Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1334966-Betrayal
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Emotional · #1334966
This story was hard for me to write, it's called Betrayal. Read it, and find out why.
Alittle about this story: My mom got remarried to Kerry, he has 4 kids. They have beem married for 4 years. His daughter Winter and I were always really close, but we never really got to see eachother because she lived far away. We were bestfriends until this night.
Main People in this story: Brandon, Kristy, and Winter.
Written in the summer of Last Year.


One night Kristy was getting ready to go to sleep when her phone rang. "Hello?" she said tired. "Hey girl, it's Winter, what's up?" her stepsister said. "Not much, what's going on with you? Kristy asked her. "Nothing really, I miss you" Winter told her. "I miss you to, when are you coming back down?" she asked her younger stepsister.

  "I'll be there tomorrow, dad is coming up tonight to get me" she said. "Good" Kristy said. "So what's beem going on with you?" Winter asked Kristy curious. "I have a boyfriend now, we have been dating for a few months  now" she said. "What is he like?" Winter asked. "He's really sweet, he's always there when I need to talk to someone" Kristy said.

  "That's  good because I'm not there all the time" Winter told her. "Go on, what else?" she asked. "Wgat does he look like?" she asked Kristy. "He is 6'0, he has brown hair and beautiful blue eyes, and his name is Brandon" Kristy said smiling to herself thinking about him. "He sounds cute" Winter said. "How old is he?" she asked. "He's 19" she told her sister.

  "So when am I going to be able to meet the guy my sister is obviously crazy about?" Winter laughed. "He is coming tomorrow to see me, so he'll be here when you get here" Kristy told her. "Well, I still have to pack, so I'll see you tomorrow, love you" Winter said. "Okay, see you tomorrow, love you to" Kristy said hanging up the phone, and going to sleep. She was happy because she was going to see her best friend tomorrow.

"Hey girl, I'm so happy to see you!" Winter said walking in the door. "I'm happy to, I missed you so much!," Kristy said hugging her. "Brandon, come downstairs, and meet my stepsister Winter" she called to her boyfriend who was upstairs. "Okay, baby, be right there" he said as he walked downstairs.

"Baby, this is my stepsister Winter" Kristy said introducing her boyfriend. "Winter this is Brandon."  "Wow, she's hot" he thought to himself. "He's hot oh my god!" Winter thought to herself. Kristy didn't know why they were looking at each other like they were attracted to each other.
"Do you guys want to go somewhere where we can all talk?" Kristy asked both of them. "Sure" they both said. "We have to be quiet though because it's late, and I don't want to wake anyone up" Kristy said as they all walked out the door.

  The three of them sneeked out to Brandon's truck. He got in first, and his girlfriend was about to get in next to him. "No baby, let your sister sit in the middle; she's got that diease no ass at all!" Brandon told Kristy. Winter didn't know what to do, so she looked at Kristy, as if to say "is that okay with you?" Kristy just rolled her eyes, sighed ,and waved for Winter to get in the middle seat.

They drove to a dark, empty parking lot, and talked. Winter was very quiet, and looked tense, and  uncomfortable. "You can relax, you don't have to be tense, Winter" they both said. "If I was anymore relaxed, I'd be dead!" Winter lied with a nervous laugh.
  "Baby, I don't know what to do to make her relax!" Brandon said. His girlfriend Kristy just laughed. "I AM relaxed!" Winter argued. "Come here little girl!" he said as he picked Winter up, and put her on his lap! Kristy didn't say anything then, but she was pissed, she felt like fire was going to come out of her eyes.

"Alright," he said, it's not so bad, is it? Now relax, I'm not gonna hurt you!" Now, Lay back, and just chill!" he told Winter, not even paying any attention to Kristy. So Winter decided to not argue anymore, and she finally relaxed, they all talked until the cops came. "Oh shit!" they all said, and they got outta there fast!

