Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1331604-Aiyana-Chap-1-Dreams--Wishes
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1331604
A chapter from a story about a girl who makes a wish for adventure that comes true.
Midnight Dream

         Two nights ago at exactly Midnight, I woke up crying. I had just had the absolute best most wonderful dream in the history of ever! I had dreamed that I'd actually, truly gone to Aiyana for real! Aiyana is this world that I dream about a lot, and also write about.
         I had dreamed I'd gone there and had such adventure and romance! It had all felt so real! But it had ended before it was really over, and it was all so unfair!
         I had then looked out my window in time to see a twin tailed comet pass by, and I made a wish, fool that I was. I wished that I could really go to Aiyana, that I really could have adventures, and find romance. That it could all really be true!
         Then I felt so extremely exhausted and I collapsed back upon the bed.

Blue Darkness

         When next I woke, I was in a strange room in which I could see nothing for the blue-black darkness filling it. But then I felt a movement next to me, and I knew that I was not alone on that huge mattress.
         I jerked upright, preparing to leap from the bed, but a man's hand suddenly reached out, grabbed my arm and pulled me gently but forcefully back down upon my back. A dark blue-ish light began to filter into the room, so it was not quite dark, but neither was it bright enough to reveal much more than a few shadowed figures.
         I saw him then, he seemed somehow familiar, I tried to remember where I'd seen him before but could not quite grasp the memory. I thought describing him would help me remember, 'Eyes of Midnight, and hair so black it shines blue,' I thought, trying to remain calm as the man leaned over me and placed a hand to either side of my head, 'Skin of bronze with bones so fine, yet muscles so much stronger than any mortal man's,' then it came to me, where I'd 'seen' him before, it was from my dreams that I knew him, "The Dark Father!" I cried suddenly becoming very frightened. He smiled down at me innocently, but in his eyes I saw a look of utter wickedness.
         I tried to escape him frantically, now that I knew him for what he was, but it was no use, every move I made, he countered, until finally he grew tired of his little game.
         "Enough! I tire of this. You are mine, now and forever more, you will not escape me, do you understand?"
         I understood perfectly well, but I would not give him the satisfaction of hearing me admit it, nor even seeing it in my eyes, so I turned my head and pursed my lips.

Fire Blind

         He merely smiled wryly and said, "So, you will not speak to me, nor even look at me? Well then," and his expression suddenly turned angry and harsh, "I will just have to show you that no one disobeys or disrespects me! Since I need your voice but not your eyes, I will just take your sense of physical sight! And consider yourself lucky that is all I'm taking!" he then covered my eyes with one hand, spoke words in a tongue strange to me, and suddenly all went black.
         A red-hot pain shot through my skull, like wildfire burning throughout my head. Such pain that I screamed with it, and through it all I could hear his laughter echoing through the room.

The Curse

         It was a voice, although it sounded as though it came from beyond a wall of glass, it was calling for help, however, it seemed as though the voice had long since given up hope for any such help.
         "Help! Please, if anyone can hear me, please help!"
         "I hear you!" I called out loud, not knowing how to respond with my mind, "I hear you! Where are you?"
         "Please, who are you?" the mind voice asked fearfully hoping.
         "I'm Kaylen, who are you?"
         "That's not important now, just please, help me!"
         "How? I can't even see where you are, I'm blind!"
         "You don't have to see, just follow your other senses."
         "I'll try," I replied, releasing the wall and calming my breath, I listened intently to the sounds around me. I could hear the fight on the other side of the door, but beneath that, I could hear faint breathing from within this room, "Is that you?" I asked.
         "Yes!" the mindvoice called, "Now, follow the sound!"
         So I did, I walked forward, listening closely for the direction of the breathing. I thought I was getting closer when I suddenly tripped over a low bed and onto a body.
         "Aghh!" I cried, scrambling up and finding that the body, though warm and thus alive, did not move. I sat back on my heels for a moment, then reached out and found my hand upon the naked chest of an unconscious man.
         My hand moved up to his face; I hoped to do what I'd seen other blind people do, to 'see' this man by feeling his facial features. I found he had a strong, smooth shaven chin, and high cheekbones, a long slender nose, and deep set eyes, and his hair was soft and silky.

Healing the Curse

         "You know I can feel everything you do? What are you doing anyways?"
         "Oh! I'm sorry, I was just trying to picture you by feeling your features, like I'd seen other blind people do," I said, blushing ferociously.
         "That is alright, I understand. Now, please help me."
         "But, I don't see how there is anything I could do to help you," I told him sorrowfully.
         "But there is! You have power, I can sense it even in this state! You just have to know how to use it!"
         "But, I don't know! I don't even know what you mean, I don't have any power!"
         "Listen, all you have to do is put your hands on either side of my face and concentrate, think of freedom, chains breaking, and walls sundering, I'll do the rest. Okay?"
         So I put my hands on his temples and concentrated just as he told me to. Then he started twitching, and he groaned in pain, like from the agony of near dead limbs suddenly being rejuvenated.
         Then he suddenly grasped my wrists,  sat up, and pushed me back upon my heels. He coughed hoarsely, then spoke in a physical voice, "Thank you, thank you so much! My name is Janin," and though Janin's voice was rough with disuse, it was still one of the most beautiful sounds I'd ever heard.
         "You're welcome," I said a little uncomfortably, as he was still holding my wrists.

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