Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1331038-Canniblia
by xuereb
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Horror/Scary · #1331038
Guy gets trapped on cannibal island by cannibal's and tries to get away.
I feel dampness in the air a slight breeze coming from my left as I run through the dark woods. Trying to find somewhere to hide, a place where I won’t be found. I pass tree after tree the underbrush scraping my legs. There is not enough time to take in all of my surroundings as I weave in and out of the maze of trees but I do notice the trees thin out to my right. I decide not to go there such as I might be seen. I turn a sharp left and keep running. The branches watch at me as I dart past branches. Spider webs getting tangled in my hair. My feet are raw and aching from stepping on rocks and tree roots. I didn’t notice until just now there is light come through the trees in front of me. I don’t want to get out in the open so I stop and look to my left and right trying to keep away from bright paths; both left and right it is too bright, I could easily be spotted out. I decide to go forward, but not as quickly as before in case of a trap. I figure if I can get out of the woods and not get seen I can find a shelter to hide there to get my stamina back up. No such luck, I stop short. I just found my self on the edge of a cliff… I look back I can see them coming I wouldn’t have enough time to back track and I wouldn’t be able to fight them off here. I look off the edge of the cliff there are several sharp rocks down below. If I hit one of those I would be dead instantly. Plus I don’t know how deep it is so I have to jump feet first if it’s too shallow, I will break my legs, but broken legs is better than a broken neck. I look back once again; they are almost upon me, I have no choice. I jump…

To Day is a very sepecial day to me iget my rights into being a huntr and protector of our village but furst I have to go out and llok for food. And when I come back I will be prased and we will have a feest and It will be a joiice day if no food is found by the next big moon I come back. If empty handed I haved to fight any one else who didn’t get any. The last one standin is the winer and gets the honors of protectr and hunter and then we feast. Whell no the serrimony is to begin I step out of my tent there arre six other boze fome other familys so a big feast we will have. We stand in the ring, our familys behind us and we listen to the wize priest as he tells us the story of our ansesters. I am verryy anchious to get out and roam this is the highlight of my life to venture out and ive of the land in till I hav to come back with or with out food. He id finihsd he take fire frm the grate flam and we each get toarch I will only last till mid night so we can have a flame to ceap the aminmals away the last thing we need is to have to have to fight an animal. He is finished we have our toarches we head out. I run out of the village and follow the kid to migh right if he gits one I ll get him I will be rejoiced thuraly have food for my self for the trip back and one for my ceremony. I put out my flame and follow him in the shadows this will be a joiyice event as long as he dosnt see me. Cause Then I will have trouble.

A few days later...
(Cough, cough, cough) I sputter, I am lucky to be alive. I look around me, as I tread water I see the island that I came from. I turn around and see a nice little patch of land, about 30 feet away. As I swim toward the island I see a monkey trying to crack a coconut open on a rock. I get to the island, and the monkey doesn’t run away probably not used to humans. I try to climb a tree to get a coconut. It isn’t that easy. I end up throwing rocks at the tree until I get a coconut down. Then do like the monkey bang it on a large rock. It takes a while but I crack it open. It doesn’t taste the best but it tastes better than nothing. I find a soft square rock and a large rough one. I find a place to sit and start scraping the soft one into a spear tip shape. If I run into an animal will have to defend my self. The only way I know how is with a weapon. I find a long stick; I use my new weapon and a rock to split a shaft about two inches down the stick. Then I pry it wide with two sticks and try to stick the spear tip down the shaft. When I get it wedged in I make a box out of woven sticks with little holes, varying in size from a dime to a nickel. When it is finished it has four walls and a bottom I stick it in the water far out in the water and anchor it with a vine tied to several rocks. I hope that it will trap some fish when the tide comes in. If that doesn’t work I find a little cove that has a shallow entrance I line up a wall of sticks and hope that work. The sun is starting to set and I need to build a shelter before It is dark I start with a tepee style shelter and cover it with leaves for if it rains. I get some leaves for a make-shift blanket.

