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Jocky Samantha Willows races a tough race against a horse with a mean streak. |
Sam’s Challenge The horse stood in his stall calmly eating his hay. A man appeared from around the corner and stared at the name on the door; Www.speed.com. Then he glanced in annoyance at the adjoining stall as the horse in it stamped and snorted impatiently. The man’s daughter came from behind him, “That one came this morning, I watched them unload him. He’s pretty nervous.” Dan looked at her, “As long as he doesn’t upset Spud, its fine.” Samantha laughed, “Dad, nothing upsets Spud.” As she neared the grey horse’s stall he lifted his head and snorted. Dan took another look at his thoroughbred and left to make sure the paperwork was all in order. Sam grabbed her grooming kit and slipped into Speed.com’s stall. “Hey Spud. Are you ready?”, she murmured as she stroked the brush over his almost white coat. The stallion bobbed his head in time with the strokes as he enjoyed the grooming. Www.speed.com was a race horse. It was the first day of the a week of races in Kentucky that they were attending and the horse was half an hour away from his first race. Spud was a very docile stallion compared to most thoroughbreds and to the untrained eye he would not appear ready to trot, let alone gallop, a mile. Fifteen year old Sam left Spud’s stall to see Tommy, the horse’s trainer, checking over Spud’s tack. He looked up from the bridle to greet Sam. Then he asked, “What’s the name on that stall?”, and gestured towards the black horse stamping in his stall. Sam read the name to him, “Thunder Run.” Tommy nodded in recognition, “Ah yes. Brand new horse. He’s two years old and fast. This’ll be his first big race. I’m glad were not on the track with him. He just might make Spud look slow.” Then he turned his attention back to the grey horse. “Spud sure looks ready don’t he, Sam?” Spud was drooping his head and slowly eating his hay. One ear was bobbing up and down with his crunching and the other was flopping sideways. He looked anything but ready to run a race. Samantha giggled, “Not really.” Tommy glanced at her “You be careful, it’s a full mile long race. Don’t wear him out right out of the gate. Make sure you wait until the 5th furlong before you let him run, ok?” Sam, Spud’s young jockey, nodded, “I will.” Tommy glanced at his watch and picked up the racing saddle. “Come Samantha, You need to get to the jockey’s lounge.” They walked down the stable aisle. When they were almost at the end a sorrel horse leaped out at them. His ears were pinned back and he stretched his neck over the half door of his stall, trying to reach them. Sam and Tommy both jumped back out of reach of the horse’s slashing teeth. The stallion disappeared back into his stall and they could hear him kick at the walls furiously. Tommy looked grim, “Sam, that’s Whirlwind Surprise. You’re racing him today.” Sam looked up in surprise. “He can’t outrun Spud but he’s a terror to pass. He’s like that on the track too, he really should not be allowed to race”, he gestured toward the horse, who was stamping and rearing angrily. “Just be careful and try not to pass him close, ok? Look out for our colt.” Sam took a deep breath and nodded. Then the two of them continued on. When Sam got to the lounge Tommy left her to help her dad with Speed.com. Sam went inside the lounge and went to the checkin desk. “Samantha Willows”, she said. The lady looked at her and stared in surprise “What horse are you riding?” she asked unbelievably. Sam was used to this treatment and answered in monotone, “Www.speed.com.” The lady shook her head and led Sam to the weigh scale. Sam stepped on, holding her saddle in front of her. The desk lady called out, “Um, 32 pounds”, to someone in the back room. His voice rang out, “32 what?” He peeked out of the room, “Your jockeying?” Sam smiled, “Yep,” she guessed that the boy was about 16. He disappeared and came out with 5 weights. “Jeeze, I’ve never had to hand out more than 10 pounds.” Sam laughed, “That’s the least I’ve ever had to put on the saddle.” After the weights were stuffed into special pockets on the saddle, Sam, ignoring the looks of the other jockeys, went to the window to watch the race horses being led into the showing arena. Most of the horses were prancing in excitement. Her dad was just leading in the dapple grey horse. Spud looked docile and calm. Once, in a previous race, when Spud was brought into the showing ring he acted excited and, seeing abnormal behavior, Tommy made them pull him out of the race. It turned out that the colt was coming down with a minor virus, which is enough to badly hurt a horse if he runs a race before being treated. It was normal for Spud never to