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Rated: · Other · Environment · #1336993
Part 2; We see Ryains killer, and the rebel forces
*This is part 2, untitled, I'm open to suggestions*

“Noc, You got red on you” one said. Nocibur smiled, dripping in blood. He let the leeches suck on the sweat nectar for a second, before taking most of them off. The group was more disorganized then the solders. They mostly stuck to there own devices, but they watched Noc as he walked in to the center
“The traitor has fallen” he stated. Some rose in celebration, well others stayed down in dough had been a traitor. “I see some of you disbelieve, you sit down, well the rest of us get ready to celebrate, The swamp rewarded killing of the traitor by letting be kill one of the tyrants leaders! I am the chosen one, but fear not, I do not wish to kill the non-believers, for soon, they will fallow. For if not, the swamp will take care of them” Noc gave his speech, he didn’t use a lot of hand motions, nor was there much of a force in his voice, but he got his point across.
“Look at us!” A young man rose. “Were hurtled up like animals, believing in falsims like the swamp being alive. All that’s here is dead. And we will be to, all he have done is leave one tyrant for another. That other tyrant is fear. We need to leave Irk, its are only hope. If we die here, so dose the hope of freedom. And not for just us, for everyone across the nation. So, now, we have a choice, Stay here, in this unearthly waste, or travel beyond, travel to a freer world. Do you know what’s just around the next corner? What’s just over the next hill, or was just beyond the horizon? Future.” His force of will was more powerful then his worlds. “And you know what the great thing about future is? You get to pick and change it, Chose a brighter tomorrow, make a safer world. It might seem easier said then done, but today we have a choice. A choice that will change our lives. You can stay here, and die prisoner to this fictional swamp god, or you can leave. Leave to a land of hope. Leave to a land of promise. Leave to a land of tomorrow. The choice is living ‘Can I live threw today’ or ‘Can I live to change tomorrow’. So, will you live for the future? Or just the now?” Other the in consept, and a few lines, the speech was pretty improvised, Azer was quite prode of him self. The men most of the men started to head to him, but then Noc started to stair them down. He needed no words, they all knew what he was willing to do for his cause.
In the end, about 10 stood behind him. “Azers right, We’re dead here, the only hope lays out side the bounds of Irk.” One said
“The swamp will kill you! There is no escaping its wrath” Noc said
“The can swamp go to hell” And in one of the most dramatic exits of any of there lives, the all left. It was unlikely that any of them even knew were they were going. The moon lite trees seemed to stair at them. And the shadows loomed creeping darkness in to there very soul. Each man clenched there blade with a grip so hard, even the grasp of death its self couldn’t pull it out. All of the sudden, Azer speech started to lose its power, living for the future didn’t seem possible when you were ready for something to jump out and eat you any second
“So, do you think well make it out of here alive?” one asked. Azer knew the answer he wanted.
“The only thing the between us and the future is some mud, some water, and some trees. Stop” He halted his men. Azer spotted 3 men looking over something ahead. They stood silent.
“Hide men, they’re not are qurile, the only thing we need worry about is escape, we can let them go.” His men took cover, hiding among bushes.
“I think I can sneak up on them, and get the surprise, when I do this, run, they be too busy with me.”
“No” Azer whispered, and reached out for him but it was too late. He was on his way. They sat and watched as he vanished in to the shadows.
Every step was planed, ever move uncoordinated. Slix treaded though the swamp, not leaving a sound nor a trace. Even his blinks seemed silent. As he approached, they talked.
“Dear god, Ryain dead, what do you think got him”
“I don’t know, but it must have been pretty brutal, look at these wounds.”
“You think it was a where wolf?” “No, theres no such thing, besides, look at these cuts, the were done by a man made weapon.”
“I don’t think A man could perform such and act”
“Whats in his pocket, it some sort of paper.” The night cried again, and everyone jumped. Slix grabbed the opportunity, lunging at one of the men. In less then a heartbeat, he silt his throat with his rusted blade. The other men could barley react. On stabbed at him with a dagger, but he evaded the blunt of the hit with a quick move to the left. The blade cut across side, leaving a thin slit. But Slix ignored the pain, he took the secant that the man’s guard was down after stabbing him by pushing his bloody blade the man’s chest, as he trusted his blade, the third man stabbed his lung.
It happened to fast to reflect on what happened. All Frex knew is that he was alive, and the men in front of him were dead and dying. He pulled his blade out of the assassin, who stood up for a second or two, and smiled as blood dripped out of his mouth and down chin.
“I’ve done my part.” He fell beneath the red waters. Frex check on Yith, his friend.
“I don’t think I’m going to live much longer.” Frex grabbed his hand
“No, you make it.” He ripped off part of his cloak, and rapped it around the wound.
“I won’t, I just wanted to let you know something thing.” Yith said
“You, you always made me happy. I think, I think, I love you,”

*notes form part 1*
Ryain: name mildly base off the Ryan, but I wanted it to sound more Germanic, so its Ryain, almost pronounced like Rain, but slighty different. He was just a character to introduce the swamp, I hadn’t desided how long his life span was until it I wrote his death. He was the captain of the group.

Damus: Damus has a very small, but importune part in the story. He advances the plot bye showing you right off the the rebles arnt evil and that the king is at fault. I tried to give him his own writing voice.

Trivia: the rock for speeches was party inspired by Ralph’s rock in ‘Lord of the flies
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