Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1339918-Injustice
Rated: ASR · Essay · Educational · #1339918
This was an essay that I did in high school for fun.

It is common sense that we live in an unfair world. Being that women are given fewer opportunities than men and people are treated differently because of the color of their skin it is to be expected that the world is an unfair place to live. Adolescents are sized up in two seconds by their elders because they are seen as unappreciative, immature naïve children. This may be true or could it be that they refuse to watch us try and fail because they so strongly wish for us to succeed?
         As an adolescent girl, I have had my share of hard times and unfairness. Growing up in the projects it is not uncommon to hear sirens on a daily basis. Being the youngest of three children didn’t make it any easier. I was looked at as the incapable one, never being able to do things for myself, for I lacked courage and independence. I learned to release my frustrations and angers through writing. Unfortunately, not all are as lucky as I was.
         We are told to get jobs once we reach an age when we can begin to learn how to support ourselves. This usually happens in our first or second year of high school, for some even sooner, but yet when we go to find our first job we are not given chances because most jobs require us to have work experience, the very thing that we are looking for. How are we supposed to get experience if no one gives us a chance?
Our elders look down on us for not having a job to help support our families; because when they were our age they already had jobs and were providing for themselves. We can’t as much as fill out a job application. We are not being encouraged to do so by the people who are telling us to get of our asses and do something with our lives. Instead we are given impossible expectations that we have no ways of meeting. Our elders are supposed to teach us how to survive in the world and what to expect, but what have they really taught us? Why have they not taught us anything about racism? They’ve told us what it is, and what type of an effect it has on the world, but what have they told us about trying to make a change? Are they too scared to speak up because of what has happened to our previous leaders? We must learn about the violence that our leaders had to endure to understand what it could take to be a leader. The few great leaders that we have had who made the choice that they were going to have their voice be heard were murdered. Do our elders not want to take a chance to see that maybe if they say something that it will make a difference and it will open up our eyes and make us want to make a difference?
The fact that racism and prejudice is even still around today is embarrassing because we, as a nation, should have grown past judging people because of the color of their skin, religious beliefs, sexual orientation or whatever else their is for ignorant people to judge us on. We’ve moved on from having our schools segregated and keeping prejudice from taking over our lives, but yet it still finds a way to creep back into our lives without warning and destroy everything. What we don’t know is that we can stop this, but we must unite as people, as Americans, not as blacks or whites or gay and straight but as friends.
Racism is still here this very day all around us. Why do people think that just because the color of our skin is different and that we all have different beliefs that we should not all be treated the same?
Take a minute out of your lives and think about all the times you ever disrespected someone or were ever mean to someone and imagine if someone were treating you that way. How would that make you feel? Angry? Hurt? Humiliated? So, why would you treat someone in a way you would never want to be treated? To me it is all about the golden rule: treat people how you would want to be treated.
Men and women. Men are always referred to as the man of the house and women are referred to as the little lady who takes care of the man and caters to him. Where did this theory come from? Women are supposed to stay home and take care of the children and house while men go off to work so they can provide for the family. It is such a shame that all the potential that we have is wasted because we are to stay home and be this stereotypical wife that has dinner ready for her husband when he comes home from work. Why is it not the other way around, or why can’t it even be equal? Society has brainwashed us into thinking that this life is normal and that what is abnormal is thinking for yourself.
There are women who do truly believe that living in the shadow of their husband is okay, and then there are women who believe this is nonsense.  All that matters is that you actually get to choose to believe want you want and all else will fall into place. Women must know, though, that they do not need a man to complete their lives, but why are so many women still alone and at home? It just seems unfair.
It seems like such a childish word, as if two children were fighting over the last cupcake. This word is bigger than it seems. It is used by people of all ages all over the world.  Why is it that the people of the world have not figured out how to live among each other in peace? We have been around for such a long time and we have still not managed how to live fairly?
If a man were to commit a crime such as rape, he would get off with a slap on the wrist. What about the woman he has turned into his victim? Does she deserve justice? Does she deserve to see the man who violated her behind bars? You take the life out of a human being and nothing. No consequences, no punishments, nothing. Is that really the way we want to live our lives? Is there anybody who will step up and say that this is wrong? Is there anybody who will let his or her voice be heard? Is this the world that we live in? That we want to live in? A world where criminals run our streets and take the lives of our families? A world where the people that we look up to are just out to take advantage of us? This is the world that I see; this is the world that I live in. A world of injustice. Will we ever know justice?
© Copyright 2007 mexorean_girl (mexorean_girl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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