show real excitement until the last minute. Dan led Spud around the arena a couple times. Sam then caught sight of Whirlwind. The wild horse was being led by two people, each holding a tight lead rope on either side of his head to keep him from biting. They led him around the arena once before struggling to get him into the stall. Samantha shuddered nervously, she had never before raced against a mean hearted horse before. Sam and the other jockeys left the lounge and went over to their horses. Sam smiled as she saw Spud show a little excitement. He shuddered slightly as the saddle was thrown on. Sam got a leg up from her dad. “Tommy says to remind you about not wearing him out right away and to watch out for number 5.” He looked towards number 5’s saddling stall where 3 people were trying to saddle Whirlwind without being killed. “Yah, be really careful about that horse Sam, it wouldn’t do to have you killed.” He looked at her, fear for his daughter reflecting in his eyes. Sam assured her dad she would be very cautious and carefully adjusted herself in the saddle. She stroked Spud gently as his lead was handed over to the lead rider who would bring her out to the starting gate. He clucked to his western horse and led them onto the track. Sam felt nervous and exited, as she always did at the start of a race. Spud still walked calmly and relaxed behind the other horses dancing and trotting beside their leaders. After being paraded past the grandstand horse #1 was pulled into a canter by his leader. Now Spud came alive. He raised his head and started to canter before his lead rider cued him to. He led the smaller lead horse past horses # 1 and 2, stretching out easily in his fast canter. The horse beside him was galloping to keep up. When they got to the gate the leader gratefully handed off Spud’s lead rope to a race officail and went to the side to cool of his hot palomino. The race official led Spud to the number three spot in the gate and slipped off the halter. Spud stood stock-still in the tight stall as the other horses arrived at the gate. Sam could hear the announcer call out, “And Www.speed.com is first loaded in his stall.” Sam peered over the padded wall to see horse # 4 being loaded. Whirlwind was being led by the only horse he would not attack; his dam. Sam’s stomach churned as she watched the sorrel. After a long struggle the race officials managed to load the crazed horse with only a minor bite suffered. Sam got ready and Spud tensed up, his ears pointed down the track. After what seemed like an hour the gate sprang open and they were off. Horse #1, Up, Up and Away, took an early lead. Sam was right behind him, but, remembering what Tommy said, slowed Spud down. Horse #6 passed her in a blur of red. Sam looked back and saw Whirlwind beside horse 8. Whirlwind took a look at horse #1 and sped up, his eyes glinting dangerously. He drew up beside the horse with his ears back and teeth bared. In panic the jockey slowed Up, Up and Away down to get out of the way of the slashing teeth. Sam saw the second furlong marker fly past. She was in the middle of the pack, a bad place to be. Slowly she eased Spud the only way he could go, towards the outside edge. She could feel the pounding of hooves as she struggled to hold her grey back. Whirlwind was still in the front with the rest of the horses afraid to draw beside him. Fourth furlong… Sam could see the fifth furlong ahead. She guided Spud around horse # 9 carefully. Now she was on the outside edge with a clear run to the lead. The 5th marker flew past and Sam loosened the reins. Spud seemed to lift off the ground. He flattened his neck and stretched out his body. His ears were flat back as he drew up on Whirlwind. Sam tensed in fear; Whirlwind was running hard and hadn’t noticed Spud yet. Sam could feel Spud pull forward and she tightened the reins, holding him behind number 5. Spud knew he could win the race now. The finish line was in sight and he missed a step in confusion. Sam felt him shift and realized she was confusing him. She took a deep breath and let go of the reins. Spud felt the bit loosen and flew by Whirlwind who barley had time to pin his ears. Spud gained a horse length and then two. Finally the finish line was behind them. Spud didn’t stop; he had just started really running and continued flying around the track. Halfway around Sam finally succeed in slowing him to a canter. Then she brought him around the rest of the track and heard the announcer’s voice boom out, “Speed.com had done it. He won the race by two horse lengths ahead of Whirlwind Surprise. His first Derby race has been won!” Sam was giddy as she rode her precious horse to the winner’s circle, where Dan and Tommy were waiting with huge smiles on their faces. |