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by Redsun
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1328737
Inspired by Tony MacAlpine's Empire in the sky.

High in the sky, travels a city unhindered and strong. A fortress built by thousands and maintained by just as many. This sacred place remains this planet's solution to a better life and progress. The empire Utopolis, the great achievement.

Led by one man and woman, these two individuals are the ones who decide what is best for their people. War, Crime, law, punishment and all concerning the well being of this magnificent kingdom and the people who reside here. They are known as the Eagle and the Dove.

Night and day, scientists, chemists and doctors work hard to find new ways to improve the lives of Utopolis' inhabitants. First, they wanted to find a cure for cancer. Ninety-five years later, they did. Then they wanted to find new ways to improve their diet. Red meat and preservatives were eliminated and each Utopian family began creating and maintaining their own supplies of vegetables and fruits to participate in this. Greed was also eliminated, achieved by introducing a well organized communist theory. And finally, scholars passed on their knowledge and wisdom to younger generations.

For centuries, this golden city flourished as even time grew jealous of their exploits. It seemed that there was nothing this jewel of marvel could not overcome. Little did they know, one obstacle remained...


The Eagle sat on his thrown.Listening to his wiseman, the owl, repeat the story that's often been told the same time every year to his people.

"And so..." The Owl said. "Our ancestors long ago decided to create a place where hope would regain it's meaning. It was our Empire's first Eagle who knelt down in the desert of Sahara and stared at the sand beneath his sandaled feet, transfixed by it. His confidants stood puzzled when he suddenly reached out and grasped the sand and arose."

"Is there something wrong,My friend?"

"Asked the Falcon. One of the Eagle's closest friends." The Owl turned and bowed to the Eagle's chief guard who stood next to him. "This is why the Falcon was chosen as our Eagle's chief protector. Although Falcon mostly lacked quick thinking and was never extremely clever. He was fierce and noble. Always willing to aid his companion in need."

The wiseman now turned again to the crowd that had gathered this day to listen to this old story, to remember and pay respects to the men who first created their Utopia.

"It was then, that the Eagle released his hold of the sand and let it be swept away by the mild winds" The Owl continued. "That's when he finally spoke of their chance to use the technology they had created to propel their theory into the sky, rather than keep it to the ground where it is more prone to corruption"

The Owl reached for the pedestal to his left and opened the small container that rested there. The crowd now began to kneel and so did every member of the royal family. The Owl then held out the contents of the container which were revealed as grains of sand.

"May we all live in peace forever..and may our example shine brightly to the rest of our brothers and sisters who still remain below us."

He finally released his grip and let the sand be carried away by the winds that they now considered sacred and as valuable as the food they ate and the water they drank.


Later that night, the Eagle stood right outside his bed chamber's balcony. He was staring at the moon, pondering. Some nights,he usually tried to think of new innovative ideas to help his people. Others, he simply wondered to himself if the right decisions were made.

Of course, he is not the only one is responsible for these decisions that effect the lives of this marvelous city. The council are the twelve men charged with helping the Eagle reach a conclusive decision. With only the best interests for their people in mind. They make sure that their people's voices are heard. The Eagle stands as the pillar of their foundation, having one man decide what's best is normally the best course of action. Numbers only lead to more theories and thus the idea of multiple government parties were eliminated in favor of one leader.

The Eagle would be chosen by the people and the council would be elected by every respective town in Utopolis. The Eagle would not be granted great treasures or additional priviliges. Only the right to help govern the city. He ate only when necessary and never pushed or mistreated members of the Royal family. He was not allowed to order his guards to do anything that might lead to violence, unless really necessary and a trial would take place for a ny major crime, which the result would only be banishment. When one presented himself to the Eagle, both he and the guest would bow to each other in respect.These rules were set by the first Eagle himself and the original council.No man would be greater than the other.

"Is something amiss, my love?" asked the Dove as she walked up behind her husband and wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning her right cheek on his back.

"My Dove, I must confide to you something that's been troubling me lately" Said the Eagle in a low voice.