They  all went back to Kristy's house. "Lets go to sleep since it's so late, and then tomorrow we can figure out what we wanna do, okay?" Kristy asked them. "Sure" they said. "Baby, you can sleep on the couch, come on Winter lets go upstairs, and go to sleep" Kristy said,

  They all woke up the next moring at 10am. "Lets go swimming" Brandon said. "Baby, are you going swimming with us?" he asked his girlfriend. "No hun, I can't, I have my period, but I'll go and watch you two" she said. Winter went upstairs to change into her bathing suit.
  They all walked to the pool. Brandon jumped in, but Winter was scared to get in. So he swam over to her and asked her "why aren't you getting in, are you okay? he asked her. "Yeah, i'm okay, I just haven't been swimming in a while, I'm scared" she told him. "What do you mean your scared, it's not like the water is going to bite you!" he said laughing. She just glared at him.

"I'm not going to let anything happen to you" he said trying to calm Winter down. "Okay" she said as she got farther in the water. "That's good, come on" he said as he took her arm, and gently pulled her out into the deep end of the pool.

When she couldn't stand anymore, she freaked out, and threw her arms around his neck. He just pulled her closer to him. "It's okay" he whispered to her, so Kristy wouldn't hear him. His girl friend  couldn't hear what they were saying, but she saw everything, and was getting really mad.

"I'm scared, I don't wanna go any farther, put me down" Winter told him. "He isn't going to let you go under" Kristy said not really knowing what they meant. "I'll carry you around the pool, so you won't be scared" he told Winter.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING TO HER!" Kristy screamed at her boyfriend when she saw him holding Winter tightly. "Would you relax, and calm down! I'm just trying to help her get used to the water, that's all" he told Kristy.
"Yeah right, you probably just want to hold her!" she told him. She was getting really mad just watching them flirt right in front of her that she took off the ring that he gave her, and said "here is your ring back, it means nothing anymore" she said as she threw it in the pool, left the pool key on the chair, and walked home.

"What is her problem?" Brandon asked Winter. "I don't know, but lets go find out if she's okay" Winter said not knowing why her sister was so mad. "Okay, but we didn't do anything wrong" Brandon said. "I know we didn't, but she ovbviously saw something that we didn't see" Winter said as she got out of the pool, and was going to dry herself off. "Let me do it" Brandon said as he dried her off, and they walked back to Kristy's house.

"What is wrong with you?" Brandon asked his girlfriend when they walked in the door. "I'll tell you what my problem is" Kristy said taking a breathe. "My problem is that you are supposed to be with me, you said you loved me, but your ALL OVER MY STEPSISTER!" Kristy screamed at him. "Baby, there is nothing going on, I just want to be friends with her" he told his girlfriend.

"I don't believe you, because if you really loved me, if she was coming on to you which is what I saw, you would've said "I'm with your sister, sorry" Kristy said trying to explain why she was so mad. "Nothing happened, I love you!" Brandon said. "Leave!" Kristy told him.

"Fine, if you don't believe me there is no point in fighting anymore" Brandon said as he walked out the door. "Come on Winter, we're going back to the pool" he said waiting for her.

"We are just friends, don't you believe me?" Winter asked her sister. "No, I don't believe you, now leave" Kristy said pissed off. "Maybe he is telling me the truth" Kristy thought to herself, then decided to go back to the pool.

When Brandon saw that Kristy came back, and sat down, he took Winter to the deeper end of the pool, the farthest away from Kristy. It looked as if Winter was holding onto Brandon for dear life. He looked at Kristy; she wasn't paying attention just then because someone had called her cell phone. He looked at Winter and said, "here's what we're gonna do. I'm going to go under water, and you're gonna go with me, okay?" Brandon said,

"No!" Winter said, about to panic. "Relax!" Brandon told her quietly, and pulled her close to him, really close! "I'm going to hold you. I won't let go, I've got you, okay, do you trust me?" he asked her. She just nodded her head. So they went under, and he held her against his chest. When they came back up, he said "see that wasn't so bad was it?" "No, it wasn't" she replied after a moment of hesitation, and smiled.

