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Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1336584
the first vampire is not a good person, he likes killing humans
One million years of lonliness

Prologue: Scenes from childhood

“My parents were different from most parents, as in, they were of different species. I am not prepared to delve any deeper into this subject, I was born two years before the ice age.
When I was born my mother took me outside, my body instantly started to steam and the skin started to burn and peel, I caught fire and started to scream and scream until my mother took me back inside the tent.
My skin was burnt and red and had peeled off in many places, it took me exactly four hours to heal, in case you haven’t already realised I am a vampire, I am the vampire, I am the first and last vampire, I am the only real vampire ever, my name is Gabriel.”

The ancient roman civilisation

I am a gladiator now; I kill people for a living, much more productive than killing people for fun. It is time for my next fight, I grab my sword off the rack and buckle on my armour, not that I need it I don’t even need the clothes, I don’t get cold, but the ladies don’t appreciate my nakedness.
There are two different types of people in this subject, people who are naked without clothes those who feel uncomfortable when nude, and those who are nude when not wearing clothes people who are comfortably with their bodies, I am one of the later.
Anyway back to the subject, I strap on my armour and walk into the arena, raising my arms as I do so, the crowd applauds outrageously, they love it when I kill someone, I always make it messy and painful for the victim.
My opponent walks on, he raises his arms and looks around the arena, there are some ‘boos’ but mostly cheers. My opponent is and large man, he is several inches shorter than me, but who isn’t, at six foot five, I am seven foot three, but where he is muscled like an elephant I am thinner but still relatively well muscled, it is hard to get bigger muscles when you can lift buildings with one hand.
I draw my sword and drop it to the ground; my opponent leers at me and draws his sword, I smile pleasantly at him and walk slowly forward, he hesitates looking confused and I’m on him, I dislocate his sword and joint break the other one at almost the same time.
My opponent screams in pain and is on the verge of collapsing when I cut him off; I grab him by the throat and grin evilly at him. I throw my opponent to the ground so that both arms crash heavily under him; he screams again and writhes pitifully, trying to get his arms out from under himself.
I slide grace fully down to his side and remove his arms from under him, up close I can see he is crying, I can’t help it, I laugh, I laugh hysterically, like a psychopath, in my deep voice that woman seem to find so dreamy, half the woman in the audience sigh and the other half frown.
I look down at the man on his back, crying like a child, I grab his hand and pull, the arm tears away from the shoulder, and the man screams again and starts to sob pitifully. I laugh again grab the other hand, I raise it to my mouth and bite down, biting off the finger, he screams again.
I laugh and move up to his neck, I grin again, flashing my fangs for the first time in years, his eyes widen and I bite into his neck.

