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Girl who has everything doesn't realize it. First scene in a six scene, short play. |
SCENE 1 At RISE: [A college Relationship Studies class. Around noon on a Tuesday in August. TEACHER is standing in front of a desk located stage right. STUDENTS are seated at desks in rows stage left.] TEACHER [Talking to class.] What I’m getting from your comment is that, to you, though both men and women like to think of themselves as independent people, women have a harder time with the idea of independence in relationships. Nice input. Okay, now let’s go a little farther with this. Can someone throw out a scenario for us to look at? [Looks at TOM.] Tom? TOM [Sits up straight in chair.] There could be this guy who has a girlfriend, who he’s totally into, and might even love. But one day, he finds her in his bed with her ex. TEACHER Someone add to this and give it a twist. MATTIE The boyfriend could have been out with his friends at clubs after work having drinks and feeling up on some other girl. TEACHER Okay, now give me what you think the reactions of both parties in this situation would be. TOM His girlfriend will either want forgiveness or say that if he wasn’t going to be faithful to her, that she would go somewhere to get love. MATTIE The boyfriend will get defensive about all of it and try to casually forget about his adultery and focus on his girlfriend’s cheating. TEACHER [Stands up straight.] Excellent. Class, we now have a basis for our Friday forum focus. Let’s begin our full discussion by getting some questions out on the table. Liv, why don’t you go first? LIV I guess I want to know why men have the habit of accusing women of cheating. TEACHER What do you mean by “the habit of?” LIV It’s kind of all around us. It’s on the television, in the tabloids, and even in actual life. Men loosely accuse women of cheating all the time. TEACHER Why do you think this habit is so common in men? MATTIE They could be acting this way because they’re feeling self-conscious about something in the relationship. JUSTIN Does anyone besides me think that the woman could have done something to set off the suspicion in the man? KELLY Sure she could have, but it doesn’t mean she did. The man’s self consciousness shouldn’t be a burden on the woman. It causes the woman to feel even more self conscious about how she presents herself. JUSTIN How is a woman being self conscious the man’s fault? We can’t make you do anything you don’t want to do, and we can’t make you feel a certain way, unless you let us, but that applies to both men and women. It’s not like women are men’s puppets. LIV We may not be your puppets, but men sure do have a lot more influence on the way women perceive themselves then men credit themselves for. KELLY Yeah, for example… television commercials. Look at the women marketed in the commercials. Would a woman think to market unnaturally thin women to the female population who, by the way, the majority of don’t even look like? I don’t think so. TOM You really believe that all those executives, producers, and entertainment people are men? MATTIE This is a man’s world, isn’t it? Most of those positions are held by those slime-bag guys that are cheating on their wives with their secretaries, when they should be doing their work. KELLY And what’s really a shame is that a woman could have that same job and will do it three times better, minus the special “lunch breaks” with their employees. LIV And the men aren’t just making themselves look bad, but the businesswomen of the world as well. It is demeaning and promotes the stereotype that women can only get to powerful positions if they sleep with men on the various steps of the company ladder. It takes away our ability to get respect in the work place. JUSTIN This is what I don’t understand about women. You want men to tell you you’re beautiful, but when we do, you come back at us like we’re trying to get something out of you. Then, when we tell you to go off to work, you act like we are saying we don’t want you around you anymore. We take that back and now we’re trying to rip your independence away from you. I don’t know what women want from us. TEACHER [Claps hands together excitedly.] Nice argumentation everyone. But before we go any further, I want to hear from someone who hasn’t said anything yet. [Looks around room for a moment, then points to SEAN.] How about… Sean. What’s your take on all of this? SEAN [Firm voice.] Personally, I don’t think men are the reason why the majority of females have so much trouble, from the female perspective, earning respect or getting a good position in the working world. I mean, yes this society is dominated by males, and it is a man’s world, I’m not going to deny that. But, if you want something, like a certain job, we all know that the world isn’t going to hand it to you on a platter, especially because you are a woman. If you really want it, you know that you are going to have to work a little extra hard to get it. And, of course, that isn’t fair, but I don’t see society making huge changes to make things less discriminatory anytime soon, so you have to work with what you’ve got. TEACHER Very good Sean. Does everyone understand where he’s coming from? [EVA raises hand timidly. TEACHER points to EVA.] Yes, Eva? EVA I just want to know what Sean thinks the reason is then. SEAN This may sound a little biased, but just hear me out. Women today still talk about needing to have a child before its too late and how getting married before the age of 30 is a must. Women are the ones who have to incorporate style into almost everything they do and they are the ones who force themselves into putting on make up every morning. EVA But not all women want to have children, and marriage isn’t always for every man, so why should it be for every woman? Also, a lot of women don’t incorporate style into everything they do. That’s just a stereotype made up by men. And about the make up thing… I think that the pressure to look unnaturally beautiful everyday does come more from male expectations of how a woman should look. SEAN I agree with you 100%, however, most women still think of these male expectations as an important factor in determining their self worth. You can’t honestly tell me that some husband is going around telling his wife that she can’t leave the house if her eye liner color doesn’t match her mascara color? EVA My last boyfriend couldn’t stand when I went without any make up on. He would tell me that we were a couple and how we act and what we look like is a reflection of one another. If I walked out looking like I just got out of bed, I wouldn’t just be showing the world that I didn’t take care of myself, but also that he wasn’t a good enough provider to keep me looking presentable. SEAN Why would you be with a man who made your looks such an important part of your relationship? More importantly, why would you stay with a man who didn’t see you for how beautiful you already are? There are two types of men in the world, Eva. One type acts and thinks very much like your last boyfriend. The second type loves women who feel comfortable in their own skin. They like women who know how to be their equals, because you are our equals. You all are just in such a hurry to find love that you fling yourself into a relationship, sometimes marriage, before you actually find out who the person really is. Women just need be willing to wait for a man that not only thinks they can be both beautiful and intelligent, but know they are beautiful and intelligent. TEACHER [Looks at watch.] That is where we are going to have to end today, but we’re going to continue this discussion tomorrow during class. Remember, mid-term papers are due next Friday! If I don’t have them in without an excuse approved by me, they are automatically a zero! If you are having trouble with the topic, come to me. We can work something out. [EVERYONE exits stage left, except for EVA and SEAN. EVA grabs SEAN by the elbow as he begins walking out.] EVA Hey Sean? SEAN [Faces EVA and smiles at her.] You made some really good points there, Eva. You’re well spoken. EVA Thanks, so are you. Actually, you’re much better than me, but thanks for the compliment. SEAN Well, it’s the honest truth. Anyways, did you want to ask me something? EVA Umm… actually I did. You know when we were talking about my ex? SEAN Yeah, I can’t even believe you were with a guy like that. He had to be a real jerk. You can do much better. EVA That’s what I wanted to ask you about. SEAN Ask away. EVA [Looks at the floor and fiddles with her fingers.] Did you really mean it when you said that I was… well… beautiful? SEAN I meant every word of it. [EVA blushes.] Do you want to go grab something to eat? I have to meet with Professor Wilkins SEAN (cont’d) about a group project, but I’ve got at least on hour to kill before than. EVA [Looks back up at SEAN.] I can’t. I’ve got another class. SEAN Oh, okay. Well, how about tonight? Ricky’s Café? EVA [Smiles.] Sure, that’ll work. SEAN Alright, see you there. [Black Out.] |