Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1338677--Her-Manipulating-Sister-
Rated: 18+ · Script/Play · Relationship · #1338677
A sister who rises above and becomes obsessed with herself...

Lexy Huntington was very sophisticated, self centered and manipulative female. At the age of twenty three she was the Head Executive over the Robert Trent Resort Hotel Front Desk Division. Lexy was indeed sexy, seductive and very high maintance. There was never a time that anyone, not even her family members, would see her without looking professional and glamorous.

Speaking of family, Lexy was all about herself. After renting her a one bedroom luxuriously decorated town house and driving a 2006 black escalade suv with sparkling rims, Lexy felt as though she no longer needed her family's support and if they had any intentions on being apart of her new life, they had better start climbing up the ladder so she could recognize them on her level.

Lexy wore nothing but the finest of everything. Everyday was a glamour day event for her. Lexy was about 5'7 with a slender sexy body. Her curves were shaped as a coca cola bottle and her breast were very full and firm, always standing at attention. Lexy had fine auburn brown shoulder length hair which had a lot of bounce to it. Her smoothe brown sugar complexion was so glowingly that where ever she made an entrance it was sure to catch everyone's undivided attention. This included men and women of all ages.





Lexy was in her office sitting at her desk with her legs crossed when the Guest Sevice Director over HouseKeeping entered her office.

Hello Lexy how are you doing today?

I'm unsure at the moment but I'm sure I'll definitely know in just a few minutes. Have a seat Mrs. Vera......... Mrs. Vera I am highly disappointed with your means of authority. You have been employed here for almost six years. There should be no reason at all that I should be recieving any complaints concerning you compling with your job duties and responsibilities. I have here on my desk several complaints from our regular quest stating that their rooms have not been cleaned properly. Now you tell me Mrs. Vera what do you have to say about that?

I'm sorry Lexy I had no idea that any complaints had been made. When did all of this come up?

Look Mrs. Vera please do not insult my intelligence! If I'm not mistaken you are a fifty four year old woman and I know darn well you know exactly what these complaints are about which only allow me to know that you haven't been on your job around here. We have one hundred and fifty rooms in this hotel and you have amble amount of housekeepers to make sure that everything is taken care of with a spic and span look. Now you make me understand why is it that you don't have a clue about any of these complaints?

No one has said anything to me concerning something being wrong with their rooms. This is the first I'm hearing of this.

Well let me enlighten you then Mrs. Vera, the bottom line is that you haven't been doing your job which is to make sure that your housekeepers are doing their job. Do you realize just how embarassing getting these type of complaints from the professional people whom spend their money here, is? This CAN NOT and WILL NOT be tolerated! I suggest you get on top of your job ASAP and make sure that every room in this hotel is cleaned from top to bottom without even a tiny bit of hair to be found anywhere! Do I make myself clear Mrs. Vera?

Yes Lexy and I'm very sorry, it won't happen again.

Oh ...I'm quite sure that it won't if you want to remain being employed here! Get back to work and close my door on your way out. And so that you will be well aware, I will be keeping my eyes on you from this point on.

Understood completely. I do apologize.


After leaving out of Lexy's office, Mrs. Vera was almost in tears. She couldn't believe that Lexy had the nerve to accuse her of not being on top of her job. She knew that all of her housekeepers were very dependable and took pride in their work. Mrs. Vera thought, this has to be a mistake or possibly a misunderstanding.
Out of the six years she had been employed at Robert Trent Resort Hotel, she had never gotten not a one complaint from anyone. All the guest would commend her on their rooms being very clean and nice.


2:30 PM

Mrs. Vera was helping out in the laundry room but being more quiet than usual. Her quietness drew attention to one of the ladies who worked full time in laundry.

Vera is everything alright hon..? You're not sick or anything or you..?

No, I'm feeling okay. I've just got alot of things rumbling through my mind today that's all.

I knew it had to be something because you just don't seem like yourself today. Normally whenever you come around you're always humming those good old time gospel songs and I haven't heard not a one from you today.

Well I've been humming but it's been inside my soul. I humm a bit then I talk to the Lord and humm some more.

Well Vera I'm not trying to prior in your business or anything but is everything alright at your home? I'm here hon if you want to talk.

I appreciate it but right now I'm giving it over to God and I'm gonna let him work it out. Everything at home is fine and I'm going to be alright myself. There is nothing to big or small that God can't handle but thank you for being concerned.

Anytime Vera because I know how it is when something is bothering you and you just can't seem to pull yourself together. Oh I've been that way a plenty of times back here in this laundry room. I know I can't humm those old songs like you but I try to do the best I can with this old cracky voice and that's why I be looking forward to see you come through those doors humming your tunes. It makes me feel so much better I tell ya.

Well I appreciate that compliment coming from ya. It means alot. But let me remind you that the bible says...make a joyful noise! so it don't matter how it sounds because if it brings you joy then the Father accepts it all.

I hear ya Vera but you haven't heard my humming ... ( laughing ) ...because if you did trust me you would be telling me to shut up ...!!! Just like my husband do me.


4:05 PM

Lexy walked passed the laundry room and heard a familiar voice. When she peeped her head inside the door she noticed that the voice belonged to Mrs. Vera Miles. With a very displeasing look Lexy advised Mrs. Vera Miles to report to her office immediately.


Mrs. Vera had made it to Lexy's office before she did so she just had a seat in the same chair she had sat in earlier during the morning chew out. All Vera could think about  was ...what's wrong now?  Before she could finish off her prayer, Vera heard the high heals making an entrance through the door. Before Lexy let out one word she slammed down a couple of folders on her desk with an agitated look over her face. Mrs. Vera remained silent while sitting upright in the chair across from Lexy's desk. Once Lexy sat down, she starred at Mrs. Vera as if she had a very serious problem.

