Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1331475-Alpha-Pets-ABCs
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #1331475
The Alpha-Pets teach your child the ABC's.
    “ Hi!  We’re the Alpha~Pets and we love to go on adventures. We hope that you would like to come along with us.”

    “Today we would like to introduce ourselves.  Each of our names covers every letter in the alphabet.  I guess today’s adventure is exploring the alphabet and finding other words that start with the same letters.  Do you know the alphabet?  Let’s go over it and say it together.  A~B~C~D~E~F~G~H~I~J~K~L~M~N~O~P~Q~R~S~T~U~V~W~X~Y~Z.  Hey, that was pretty good.  We would really like to meet you.  Are you ready to go on an adventure with us?  OK, let’s go.”

    “I’m Artie Anteater.  My name starts with the letter “A”.  Some words that also start with “A” are ant, apple, and airplane.  Being an anteater, I eat ants all the time.  I’ve seen apples growing on trees and airplanes flying thru the sky.”

    “ Next letter is “B”, which stands for me, Billy Bison.  Bat, ball, and bean also start with “B”.  Have you ever tried playing baseball?  You need a bat, ball, and bases to play it.  Gee, that game sure has a lot of “B”’s in it doesn’t it?  Also, beans are pretty tasty.  There are green beans, lima beans, wax beans, and also my favorite, baked beans.”
    “Callie Cat here with the letter “C”.  It’s really cool to meet you and I bet that we’ll go on lots of crazy adventures together.  Hey, did you notice that cool and crazy both start with “C”?  There’s also cheese, cup , and calender.  Being a cat I love cheese and drinking milk out of a cup.  Calenders help you keep track of the days.”

    “ Hot diggity dog, Davy dog here with the letter “D”.  You can have fun trying to use words that use a certain letter like I just did.  Donut, dish and dig also start with “D”.  Donuts are good for breakfast.  I eat all of my meals out of a dish and I love to dig holes to bury stuff in.”

    “I’m Ellie Elephant who is both extraordinary and extravagant.  Some other words that start with “E” are eggplant, egg and ear.  Being an elephant I have huge ears.  I love eggplant, especially if you dip it in egg, bread it, and then fry it to a nice golden brown color.  Eggs you can eat many ways.  You can hard boil them and then color them lots of different colors like you do at Easter time.  You can also soft boil them, scramble them, or fry them sunny side up.  You can also make sandwiches with them.”

    “This is the fabulous, funny Freddy Frog.  You have french fries, fire truck, and fireflies that also start with the letter “F” to name a few.  French fries are absolutely fantastic when you dip them in either ketchup, BBQ sauce or gravy.  Fire trucks go to put out fires.  I love to watch fireflies on hot summer nights.”

    “Hi!  I am Geri Giraffe.  I am absolutely gigantic with my long neck.  Grapes, grass, and green all start with the letter “G”.  Grass is really soft to play in or just lie down on and watch the clouds float by.  I like to see what shapes and figures you can find in them.  It is also the color green.  So are grapes which are rather tasty.  Grapes also come in the colors red and purple.”

    “Hi there, Horatio Hare here with the letter “H”.  We have hot, as in hot chocolate or a hot summer day, which is my favorite.  We also have hair like you have on your head or also hare which sounds the same but is also another name for a rabbit.  Horseshoes start with “H” too.  Horses wear horseshoes but you can also play a game called horseshoes with them too.”

    “I’m Iggy Iguana with the incredible letter “I”.  “I” is really cool with words like ice, ice cream, and igloo. Ice keeps things cold such as your food and there’s nothing better than an ice cold drink on a hot day.  Also, an ice cream cone or sundae tastes pretty good too.  I’ve also been told that Eskimos used to live in Igloos.  Brrrrrr!”

    “Jake Jaguar at your service to introduce you to the letter “J”.  Jump, jacks, and juice all start with the really cool letter “J”.  Being a jaguar I love to run and jump.  When my Mom was little she used to play a game called jacks.  I also drink lots of juice.  There’s orange, apple, grape, tomato, carrot, and grapefruit to name a few.”

    “Hiya!  I’m Kori Kangaroo with the kickin’ letter “K”.  Kickin’ up a storm we have kittens, kite, and kickball.  I just love it when I go to visit Callie Cat and they have little baby kittens running around. They love to chase the tails on the kites as we fly them in the breeze.  We also like to play kickball together.”

    “Laugh for the letter “L” which stands for Lenny Lion.  It also stands for light which helps you see so we don’t always bump into things when it’s dark out.  There’s also the tangy fruit of lime and the sweetness of lollipops.”

    “ “M”’s mosey-in up next with Molly Monkey.  Many words start with “M” but my favorites are milk, mud, and moon.  Milk is really good.  I love it when my Mom makes me a milkshake.  Also, right after it rains I enjoy going outside and playing in the mud making mudpies and decorating them.  The moon is pretty cool too. I love to sit outside on hot summer nights and look at the moon.  It’s also like having a big nitelight that you know won’t burn out in the middle of the night.”

    “Nelly Newt here with the nifty letter “N”.  We have nap, nest, and numbers that are all nifty “N” words.  I don’t really like to take naps but I love it when my Mom takes one with me.  My Mom helps me learn my numbers by letting me help to make nuggies.  For example, nuggies take 9 scoops of flour, 3 scoops each of 2 different kinds of sugar, 2 eggs, and 1 each everything else.”