A week later...
The boy from our tribe that I was followng has made it to the beach. By now it is to riskey to foollow. I take my spear I made by sharpening the tip of a thick branch. And stab him in the back the blunt wood ripping through his skinn and stopping at his bones. He falls flat on the ground. I lok past him and see someone. He has a spear also but it has a rock tip. He is my ticket to the feast. I run at him he raises his spear. I get close he ajusts it I slide down to take ouy his legs and the tip slices open ym sholder I trip him. And he falls letting go of his spear I take the spear and break of the speer part so it is more of a nife I slashed at him as he tried to get up but remembering that I want him alive I turn the knife around and knock him on the head with the mostly blunt side.
He has many splinters and cut on his head whre I hit him I had knocks im out and I chained his hands and feet in a vine not. so he can only move slightly and a leash on his nek so he don’t leave. I have him drag the corps of my companion for that will be for eating. I don’t kneed fire any more the moon is half full and I have not muc time too getr back. It is getting late. I am getting tired. I slpit the once tribe member open adn dig in.

Several days later...
I step in line being pulled by my captor. I was doing well last week; I was getting food from fishing. My anchored half box didn’t work, but I trapped several fish with my dam. I ate that until one day I was doing my normal activities of collecting firewood and fruit. When I came back to my campsite I put the wood down. I herd a guy yelling and I turned around seeing this… this savage I grabbed my spear but he deflected it and broke it in half and beat me on the head until unconscious. When I woke up I was tied together like I was in a chain gang. My head felt light and I had several cuts all of which were light. The savage instructed me to carry the body of another person, but this person was dressed quite similar to him so I believe he from the came place on this demon island. As long as I am carrying this body I believe he will keep me alive… or so I hope. For the first few days I refused to eat but it became a necessity I really needed to eat especially since I was carrying that body all day long. I needed energy so I walk over my captive eating whatever he touches and I gesture that I want to eat. He points at the insides of the corpse all gruesome torn apart at most parts but a few spots it was eaten right out of the body. A foul smell lingered around the body but I was used to it after carrying it for several days. I try to tear my self off a piece of flesh, it stretches but doesn’t come a part he demonstrates he puts his mouth up to the body tearing off a piece of flesh with is teeth. I feel throw up starting to form, I go in and bite the flesh it melds and molds to my teeth and slipping I try to jerk it off but that doesn’t work my teeth slide on one side and loosely rip the slimy flesh on the inside. I feel sick I try again but this time I bit down into the thick flesh and moving my neck to the side rip a piece off. I try to chew it but I bite down once; I taste blood a tainted mixture and the flesh is like rubber in my mouth as I feel it with my tongue. I turn my head to the side spit the piece of skin out of my mouth but also come up the horrible acidic stomach bile. My mouth tastes horrible and sick my esophagus is scratchy and feels like it is burning. I go in and take another bite my face covered with blood and puke. I close my jaw…

Two weeks later...
After two weeks of being pulled and eating human flesh (until there wasn’t any more so I had to move on to intestines) we finally came upon a small village with many huts in a circle around a central focal point which happens to be a great big fire pit. With a spit above it, we walk up to an old man wearing nothing but many necklaces on his neck and a thin cloth around his midsection. He says something that is indecipherable to me. I am unbound taken by several men and thrown into a makeshift stockade. I am trapped within the confines of this wooden cage. With nothing but a few dead mice and a little fruit; considering that it looks like the now dead rats were eating the berries when they died I think that they were poisoned by the berries and decide not to eat both and start to inspect my cadge. I find a weak spot and a stone I start carving a weapon and hopefully I will survive. Chipping at the wood I spend my hours. Stopping only when someone comes near, I am a prisoner but hopefully that can change.

