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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Adult · #1338880
Next chapter in Finding My Destiny
Chapter 3

    After they left Skye, Brad and Cody decided to get something to drink at the snack bar.  While sitting at a table enjoying their ice cold drinks, Karl caught up with them.

    “Hey, Brad.  How are you, Cody?  It’s been a while since I’ve seen you.  What’s new with you both?”

    “Back atcha, Karl.  Guess who’s back in town?  We just met up with Skye.  She brought Matt over to get something to eat.  You wouldn’t believe how much he’s grown.  I didn’t even recognize him.  I didn’t realize that it’s been that long.”

    “No, way.  I never thought we’d see her again.  Is she just visiting?”

    “No, I guess something happened and she’s moved back.  By the way, I took the liberty of volunteering you to help her get settled in tomorrow.  Cody and I will be there too.  Knowing Skye, she had to stop at the gift shop and see Sadie and Callie.  It wouldn’t surprise me any if she mentioned it to them too.  Maybe we should get together and take a house warming gift along with some snacks.  I doubt that she’s gone to the store yet.”

    “That sounds like a good plan to me, especially if they came out here for dinner.  I’ll stop by and speak with them later.  We’ll set up a time and place to meet and arrive there together.  Well, I’ve got to get back to work.  See both of you tomorrow.  I’ll give you a call, Brad, and let you know what we’ve worked out.”

    “Alright, try not to work too hard.  We can’t have you overworking anything, since I’m sure that will be done tomorrow.  Skye said she’d put us to work on the heavy stuff.”

    After Karl left, Brad and Cody were lost for a couple of minutes in their own thoughts.  Brad couldn’t believe that Skye had reappeared, out of the blue, but sure was glad to have her back.  Things just weren’t the same after she left.  The five of them had been a tight group, always doing things together, and signing up for the same activities at work.  Her departure had left an empty void that couldn’t be filled back in.  Now she was back, and the group would be together again.

    Cody was trying to sort out his thoughts.  He had arrived back in town earlier today.  He was still on his quest, trying to make sense of his grandfather’s vision.  It was puzzling, but his grandfather, Running Bear, had told him that he would know the meaning of the vision when the time was right.  It sure had him stumped.  How was he to find something when he had no idea what it was that he was supposed to be looking for, even where to start.  Skye, now she would be a pleasant diversion.  When he had been talking to Brad after he had arrived, he had noticed her and in that moment felt a shock running through him.  He was wondering what the best way to meet her would be, since she had a young boy with her.  To his surprise, Brad had known her and introduced them.  Now, he would have an excuse to speak with her some more tomorrow when they all went over to help her get settled in.

    “I’ll give you a penny for your thoughts.  You look like you are many miles away at the moment,” Brad told Cody.

    “I was.  I’m trying to figure something out that has me bewildered, and I can’t make any sense out of it.”

    “What is it?  Maybe I can help. You know how good I am with puzzles.”

    “I wish it was that simple.  You remember when I told you about our vision quests?  My grandfather, Running Bear, had one that has me puzzled.  I am here to try to find out the meaning of it.  I just don’t where to begin.”

    “I always believed that it is best to start at the beginning.  If you start in the middle, you may miss something important.”

    “That’s just it.  Where is the beginning?”

    “What was his vision about?  Maybe I can help you.”

    “It took place a couple of months ago.  Running Bear went to his favorite spot to camp out for a couple of days.  While he was there, he had a vision come to him.  In this vision he saw me.  That is why I need to find the meaning of it.  It has to do with what my destiny is.”

    “Wow!  What was in the vision?  It must be something important.”

    “In this vision, he saw me with the spirit animals that are in our family.  These were all combined into one, the bear, eagle, and wolf. Two other wolves were seen nearby. Though they were wolves, they also held the spirits of many. They came to join together with the others.  With the joining of these spirit animals, came a great force. This force is very strong and powerful. It holds the answers too many questions.”

    “I see what you mean. Don’t these vision quests ever give simple things?  I’ve heard of them for guidance and stuff, but to have to try to figure out the meanings?  That’s something totally else.”

    “I know what you mean. Usually the first one is to find out who your animal spirit or guide is. That is how your adult name is given; after you have gone on this vision quest. When I went on mine, it was the wolf and I was named Moon Wolf.  My father, Soaring Eagle, since he was given the vision of an eagle soaring;  my grandfather, Running Bear.  That part of the vision I am able to understand.  It’s the rest that has me puzzled.”

    “OK, you have the beginning figured out.  Now, the next part is the two wolves that contain the spirits of many. Do you have any idea what that means?  I can see why you are puzzled.”

    “No, I can’t figure that part out.  Especially, why I am drawn here. It’s not like there are many wolves here.  I guess I just need to try to decipher it for awhile.  Now, let’s talk about something else.  Since you’ve gone ahead and volunteered me to help out tomorrow, tell me a little bit about Skye.  That way I won’t go and stick my foot in my mouth by saying something wrong.”

    “Alright, here you go with the mini version.  She lived here before and moved away about seven years ago.  While she was living here, she worked in the gift shop.  She became very close to Sadie and Callie.  Especially Sadie, and they were like sisters.  She met someone, who broke her heart.  We all helped her through that.  Later, they had gotten back together, had Matt, and moved away when he got transferred.  They seemed  very happy which is why Karl and I felt like we’d never see her again.”

    “Do you know anything about her growing up?”

    “A little bit.  She grew up with money. Her Mom liked to have the best of everything. Everything had to be new, never something that had been used.  Not even houses or cars.  Especially, not clothes.  I have a feeling this made Skye a bit uncomfortable.  She likes things broke in and loves the thrift stores.  You’ll find out that she is a very simple and down to earth person.”

    “Thanks a lot.  I’ll remember that and try not to eat my words.  Tell me something?  Do you know where Sadie is from?  She looked a little familiar when I passed by the gift shop earlier before I found you.”

    “I know that she is Native American.  Both she and Skye seemed to get along right from the start.  Unfortunately, that is all I know.  She did try to get Skye to go along home with her a few times before but something always came up.  I think she felt like it may help.  I wouldn’t be too surprised if she tried to again.  I do know that she is planning a visit there soon.”

    “Thanks again.  It’s getting late so I’d better get going so I’m ready for tomorrow.  Let me know what everyone decides to do when you hear from Karl.”

    “Alright, I’ll talk to you later.  Try to get some rest and don’t worry about figuring things out tonight.  I have a feeling that you will find the answers you’re searching for in due time.”

© Copyright 2007 Phoenix Skye-Wolf (kaiteywolf2 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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