    “Hi!  I’m the outrageous Oscar Owl with the outstanding letter “O”.  Some “O”’s are orange, oval, and ocean.  Orange can serve double duty with being either a color or a delicious tasting fruit.  Oval is a shape in which when people try to draw me, they use an oval for my body.  I love going on vacation to the ocean.  It’s fun to build sandcastles along the beach and playing in the water as the waves roll in.”

    “Perky, polite Polly Parrot at your service with the popular letter “P”.  Some “P” words are pan, pizza, and plum.  You need to use a pan when you cook whether it’s dinner, veggies, cakes, or pizza.  My favorite kind of pizza is pepperoni with red and green peppers on it.  I also enjoy a sweet juicy plum for dessert.”

    “Quinn Quail with the letter “Q” here for you.  Queen, quiz and quill all start with “Q”.  A queen is like our president.  She helps to run her country with the king.  A quiz is like a little test that your teacher gives you in school.  A quill used to be something you wrote with before they came out with the pens we use now.”

    “Hi-Ho Rascal Racoon with the roamin’ letter “R”.  We’ve got the ravin’ road, red, and radish all starting with “R”.  We use the road everyday when we travel.  Red is my favorite color.  Radishes are red and white and have a very unique taste.”

    “Sammy Skunk here scampering along with “S”.  Skimming along we have star, snap, and shell.  I enjoy starlit nights with the stars twinkling overhead.  A twig snapping in the dark sounds scary but is just something that has stepped on it.  Whenever I go on vacation I enjoy going to the seashore and walking in the sand collecting any shells that I find.”

    “I’m Tommy Toucan just tagging along with the next letter “T”.  We’ve got top, tie, and trees taggin’ along with us.  A spinning top fascinates me when all of the colors blend together.  I hate it when I have to dress up in good clothes and wear a tie but my Mom and Dad always tell me how good I look which helps.  My favorite thing to do is lie under the shade of a huge tree and take a nap or read a good book.”

    “This is the uncanny Ursula Unicorn at your service strumming a tune on my ukelele for you and the letter “U”.  We’ve also got up, umbrella, and umpire starting with “U”.  When you hit, throw, or kick a ball it should go up in the air.  If you’re playing baseball you need an umpire to let you know if the ball is good, foul or if you struck out.  When it rains lots of people use an umbrella to stay dry, but I don’t mind getting wet.  Do you?”

    “Vinnie Vulture here with “V” for you.  Don’t worry, I’m not vicious at all like people believe.  We’ve got vine, volcano, and vase in our “V” group.  It’s very easy to get all tangled up in a vine if you’re not paying attention.  I hope that you never get caught anywhere near an erupting volcano since it can get very hot.  I also collect all kinds of vases.  I’ve got tall ones, short ones, big and wide or very thin and narrow.  I keep marbles, cards, candy, and flowers in them.”

    “Wacky Wally Walrus here with the wonderful words of water, wet, and weird that all start with the letter “W”.  Being a walrus I love water and am wet most of the time.  Sometimes if I act to wacky, my friends will say that I’m starting to act weird.  What do you think?”

    “Xavier Xenops here with what I believe has got to be the hardest letter of “X”.  We only have x-ray and xylophone.  Have you ever had an x-ray taken at the doctors?  It doesn’t hurt at all and it’s a picture of your bones.  It’s really neat.  Whenever I get together with a bunch of my friends and we decide to form a band I always choose the xylophone with its many keys.”

    “Yori Yak comin’ your way next with the letter “Y”.  We’ve got the yarn that my Grandma uses to knit me warm sweaters and scarves.  A yo-yo is one of my favorite toys with all the different things that you can do with them.  Depending on what I decide to wear on certain days
my friends may say that I look like a yuppy.”

    “Here we go winding down with the last letter “Z” and Zoe Zebra.  Lots of my clothes have zippers on them since I have no problem zipping them up.  I just love when we all go to the zoo and look at all of the displays that they have there.  Whenever I look up at the sky and see all of the streaks I wonder how many planes are zooming along and where they may be headed.”

    “Well. That’s it.  All the letters from A-Z.  Let’s go over them one more time together along with our names.  Ready?  Let’s go ~ A ~ Artie Anteater ~ B ~ Billy Bison ~ C ~ Callie Cat ~ D ~ Davy Dog ~ E ~ Ellie Elephant ~ F ~ Freddy Frog ~ G ~ Geri Giraffe ~ H ~ Horatio Hare ~ I ~ Iggy Iguana ~ J ~ Jake Jaquar ~ K ~ Kori Kangaroo ~ L ~ Lenny Lion ~ M ~ Molly Monkey ~ N ~ Nellie Newt ~ O ~ Oscar Owl ~ P ~ Polly Parrot ~ Q ~ Quinn Quail ~ R ~ Rascal Raccoon ~ S ~ Sammy Skunk ~ T ~ Tommy Tiger ~ U ~ Ursula Unicorn ~ V ~ Vinnie Vulture ~ W ~ Wally Walrus ~ X ~ Xavier Xenops ~ Y ~ Yori Yak ~ Z ~ Zoe Zebra.”

    “We hope that you enjoyed going over the alphabet with us and meeting each other as much as we have.  We also hope that you’ll come along on other adventures with us.  So long for now.” 

© Copyright 2007 Phoenix Skye-Wolf (kaiteywolf2 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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