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by FDQ
Rated: XGC · Fiction · Adult · #1338141
"His entire body was shuddering, his heart pumping painfully in his chest"
Chapter 1: Fear Of The Raven.

Jesse was sitting in his office, waiting for Sean to show up as usual. He still hadn’t come yet and Jesse was beginning to get a bit concerned about him. During the past week both Christian and Andrew hadn’t shown up. No one had heard from them. The part that scared Jesse the most was the fact that no one knew where they were! And now Sean was missing too! But maybe he was just late today?

Sean was his best friend and they had known each other for over 10 years. He would be devastated if something had happened to his younger buddy.

If only Billy had been there. Jesse knew he would be less worried then. Billy was one of the only persons who could calm him down when he was nervous. Billy was more to him than just a friend. They were lovers and had been for a long time now, however no one should know just yet.

Sadly, Billy was still recovering from a serious shoulder injury he suffered in a car accident. In a few weeks he would be ready to return.

He looked at his watch again. Only less than five minutes had passed since the last time he had checked the time. Why does time always seem to go so slow when you’re waiting for something? Jesse really hoped Sean was ok. He thought about the many things that could have happened to him but instantly pushed the thoughts aside.

“Hey…” someone murmured from behind him. Jesse turned to face the person behind him. It was Scott. He didn’t look exactly happy. He was actually looking kind of depressed. “What’s wrong?” Jesse questioned, concerned as he rose from where he was seated. “Haven’t you heard about Sean?” Scott frowned and sighed heavily.

“What happened to Sean?!” Jesse’s eyes widened, his face strained with concern. Scott inhaled deeply before finally speaking. “He has been missing since yesterday. The police are looking for him, but he seems to have vanished…”

Jesse couldn’t believe what he was hearing. It just couldn’t be true! Christian, Andrew and now Sean? Jesse was as paralyzed, tears forming in his eyes. His worst fears had been true. His best friend was gone!

Scott embraced his friend, hoping to be able to soothe him at this horrible moment.

Jesse was unable to hold back a sob, tiny salty droplets of water trickling over his cheekbones. Scott tightened his arms around Jesse body, rubbing his back gently, feeling him shudder against him as he cried. Jesse barely felt the comforting touch from Scott, feeling as if his body had become momentarily numb.

After several minutes, Jesse’s crying seemed to die out. Scott carefully let go of Jesse, allowing him to pull himself together. He was sniffling as he wiped away the tears from his reddened eyes. “I… I need to be alone…” he managed to force out between hiccupping breaths. Scott nodded, understanding. “I’m here if you need me, ok?” Jesse didn’t respond only nodded, sitting down, his shoulders slumping. He buried his face in his hands.

Scott then headed towards the door, letting his friend have some time to himself. He looked at him one final time before leaving the room, closing the door carefully behind him.

Sitting all alone, Jesse thought to himself, still not believing the words he had just heard. Sean was his best friend and now he was gone. What was going on? Who was responsible for the disappearances of those people? Jesse was frightened. Would another person be missing tomorrow? If so, who would that be?

He lifted his head from his hands and sighed heavily. He needed to tell it all to Billy. Maybe Scott had already told Billy? He needed to ask Scott if he had. He rose and headed towards the door. As he came outside he saw that the hallway was completely deserted. Odd.

Scott’s office was just across from his own. The door was slightly open so Jesse just pushed the door open and peeked inside. The sight he was met with was frightening! The room was filled with darkness, only a slight light adorning the room. On the floor Scott was sitting, rocking back and forth as if he was one of those insane people you see only in horror movies! He was mumbling to himself. Jesse could barely hear what he was saying but if he concentrated hard enough and listened carefully then he could hear him.

“Mmmm… Who’s gonna be the next one…? Christian, Andrew, Sean. Could it be Matt or maybe even Adam?” he laughed to himself. “Watching that bastard, Sean, die was great! Too bad he’s dead so I can’t kill him again…!” he laughed even harder. Jesse felt shivers travel down his spine, goose bumps covering his body.

Jesse’s eyes were filled with fear. He was in shock, not knowing what to do! He backed away from the door, his heart racing, his breath coming quickly. He rushed to his own office, slamming the door behind him. He paced around, desperately thinking about what to do! Scott was a killer? A fucking murderer! But why? Jesse searched his pockets to find his phone, hands trembling violently. In the haze of panic, he couldn’t think of anything else but needing to tell Billy. The thought about calling the police didn’t even cross his mind…

He dialed the number from his memory quickly, waiting desperately for someone to pick up the phone. “Dammit, Billy! Pick it up!” he hissed, rubbing his forehead harshly with his palm. He had no idea what could happen at this moment! Scott was in there and no one picked up the phone, only the mechanical voice telling him to leave a message.

“Billy! Billy, if you’re there then pick up the fucking phone! Scott… Oh my God” Jesse’s voice broke before he continued, “Scott murdered Sean… he fucking killed him… I’m fucking scared and I don’t know what to do…” his voice was shaky as he hung up the phone, hoping Billy would call him back soon. He then turned around, not knowing that Scott was standing just behind him, eagerly waiting for him to turn.