She couldn't help, but to look at his deep green eyes. His face was so close to hers, his arms held her so firmly; she felt safer than she'd ever felt before. They were too close though. "Come on, and lets go in" Kristy called. "I'm getting a sun burn, and we're all hungry!" So they all walked back to her house.

Kristy didn't say anything, she just wemt upstairs, and changed. Brandon and Winter were left alone downstairs. He was just looking at Winter, and watching her as she went to get a change of clothes. When she came back downstairs, he followed her into the bathroom.

"Dowdy, I have to change. What are you doing?" she asked him. After a minute of thinking he said "I just want to give you a hug, and tell you how proud I am of you in the pool today. You did great!" So he pulled her really close, she didn't say a word, she just hugged him. Fianally he left her to change. "Wow" she said to herself, and went on changing her clothes.

They went out to eat at Mc Donald's, and Brandon couldn't stop looking at Winte's chest, and legs the whole time they were there. Winter didn't notice that Brandon was looking at her, but Kristy noticed it, but she didn't say anything just then. They got their food, ate, and went back to Kristy's house.

"Kristy, do you mind if Winter and I go to Starbucks to get to know each other better over coffee?" Brandon asked his girl friend. She just rolled her eyes, and shrugged her shoulders, "fine, I don't like coffee anyway" she told her boy friend. "Okay, bye" they both said as they walked out, and got into his truck.

"We need to talk" Brandon told Winter. "Okay what's up? " she asked  turning to face him. I'm starting to like you" he told her. "Wow" she said not expecting him to say that. "Well, I like you to, but we can't, I can't hurt my sister like that, and you can't either you love her" she told him. "I did love her, my feelings have changed" he corrected her.

"No! this isn't happening!" Winter said as she pulled her feet up to her chest, put her face on her knees, and cried with her arms over her head. Her hands clasped her hair trying to pull it out as she cried. "What's wrong? Stop trying to pull your hair! Don't hurt yourself!" Brandon said. "Winter, now please tell me what's wrong" he said concerned.

"Why are you getting so upset, and shy around me?"  he asked her. "I'm not getting shy, but we can't let our feelings take over, your dating my sister, and you love her" Winter said. "I'm not going to be the reason why you two break up" she said.

"Well, my feelings for Kristy have changed when you walked into my life" he said. "How can you be so in love with a person one day, and fall out of love the next day?" she asked him. "I don't know what really happened, I just stopped loving her, and now I want you" Brandon told her. "I want you now, and I don't know how to make you see that" he told Winter. "This is all to much for me to think about right now, so let me think about it more" she said. "Do you want to go back to Kristy's?" he asked her. "Yes" she said. "Okay" he said as they drove back to Kristy's house. They didn't talk on the way home.

When they walked in the door, Kristy could tell that there was something bothering Brandon, "what's wrong baby?" she asked him. "You are my problem" he said. "Me, what did I do?" Kristy asked him. "Your getting jealous over nothing Winter and I are just friends" he told her. "Then why did you guys want to go out, and talk alone without me?" Kristy asked him. "I asked you if you wanted to go, but you said no, so we went" Brandon said. "You shouldn't have left at all,with Winter if I didn't wanna go, I'm your girl friend, not her" Kristy said getting mad.

"I want to talk with someone who doesn't argue with me all the time that's why I went with Winter" Brandon told Kristy. "We never used to fight until you met Winter" she told him mad. "I'm not going to listen to anymore of this it's all lies, and you know it!" he told his girl friend, "I'm leaving, I'll be back later" Brandon said as he walked out the door.