London: During the Black Plague

It is the black plague and I have discovered a new third favourite pass time, after drinking blood and sex, and I’ve had a lot of both.
My new third favourite pass time is bitting the fingers off plague victims, I love listening to their screams, they scream and they scream until I smash their head against a wall and get covered in their brains, in case you are wondering why I don’t catch the plague, it is because I am immune to all diseases.
I have also discovered that I can create a new species of vampire, one that is almost the same as me, the main differences are that they aren’t as strong or as fast as me, and they aren’t immune to sunlight, but that’ll probably change as they get older, but they may be the same, I cannot remember how strong and fast I was when I was born, the main thing I remember about my childhood was that I dragged a mammoth all the way back to camp, alone, of course it was at night.
The main problem with this is that vampire hunters have now developed, but so far they are only coming with stakes and mallets, and that is no problem for me.
Another problem with my sub-vampires is that most of them go insane, well the early ones anyway, and went on murderous rampages and got over killed, stacked, burned at the stake and had there ashes scattered over running water.
Today I am walking through the infected part of the city, looking for people to maim or convert, I’ve already maimed about six people, it was fun, lots of blood and screaming and big explosion of brains as I smashed their heads, lots of fun.
I spot an old man who is in the process of moaning with pain, I grin evilly and swerve towards him, my shadow creeps over him, he looks up and squints at me, I smile pleasantly, he sighs and slumps back down, looking at the ground.
My smile widens, but it is just a show, I slide gracefully down beside him, he raises his face to look at me, I smile pleasantly again, seeing that his face is covered in boils of the plague.
I pick up his hand and he raises his eyebrows, I smile again and lift his hand to my mouth, he raises his eyebrows ever further. I grip his hand tighter and stick the index finger in my mouth, I bite down and the finger comes away in my mouth, the man screams, a high agonised scream.
I chew and swallow the finger, then move on to the next finger, I bite through the bone and muscle and the man screams again. I swallow the finger whole and move on, bitting through the next finger and chewing, I swallow the mush that was the man’s finger and move on.
Once I’ve finished the man’s fingers, I grip his head with one hand, he screams louder and tries to pull away, I grip tighter and my fingers break the skin, the man gasps and draws breath to scream again, I pull my hand back, with the man’s head, and smash his head against the wall, the back of his head explodes and blood and thicker things flay in almost every devisable direction.
The man stops screaming and goes limp in the way that dead bodies have before going stiff, I laugh in my hysteric way that makes people cringe and back away and throw the body to the ground, standing up I turn an my heal and stride away with my stride that most people have to jog to keep up with.
As I stride along the street I spot another plague victim, a young woman, I stop striding (I slow down) and walk at a slower pace towards her.
She looks up as my shadow moves over her, squinting against the light behind me; her face is covered in the lump and pustules of the plague.
I smile sensually; I have lots of practice, “Want to have some fun?” I ask, raising my eyebrows. She tries to talk but nothing comes out, finally she just nods and looks at me.
I pick her up in my arms and carry her into a nearby abandoned house; there seem to be a lot of them around the infected sector, and have sex with her.
I slide up next to her and ask, “Want to be cured of the plague?”
She looks at my lazily and nods.
“You’re on,” I say and sink my fangs into her neck; I taste her blood, tastes of the plague and of sadness.
I look at her face, she’s looking at me funny but not with fear, I grin and pull out my silver knife, I’ve taken to carrying one around so I can make my new vampires at will, not looking away from her face.
I get a flash of fear from her as I remove the blade, but it fades quickly. I slide the knife along my wrist and dribble the forthcoming blood into the bite mark on her neck.
“This is a nice way to meet someone,” she comments after licking her lips, “my name is Michelle, what’s your’s?”
“I am Gabriel, master of the vampires, the first, at your service.” I reply, running my tongue over the mound of her breast.
She tries to look annoyed but fails, “stop that, how am I supposed to have a sensible conversation if you keep licking me?"
“I don’t suppose we could have a sensible conversation after we’re finished, could we?” I ask.
“We could have most of it afterwards, but I want to find out something first. I’ve heard of the vampires, apparently a whole lot of people who burn in the sun and drink blood, and most go insane.
“Why, if you’re a vampire are you out in sunlight?”
“Well as I said, I am the master vampire, after a century, you don’t burst into flames at the sun, you get sunburn, and as you grow older then you heal it faster and faster. So since I am around one million years old, I heal instantly, hence the no sun burn.
“Also as you get older,” I continue at her startled look. “You need less blood, I can go without blood for about,” I pause to think, “twenty years more, and the younger vampires have to feed about once a day.”
“Well that answers all the immediate questions, let us continue,” Michelle laughs.
So we finish our business and we do have that talk, now, onto the next segment.

Germany: world war two.

I joined the army at the start of the war, world war two, I would have joined for world war one, but Michelle threatened to leave me, and, for all her faults, she is great in bed and I love her.
Michelle thinks I’m abandoning her, but I convinced her that I just really am evil, therefore love killing humans, so, in the end, she let me go on the condition that I didn’t sleep with anyone else, no-one apart from her.
I am now a lieutenant, with lots of medals, I turned down at least three promotions, I don’t want a desk job, I hate paperwork, I like killing people.
I’m in a trench, trenches are pointless, and wait for some general or another to tell us to swarm the enemies, well shoot them, guns are pointless too.
The call is made a most of the lieutenants make the call to fire, except me, I leap out of the trench and, at my dazzling speed, and I run to the German trench and pull out my twin swords.
I smash into the Germans before they can think coherently and have slashed about ten to death, I can’t be bothered counting after three hundred, before the first curses start, I would repeat them but what if a child reads this, I can understand all languages, comes from living to long.
Slightly after the curses, the shooting starts, loud bangs that would damage my amazingly sensitive hearing, if I didn’t heal it instantly, I grin as the bullets slam into me from all sides, barely breaking the skin.
As I continue with my slaughter and the Germans realise they aren’t doing anything with the shooting and run, my fellow whatever-country-I’m-fighting-for-men move up to the edge of the German trench and start shooting, the battle is quickly finished, one left for interrogation, AKA pointless torture.
Pretty short entry for world war two, don’t you reckon, not even a page long.

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