The Dove released her hold on her beloved and now walked to his side, placing her right hand on the nape of his neck.

"I hope it is nothing too serious. You have been acting very different lately but you showed no indications of serious ailments." A look of worry crossed her face and her husband slowly turned to face, reaching for her hands.

"Many years ago, you were placed in my heart and occupied it for countless nights and days ever since..."

He now looked unsure of himself and lowered his head.

"But I feel as though something has grown inside me. An ailment like no other i've felt before. As though a void has grown inside me and is sucking my heart in it's pull."

She let out a small gasp and put her right hand over her mouth. In the two decades they've been married, never has her husband displayed such despair before her. If something bothered him, he would usually keep to himself and eventually overcome his worries. At first, she would get upset and then watch him closely, but in time she learned to trust him and let him face his own demons alone. He was strong. But today, this was something entirely new.

"We'll summon every physician in the city and have them examine you right away."

She started to walk away but felt a soft tug at her left wrist. She quickly turned around to see her husband shake his head in negative response to her suggestion. She then looked down as the Eagle started to draw her gently towards him.

"I have already talked to every one of them. My wishes were to have no one mention anything to you. I prefered not to burden you with worry until we were completly sure of my condition."

He held her closely now. The lovely Dove felt his hot breath on her and she became suddenly aroused. Were the circumstances different, she would have dragged him instantly to have him bed her.

"What have they found ? Is it a heart disease ?" She asked, greatly agitated.

"No, there's no indication of any cardiovascular infection or disease. One thing is for certain though, I am completely healthy as far as medical science is concermed."

"Then what is it? Tell me!" She began to tear and her eyes now gleamed fiercely as torchlights laboured to lift the darkness covering the room.

He looked directly into her eyes. "I have consulted with the three shamans of the winds. They tell me that what I have has nothing to do with the material world and is something more ethereal. They do not believe that any gods have wished me any ill will, but this...problem is something that I have created myself due to recent fears. They have reason to believe that it could soon be fatal if we not discover a way to overcome it."

She now started to sob and let out a cry. Finding it difficult to stand, she chose to fall in his arms.The Eagle held her tightly against his body as they both slowly dropped to their knees. They wouldn't talk for another forty minutes, only holding each other fiercely until the lovely Dove, exhausted by her emotions, would be sweped away by Oneiros.


Day and night, scientists and physicians laboured vigorously to find a cure. Although the Shamans have warned them that their efforts would bear no fruit they still strived for results. The Eagle commended their efforts even though he knew that, deep down inside, they had no real chance at success.

His faithful companion, Dove, stood by his side at all times. Even when he went to talk to his people in towns located aroud the castle. This, she would rarely do because her attention would always be with the women who cleaned and maintained the castle known as the Swans and the people responsible for keeping the streets and roads clean known as the Mousebirds.

Eventually, his condition worsened. He ate very little and lost his appetite, he traveled less and would lose perspective of things rapidly, there was literally nothing anyone could do. The news broke out rather quickly and sure enough, everyone was worried. The council had no choice but to prepare for the worse and placed their attention to finding a new Eagle. This they did out of necessity and protocol.

People would line up daily at the castle's gate to pay respects to their leader. A man who they came to love and adore. They would leave flowers, pictures ,cards and candles. Dove was so overjoyed and moved by this that she had a landmark built on that location.

"I believe, my love..." spoke the Eagle one night lying in his bed. "That my time has come. Soon, the good lord will send his messenger to guide me to his holy kingdom."

She quickly ran to his side and knelt on the floor,reaching for his left hand and holding it tightly.

"You can't ! Not after all this time ! We've overcome so much..." She spoke unevenly.

"Yes, we have. All we've accomplished, all we worked hard for, at least none of it was in vain. Things always come to an end. All we can do is pray and hope for the best. We must never lose faith. Those who do, are the ones we should really weep for..."

His grip slackened in her hands. She kissed it and soaked it with her warm tears. He smiled and looked to the ceiling and spoke his last words.

