Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1330115-POETRY
by Britt
Rated: E · Poetry · Other · #1330115
All of my poems into one page (to make room for more writing!)
                                          THE WOOD OF HAYAL

The pines call me in
At last! Out of sight.
Alone in this wood
Where hayal* takes flight!

The great arch in blue
Uses night as its cue
To call out the  moon
For a navy hue.

This feeling of "Alive"
From inside is derived,
It's hard to describe
Exactly how it arrived...

It arrives I hear
When nature makes it clear
That it only will appear
To those who it revere.

So here the scene is set
And you and nature have now met
This is where my color pallet
Paints so vivid the onset.

We'll start with the trees of green
With no underbrush in between.
I extol to all their prestine...
My silent guardians in this scene.

Then there is the white of snow
Falling only according to the airflow.
Revoking the request for any echo
(Remember, watch out if looks yellow.)

Speaking of yellow, it's a little out of touch;
At night, you won't see this color too much.
And since night is what this scene seems to clutch
Yellow, for right now, remains nonesuch.

More colors are seen in the living things.
Just wait a while and you'll see these things.
If you ask, "What are these things?"
It won't be long until you see these things.

Among these things we'll first name the owls.
They awaken at night, but stay in the shadows.
Look! A wolf's silhouette, at the moon it howls!
The color is black like the bear on his prowls.

It may seem strange, but here I'm home
I am here, just me, but you see I'm not alone.
The stars and the Moon shine down from the dome
Providing light for the living things to roam.

It's in my blood as common as campfire
Growing quickly to a red brushfire
Faithfully this crimson wildfire
Opposes any chance of its expire.

In my mind this hayal takes place
It'll one day soon my reality replace.
The wood will call me in and I'll go with grace.
But I'll keep this hayal...you know, just in case.

*Hayal is "imagination"

                                      BEAUTIFUL BOY

A diamond in the rough; is only seen by those who look deep into you.
Your noise is unpleasant, that not a soul cares to hear.
Some pay attention to the boy inside, who is riddled with pearls to give away.
Stop giving them to me, I look on them as one of swine.
I promised you love, yet I hand you a snare
And reality slaps me...of course, it's only fair.

I try to hide the pearls you give me, keeping them in the mud where I want them.
It never fails that you find them and give them back.
I want them. I want them all. To wear them around me like a necklace,
Proud to show the world.
But the truth? I'm not proud. I only wish I were.
I want to be a pearl-earned woman.
I'm only a frustrated girl.

Just open your eyes. Open those beautiful brown eyes.
I consider you blind, because you can't see what it's all about.
You love me more than I can afford.
I want to keep my heart hard, so I can keep you out!

The easy road has led me to keep on fighting you.
Can you just be bitter? More than me?
That way, you'll deserve this loveless feeling
And I'll complete my role as enemy.

I know I can turn this around
But I don't want your affection.
I package this love and to you it's bound
Which I present to you in rejection.

I know I'm not crazy for being so bitter with you
It angers me yes, but soothes my soul.
I see the danger you have been to me and I want you to pay.
Don't try to fix what you've broken, or I'll have no control.

I keep stinging you like a hornet
Until I've got you branded.
It shouldn't be your lot.
You're trying so hard to please us all.
But in my angry eyes, you're not.

You take your strides with attitude.
I want you to stop and watch your step!
I see how easily you fall, only with me in mind
And this leaves me with regret.

I regret that I can't show you my love,
It may be too much to grasp.
This also may be hard to say,
But I'll tell you because you've asked.

The love I have has smited you.
For that there is no excuse.
It all will change one day soon
I'll stop this heart's abuse.

Just be my friend without love and such
Don't cling to me it's just too much.
I kept this hate as a useful crutch
But I must get it out of my clutch.

Very soon I'll hold you higher
You are my brother and deserve so much better
I know you'll become to me the man you really are
Your name I will soon see true
as "the Son of Fire.*"

*Brandon's name means the son of fire.

                                          WINTER'S WARM

It's much too cold
May I come in please?
I do love the snow,
But I fear I'll freeze.

I'll take off my boots
And hang up my coat
I recall the partial sound
Of this passing note.

