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A quest involving swords and magic stones. |
The Swords and the Stones Mordock stood in the center of the dimly lit room staring at the children that sat in front of him. Though he was old and frail he still demanded respect. He raised his hand and the chattering students fell silent. "Now today’s lesson will be mathematics." He said softly. The students groaned with displeasure, but pulled out their book any ways. "Teacher." Piped a small voice from the back. It was Mordock's star pupil. "Yes Drafeius, what is it?" "Could you tell us the story about The Second Darkness?" Mordock him self was in fact in that tale. Even though he didn't believe in bragging it was historical fact so he couldn't resist telling it. "Maybe I'll start from where it all began." He said lightly. “As you all know The Realm Books are said to have been written by the Gods many ages before the time of Elven dominion. Inside each book is a different world or as we humans would call them, planets. It’s said that each book was written by a different god and that each god wrote that book about the world that would worship them. Legend tells that Nemu the god of light, created the world of Saroo. This world is home to the druids a peace wanting people who believe that knowledge is power. For many ages they worshiped there god for she was dear to them, and so she loved them back. The world of Braven is said to have been created by Brom the god of earth and older brother to the beautiful Nemu. This world is home to the Kri and the Snake-eaters both are a warrior like people. However both nations hate each other immensely this is something that Brom had not wanted but refuses to change. So the two nations wage war on each other and a costly war it is. Grond the god of shadows wrote the book of Shier a world where foul creatures are said to dwell. It is an evil world where Grond often dwells and schemes for he envies his brother and sisters for what they have. Braila the god of sky is second oldest after Grond. She is the creator of the world Valcon home to the Karu a people who love justice and order. For many ages the people of these places lived without the knowledge of worlds other than there own. Until the gods made it possible for them to coexist then people traveled from one world to the other." He finished “What about the stones?” A student interrupted. “Yes well I was just getting to that.” Mordock retorted. “Now may I continue?” He asked. Many of the students nodded their approval. “Thank you.” “An age passed before a king of great power and craftsmanship forged the three stones. Into them he poured all of the power of light and darkness in his possession. So great was the power in these stones that he shut them away from the world so no evil could use them. Only the gods could say where they were hid.” “Now were at The First Darkness.” The students nodded. “Very few ancient scrolls are written on these dark times all that is written is what Grond himself wrote. He say’s that while his brother and sisters slept in the heavens he came to them and killed them. Then he went to the world of Saroo and stole the stones of power. Secretly he forged a sword and set the stones inside it. Soon after a long campaign he came to rule over all the worlds his reign of terror lasted for a thousand ages. Grond came to poses a student who he taught every thing he knew then his student trapped him in the Ungaliant. The scrolls end there.” “What about you?” The pupil asked. “Alright fine.” Mordock said happily Chapter 1 The Vision I sat silently and alone in the chamber. The only source of light was an orb stationed on a pedestal in the center of the room. Still that was a very small amount of light. Glow. I was still in shock because of what I had just seen. My world, other worlds all engulfed by shadow and cities drenched in flame. Bodies were every where and monsters and beasts doing horrible things, things I wished he had not seen. Then I saw him, a tall colossal figure covered in black armor. My eyes looked to the figure’s face I later wished I hadn’t. A black helm covered that face and on top sat a crown with three stones set in it. They were shining dimly as though they contained a once powerful magic, but it was weak now so weak as if it were being drained by a more powerful evil. The figure brought its right arm above its head, in that huge hand was a giant war hammer made of a metal I didn’t know. Like lightning the hammer came down, faster than lightning even. I raised my arm to try and save my-self. The hammer struck, then again and again it struck me. Then the vision ended. I rubbed my arm it hurt immensely, I felt something through the sleeve of my cloak. I lifted the sleeve and gasped, a mark of great sat where the hammer had struck me. The symbol didn’t concern me nearly as much as not knowing who the figure was. I had read every scroll and book about every known world, but the identity of the figure remained unknown to me. Even more disturbing was the fact that I had not touched the orb, physically or mentally. That meant that this vision had been sent to me, but by whom? Had it been the figure that had done it? If so it had abilities beyond my own. That boded ill for the druids, and maybe not just the druids but every one every where. Chapter 2 The Battle of Sangtumia A Snake-eater wearing a wolf skin hood charged at Brandil with a two handed sword. Brandil used his shield to block the crazed man’s attack, and then stabbed at the yelling man with his spear. He felt the firm resistance of flesh as the spear pierced the man’s skin. The Snake-eater cried in pain, but didn’t die. Instead the man threw himself further onto the spear as a last attempt to kill his enemy. Quickly Brandil twisted the spear, tearing the man’s insides to pieces. The Snake-eater slumped over dead. Brandil had to kick the corpse off his spear to free it. Another man charged at him from behind. MORE BEING ADDED |