Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1333023-Get-to-know-the-son
Rated: E · Other · Opinion · #1333023
A poem about the lack of knowledge/care of what is going on and where it is leading us.
GET TO KNOW THE SON by Sam Huber WRITTEN 10-05-2007

Listen up everybody
I’ve got something to tell you
You better listen good now
Because you don’t see what I do

I don’t know why it’s like that
But it surely seems to be
Nobody seems to see it
That is no one but me

I can’t be the only one
To notice what’s going on
Make sure not to sell your soul
No, don’t sell it for a song

Start to pay attention now
Don’t trust everything they do
Just because they’re saying it
Does not mean it’s true

We live in times that are sad
You better pull your head out
While you still have a chance
To learn what it’s all about

You really need to hurry
Because they’re not wasting time
They have had their plan in place
And working it for some time

It’s too late to stop them now
Some day it will be their way
About that there is no doubt
One world rule is on its way

There is no way to stop it
They will surely meet their goal
What you need to do right now
Make sure you save your soul

They will make it bad on earth
And life won’t be very fun
But there will be one way out
For the one’s who know the son

The wicked ones can’t follow
And will torment us no more
Yes, wide is the road we walk
But so narrow is that door

It sure looks like the end is near
And your time is running out
So I hope you get to know
Of that son I spoke about

You should get to know him soon
And get to know him well
For only he holds the key
Away from those that fell

And as for those that served him
No key will unlock our door
We’ll be rid of them forever
And live in peace forever more

Some will dance with the chosen
But as I have said before
Knowing the son very well
Is how you get through the door

Them that do not know the son
Will never go through that door
So you better get to know him fast
Or life will be to die for
© Copyright 2007 samiam4 (samiam4 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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