Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1332439-The-Three-Families
by BZ
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Other · #1332439
girls enter the vampire realm and here about the three families
"How did you do that Sapphire?" Alana asked wide eyed by what just happened.
"I don't know" replied Serenity.
"Do you have your answer now Armin?" asked to Adolf.
"Yes I do" said Armin in a cold almost lifeless voice.
'We need to bring them to the others" said Adolf.

At that instant the girls realized that they were still in the presence of two members of Evelia Dragan: Adolf, and Armin. "So what do we do?" Sapphire whispered to Serenity. "We have to get out of here" Alana whispered to Serenity's right ear. "But how, they are never going to let us out of here" said Serenity in a panic stricken voice.
Then at an instant the kitchen door blew open and there came a group of guys.
"There ours" said a tall man with short black hair and the features of a wrestler.
"You're kidding right?" came the voice of Armin.
"No I'm not and were prepared to take them by force if need be."
"Don't be so sure about that" said Adolf, then he gave a whistle and there appeared 10 more men behind Armin and Adolf. "Attack them"
As the members of Evelia Dragan were getting ready to charge against their unwanted foes a change began to take place within their enemies. The men crouched low and their eyes took on a dark yellow color, their hands turned into claws and within a matter of seconds the girls realized that they had turned into werewolves. The two enemies attacked eachother and that began their bloody fight. The girls saw this as an opportunity and they ran out of the house as fast as they could, and into the forest behind the house.

"What was that about?" came the voice of Alana
"I don't know" said Serenity, "all I know is that we need to get away from those people as fast as we can."
"Yeah, but where are we going to go?"
"I don't know"
"Maybe, we should go further into the woods they shouldn't be able to find us there, I mean we know every single part of this forest like the back of our hand so we should be safe for now" said Sapphire, finally speaking up after running from the house. The girls decided to set up camp near a lake and worry about what to do the next day.

The next day they woke up at the sound of a snoring Amadeo.
"Uncle Amadeo what's he doing here?" asked Sapphire,
"Don't know, he must have found us here when we were sleeping and decided to stay and watch us" said Alana.
"Yeah, probably, but, how did he know where to find us?" asked Serenity.
"I know the three of you a lot more than you think I do" came the voice of Amadeo, apparently he wasn't really asleep, like the girls thought.
"Geez uncle you scared us" said Alana.
"I need to get the three of you out of here before they find you again" said Amadeo
"But why? who are those people? and what do the want we us?" all three girls said at the same time.

"LISTEN!!!!" screamed Amadeo with frustration, "I'm not here to answer your questions, I'm here to make sure the three of you don't get hurt, so pack everything you need because it's gunno take a while to get there." Okay said the girls with sadness in there eyes.
"I won't be seeing any of you ever again" said Amadeo.
Huh?! the girls said with confusion, why?
"You're not safe here anymore, you need to be taken somewhere else they've found your trails, and now we need to lose them again, so they can't find you until it's time."
"Huh?" the girls said again with confusion. "Where are we going? Why won't you ever see us again? What trail? When is it going to be time? What do you mean?" asked Alana with confusion, and frustration.
"Let's just say that there is something they want and I can't allow them to get it, and now that they've found you, I need to make sure that your trails are lost again so they can't find you, until it's time."

"So how are you going to do that?" asked Sapphire.
"You're all going to leave with different families."
"You mean we won't be together" said Serenity.
"Yes, you won't be together, if I put you under the same house they'll find you again in a matter of days, and that's not enough time."
"Who are we going to live with?" asked Alana.
"You're going to leave with the Vampire families."
"VAMPIRE!!!" screamed all three girls at once, "they drink people's bloods for a living, what if they try to drink our bloods" said Alana,

"Don't worry they won't touch you, they know the price if they do"
"All you need to know are the names of each family and what they are known for."
"Alana you're going to live with the Acerbus family they are known for beauty, and they have mastered the art of seduction, so be very careful to not be tempted."
"Sapphire you're going to live with the Nox family they are known for their smarts using it to manipulate people, and in some cases drive them mad."
"And, finally, Serenity you're going to go live with the Cruentus family they're very powerful, and short tempered so be very careful of what you say around them."
"Well here we are."
© Copyright 2007 BZ (dawn-rii at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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