Jesse didn’t even have the chance to react before a hard object cracked against his jaw. Everything went black and he collapsed on the floor, unconscious. Standing above him, Scott was holding a metal pipe, a crazy smile smeared across his face.


Jesse opened his eyes, his head pounding. He gazed around in the darkness unable to see anything except the faint rays of sunlight slipping through the cracks of the curtains. He couldn’t even see where he was!

“What the fuck?!” he exclaimed, shocked, as he realized he was nude. He instinctively tried to sit up but was unable to. He had been tied up. He was lying on a king-sized bed, his hands tied to the headboard. Jesse felt panic rise inside of him, his mind clouded with fear!

He desperately pulled at the ropes, trying to free himself but they were too tight, leaving him soon to give up. He slumped back onto the bed just as someone flipped on the light. Jesse closed his eyes as he was momentarily blinded by the bright light. Slowly he reopened his eyes and before him, Scott was standing, staring at him.

Oh God, he was in Scott’s house!

A wicked smile appeared on his lips as he noticed Jesse was finally awake. Moving a step closer, he licked his lips before kneeling down onto the bed, his smile broadening as the mattress shifted under his weight. Jesse struggled to get away from him but Scott gripped his legs, holding him securely against the bed. His entire body was shuddering, his heart pumping painfully in his chest.

Scott carefully crawled on top of Jesse, straddling his hips, his hands forcefully pinning his shoulders to the bed. A faint whimper slipped past his lips as he saw Scott bend towards him, but managed to strangle yet another whimper when he felt Scott flick his tongue over the skin on his neck.

“W-what are you doing…?” he barely managed to stutter, “Get the fuck off me!” he was writhing under him, desperate to get free. His body tensed, a cry being ripped from his throat as a sharp pain shot through him, feeling Scott’s teeth sink through his skin into his flesh. Gritting his teeth, Jesse whimpered while Scott began sucking, tasting his blood as if he was a vampire.

Jesse hissed when Scott finally pulled away from his neck, gazing down at his weakened body, licking away the remaining blood from his lips. He watched the blood trickle from the newly created wound on Jesse’s creamy skin, fascinating. Watching as the small droplets connected with the sheets under him, soaking into them.

Jesse was breathing harshly, desperately trying to overcome his fear. Suddenly he managed to speak, “What…” he swallowed hard, “…did you do to Sean…?” Scott was indeed surprised by the sudden question, raising an eyebrow before happily answering. “The same as I’m gonna do to you… You’re my friend, but you know what I did… so I have to do this to you” he smiled sweetly before kissing his forehead gently. “I’m gonna fuck you, kill you and then maybe I’ll fuck you again. But only because you’re so damn hot!” His eyes were cold and hard as he stared hungrily at Jesse’s defenseless body.

”No…” Jesse swallowed, again trying to escape from the tight ropes. After several attempts he froze, staring straight into Scott’s eyes. “You’re insane… You’re fucking crazy!” he yelled, pulling at the ropes again. However he was silenced when Scott’s knuckles suddenly cracked against his cheekbone.

Jesse’s head snapped back, hitting the headboard hard. However, he remained conscious but only barely. He remained completely still, not moving, knowing that if he did then he would pass out. He could taste his own blood from the corner of his mouth, feeling it trickle down his chin.

He tensed involuntarily when he felt Scott’s hands gently rub his thighs before bending to taste his skin again. He connected his lips with one of Jesse’s nipples, swirling his tongue over the tender flesh. He took it between his teeth, gently tugging before biting him forcefully. Jesse cried out, the stinging pain in his nipple causing him to close his eyes tightly. When Scott withdrew, there was blood trickling from the sensitive skin.

“Please stop…” Jesse pleaded as Scott began undressing, eyes never leaving Jesse’s body. Moments later his clothes were lying in a head on the floor. He climbed back onto the bed, mattress bucking under him. He began forcing Jesse’s legs apart, settling himself in between his thighs. His fingers on one hand trailed across Jesse’s abdomen as he began stroking his own cock with the other. “Please…” Jesse tried again. He didn’t get a response from Scott. Instead he mercilessly slammed inside him, a harsh scream of pain being pulled from him, his body bucking in response to the pain.

The hard thrusting caused him to cry out, every muscle of his body tensing. He could feel himself tearing inside, blood beginning to soak the mattress between his legs.

“Shit… you’re so tight. So good!” Scott moaned as he continued pumping into Jesse’s bleeding entrance. He increased the pace, pushing deeper and harder into him. Scraping his nails across Jesse’s pale abdomen, leaving thin red lines.

His crying had ceased to a faint panting, the pain numbing Jesse’s entire body. Silent tears escaping from his eyes. Tears mixed with humiliation and pain. His wrists were bleeding after the feeble attempts of escape, the ropes digging into his skin.

Leaning down again, Scott darted his tongue over Jesse’s bleeding neck, collecting his blood as he thrust into him with all his power, raking his nails along Jesse’s cock causing him to writhe and whimper under him.

