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Rated: E · Non-fiction · Romance/Love · #1332335
Facing the realities of a relationship and your own life.
A Lot Like Love

Isn’t this what we all want? A love that is deep, one that loves unconditionally, one that is a friend, a love for all time, with no reservations, no expectations from the other, just strait up pure love. I wonder how one goes about that experience in life without getting hurt? How does one decide about the meaning of true love in their lives?

I watched this movie yesterday, “A Lot Like Love”…
The synopsis:
Featuring: Ashton Kutcher, Amanda Peet
A young man and woman meet on a cross-country flight. Oliver is a brand new college graduate with an airtight timeline for attaining his dreams of both business success and finding true love. Emily is a bold, free spirit drawn to spontaneity and wild extremes. Two different choices, two incompatible views on life. They may have hooked up for a brief moment, but Oliver and Emily clearly don’t belong together. Or do they? Though they both move on, Oliver and Emily nevertheless can’t quite seem to completely let go. As the two bump into each other, year after year, in city after city, through changing careers and different relationships, there always seems to be plenty keeping them apart. And yet, there’s also something utterly inexplicable pulling them together. There’s something about the way they laugh together, the way they can talk to each other, the way they always seem to be there for one another when things are falling apart. So what keeps getting in the way of what could be romantic destiny? As Oliver and Emily set off on their own individual paths, they move across New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco--and down the hilariously meandering road of modern love.

So this movie speaks of a wandering love between the two whom so desire just to find a one true love which would always be there for each other no matter what in life. Amazing how this story unfolded before my eyes. I sat here and pondered if there are selected people out there in this crazy mixed up world, who may have developed a long lasting true blue love like this. I believe it does happen from time to time. Two people meet up in life, come together for whatever reason; call it fate, destiny or just a fluke. Regardless of the reasons that cannot ever be explained, love enters in…starting as acquaintances, becoming friends and ultimately lovers.

This is what I feel true love can be…as I have over time myself experienced many facets in the love arena. I have thought on many occasions that I had known what this thing called love was only to be mistaken. Is it possible to meet a person, you click with so well, yet the timing is all off each time you meet up and you wonder why? They are involved in a relationship or you are…yet you meet on occasion to discuss your life issues, your love problems or your dreams. Over time after all the phone calls, the happenstance meetings or the planned ones; you discover your identity in life, where you are going and who you want to be there with you. No one wants to be alone, no one wants to be rejected and no one can say they don’t want that fairy tale. Most I have encountered in my walk in this life are all wanting the same thing….to love and to be loved. However, as it would have it though, it does not come without a price. You learn to give and take, you learn who you are and who you want to become, even within another’s eyes. Problem I think society may have these days is the expectations we tend to throw out there on one another sometimes can disappoint us in the end result. Therefore, the love we thought we had just dies. But I wonder lately…if we were to take a lot more time with each other, becoming friends first then over time become the love of each other’s lives….would it last as it should?

Ya’ know no one has all the answers to life, love and this pursuit of happiness we all so desire for ourselves, but God does and holds the keys to all those answers. I myself am finding myself taken aback by what may be that one love to take me up to the mountain top and who will stand by me there in the deep valleys of this ever changing life we are living. What does one do about it? Well, for me, I am waiting. I am taking my sweet time in this next experience we call love. I want to love and to be loved, don’t we all?

So tell me…is this what love may be? Is this the type of love you want?

Just pondering things….

}i{ Terri }i{

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