Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1339561-One-million-years-of-lonliness-Ch-1
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1339561
this is the first chapter, it is about the vampires releiving their boredom
Chapter 1:

Bank Robbers

Paris, 2005, 3:25am, 17/9

Mingling with crowds and pretending to be humans, has lost it's fun, and has bored Michelle and I.

We decided to rob a bank, with our disturbing speed and strength, it would be very easy.

On an almost irrelevant note, we discovered that if I give her more blood, Michelle becomes stronger and faster and stuff, at the moment she is almost as good as I am, almost.

We walk up to the doors, look at each other and nod; we smash the doors in, sending them flying across the room to smash through the glass in front of the booths, we grin at each other and, according to our pre-ordained strategy, leap at opposite walls.

I am wearing a black cotton shirt, my usual black cargo pants and my favourite great coat, black with loops for my weopens inside. I have two swords, twins, both made of titanium, both about five foot long, and a dagger that is about two foot long, this is the time to mention my height, I am seven foot three.

Michelle is wearing tight black pants a tighter black top, entertaining for me, and a flowing, black leather great coat that looks like it's been polished. she has two swords also, both four foot long, a dagger, one foot and a set of ten throwing knives, each half a foot long.

The lights are all off, it would be dark, but, as originaly nocturnal animals, it seems bright as day, for a human.

Michelle takes the right wall and moves to the exit wall, I run along the left wall, ripping of security cameras, as Michelle finishes the right wall.

“Stop showing off,” Michelle yells from across the room.

I laugh and shout back, “but I have to catch up, I love the way you look from the back, I was transfixed.”

I can practicly hear her grin as she yells “thank you, if the great Gabriel, lord of the vampires, is transfixed then I must look very good from behind,” she laughs again.

“I like your analysis,” I shout as I hit the booths and smash through the glass, I leap to the back wall and rip of the camera, I tear it into tiny pieces as I fall to the floor, gravity finally claiming me.

As I drop the pieces of the video camera, I hear footsteps outside, coming closer to the building; I turn to Michelle and tap my ear, she nods, she’s heard it too, I point to the roof, she nods again.

We leap for the roof as a gang of bank robbers (thugs) comes into sight.

One, obviously the leader, is carrying a machine gun, he has a scar across his left cheek and a heavy set face.

Two others are carrying handguns, they look like twins, light boned and short, exept the scars, one with a magnum and the other with a silenced berretta.

Two more with Uzi’s, brothers one taller and the other with a heavier frame, mostly similar, no scars yet.

The last with a grenade belt, very short and slim, half his left ear missing and a knife scar going from his right eye to his chin, all the thugs are wearing uniform black body suit and helmet.

I laugh and drop to the ground, after a short stunned look the guns swivel to me, Michelle drops next to me, half the guns move to her, professional.

“What do you think, my love, shall we get them,” Michelle says.
“No, my love, let us give them a handicap, we will only attack when they attack first,” I reply, not taking my eyes off the thugs.

The leader laughs, the rest join in, the leader waves a hand, and they stop.

“You think you can beat all of us,” he sniggers.

“Yes,” I declare with confidence, “I bet you your lives that we will win,”

“What if you loose,” the leader replies, “What then?”

“The very fact that you needed to ask that proves that you are a moron, one final test of your stupidity, did you notice the doors?” I ask.

The man turns red and looks around, he spots the doors lying against the far wall, and his expression darkens.

“That proves it, so I’ll add one more twist, we will beat you without guns,” I gaffaw and turn to Michelle, her face is red with suppressed laughter. “Release your mirth, my love.” I say.
Michelle laughs uproariously, than says, “may I choose my victims first, my love?” she asks sweetly.

“Yes, my love, you may choose first, it would be ungentle manly of me to refuse you that,” I answer, politely, smiling.

“In that case,” she replies, “I want the two with handguns and the one with grenades, if you don’t mind me taking the worst armed ones, my love,” she finishes, and grins.

“There is nothing wrong with their arms, but I do not mind you taking the ones with the least sophisticated weaponry, Michelle,” I reply, eying my opponents with a bored expression.

They don’t seem to like the talk of killing them, the thugs are probably used to killing others, the leader looks at his men and nods, then turns and nods again.

The thugs start firing, I dart forward and punch one of the men with Uzi’s in the rib cage,hard, I hear ribs crack and the man flies across the road and smashes into the building on the other side, on office block, windows smash and I loose sight of the man.

Michelle leaps to the roof as a grenade flies under her, hits the booths and explodes, sending slivers of glass everywhere, one hits the man with the grenades, he grunts and tries to remove another grenade, but Michelle is on him, she pulls the pins on all of his grenades and flings him up into the air, the grenade man explodes and showers us all with blood and thicker thing which I can guess at but if you can’t, ignorance is bliss.

I laugh and grab the other man with and Uzi and the leaders machine gun and fling them both across the room to smash into the far wall, the man breaking his spine and then being impaled on the gun, try getting a human to live through that.

Michelle giggles insanely and grabs her two remaining victims and smashes their heads together so hard that there is nothing left but a greyish red mush.

I laugh again and grab the leader, he’s shaking violently, “w-w-w-what are y-you?” he stutters.

I laugh again, “We are the best of the vampires,” I reply, sink my fangs into his neck and drink him dry.

I fling the corpse away and turn to Michelle, “ you can have the one pined to the wall if you throw me the machine gun.

As Michelle sucks the man dry, I write a message on the wall for the police:
We got here first, they got killed

I had great fun writing this.
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