Scott felt a familiar tensing rising in his abdomen, thrusting forcefully before finally releasing into him. After a short while, which felt like hours, Scott had regained control over his quivering body and pulled out of Jesse. He glanced down at the weakened form under him. Jesse was crying, tears moistening the pillow, harsh sobs causing him to tremble violently. Scott laughed as he rose and stumbled towards the bathroom to get cleaned up.

Jesse was gasping for air, his whole body aching. His eyes widening in fright as he saw Scott approach him once more, this time holding a large kitchen knife in his hand. He crawled onto the bed again, grapping Jesse by the throat and kissing him roughly. He squeezed tightly around his neck, a small strangled moan slipping from Jesse’s lips. It gave Scott the chance to slip his tongue inside. A harsh noise was pulled from the younger man, body twisting, as Scott fiercely stabbed the knife into his flesh, piercing into him just above his kneecap.

Scott smiled, seeing the pain in Jesse’s eyes and hearing it in his choked scream. He forced the knife further into his flesh, Jesse bucking on the bed and crying out in pain. He then withdrew the knife. He rose to stare down at Jesse’s bruised and bleeding form, blood and dried cum staining the mattress between his legs.
He then started getting dressed, listening to the small whimpers and hitched gasps escaping Jesse. Heading towards the door, he opened it before looking back at Jesse. “Don’t worry… I’ll be back soon…” After this he slammed the door behind him, leaving Jesse alone. Leaving him to die.

Tears streamed down his cheeks, his body still shuddering due to the agony. He was going to die… Closing his eyes, he tried to think about Billy, how much he loved him, hoping to be able to ignore the pain. Not many moments later he slowly dozed off. He passed out, the pain overwhelming his mind.


… “Jesse?” a faint voice brought Jesse back to reality, his eyes remaining closed. He felt someone gently cup his face, trembling fingers tapping his cold cheeks. Warmth. Protective warmth. “Baby, wake up…! Please!” the voice was now clearer in Jesse’s mind, sounding desperate and frightened. Slowly, Jesse opened his eyes, instantly gazing at Billy’s tearstained face.

Jesse’s skin was deathly pale, still bleeding from various cuts on his body. He shifted slightly, leaning into Billy’s comforting touch. He then realized his hands were free. Once again tears began running from his reddened eyes as realization dawned upon him. Billy was there to save him! “Dear God, what happened…?” Billy stammered as he began unbuckling his belt. “H-how did y-you know… I was h-here?” Jesse whispered, reaching to touch Billy’s face to confirm that he was really there. “I got your voice message…” Tears were forming in the corner of his eyes as he used his belt to fasten tightly around Jesse’s thigh, trying his best to stop the blood flow. Wrapping his arms around Jesse’s limp body, he struggled to get him on his feet.

Billy finally managed to get Jesse up from the bed, his arm wrapped around his waist to steady him and prevent him from collapsing.

Jesse fell over, down onto his knees, his stomach churning, and the agony throughout his body forcing him to vomit. Harsh coughs and shudders nearly making him unable to breathe.

Billy managed to help Jesse back on his feet .However someone suddenly pushed Billy down onto the floor, a rope being wrapped tightly around his neck. Jesse did his best to stay upright but he lost his balance, his legs too weak to carry him and he collapsed on the carpeted floor, a whimper slipping from his torn lips.

Scott tightened the rope and pulled as hard as he could, trying to snap his neck. Billy coughed harshly, his fingers frantically trying to get a hold of the rope to loosen it.

Scott kept pulling and tightening with all his strength. Billy couldn’t breathe, gasping for air, on the verge of passing out, his head feeling as if it was about to burst.

Abruptly the rope loosened and Scott fell to his knees before slumping down on the floor, unconscious. Billy gasped and coughed as he desperately got the rope away from his throat. He finally realized that Jesse had used whatever last strengths he had to knock out Scott with some hard object.

Billy struggled to get up. “Jess, are you alright?” he questioned, voice coated with concern as he began pulling him to his feet. He gently sat him on the bed, listening to the pained hiss emerging from Jesse. Wrapping the sheets around Jesse’s exposed body; Billy held an arm around his waist allowing him to lean against him as they began stumbling towards the door.

The cut on Jesse’s thigh was still bleeding heavily. Billy positioned his hand on the wound, pressing hard against it to prevent the blood from spilling. A harsh whimper escaped Jesse’s parted lips and he instinctively gripped Billy’s wrist, but allowed him to press his hand against the cut.

After several minutes of struggling, both men finally got outside the house. Billy carefully let Jesse sink to the ground, his back resting against the brick wall. Reaching his cell phone, Billy immediately dialed the number for an ambulance.

Jesse’s vision was blurring. His quivering hands fastened tightly around his thigh. He slowly slumped down, his head now resting on the cold dirt, eyes slowly shutting.


Hours had passed. Jesse shifted in his sleep, feeling a warm hand stroking the skin on his knuckles. He then carefully opened his eyes, looking into Billy’s bright ones. He smiled faintly as he realized he was safe. And so was Billy.
© Copyright 2007 FDQ (fdq666roadie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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