"Do not weep for me, my love. Someday, we will hold each other again..."

She released her grip and jumped up crying hysterically. The members of the royal guard, known as the Hawks stormed in the room to slowly pull her out and let the doctors take a look at her husband. Their world slowly seemed to spiral out of existence and all sound began to distort before being completely lost.

At first there was nothing. Then came a brilliant white light. Sounds began to fill his ears, sounds that came in very deep and shallow. Numbness still held him down and confusion now overtook him but then his vision began to clear, the blur started to sweep away and he recognized the ceiling hanging over his face. He saw people dressed in strange clothes gather around him and examine him. Some of them, he noticed, were crying. Not in pain, but in joy. Yes, those were tears of joy.

He was still weary, so he decided to close his eyes and let everything play itself out. Soon, he would get his answers, but for now, he just wanted to relax and sleep.

One beautiful summer morning, he awoke outside in a chair. He saw kids running and playing. Acting as kids should. They wore strange and colorful clothes and had all kinds of wonderful toys. He smiled and then started to examine his surroundings more thoroughly and was surprised to find someone sitting on a bench to his left.

"Oh, my god...Robert...you're awake." she said with great joy.

Although he had no clue who this woman was, he was reassured to see the smile on her face. She laid the book she was reading down, American gods, was the title he read, by someone called Neil Gaimen. She then proceeded to get up and walk to him,all the while smiling as she bent her knees down to talk to him.

"I can't believe it." She said emotionally. "We were so scared,we thought we'd lose you. The doctors say i shouldn't talk to you too much and let you take your time. Right now you can't walk but they said that they are very optimistic about your condition. We should have you fully recovered in weeks." She wiped away tears streaming down her face. "After the accident..."

She began stroking his hair gently. He removed his gaze from her and looked ahead to start thinking more clearly. The fact that he didn't recognize this woman scared him. One thing he knew for certain was that he was far away from home and that he was now on the firm ground, instead of high up in the sky. Too tired to talk, he just let the events of the day pass before him before eventually closing his eyes again.

He was now struggling to stand. He found himself performing these exercises on a daily basis. People he now came to identify as doctors would lead him through multiple obstacles and show him all kinds of pictures. After a couple of days his fear went away and he became very happy. He slowly started to talk again. Small and simple words came out at first and then more complex words followed later. He would soon come to recognize the woman that came to see him frequently in his room as his sister Rebecca.

After several weeks, his memories began returning to him. Memories of his family, friends, his life, which was far different from the life he previously had, and the accident that put him in a coma. He had talked to his sister numerous times about his experience while comatosed and she explained to him that they were all dreams he created. Probably created by his ambitions. This was very rare in most cases. What surprised him most of all was the fact that everything seemed so real. In a span of five weeks he had creative a world so complex and detailed.

" Maybe one day i'll put it all on paper and write a book." He told her while laughing.

Everything went well after that. Robert Hughes was close to full recovery but still felt that a piece of his life was missing. Something he left out. As he stood there in the hallway, dressed and ready to leave, his sister walked up behind him.

"Well, we're ready to introduce you back into the wild." She grinned at this. "There was something I was waiting to talk to you about but kept it secret long enough for this day." She nodded to the doors. " Why don't we see what's outside?"

He started to walk ahead of her, saying his farewells to everyone he had met here and to those who helped him through his endeavours. Finally reaching the doors, he stopped and stood there momentarily and pondered. His sister grabbed his right arm.

"Hey" she said gently. "Everything will be ok, you'll see."

He gazed at her, found the strength to smile and opened the doors. He took two steps outside and glanced at the sky, taking a deep breath and slowly exhaling.The sky was clear and the sun shone brightly down on him. He felt much more relaxed and when he looked down to start making his way to the stairs that led to his sister's car his heart jumped. Nothing in the world could have prepared him for this. There, beside a red pontiac sunfire stood his Dove. She smiled and spoke the words that brought tears of joy to his face.

"I love you"


© Copyright 2007 Redsun (redsun at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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