Several days later...
There are multiple people stuck in this cage with me now. None of which comprehend what I say. Must be people living off the island. I am almost finished making the spear and I will de out by to night. One thing I noticed though everyone from the cannibal tribe is buckling down and working hard to day. The main focus is the fire pit and us. I don’t have a good feeling about today. Hopefully I can get out in time… Making sure no one is around I finally get to finish my spear. I wait till dark make sure no one is near, I find a few loose poles slide them right up.
‘Apparently the cannibals are only used to dumb islanders.’ I think. ‘Hopefully they don’t see me. Maybe I can use the stupid islanders as bait and hopefully out run them and get away. Where will I go?’ I argue with myself, I have been on this island for too long. ‘Let me worry about that later.’ The fire has been started and I race around from hut to hut looking before I ran. Within the flashes of firelight I dart. The stupid islanders following behind not with the same precaution, ‘This is not good.’ Yelling comes from by the fire pit. I dart into the bushes. Cannibals surround the islanders and recapture them. Lying low I sneak off into the trees. Thrashing the branches I find a spot among to trees to rest.
Waking up with the call of birds, I go looking for some items to add to what I need for survival. I lost all I made back at the beach but for me to survive I will need to make it again. I am looking for a pliable lengthy piece, after I try (and break) several pieces under a large tall tree. ‘You don’t know what you’re doing.’ I nagged myself.
‘Shut up,’ I tell myself looking look around the tree finding two long and several short straight ones. I go back to my shelter place my findings on the ground. I go out looking for more twigs and random sticks now. When I get back I start weaving the sticks into a bowl shape. I find a creek and I dip the woven bowl in the water. After it is full I drink some from the creek and return again. Gathering dry sticks I get a fire stared with sparks from two flint rocks. This will last tonight and I will start my next project tomorrow.

The next day...

Taking one of the sticks I found yesterday and stripping it down to thin strips or strands inside from the live part of the plant. Taking several strands I make a nice tight strong string length. Taking the other long stick, this one dead, I carve it in to a curve. Making two notches about four centimeters down on each side; and repeating this on the other side. Attaching the string to both parts and tying it tight I try flexing it and pulling it back. I try pulling it back and letting it go. The string rips at one end. Taking off the short ripped part I discard it; I tie the longer piece to the notched end again. I flex it again, trying to make it work. SNAP! The whole stick breaks into pieces. Throwing that aside, I decide that it is too much trouble to try and make a bow and arrow set. I start immediately on the next project improving my shelter. Using sticks I intertwine and weave the sticks into a messy shelter. Which is a fucked up… what is it called lean to? I don’t know anyways. The “lean to” I think is a when the shelter lean on the side of a tree… or something. Besides that I am making my shelter lean onto a tree curving around the tree for a point. The messed up part is I have the bottom lying on top of a fallen log to provide more room. With a leaf roof, I weave in the stems. I start from the top and working down I make (what I think of as) a water proof shelter. Nearing night again I drink some water form the stream and go to bed.

The next day...
Uh, I feel ill; I don’t want to do anything today. I reach over to grab my water, but then I realize why I am sick. The water from the stream isn’t clean and has bacteria and other viruses in it. Today I have to make a fire, before I get extremely sick. First I go out and search for dry wood and very dry leaves or dead grass. I dump it all into a pile. Where do I go from there? I have seen many ways to start a fire. I don’t know how to do them personally. Let’s see I don’t know um… I will take one stick and… carve a hole into it. Taking another I twist it around for friction. Putting a few leafs down into the hole. I start turning the stick watching closely for sparks or embers… even smoke anything. I continue to turn it, arms getting sore and tired. Finally I see a red glow in the leaves putting a few more leaves down there I take the stick out adding a little air, but not too much as to blow it out. Letting it grow I continue to add to the fire. Now I have the problem of how to boil the water, because if I boil the water then some science-y stuff happens and it is clean. My problem is I have nothing to boil it in. What I am storing it in now is made out of wood. I can’t just put that on the fire so I have a dilemma, to solve… I am going to have to put that off until later. For now I have to continue to feed the fire…

Same day...

It has been very very busy lately around the tribe. And every one is runnign around prepairing for the big feast when I heard about the slaves getting out of their cage the other day I thought nothing of it. Because I was told It wats taken care of and the prisioners were recaptured and taken back into the cage. Today I hav some free time so I decides to go look at the prisoners and size them up. I go over to the hut where the prisoners are kept and I look for mine I cant find him. I look again trying to find him but he isn’t here. I race back to my hut and take my spear.
‘He is mine’ and I dart into the woods...
© Copyright 2007 xuereb (xuereb at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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