"Winter come on, we're going to Starbucks" Brandon said. "Where are you going?" Kristy asked him. "I'm mad, I'm leaving to get away from you!" Brandon said. "What's going on?" Winter asked Kristy looking confused. "

"We're going to Starbucks for coffee, and to talk, come on" Brandon told Winter. She looked at Kristy and said "are you okay with us going out?" Kristy shrugged her shoulders, and said "whatever, I don't care, just GO!" So they left the house.

"God, I can't believe they really left!" Kristy screamed. "Where is Winter?" Kristy's mom Kathy asked her as she walked down the stairs. "She is out with Brandon, mom" she said. "Why didn't you go?" Kathy asked her daughter. "He said he was tired of us argueing all the time, and he wanted to talk to someone that didn't fight with him" Kristy explained to her mom. "THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE LEFT YOU HERE!" Kathy said mad.

An hour goes by, and Kristy called Brandon's cell,  but she got his answering machine.  "Hey this is Dowdy, leave a message" so she left him a message. " Baby, it's me, where are you, I'm getting worried, call me" Kristy said as she hung up the phone.

"WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER!" Kerry said coming downstairs. "She's out with Brandon" his wife Kathy told him. "Why is she out with him, I told her not to leave this house!" Kerry said getting pissed.  "I thought they would've been back by now, I'm going to go look for them" his wife Kathy said as she left the house.

Kathy comes back home, "they aren't anywhere, I looked everywhere" she said as she walked in the door. "I'm getting sick of this, I told her not to leave, and she left anyway, I'm calling the cops if they aren't home in ten minutes!" Kerry told us.

Another hour, and a half goes by, and by now Kristy is calling Brandon every two minutes.  "You guys better get home now, Winter's dad is pissed off" Kristy said as she left a message. "Lets go outside, and wait for them" Kathy said. "Okay" Kristy said as she followed her mom outside. "You stay here, and try to relax. and get some sleep" Kathy told her husband. "I don't know if I'm going to be able to sleep, but I'll stay here in case she calls" Kerry said as Kristy and Kathy went outside to wait for them.

"I'm pissed off  now, go inside and pack his stuff, he isn't staying here tonight" Kathy said as Kristy went inside and packed his stuff really quick.

Winter and Brandon finally came home at 12:15am, and Kathy and Kristy were up waiting for them with his stuff already packed. They walked in the gate really quiet, not knowing that they had people waiting up for them. Kathy opened the door, and screamed "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN, IT'S MIDNIGHT!"
"You better leave now, Kerry is really pissed off!" Kathy told Brandon. Kristy didn't say anything to him as she walked away from the door.

Winter just walked upstairs without looking at anyone. They didn't see her face, but when she was half-way up the stairs, Kathy closed the door, and said, "your father is waiting for you. Go speak to him." When she heard her stepmom say those words, she froze, and shut her eyes tight, and took a deep breath before she went all the way upstairs.

A single tear slid down her cheek and lingered on her lips that still burned with the heat of his kiss. "Where were you young lady, I didn't tell you that you could leave this house, I didn't even know you left!" her father yelled. "I'm sorry dad, I didn't think you would mind" she said. "You went off with a guy you don't even know, and your stepsister's boyfriend, what is wrong with you" Kerry said. "I don't know, I'm sorry" Winter cried. "I don't know how I'm going to trust you again" he said as she left his room, and walked into Kristy's room.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN FOR THE PAST 2 IN A HALF HOURS WITH MY BOYFRIEND!" Kristy screamed at her sister. "We went to Starbucks, and lost track of time" she said trying to explain what happened. "I would believe that, but I don't since he turned off his phone." "We didn't do anything, Kristy, I swear!" Winter said begging her sister to believe her. "If you guys were only at Stabucks, why didn't you ask me to go?" she asked her. "I don't know why he didn't ask you" Winter said.

"Nothing happened, I swear, Kristy, I would never do anything like that to you!" Winter said starting to cry. "He loves you so much" Winter told her sister. "If he loves me, then why did he make me scared like that, and make me not trust him" Kristy said. "We didn't mean to make you scared" she told her older sister.

