Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1339684-Lester-The-Lion-Learns-Fire-Safety
Rated: E · Other · Children's · #1339684
Is about a young boy who finds a book of matches and sparks up more then his curiosity.
Story & Illustrations By: De’Bee Raatikainen-Kuzanek
The Adventures of Frankie the Frog & Friends

Lester the Lion Learns Fire Safety

Let me tell you a story, it happens all in rhyme.

It happened in Tulip Valley, what a scary time.

This is a story about Lester the Lion; he started out having fun.

But now he feels bad, about what he had done.

As the old saying goes, curiosity got the cat.

In this story; no one got hurt. Thank heavens for that.

One day Lester the Lion was playing in a barn.

The barn was on Owl’s land; it was his home and farm.

Lester saw an old jacket, hanging on a hook.

He took it down, to try it on, so he could take a look

Something in the pocket? What did he see?

A box of matches; Bad Lester.

He took them out by the old Pine trees.

He played with the pine needles, pulling them apart.

“I wonder?”  He lit a match.

Careful Lester, a fire you might just start.

Lester lit more matches, one by one.

A flame jumped out, burning him, right on his thumb.

The flame scared Lester; he dropped the match on the ground.

He did not know the match stayed lit.

Oh, No Lester! Fire! Fire all around!

The fire was spreading, heading straight for Lester’s toe.

Lester ran quickly, to let a grown up know.

“Mr. Owl! Mr. Owl! A fire! Help me please!”

When they got to the fire, it was burning more old trees.

Thank heavens the fire station was located close by.

The firefighters saw thick black smoke, in the pale blue sky.

The firefighters got there, as fast as they could.

“Hurry men wet down the barn, because it’s made out of wood!”

The firefighters quickly wet down Owl’s farm.

Making sure the fire doesn’t spread, causing any more harm.

Lester stood there coughing, as smoke filled his nose.

Mr. Owl ran to help; he got water from his hose.

A few moments later; HORRAY!  The fire was completely out.

The fire chief asked Mr. Owl, “How this came about?”

Mr. Owl was confused; he didn’t know what to say.

Lester dropped his head and raised his paw,

“I’m the one to blame.”

Mr. Owl said, “Lester, I do not understand.

How can a little boy, do damage to my land?”

Lester was afraid to look Owl in the eye.

He told his story, and then he began to cry.

The fire chief heard Lester explain.

“Little boy, fire is dangerous! It is not a game!.”

In the future; may I suggest, you ask your Mom or Dad for help.

Children shouldn’t do things, all upon themselves.

Someone could of gotten hurt, or even worse than that.

The fire chief told Lester; curiosity got the cat.

You need to ask a grown up, when you are in doubt.

Your parents or your teachers will tell you all about…

Lester the Lion learned his lesson. Yes, he did say.

Did you learn an important message from this story today?

You will be grown up, all in due time.

Starting fires on purpose is a serious crime!

Go over safety procedures with your family.

You’ll be glad you did, you’ll live happily.

Always keep in mind; curiosity got the cat.

This is the end of my story.

What did you think about that?

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