Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1334558-The-Fallen-Angel
by Ben
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1334558
Added a bunch of editing that was needed. Please review and help me out.
Cresil is just returning to Finnic from a neighboring town. The town is only about an hour away by horse. He left to convert the neighboring towns regulars. It went easer for him than he hoped, but it drained much of his power. 

It's gotten to the point where Cresil liked to kill the regulars he fails to convert. It's just as well Cresil thought. The more regulars he can convert the more power he can obtain. In the long run killing the non converted regulars only gave him a fraction of the power he could uptain compared to a lifelong time of worship he got from a converted regular.  Unfortunately that's also much slower and he is unable to refill his energy from the converted regulars. 

As Cresil walked into town he stopped at his church first. He uses the church to gain power so that he can destroy the Protectors. This is only his long term goal. Right now he needed to get to the Alter Of Power inside the church to refill his power.

The church had a demonic look and feel to it. Even the non converted regulars could sense something evil about it. Cresil did not care about that. The town of Finnic already had all of the regulars converted. He only killed about a fourth of them to achieve this.

Cresil walked into the church and down the aisle towards the Altar of Power. The air around the alter vibrated with energy.  As he drew nearer, he could see the blood that stained it, the blood of all the regulars whom he had failed to convert, their deaths necessary to feed the altar.

Of course their deaths were not the only thing feeding it. All of his converted regulars were feeding it daily with their worship over it. Cresil is very proud of his intellect. He is the first to come up with the idea to use the regulars power to fuel his own.

He sometimes wondered, or maybe hopped is a better word for it, that his converted regulars would start a war. That thought always put a smile on Cresil's face. Cresil is always interested in destruction and chaos.

Cresil reached the Alter of Power. He started to lay his hands upon it so he could empty its power and refill his. Before he could do, so someone walked in. Someone with a very stern face and a big ass sword.  Cresil recognized him instantly.

“So Michael, they found out and sent you. Huh?” Cresil asked.
“Hello old friend.” Michael said in reply.
“Don't ever call me that!” Cresil shouted in frustration.
“Why not? We trained together. We helped each other out when the other needed it.”
“That was a long time ago. Before you turned your back on me and betrayed me.”
“You were abusing The Power. I was just trying to help you.”
“Well do me a favor and don't give me anymore of your so called 'help'”

Michael put on a very grim face and silence fell between. Time seemed to be at a stand still. Michael broke the silence and said, “I had hopped that our teachers were wrong. That abusing The Power would not change you. That you wouldn't turn down the path of evil. It looks like I was wrong.”

“You are such a hypocrite!” shouted Cresil. “Look at you with that sword in your hands. You used The Power to make that sword of yours and you consider yourself righteous. How come when I use The Power to my own advantage you call it evil?!”
“That's different! I don't feed on the power of the regulars to obtain my goals. My god man! Look what it has done to you.”
“I know.”, Cresil smiled, “Look at all the power it has given me access to. Eventually I will have even more power than The Protectors.”
“You need to stop! Let me take you in. With luck, they'll not execute you and they'll just bind your power.”
“BIND ME! I will not give up The Power to help your self conscious. I will not live with even less power than the normals. Besides it's too late for that. I have killed many to get to the point to where I am today. They will not let that go without punishment, and I will not go willingly to them.”

Michel looked up into his old friend's cold eyes. A great sadness hit Michel. Michel's old friend is gone and there is nothing he could do about it. He felt somewhat responsible for not being able to save Cresil in time, but Michel also knew that he had no choice. He is the one that had to end the pain and suffering, to stop this injustice, and to accomplish this he would have to kill his old friend.

“I am sorry Cresil. For so many things.” Michel started to charge at Cresil with his full might.

Cresil laid his hands on the Alter Of Power and started to withdraw the power within. A black aura started to surround Cresil. Cresil worried there wouldn't be enough time to withdraw the power, but he needed that power if he ever hopped to defeat Michel. He only needed a few seconds, but thats all Michel needed to kill him too.

Michel reached the alter and swung his sword at Cresil. Cresil fell to floor and dodged the attack at the last second. The black aura that surrounded Cresil disappeared. He succeeded in emptying the alter of all of its power.

Michel looked down into Cresil's eyes and saw pure black in them. Suddenly, Michel got thrown 20 feet into the air by an invisible force. A white aura surrounded Michel just before he hit the doors to the entrance of the church. A large boom sounded, and both doors collapsed seconds later.

Michel got up unscathed. He survived only because he called up his power to protect him. Michel got up and looked back at Cresil. Cresil now stood in front of the empty alter. At that moment, Cresil stretched out his arm and a black sword appeared in his hands.

Michel got petrified at that moment. Technically Michel had used that same technique to summon his own sword, but it had taken him a full week of concentration to do it. Cresil had just done it in a matter of seconds. Michel had to end this fight soon.

Michel pointed his sword at Cresil. His sword began to vibrate, and hum with power.  Suddenly a blast of pure ice shot out of the sword.

The blast shot down toward Cresil like a frozen lighting bolt. Seconds before it hit a blast of fire came out of Cresil's sword.  The fire held off the ice. The point where the fire and ice were hitting started to get closer and closer to Michel.

Michel's head raced. He could not die here. He could not let the suffering go on.

Michel started to feel the heat from Cresil's blaze as it got close. Suddenly Michel could hear a voice shout out, “You shouldn't have came after me. I have always had more power than you. Now you will die for your ignorance, and with you I will let this entire town suffer for not killing you the moment they saw you. Don't worry I'll kill the kids right away. It's the adults that I will really enjoy myself with.”

At that instant a fire woke up inside of Michel. It's one thing if it is just his death. It's quite another to threaten the lives of innocent children. Michel's willpower started to stir inside of him, and the heat started to disappear. The ice blast started to move toward Cresil.

A loud kaboom sounded and Cresil got hit with the ice blast. The ice blast did not kill Cresil, but merely froze him in place. Michel walked up to Cresil frozen body and beheaded him with his sword. Both body parts hit the ground with a thud.

Michel walked to the Alter of Power. He willed the last of his energy into his sword until it glowed.  Michel lifted up his sword and cut the Alter of Power in half, destroying the influence it had over the regulars. 

Michel hit the floor with exhaustion. He looked over to his old friend's frozen body and tears fell down his eyes.
© Copyright 2007 Ben (jovock at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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