"I'm going to go get ready for bed, since there is nothing left for me to say" Winter said as she went into the bathroom, and took a shower. "I can't believe all this is happening to me, my sister who I love, hates me" Winter thought to herself as she took a shower.

Kristy called Brandon to see what he had to say about this night. "Hey baby" Brandon said as he answered his cell phone. "Hi" Kristy said sounding upset. "What's wrong angel, please tell me" he said concerned about his girlfriend. She took a breathe, and starting talking "I want the truth about what happened with you and Winter, and if you guys are more than friends or not" Kristy said trying not to cry. "I told you what happened, we went to Starbucks, and lost track of time, and we are just friends, I love you" he told her. "If there was anything else going on you would tell me right?" Kristy asked him. "Yes, I would tell you, but there isn't" he said.

"Well, I'm going to go to bed, I'll talk to you later" Brandon said. "Okay, bye" Kristy said as she hung up the phone, and tried to go to sleep, it didn't work though, so she just watched T.V.

Winter was trying to relax when her phone rang in her room. "Hello?" she said. "Hey, its Brandon, what are you doing?" "I just got out of the shower, and I'm watching tv" she said. "Listen will you take a ride with me?" he asked her. "Yeah, sure, let me get dressed"  "Okay, I'll pick you up in 20 minutes" he said as he got off the phone. "Okay, see you then" she said as she hung up the phone, picked out clothes, and got dressed.

"Hey, you look good" Brandon said as he looked at Winter. "Thanks" she said as she smiled. "Lets go" he said as they got in his truck, and drove. "We need to talk, I can't hide my feelings for you anymore, I like you, and I want to be with you" Brandon said. Winter just took a deep breath, and said "I don't want to hurt my sister, but I can't hide them either" she smiled at him, and kissed him.


Brandon took his seat belt off, leaned over, and went in for a kiss. "What are you doing?" Winte asked him. "I'm doing what I've wanted to do since I first saw you" he said as he passoniatly kissed her.

  "I'm scared to feel this way about you, but I can't help it" she said. "Then go with your feelings" he told her. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" Brandon asked her to make sure. "Yes, I am" she told him.

He leaned in for another kiss, and instead of pushing him away, she kissed him back. His hands roamed up her shirt. "What are you doing?" she asked him. "This" he said as he put his hands on her chest, do you like it?" he asked her. "Yes, I do" she said as she started to cry.

  "What's wrong?" he asked her with concern in his eyes. "Nothing, I'm just thinking about Kristy, and how much I've wanted you to touch me" Winter told him.

"Well, don't think about Kristy, just think about me, do you trust me?" he asked her. "Yes, I trust you" she said as she lied down, and he put a little  pillow behind her head.

He got on top of her, and went in slowly, trying not to hurt her. "Are you okay?" he asked her when he saw her in pain. "I'm okay" she said breathing heavy. "I can't believe we are to this point" she said kissing him. "You said you loved Kristy so much" Winter said. "Well, my feelings changed" he said.

She layed in his arms, "I know this is wrong, but it feels so right" she said looking into his eyes. "Lets go back to the house" she told him. "Okay" he said as they drove back to the house holding each other.

They got back to the house, and walked in, and Kisty saw that Winter's shirt was unbuttoned. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!" she yelled at them. "Uh.... she was hot, and I told her to unbutton her shirt a little, so she could get cool air" Brandon said lieing.

"You told me you loved me, but it was all a lie, you were really after her!!" Kristy said smacking Winter. "I wasted a year of my life with you, I hate you!" she said crying.

"What did I do to make you want to cheat on me?" she asked looking at him. "I didn't cheat on you, Kristy!" he told her. "You expect me to believe the story that she was hot in the car, so she unbuttoned her shirt?" she asked him. "You did it for her!" Kristy yelled and running upstairs.

"I don't ever want to see you again!" she said as she slapped him, and told him to leave.
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