duke, she called the lady. I have heard of her, but never thought I would see her here." said the king.
"Where does she come from?" asked the duke.
"I don't know exactly where.  There is one of her women. Page go yonder and ask that lady to come here."
The page ran to Lady Heather, "My Lady, his highness wishes for you to talk to you. Please follow me." Heather followed the page. She stood in frount of the king and inclined her head in respect. "How may I be of service to you your grace."
"Who is the Lady?" ask the king.
Heather laughed, "She is your fighters nightmare as well as dream. She is the inbodiment of all that is good in a woman. Those of us that are fortunate to be with her are blessed."
Sighing heavily the king asked again, "But who is she? What is her name?"
Heather looked hard at the king, "She is called The Lady. In some kingdoms she is called Queen of the night. She is who she is." Heather turned to see Aislin knock Owen off his feet. The king stood and started to the field. Heather laid a hand on the kings arm. "No, your grace needs to sit down this is between her and him. Please respect this. We who are in her clan will take care of the clean up that needs to be done."
The king sat down as Heather walked to Robert and Draken. "Draken how is..."
"God almighty she is incredable." as he stared at Aislin. He turned and saw the look on Heather's face, "She did not hurt him but his pride. He would not accept her hits.He was cheating, and she made him feel the last blow."
Heather let out her breath that she did not she was holding. Robert embraced her, "if it was not for Draken here I would feel the same."
Aisling looked down at Owen, "Grace only goes so far; forgivness can only be given if you are ready to forgive yourself. I can forgive myself and you, but as far as grace that is another story."
"Aislin, why pay my way? I thought you loved me."
"Owen the operating word is loved. I don't love you. I know now I was in love with the idea. But Owen you never loved me you used me." she bent closer so he saw her eyes through the visor. He gasped at the steel in them and wondered if he went to far.
"I will never be used again by anyone." She turned and walked away. At the entrance of the list field she saw Draken waiting for her. He reached for her.
"Not now Draken" ground out Aislin.
He dropped his arms and stood back to let her pass and followed her into the tent.  Without a word he stood off the side until she was ready for him. Heather watched the two, "yes Rob they will be a force to recond with. He just stands there waiting for her to need him."
The clan left the tent leaving Draken and Aislin alone. Aislin started to tremble, "Draken?"
"Here, my lady," stepping forward. "What is your desire?"
"Get this armor off me," as she pulled on the breastplate.
He brushed her hands aside to unbuckle the straps. He took off her vanbraces and massaged her arms. Draken breathed long breathes to counter her hyperventlating. Slowly her breathing matched his. He wiped her tears away and waited for her to talk. Laying her head on his chest she whispered, "Draken, I could have killed him. I wanted to hurt him."
Draken took a deep breath, "I know, but you didn't. It is not as if he didn't deserve it, but love you could not live with youself if you did. So what do you plan to do?"
Aisling sighed, "I don't know. I want to show him grace, but how can I when I feel this way?"
Draken held her tight, "Do you remember how you knew God's grace covered you?"
"Yes, but Draken how do I go to that level I thought that paying their way that would be enough, but it's not is it?"
Draken sighed, "Aislin, to be honest I don't know. Prayer,  I know will help." Looking at her, he saw her nod and they knelt together and prayed. As Aisling raised her head she felt a peace come over her. "Draken, I have plans for tonight, but I..." Aisling stoppedwhen she heard Draken's name called for the list field. "We will talk later." Smiling Aisling kissed him on the cheek. "Win."
Draken bowed to her, "As you wish." Running out the door of the tent he buckled his vanbraces. Robert was outside to see to the rest of his gear. As he entered the ring he saw Aisling walk out of the tent flanked by guards. He saluted her and turned to fight.
Brian approached Aisling. "My lady I am sorry. There will be more guards around."
"Brian it is ok. Draken and the clan are the only ones I want near." As Draken swung at his opponant Aislin held her breath. It ws a killing blow. As Draken was declared the winner he helped the "dead" man to his feet. Draken laughed as the other man shared a joke. Aislin turned to Brian, "He is to be protected as much as myself. I know some would say its to soon, but I love him."
"Aisling, when you showed interest in him. I gave the order to protect him. He has had a guard watching his back without his knowledge. Where as your guards need to visible; his needed to be invisible."
"Thank you Brian." turning to meet Draken half way.
Draken took her hand and led her into the tent, where they found Robert an Heather waiting for them.
"Aisling, I had the 'pleasure' in meeting two ladies. And I use that term very losely. A baroness and an other lady that smelt so much like achlohol. They want to meet you."
Draken felt Aisling shudder and held her closer, "I don't want them close to me," looking into Draken's eye finding the strengh and peace there within, "at least not yet."
"Tonight will be soon enough," said Draken.
The herald annouced the next round and Aisling was called to fight. She tighten her vanbraces, and took her helm in hand. Draken, Robert, and few of her guard escorted Aisling to the list field. Heather had some of the women keep Theresa and Courtney busy. Asiling won her next two battles. Draken won two but lost his last one. Soon only Aisling and a duke from a neighboring kingdom where left. Asling took her time in sizing the duke up. She fought like a fury. The duke was winded as Aisling continued to pell him with blows. Finally as he saw that Aisling was still fresh he yeilded to her. She was now the Stepps champion. Draken and Aisling walked back to the encampment hand in hand and surrounded by  the clan and guards.
Theresa and Courtney tried to get close but were brushed away. Owen just watched her pass knowing the rest of this weekend would be misable. He knew now that they would never get together. Courtney saw Owen walked over to him. "You look like you know who 'The Lady' is?"
"I do, and so do you." sighed Owen. "It is Aisling."
Theresa stammered, "She's who?"
"Aisling, you know the one you discounted. The one you used. The one you betrayed not only her but me." He left them in stunned silence.
Aisling and Draken reached her tent and he left her in her maid's care.
"Marie, I feel like I am in a dream. Sometimes a nightmare  but, mostly a wonderful dream." 
Marie just smiled and nodded.
Marie laid out Aisling gown she slowly carressed the gold silk. She knew that Aisling had this made for tonight. Aisling stepped out of the tub pulled on a thin lawn chemise. Tonight she had to look like a queen, a queen of the night. She sat down to put on her make-up. Marie came behind to dress her hair. Marie placed one of the many crowns that the other kingdoms gave her as the queen of the night. Slipping on the gown, Aisling looked into the full length mirror. Seeing nothing out of placed she turned to Marie.
"Will I pass?" asked Aisling. Maria held her breath, and Aisling had her answer in her eyes.
Knowing that this was a big night for Aisling, the clan gathered around to see how she would apeare to the court. As the panels of the tent parted, her household were humbled with the site of her beauty. Draken stared at her amazed. He thought she beautiful before but now she was enchanting
© Copyright 2007 Bearlylady (bearlylady at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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