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by matt
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fanfiction · #1333563
part 3 of my Graphic Novel
*SS=Scene Setup
*Mason Gates thinking indicated and closed with an -

SS-in car driving toward crime in progress


(radio) “At the corner of Lincoln and 3rd, please be advised there are UC’s on the scene, over.”

-Two months on this sting, we’re looking at over $250,000 in narcotics and paraphernalia, not to mention at least three of the cities biggest drug lords. I’m the first to arrive, it’s no time to try and be a hero, heh, who am I kiddin, time to take these %$#$$#$ down.-

SS-MG makes his way into the house gun raised, two men are in the front room counting money.


-I only have visual on the two men on the ground in front of me; I know there’s a third, plus our two under covers.-


-I hear two shots, I make my way upstairs. I see the first UC lying at the top of the steps, it’s Armstrong, he’s hit and bleeding badly, but he’s breathing. I’m shaking now, the sweat is pouring out of my face and hands, and my finger is slippery on the trigger. I’m careless as I search room to room, not seeking out cover, just letting the gun lead the way. For the first time in a long time I’m scared, the training isn’t kicking in, I’m a rookie all over again. I hear the footsteps behind me, and then I make the biggest mistake of all…. I turn and shoot without looking. Williams is down, the second UC, by my hands.-


-More shots, I got a beat on them this time. Back bedroom, he's reloading, even while I’m consumed with fear; it only takes me one shot. As backup storms the house, I can’t even let go of the gun. They gotta pry it from my hand, and then they gotta walk me out. I watch them take away Williams in an ambulance, I gotta feeling this is gonna be a long night.-


SS-MG is at his apartment, lying in bed, tossing and turning.

-Two girls, both nude, both throats slit ear to ear; from what I saw, no marks on either body, and no signs of struggle. So what? So the killer brings them back for a threesome, assuming there’s only one killer, conceals a knife then kills them in the throws of passion? I’ve worked with less. So I wait for them to come to me, or I target swingers, sniff around the orgy fetish sick $%#$$, and see what I can find……-

SS-MG sits up in bed

-I never had too much patience.-


-I sit in the hospital waiting room for what seems like eternity. Williams wife and new born son stare at me like a laser beam, with a face full of resolve, and covered in tears. Guys from the station pop in and out, console Mrs. Williams, tell me it’s going to be OK, but of course it’s not. I see the Doctor put his hand on Mrs. Williams shoulder; I see her scream in agony, then I see Phillips.-

Phillips-“It’s been a long night Mason, why don’t you go home, try to get some sleep, we can deal with this tomorrow.”

SS-MG looks up at Phillips with a blank stare

Phillips-“Look Mase, it coulda happened to any of one of us, if you let this beat you, your not going to be able to be a cop anymore, and that would be a damn shame.”

SS-MG stands up and starts to walk out

Phillips-“I’ll be by to check up on you in an hour or so, (mumbles to self) we need you damnit.”


SS-four days since the murder, nighttime in Gateway, main city strip with all the night clubs and bars. MG goes inside a bar, the Dirty Saloon.

-This place is known around town for prostitution. Basically if you want to pay for a girl, and don’t want to get caught, you come here. No fly zone for cops, when I said this town was clean, I meant clean as in the people can still breathe the air, for now at least.-

SS-MG approaches the bar, and a black man behind the bar with a pistol holstered in plain view.

MG-“s’cuse me, I’m lookin for some company tonight.” Man behind bar-“How much you got partner?” MG-“eight hundred.” Man behind bar-“then you got company, behind that door, one hour.”

-I knew I charged Kane extra for a reason.-


SS-MG in his apartment on the couch with a bottle in his hand.

-A father is gone; a husband has vanished, all because of me. I let fear control me in that house, and now, I’m understanding what true fear is. There is no way for me to forgive myself for this one, no way.-

SS-Commissioner Phillips walks up the steps to MG’s apartment

SS-Back in MG’s apartment he takes a drink

-Forgiveness comes with a price, we can forgive ourselves or the ones we love, but to be forgiven, one must have made a grave mistake. My mistake, hell, my mistake filled a grave. At this point, I’ve never seen the bottom of a bottle of Jack so fast……-

SS-MG drops bottle, bottle shatters
SS-MG runs a razor across his wrists

-The razor blade in my skin never felt so painless…..-

SS-Phillips knocks on the door
SS-MG lies back on the couch

-And the next ten minutes can’t come soon enough.-
© Copyright 2007 matt (nastymatt at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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