Vera Miles... What is your problem?

What do you mean Lexy? What have I done this time? More complaints?

You are really trying my patients! ... Let me make myself clear and this will be your last warning so I advise you to not take any part of what I'm about to say lightly or you will find yourself standing in an employment line ASAP!  First of all let me ask you another question? What is your job title Mrs. Vera?

I'm the guest service director over housekeeping.

Hummm ... so you're not as illiterate as you're making yourself seem. So if you know what you're job titile is, then I'm sure your job came with a job discription as well am I right Mrs. Vera?

Yes it did and I have always been doing my job since I first started working here.

Mrs. Vera you see I have one problem with that statement you just made. IF you were doing YOUR JOB, you wouldn't be in the laundry room stealing the company's time while gossiping. Your job is over the housekeeping department and I thought I had covered that issue with you on our meeting this morning.

I have never stole company's time. I often go in the laundry room and help out every day, because when the housekeepers run out of clean laundry, I go in there to help the laundry person out so there can be clean towels to go back into the rooms. I've been doing that since I started and there has never been a problem.

Oh ...but there is a problem now... If you recall I have several complaints against the rooms in which you are held responsible for. Now I see why you can't inspect the rooms to make sure everything is spotless and in order. You've been hanging around in the laundry room trying to do someone else's job besides your own. Well I tell you how we can handle this ... How about you and the laundry person switch job positions? You do the laundry and I'll train her to inspect rooms and make sure they are as perfect as perfect can get. Would you like that Mrs. Vera? Maybe you're not cut out for your position any longer. What do you think?

Lexy I don't mean any disrespect but would it be asking to much for me to see the compliants in writing that were given to you from the guest? I would like to make  copies to put them im my folder. It is company's policy that I have copies of all complaints as well.

Listen to me Mrs. Vera.... Trust me... You do not want to cross me by underminding my AUTHORITY!  When I am ready to give you copies I will but until then I advise you to stay in your department and handle YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES!  And just so you know, Mrs. Vera, I respect you as an elder but DO NOT EVER mention to me again about what is the company's policy because I MADE THE POLICY! ......You can see your way out now because it's almost that time for me to get out of here and I suggest to you to get some inspection done because if I recieve just one more complaint from a guest concerning those rooms.... You will be FIRED on the spot! Do I make myself clear Mrs. Vera?



The very moment Vera Miles was outside of Lexy's office she couldn't fight back her tears any longer. She had gotten so full on the inside with anger and rage because she knew that she had done nothing wrong. Why was Lexy picking her? she thought. What exactly had she done to Lexy for her to treat her so rude? Out of the six years Vera Miles had put into the hotel, this was the very first time anyone supposily filed any kind of complaint. To Vera it all just seemed so strange and something about the whole senereo wasn't right.

It was almost 5:45 and all the first shift laundry and housekeeping employees were getting ready to exit the hotel. Mrs. Vera said goodbye to all of her housekeepers and thanked them for working so hard. As Vera was approaching her vehicle she noticed the laundry lady#1 trying to get her attention.



Auh ...I'm so glad I got a chance to catch you before you left.... Vera do you have a few minutes to spare?

Yeh, is something wrong?

I saw the way that Lexy Huntington looked at you when she came in the laundry room earlier. You didn't get into any trouble or anything did you?

I don't know what's going on around here but it seems as though she has some type of vandeta against me. I just don't know....


Mrs. Vera began to tell Laundry Lady #1 about the complaints that Lexy had got on to her about that morning and what she said about her not being caught helping out in the laundry room anymore or it was going to be her job. Laundry Lady #1 was stunned over the news.


Vera you've got to be kidding me! Laundry and housekeeping has always worked together so why is it a problem now? That makes no sense. Lexy ain't over any of our departments anyway. She's only suppose to be over front desk.

Yeh, that's what I thought to but apparently someone has given her the authority and you can believe she's using it to her advantage.

But that's not her job to say anything. We've always handled things this way. If there is a change then somebody should have had a meeting with all of us and let us know what's going on. I never cared for that snobby heifer anyway! She walks around her with her nose all up in the air like she's Ms Goody To Shoe! I can't stand her! You know there's a rumor going around saying that she's sleeping with Mr. Trent's son.

Mr. Trent's son? Are you talking about Rodney Trent?

Yes mame, Rodney Trent! That's the news thats floating around the hotel.

But Rodney's married. He's still a newlywed. Haven't been married a year just yet. I doubt there's any truth to that. You know how people just make anything up to gossip about.

Now Vera, what does all that have to do with anything? Married, newleywed, happily married, just married, neva married  and soon to be married means nothing to these folk these days in time. Marriage is just as act for the public's eye. Don't let it fool ya. It's all about impressing and trying to keep up with the jones.

Well even inspite of the situation, that shouldn't have anything to do with her trying to sling around her authority in areas that she has absolutely nothing to do with. I don't know what it is but something is just not right.

It all may be rumors but I believe it. They say that Mr. Robert Trent is leaving to go to Paris in another week and Rodney is suppose to be here next week to run things while his dad is away. All that old Lexy is doing is trying to impress and make it seem as though she's got power. She makes me sick! I hate to even see her coming. I'm glad I stay in the laundry room because she think she's to good to come in there and I'm glad about it.

Alrighty then ...I've got to get home so I can perpare dinner for the family. Thanks for the chit chat and I'll see you in the morning. Your drive safely and have a good evening.

Thank you Vera and you do the same. Talk to ya tomorrow and don't be letting that so called high class lil heifer ruin your day because she ain't even worth it with her nasty ass attitude. Her day is coming soon though you can believe that!

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