And that hickory log
keeping the fire aglow
I remember this tone
From some years ago.

If you don't mind
I'll set my bag down.
May I come in please
And take a look around?

Please don't clean up
That's not what I meant!
Leave the stove on
With that elysian scent.

Don't fold the blankets,
I like them just fine.
You'll need them later
When it's time to recline.

The toys on the floor
No they're not in the way!
Please leave them there
For the children to play.

The beds, don't make them.
They're fine as they are.
The house looks lived in
And cozier by far.

I love the history
On the ledges and walls
The pictures and memories
That echo the halls.

Please keep this time
In your hope's memoir;
The love in this home
Is your family abreuvoir.

                                          Over It

I took that talk and wanted that memory
I stole that walk and grabbed that note.
I packed in your smell and your voice with its harmonies.
I wanted more time, so I put it in too.
I couldn't leave your charm, wit, or imagination
So I made room for them and here they stay.
I took your blessings and your warmth
To wrap these things with.
The load may be heavy, but a joy to carry.
I now have a heart, heavy with nice things.
My life moves forward and brings me too;
I bring my heart and am thus bringing you.
This heart in me is happy but heavy.
I must keep on moving or I'll get weary.
But what if this load is indeed too much?
This heart is my joy, I love you so much
I must keep moving but I hurt now so much
I should not have made room in my heart for so much.
Just take my load, please carry it for me
I want to appologize, for I've failed now, you see?
I said I was strong enough to hold my own,
The problem is, it's not my own.
The things I carry, I took from you.
Please don't be mad, but you'll get them back used.
I'm sorry I stole them, it was wrong, I know.
And it makes me cry to see these things go.

Your tenderness and blessingings are so very used
But I have found they are endless and always
Unfailingly true.

Back To Hayal

Back to this Hayal I've come
to confess these words of regret:
"I have learned this hatred you so bountifully display
that I tried hard to make you forget.

"Your past display of this notion so harsh
is what I never wished to live.
Yet life has purloined me of my own sweet joy
with no desire to forgive.

"I suppose now we can live together
in our wicked animosity.
We'll keep it going day by day
and love uneasily..."

"Now Hush!" the wind howled, "Stay right where you are,
it's time for you to see.
This Hayal took to heart the lesson you taught
on this "Wicked Animosity".

"Come!" the wind rushed from above the trees,
ushering me to a sprint.
The clouds assembled in the gloomy gray sky
and away my blue skies went.

Thunders shouted and lightnings beamed
and the rain casually came.
The elements had learned to work together
to accomplish a task the same.

"Come!" the wind cried and brought me near
to the edge of a mountain grand.
The rain had unified as a rushing waterfall
to supply life to the dry land.

"See!" said the wind as the trees grew tall
taking in the rain's glorious gift.
In exchange for this life, the trees exhaled
it's thanks so numerous and swift.

"The harmony in this Hayal
has been orchestrated for you today
to show you that once and nevermore
has this hatred been displayed.

"Take this lesson back with you
and bring it along when you come:
All existence works together because
but ONE creator they're from.

Lulluby Water

Lulluby water rush this way
dark clouds lead your wave form.
I dare you to turn my blue sky gray,
I dare you this heart to transform.

Forcefulness to hush a fire
while man takes all the glory.
Queitness for those to inspire
while someone tells your story...

Lulluby water sees silent lights
Rise higher into the sky.
You'll never be any kind of skylight
But reflect their mood so high.

As a warrior ready to stay on guard
while the timid are fast asleep,
Deep river natives you'll sleep unbarred
In the wake of the watery deep.

Lulluby water on the clouds so dark
you'll ride with the ocean breeze.
Clapping the rocks is your trademark
descending back to your open seas.

Protecting those who trust your strength
with a wall for stones to skip,
The heart of you knows no set length
to save those in your grip.

Lulluby water so absolute,
tho never will you be tainted,
A perfect mimic of the land above
Whatever season is painted.

Rocks become stones because of you
The winds guide you where to go.
Your quietness will hush me too
From lulluby waters below.
© Copyright 2007 Britt (britty at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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