Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1330274-Charmed-Trinitys-Revenge
Rated: · Short Story · Other · #1330274
A story when I was obsessed with Charmed...wait...that hasn't changed....hehe
Running out of the house, Trinity tripped over the small ceramic statue, her long black hair falling loosely on the grass, fleeing from the sight of her worst fear; seeing her family brutally murdered. She quickly ran up the street, something was after her, but she didn't know what. Running into her friend’s house, she could smell the sulphur from the blood spilled all over the walls and flowing under her feet. continuing into the house, Trinity moves slowly into the main bedroom, sighting her best friend naked and her throat slit, Trinity gazed dully into the small mirror that had once hang on the wall, it was slightly smashed and dimly lit, a shadowy black figure reflected from it, the shadow reached out of the mirror, trying to grip at trinity's ankles, wrenching out of the shadowy figure grip, she screamed and sprinted out of the house and somehow managed to get out of the city.

Several years later, Trinity now 20 years of age, lives with homeless people scavering for food in the trash can. Looking around the alley, Trinity looked over her shoulder curiously, she reached into the trash looking for something to eat, knowing even if she was caught she would be punished severely or even abandoned, she reached further into the trash, reaching, looking over her shoulder every now and then, and reached the bottom and pulled out something that had caught her fancy, reefing it out she found a bodiless head in her hands, startled she stared at it for a second and then realized what it was and screaming she throw it down onto the ground and ran back to the warehouse which she was staying in, knowing if anyone found out what she had found, the others would know what she was doing and 'excommunicate' her from their group, thinking had on who's face the head belonged to, she realized that she had to others but didn't want be left to fend for herself, her thoughts had slowly weaved her into a deep restless sleep.

'The same shadowy figure that Trinity had seen almost 7 years ago approached in a smooth steady walk, drawing closer to Trinity, he slowly revealed his face, it was the same face as the heads, “Trinity, I'm coming for you!” came its raspy voice, “Why? Who are you? And Why do you want me of all people, what did I do?” her voice echoed through time, she started to stumble backwards, materially the surroundings changed and she was in the very alley-way where she had found the head, “I've killed those you have been acquainted to and will kill you, because you are the one who can destroy me, but your powers are bound but I can still take them for myself.” a croaky laugh sprend through the alley and echoed into the darkness.'

Quickly awakening, Trinity saw that all her 'family' dead, blood slatted all over the walls, and then peering over at the window, she saw words written in blood “I'm after you Trinity!” screaming she run out into the alleyway, it was dark, cold, damp, the cool night air blew and the hairs on Trinity’s neck prickled, she saw a cloak whirling from within a dumpster, it erupted, emitting a giant hooded beast, running from it Trinity knew it was the entity from her dream. Retreating she sees the empty street and runs into it, seeking help the only people that were a man and three women, who just appeared out of no-where in a flash of blue light, running towards them, one of them call “Are you all right?” she stepped into the light revealing a tall, tan skinned person, the cool breeze blew again blowing both Trinity's hair and the mysterious woman’s short black hair, the hooded figure stepped out of the alley way and gasped in a raspy way “The Charmed Ones!” an fled the scene. Looking back Trinity looked surprised “She said to the woman “Who are you exactly?” looking a little astounded the woman replied “Well I'm Prue Halliwell and these are my sisters Piper and Phoebe,” Prue said smiling “And you are Trinity? but that creature was a demon called the is a powerful warlock, we have reason to believe that you are the one to destroy him.” seeing the look of confusion on her face “but we'll explain at home” looking confused Trinity stared at her “What home!? I'm homeless and all the people I was with have died” she blurted out. Phoebe smiled and said calmly “not your home, ours. Leo come on orb us home.” the man grabbed Trinity's shoulder and a sudden feeling surged through her body.

Suddenly Trinity was standing in an old dusty attic, a book lay open on a small pedestal, furniture laid everywhere, and the dust bunnies crawled through the cracks of the walls and furniture, “Where are we?” Trinity said looking more confused than ever “and pray tell just happened?” Piper looked at her and smile her long black flowing down her back and as she spoke Prue and Phoebe draw closer to the open book “Well we did what we called 'orbbing' which is a special thing my fiancé can do, he's a Whitelighter, plus we are at our house... Manor,” seeing Prue's glare at her as she spoke “and well, we are protecting you from that warlock, that's after you, Phoebe and Prue are looking for a spell to unbind your powers” Piper smiled at her turned to her sisters “Found anything yet?” she looked hopeful, Phoebe turned and her brunette hair flicked behind her head tidily “Yeah we did but...” turning to trinity “Has our warlock tried to contact you in any way?”, trying to remember her dream, Trinity spoke with a little more confidence “I think it said something about me having powers that he wanted, but that’s all ” a look of confusion spread over her face as she said it, Phoebe turned back to the book and started to flick through the pages and stopped all of a sudden and called her sisters who looked at the book and started speaking in unison

“On this, a young woman's despite hour

We call upon her inner power

Ancient calling has been bound

Now, bring the magic and truth be found”

The normal cool magical breeze flowed into the attic through the open windows and an almost familiar feeling flowed through Trinity's body, “Now we have to go back to the spell to vanquish this ugly bastard!” Phoebe said again flicking through the book again, Piper quickly grabbed a small pad and pen and started writing, and Prue sat down on a couch and grabbed the box concealed behind it. Piper signaled he sister over to her, Prue placing crystals into a pentatonic shape, Phoebe lightly picked up a bell with many magical inscriptions. Once every thing was in place the three sisters started to chant in unison.

“On this day and in this hour,

We called upon the darkest power

We upon up an evil demon

Thrice rings the bell of Leamon”

Pheobe, ringing the small bell three times, upon the third ring the crystals emitted a silvery glow and the huddled warlock appeared within the centre of the crystals. The familiar, yet terrifying rapines was emitted from the Warlock. ”Why am I here? Why did you summon me?” Trinity stared at the warlock and then looked at the sisters who all nodded “Well I am going to vanquish you!” the warlock looked astonished as she said this “Hey Trinity, come here and read this!” Prue called quickly seeing what she meant Trinity ran over to Prue and tripped, kicking a crystal out of place freeing the warlock from its prison. Moving towards Phoebe the warlock lock moved swiftly and raised it arms. Prue thinking quickly used her power of telekinesis to move the crystals into a formation around the warlock again. The warlock, now imprisoned again stopped dead and spoke with an almost woman like voice “If you kill me you kill your chances of seeing your family again” Trinity stared at the warlock and looked over at Piper who edged her on to move over towards 'The Book Of Shadows’ quickly thinking Trinity stood up and spoke in an almost angry ton of voice “You killed my friends and family so then I should really kill you” she stood into a almost powerful stance and began to read.

“Evil beings and dark inspires

Boil and burn in a wicked brew!

Throw hate and fear into the fire-

May kindness and love both be true?”

The warlock and almost all of a sudden burst into flames. Prue looked at Trinity smiling broadly, after about a minute all that was left of the warlock was it's scythe and a pile of ashes, the three sisters ran over to her and started to congratulate her on her first vanquish. Trinity was proud about what she did but still confused about why she had to do it. Prue looked at Trinity and said smiling “Well, since you don't have anywhere to go, do you want to stay with us so we can help you get used to your powers and until you get yourself back on your feet?” Trinity smiled at her and screamed excitedly “Do you really mean it?” she said happily Piper looked at her and smiled herself “Of course we are but you have to get a job, ok?” They all laughed due to the fact that the only one with a proper job was in fact Piper, Prue being fired the previous day and Phoebe just been declined from a job offer in a local magazine.
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