Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1337545-My-Dawn
by rpoore
Rated: 13+ · Non-fiction · Emotional · #1337545
How I fell in love with my Wife
This story is about my first and only love her name is Dawn, I met her for the first time about Seven years ago in Greeley, CO at that time I had just moved into some apartments called Meeker Commons. I was going to school and was real poor. I had no furniture, and barley enough food to eat, I was just making It.! I had a friend across the hall name Becky; I meet one day I ask her to watch my place while I called the police on this crazy woman, I lived with her for awhile and her friend. She came over and was trying to break everything in my apartment, she said I owed her money for a computer I had bought, well I did but she had to wait till I got some money. she was going to break everything in the house in-less I paid her, I told her just wait till I get My loan money from school, she could not wait a few weeks she wanted it now at that time there was no way, to pay her. So I called the police and they told her to stop, the police ask me if I wanted to press charges, I said no just make her leave and they did and she was very mad and almost went to jail for throwing things while the police was there. And she finely got her money in a few weeks.

The first time I meet Dawn; Becky told her I had no furniture and food so Dawn and two other woman came over and got me all kinds of things. At that time Dawn was going through allot of surgeries for her cocaine use she had did in Calf before she came to Colorado. She was with a guy who all he did was coke and he was a rock star with a lot of money and a band. So all they did was coke and more coke. He came from a rich Jewish Family and had lots and lots of money also. I came from East Los angels, Calf. I had two other wives’ and we got married for every reason but the right one. I was institutionalized at 11 years old till 21 for trying to kill my step dad for beating my Mom so I was pretty messed up my-self with all kinds of drugs and drinking and woman. I never know what love was I thought I did but I did not have a clue, how or what and who and so on? so way deep down I needed real love, love that only comes from the creator love that fills me up. And do not need any other. Well with her I have found it and did not know till latter on.

Well they came over and were talking to me and one was trying to be with me and really get to know me better, but I was checking them all out seeing how they acted for once lust was not controlling me or looks or something. I wanted to get to know them inside; I would see why? So as things progressed and a little time went by, I seen Dawn had a wonderful heart compared to others there, so I said to my-self Dawn is the one I need to get to know better! So one day after school I decided to go over to her house and visit and I did; when I did there was a drunken man over there and he was trying to be with her. He was trying to get me mad and get me to go? But I seen she really did not like him so I made my move, then he was really trying to be with her and get me real mad, I don't think he was trying to but just the fact he was there and always coming over made me very mad. So Months and Months went by and we were in love no doubt I never had true love it is the most wonderful thing I have ever experienced. We decided to get married and we did we have been together Seven Years now and every-day gets better and better she gives me a reason to live and do the best I can .

Yes she is my soul-mate she is my best friend we always now have some-body we can share our lives with! This is so wonderful every-day; I want us to be together. I always want her with me! We work together every day we have a business together called Helping Hands we help Elderly, Handicapped and the very Needy. We are together 24/7 everyday and night never apart you would think we would be fighting like cats and dogs but we don't once in while we get into it but we do not like fighting with each-other at all; it takes more energy and after words you feel bad so we work it out most of the time. She is 46 and I am 47 this half of live is very wonderful the first half for her and me was a nightmare and now it's Heaven on earth! We are honest with each-other from the start we got out every-thing we did so there was no surprise down the line and she know what she was getting into and so did I . Now together we are growing in faith and love. You know and I know these days it is hard to find this so I thank GOD for this. I am the happiest I have ever been in my life and I just now ask her as I was writing this and she has never been happier in her life. Well that's very wonderful and it gets better and better the maker had to put us together something so perfect and good. So again we are very thankful. You know I never had much in my life but now I have every-thing.
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