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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1338260
7-20 episodes! Enjoy!
Chapter Seven: Civil War “Anybody can say that a war in another country is different than the war in their own, but war is war, it is pointless to kill a man nor woman.”
         The warm sun that shines over the opening. It managed to be my alarm clock that does not have a snooze button. I turn to avoid being blinded, but I realized that I accidentally kissed Gambrick while he sleeps. He woke up and looks at me, then backs away a bit, sort a surprised. “Uhh... Aren’t you a little too young to start this relationship?” Gambrick questioned me. He looks around and realized that the sun is up and he made a face gesture of saying oh. I blushed with embarrassment, I kissed a priest like a silly lover, the stupid moment of my life. I saw someone put up a piece of wood like a door and knocks on it. Gambrick chuckles and comes to the piece of wood, then knocks it down. I look at the person and I noticed it was Classic. I look around and saw everyone else is packing up, Jenna is cooking breakfast. Classic lifts Gambrick and toss him aside, then walks to the campfire. “Ok, breakfast is ready, everyone.” Jenna announced as she give a plate to Classic. Others put down their stuff and come to the campfire to enjoy breakfast. Lunaria darts her eyes to the west, I think she sensed magic being used because I can sense it too. Everyone grabs their weapon, I managed to ran back to my tent and get my staff. I came back and ready myself for the battle. Classic pushed me to the ground like something is about to hit me, I was right. “Hit the dirt!” Classic shouted as a fireball flies above me and him. Everyone dodges the fireball barrage. I listened and heard the attackers moving and I knew that they are probably The Ryouku Werewolves. I look from where the fireballs came from and I saw three werewolves busting out of their hiding, charging at us. Their pelt is bloodstained and look like my hair in a bad storm, they look like they are crazed and deadly. One of them is wearing what it look like a Monk’s armor that they had to go to Balthazar’s Realm to get it, my guess is that this werewolf is the leader of the attack. “Ground yourselves!” Myasha ordered and everyone stood in a defensive stance. I stood behind Classic, knowing that the werewolves are able to kill me while I’m not in a right stance, I never felt this frightened by their mere appearance. One of them is going for Lunaria while Lunaria is sounding an incantation, but Myasha stood in front and intercept the deranged wolf man. The clothed wolf man is going for me but got shot by Jenna’s weird crossbow and had to retreat. The third is about to dive for Gambrick but ended up diving into Gambrick’s War hammer. The three retreated as if they are not as tough as Gambrick told me. “Hmph! We are let off easy, we must move.” Gambrick said. “I managed to bugged them, now I can sensed them easier.” Lunaria said. We move away from the opening... and the welcoming sun, just to avoid being attacked later on. Myasha is mumbling to herself, thinking, even remembering. “I think I remember the leader of the attack. That one is the nasty and demanding type of Pack Leader, we referred him as, Darkfang Vampfur.” Myasha said. Classic clapped his hands once and seems to know something. “I’ve heard about a bit of a civil war going on in this forest. Ryouku Wolves and their rebellious enemy are fighting amongst each other about a dispute amongst leadership.” Classic explained. Now I had to be careful of knowing which the rebel wolves are and which the loyalists are. We kept walking for a long time and we are only a quarter of the forest covered. The forest maybe can covered most of The Shiverpeak. Or I’m overestimating the size, it just the walk felt long. “Wait, I’ll check.” Classic said as he stopped us. Classic disappears into the bushes, and then I saw him again but a couple yards away. He scans the area and beckons us to come and see. We approach carefully. As we got to where Classic is standing, I saw a black wolf with red eyes attacking a Ryouku Werewolf. The werewolf and the black wolf are in a lock but the werewolf managed to break it with its left paw swipe across the wolf’s face. The wolf evaded the claw attack and readies a stance. The werewolf throws a fireball at the wolf and charges. The wolf dodges the fireball and lunges at the werewolf. The werewolf smacked the wolf aside and the wolf regains its footing in midair. The werewolf kicked some dirt at the wolf, blinding it, and then charges again. The wolf lunges again and grips the werewolf’s neck with its jaw. The wolf killed it with a quick rip of its flesh. The wolf spits out the piece of flesh that it tore off and drags the dead werewolf into the bushes. I rushed to look at the wolf, but it disappeared quicker than I can run. “Careful. That wolf is one of the Ryouku Wolves.” Gambrick warned. “Wrong, it is part of a different wolf clan. That wolf had black pelt with red eyes, Ryouku Wolves are blood red pelt with yellow eyes.” Classic explained. “So you are saying that the Rebel Ryouku actually have allies?” Gambrick questioned. “Allies can be great help if we are waging war upon the Nage.” Myasha said. “Well, what our choice? Go seek the help from the Ryouku or continue on?” Classic asked. “The Nage are tough people to deal with, I say that we can get the help of The Ryouku Werewolves.” Lunaria answered. “They are vicious creature, I never forgive them for what happened to Feldrick.” Gambrick answered. “I’m not sure about them, you never know if they will betray us during the fight.” Myasha answered. “Classic got connection to some of them, they can be willing to help.” Jenna answered. Two dislikes and two likes, a tie and I'm the tie breaker. “Well, two on two, one left to choose, that person is the lass.” Classic said, looking at me. Should I help the werewolves, despite the dangers? Or should I continue on and see the Moonstrikes instead? There is a civil war going on and we could be standing in their battlefield, I had to choose. “I’ll go with Lunaria and Jenna.” I answered. “Well then, we have our job, we help out The Ryouku with their civil war.” Classic said and starts walking in the direction, I think the black wolf must had rushed through. We followed as Classic looks around, searching for our new allies. The leaf shines brightly, like being underwater and the trees are underwater with us. The sun must be shining above us and waiting for us in open arms, it is quite pleasant. I look around and I can’t believe what I just saw. Women donned in leaf armor and look like they are part of this forest, there is more than I thought. Classic maneuvered around the trees like he actually lived in the forest, perfectly attuned. Not even Jenna can keep up with him and she is the quickest elf, I ever seen on foot. I was jumping my attentions to the women and Classic, just to avoid being too far behind, even Gambrick is quicker than me. What the... I just saw wolves running with the women, like they are allies. The wolves must be the rebels, they would attack the women without hesitation if they are the loyalists. One of the women looks at Classic and I could barely see the surprised look on her face. She spoke something to a wolf and the wolf sprinted ahead, the wolf must be delivering the words. After minutes of getting whacked and tripped by branches, roots and twigs, we arrive to an encampment. The camp look big and crudely made with twigs, branches and leaves. As we enter the camp, I saw the women and normal people, but no wolves. Then I saw only one wolf and it's running towards Classic and leaps at him. I know who that wolf just by its silver pelt is, it was Arctica! “Arctica! It's so good to see ya again! hahaha!” Classic laughs as Arctica licks him on the face like a normal dog. “Welcome to our encampment, Classic. Celebrien had told us that you are coming.” A woman greets as she approaches us.
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