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I Wish The Moon Would Come Back"

is one of my favorite stories of all time. It's Contemporary Fantasy, but has such a strong horror element I've always felt it was more horror than fantasy. I am working on an expansion that is available upon request to those who would like to
seriously review it.

An experiment in writing under the influence, thank God they don't give tickets for that! "
Invalid Item"

was written in five or six sittings over the course of a few weeks. I simply got stoned and wrote, only re-reading the final paragraph or two of the previous bit. I've only read it once since I finished it. I do love this story and for some reason it is very special to me. While you read it you should listen to
A Walk by Bad Religion...

One of the two stories I've written that was inspired by my son, Malcolm. He has a 6 inch Care Bear in his toy basket and while playing with him one day I got the idea for "
Invalid Item"

and ran with it. I'm reminded of Stephen King, who said once that he got his ideas from his dreams and from playing with his kids...

Stripping Death"

is one of the funnier pieces, dripping with sarcasm and a good line or two. Even though I wrote it the story makes me laugh every time.

Invalid Item"

is the other story that was inspired by my son. A prompt for a contest was to write "Ordinary Horror". Not long after reading the prompt I gave my hairbrush to my, then nine-month-old son, to chew on. I had another "King" moment and it got me first place!

Inspired by a contest prompt I had quite a bit of fun writing "
Invalid Item"

I've never written a zombie piece before and have always wanted to try my hand at it. Wanting to steer away from all the normal zombie stuff I liked idea of the prompt and I'm pretty happy with the end result.

Originally inspired by a contest prompt "
Billy's Last Dare"

quickly went past the word limit. Instead of paring it down and entering it into the contest I went back and wrote the story that I wanted to write. I'm quite happy with it, but feel that it does need a bit more work to tighten up the ending...

My only vampire piece "
Prison of Reflection"

was written for
The Resurrected Stake and Garlic Contest. I like reading a story that is told from multiple perspectives and enjoyed the challenge of
telling a story in that fashion. There is an expansion in the works, however, it has taken the back burner to other projects.

Finally there is "
Invalid Item"

which is not so much a scary story as a sad story. I wrote this one years ago for a Halloween Contest. To my recollection it won second place. It's told from the perspective of a little girl who is in a fatal car accident and always makes me cry.